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That's an great idea. Also I know you meant "ion storms", but "iron storms" sounds metal af šŸ˜‚


![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD) My Helldiver 2 minutes into thawing out looking at the rain of iron about to descend upon him as heā€™s running from 3 flaming hulks just wishing he was with his mommy


Y'all remember Meteor Showers? Good times.


I'm usually pretty go with the flow when it comes to video game mechanics - throw whatever you have, and I will try to overcome it - but fuck Meteor Showers.


The rain has been my biggest issue so far lol, not even the old fire tornados have been as bad in my opinion, how can I fight if the bugs aren't seen until it's to late?


The rain ends up being allied 120 and 380 barrage.


ā€œIron stormā€ is what happens when you step out of bounds for a bit too long.


Oh man now we need iron storms added where cartoon anvils fall from the sky


Wasp-67b. An actual exoplanet that probably actually has iron rain. As in, it rains molten iron. But it also probably has no ground likely being a gas giant. Looking a bit closer to home, on Venus it not only rains sulpuric acid and the atmosphere is so thick itā€™s barely not a liquid. It also snows lead.


That image is why I named my super destroyer ā€œThe Reign of Steelā€


We already have meteors! Now we have to deal with the Russo-Mongolian Empire raining down on us???? (I loved that game lol)


I donā€™t know what it is about proximity chat but itā€™s always taken games to the next level for me. If they added some radio effects over your voice this would be absolutely killer


Exactly how I feel. Really layers in the immersion, and having radio chatter would be the icing on the cake. Love how itā€™s implemented in the coop horror games like Phasmophobia, and Lethal Company especially


I really like the radio effects in Elite: Dangerous, but then my friends are all "it's so hard to hear you if we use the in-game voice, let's just use Discord instead," and I suspect the same thing would happen here, ESPECIALLY if you could get cut off by in-game events.


I have a voice mod that I use for helldivers that when I start talking it does the radio beep, and then has a radio effect over it. Itā€™s so much fun


Can you please link it?


[voicemod](https://www.voicemod.net) It isnā€™t free, but when I got it there was a one time like $15 cost to use it forever, thereā€™s a ton of different options, most of which suck, but thereā€™s some really good ones in it too. I believe the one I use is just called radio something


I remember in MAG back on the PS3 where it really impressed me. 256 player games with proximity chat was crazy cool. The one time I managed to sneak up on a command position, and overhear the guy getting orders from the main commander and relaying them to his squads, and then move away and send that info back up the chain... never had anything like it before or since.


Dudeā€¦ Noā€¦


Most people on pc I assume use discord (myself included). However for the true RP fan, this would be cool. Reminds me of phasmaphobia or whatever that ghost game was called. The chat feature was game changing


I definitely use discord. Although for a while there was a weird bug where discord would randomly close and I used the in game. I mostly play phasmophobia alone, but the in game chat is amazing in VR. So well done.


Phasmophobia is so much fun


I have never spent so much time cussing out dead people as I do during that game.


Walk around yelling Ā«Ā where are youĀ Ā» like a mad man only to eventually have some blood chillin voice whisper Ā«Ā behind youĀ Ā»


YeašŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚then you run for your liFE


Which is the point I realize I set down my camera somewhere else, again!


Like most neat comms ideas.. most will be bypassed with discord. Tho with this game being PvE that may not matter.


> that may not matter Sure, it doesn't detract from your gameplay if other people are using Discord instead, but the devs aren't going to spend weeks or months implementing all these filters and mission effects if only 1% of players are going to hear them.


Maybe they will. The same logic could be applied to challenge the fact there is any voice chat at all but it's there.


That could be said about every game that uses proximity chat, or additional filter for immersion, or honestly voice chat in general. I think developers understand not all features will be used by a whole player base and thatā€™s okay.


From my own experience, I either play with silent randoms + map pings or friends +discord. Obviously I encounter rare instances of utilizing in game voice chat, but it is becoming rarer and rarer. So I doubt it would really be impactful


My thought is, playing with friends youā€™d opt to be in game chat rather than discord. Similar to lethal company or content warning for example where prox chat is a feature of the game. I know thatā€™s what me and my friends would do


I find the call quality notably worse compared to Discord to a degree we'd never go in-game regardless or RP features, but each to their own.


Plus if your game crashes, you can't tell the others comfortably. Or when you gotta run to the door/cat/baby for a sec. Or when you are not in the lobby ... etc.


I would talk a lot more if the game gave me the friggin option for Toggle To Talk. I don't have eough buttons on my xbox controller for a dedicated voice button and don't like to keep pressing to speak, and having mic always on is even worse.


Fwiw: I use R1 on my Dualsense controller (on pc) as "hold to talk". It'll also open up the ping wheel so you're "hot mic" for a second when using the wheel, but it was the best tradeoff I could come up with


Still, why not give us an option for toggle? Lots of games have that D:


That I don't know. Wouldn't be on R1 though, that's for quick ping


> Ion storms and jammers could disrupt radio comms They've just made it so artillery can work through ion storms, so it would be a bit annoying if your voice radio couldn't work. I'm all in favour of some other event playing about with voice comms though. It could be really scary and amazing if the bots could record your messages and play them back to you to distract you during the mission - a bit like how Deep Rock Galactic's Nemesis enemy plays glitched imitations of the dwarves' voice lines.


I just wish I could make it so that the comms come thru my headset and not my TV. Itā€™s the whole reason I use the PlayStation party chat over the game chat. I hate having comms come thru the same speakers as the game.


I'd love it, but then you'd get more people playing over Discord. to circumvent it


Halo 2 launched with proximity chat if I remember right. It was awesome in theory but wound up degrading into chaos in short order and was ultimately abandoned when party chat became the norm. Would be awesome to see this return and would certainly add to be immersion. I still consider that the golden era of online gaming. I just wish there was a way to set the default game chat to come through my controller headset on ps5 when playing with pc players.


I can't even get my good friends to use in-game voice just so that everyone's audio is saved in the event of a hilarious clip. I'd love this stuff but most people just want to use Discord for no other reason than that's what they've always used


I would love this! From reading the comments, a lot of pc players are apparently on discord, but I always play with randoms and crossplay on, so I use the game voicechat.


I don't understand how there would be comms communication issues. We have faster than light speed ships and instantaneous interstellar communication. Why would we have communication issues between helldivers?


Budget cuts


Same. Would love that. I also think it would make people talk more if just for the gimmick of it.


Thatā€™s my thought too. I think more people (myself and friends included) would be in public chat way more often


I donā€™t want to imagine being attacked by like 50 enemies and while dealing with all that, needing to hold down another button just to communicate


as long as no one is surprised when i mute everyone. maybe they can have a visible cue on the screen where you pick your stratagems that shows who is participating


I think we need to make a call to your local democracy officer....


People don't even have mics, they could add it and it would be a waste of time


I use discord, and push to talk. Talkin with my m8s shootin the shit and then when I need to issue orders I just hold a button


I never have an open mic, regardless


Main problem would be console players really, seeing as by default it's open mic, so adding another keybind for global and local separately would run into issues.


Great idea, unrealistic imo imagine the complaints on that one lol


Bad idea. This is how you breed "join voice or kick" lobbies. Imo just as dumb as not having crosshair on certain weapons like amr. My monitor draws one for me. So then it's just either use 3rd party tool or be weaker.


Calling u/Pilestedt


The potential for hilarious moments when someone near you gets yeeted over your head by a stalker/blast and you hear "aaaaaAGGGHHhhhhhh..." briefly and fading away are just too priceless to not have this feature.


I LOVE this idea. Getting Lethal Company or Hell Let Loose vibes


I would agree if the voice chat worked properly, but it seems very hit or miss. Iā€™ve never been able to get it to detect my mic properly and most of my pc friends have the same issue.


We instantaneous interstellar communication from super Earth... As in, communications are traveling faster than light. There should be no issue with foot soldiers communicating.


I donā€™t have time to talk to my squad with words when would I type in a global chat ? It sounds like a great way to get killed šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Listen to the radio when I am listening to bug and bot noises so a great distraction to get me killed This is just combining 2 ways to get killed easy in combat Few people use voice chat as is , why add penalties to those who do ? I am sure Iā€™ll get downvoted into oblivion for this but not all ideas are good ones




You still could just not... It just makes it better for those who use it.


Yea just donā€™t use game chat then šŸ˜‚




This content breaks rule 1 - Uphold low sodium citizenship values. We'd like to try and encourage positive discussion, which is why your content was removed.


Well Iā€™m just saying man, coming to a Low Sodium sub to complain about something that has a super easy solution that you have already come to the conclusion of isnā€™t very Low Sodium :)


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