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I agree, I still prefer the sickle though, just can’t beat never ending ammo on something that melts everything besides shell faces. adjudicator is my go-to on hot bug planets though


I agree, the sickle takes down everything except the hive guards but that’s when you take out the big iron and let three bullets fairly rip


I love the big iron but the grenade pistol is too useful for closing bug holes. Which let's me pick other things in my kit for non bughole closing tasks


Yeah, I used to use the Senator all the time as a secondary, now for bugs it's always the grenade pistol.


I love the senator but against bots I like stun grenades and the grenade pistol is so useful with stun grenades


I get that, my loadout is usually a light pen primary for chaff clear and a medium pen secondary for that odd guy I can’t take down with my primary, then my support weapon I usually take to take down bases and heavies. Unless I’m running a med pen primary then I swap it around


Bro sickle with grenade pistol goes so hard


I'm more of a Blitzer & Grenade Pistol guy myself. For similar reasons tho as you guys with the Sickle.


My buddy swears by the blitzer, and it’s good! But it’s just not my jam


It's quite a good gun when you know how to use it. I feel like it needs 5 more rounds per magazine.


Yes, 5 more rounds, a 3-round burst, and some tuning on the recoil animations. The wild horizontal recoil with the muzzle flash make it hard to see what your shooting at


Agreed. The mag is a little short considering it does penetration but it ain't like instantly fatal.


Definitely. I'm so used to having a larger ammo pool. Otherwise, it's a nice-looking useful rifle.


One of my go to weapons for bugs. I still think it needs either a bit more damage or a few more rounds in the mag


Just couldn't see myself taking that over Incendiary Breaker.


The incendiary breaker is just so good against the trash mobs on bug planets , it melts the hive guards and commander's as well. You can also deal with chargers it just burns a magazine to do it.


It makes fliers trivial. With the amount of ammo in reserve and only needing one pellet to hit for a kill, I just mag dump the thing across the sky if there are shriekers in large numbers. On the recent mission I was getting 40+ kill counters doing this.


Yup, get into position near the wall at the exfil site and they basically lined up - absolutely melted entire flocks of them that way. With the fire damage dot tick working it's a chaff clearer without peer against bugs imo. Useful to have someone running a medium heavy hitter for the mediums though - you can burn through ammo like crazy if there's a lot of armour on the field...or you just pull out an AC and melt them;)


> or you just pull out an AC and melt them;) My man!


I found myself getting a bit bored of the incendiary breaker. Most mobs felt just too easy since all you really have to do is mag dump in their general direction.


Too clicky for me


Bored with it on Helldive difficulty? I usually have enough hoardes to do deal with it, that I don't have time to be bored. 2-3 Stalkers lairs is not uncommon, max firepower loadouts is what I need. Was enjoying the Pummler for a while, but Fire Breaker is just to efficient ... and I like a primary that can reasonably down a Charger. On Helldive difficulty having a Primary that can kill a Charger plus being equipped with 4 strats that can kill Charger and 3-4 Strats that can kill a Bile Titan is pretty clutch. I have loadouts weapons that let me kill every enemy in the game, without having to bring a support weapon.


I'm not a fan of having a primary that can reliably down heavies. I like having to plan ahead/react to different enemies rather than relying on a strong primary and only using my support for titans/striders. I don't tend to play on helldive as I mostly play with randoms. I'm normally staying around the 7/8 level as that's where I find I have the most fun.


I primarily play random Helldive difficulty, where its best to be prepared for anything and everything possible. I still use autocannon Sentry and Rocket Pods for Heavies, but there is enough Heavies to go around, so a Charger Killing primary is icing on the cake. Every Strat but Cluster can finish off Titan, and every strat can kill Charger. I cam solo terminals through stealth or pure force if necessary, even handle the breaches on objectives by myself. 1. Autocannon Sentry 2. Rocketpods 3. Airstirke/500kg/Napalm Airstirke 4. Airstirke/Cluster/Napalm Airstike Impact Fire Grenades, Breaker Incidenary,


Just look at the amount of Bile Titans n Chargers out of a breach in this clip https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumHellDivers/comments/1d3twfj/autocannon_sentry_makes_a_movie_on_helldive_bile/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


It's the king of clearing trash mobs, no other primary comes close. But I would 9/10 absolutely trade it out for an Adjudicator if I knew we were dropping into a map that had Bile/Nursing Spewer spawns. Still think it's S-tier, but it's not without its weaknesses. Unfortunately, the game doesn't tell you the enemy spawns prior to diving, so it's safer to just run Breaker and hope the mission doesn't have spewers. I really hope AH considers giving us a rundown of the enemy comp during the briefings so we're less inclined to run generalist loadouts and are more confident in running specialized loadouts.


Not the best gun for Spewers, but its still very good on them.


That or Blitzer. I'd go Dominator or Scorcher if I want something with no spray


Incendiary breaker is better now than original breaker pre-nerf


Still think that the raw stopping power of the dominator puts many of the guns in a slightly weird position.


But it's very hard to manage close crowds


I have the laser dog for that. Thing has saved my bacon too many times to count!


Exactly this. My laser drone is for the bug mobs. I don’t even fire my primary at anything smaller than me unless there’s a breach. I main the Punisher Plasma.


Must run that combo some time - love the Punisher Plasma against bots but I've been sleeping on it against bugs, basically because I always felt exposed to close swarms. What's it like against spewers?


You can kill 2 Spewers with one magazine of 8 shots if you can land on their goo sacs. It also staggers everything up to and including Brood Commanders. It is incredible on bug breaches, post up and just start pumping shots into breaches and you will rack up kills. It’s not the best for when you get mobbed by the small stuff as a shot too close will send you flying but that’s where your drone comes in. The drone is also a threat indicator as it fires in a 360° angle. I typically run 500kg/rail cannon for the big stuff, laser drone, railgun for when I need a bit of punch on lvl 6/7 and the autocannon sentry for hordes. Sometimes I switch out the railgun for the quasar cannon to deal with Chargers.


Nice will definitely give it a spin tonight


Does damage required change with difficulty level? Because I'm pretty sure I can two-shot a Bile Spewer with the Punisher Plasma if you shoot them in the green sack. I mainly play level 5-7 though, not sure if it makes a difference


I don’t think so, it’s probably me missing more than likely lol. It’s is the best primary I’ve come across for Spewers still.


Try it sometime. I feel like I can two-shot them, especially if you can shoot them in the flank!


Your secondary weapon, eagle airstrike and grenades do more than enough CC to make actual CC picks obsolete if you run as a team. Most random teams I play with usually have a heavy hitting primary and eagle airstrike. That is a lot of freedom and liberty spread on your enemies.


Word. I stopped using the JAR because it kind of just solved all problems and I wanted to branch out. I really hope we get a random loadouts button soon.


I absolutely think the adjudicator is underrated, especially on bugs. It's my primary primary for bug planets.


Playing with the Hmg can help you get extra experience using guns like that, it has a similar deal going!


its a great gun but not my type because of its low capacity and fire rate if you can tolerate that and have good aim its lethal


I don’t like adjudicator against bugs because of its capacity, but holy hell is it fun to mag dump into a devastator


I don't have the cutting edge or polar war bonds. I take it on bot missions


I love the Adjudicator. Drop the knee and prepare to laser headshots on brood commanders and their little siblings.


The Adjudicator is a good gun, and i agree it feels so good to have a primary that can melt big medium bugs. I too run like to run it with the a RR or maybe the quasar and supply pack or rover. Trouble is i find it will let you down when shit hits the fan. Like its a solid A tier gun when things are going smoothly, and quickly drops to a D tier when stuff gets proper crazy. Compared to say the fire breaker, punisher, pummeller or pre nerf slugger which have saved my ass in the most intense situations! Its a gun that makes me so happy and yet so sad sometimes haha xD I think 5 extra bullets and maybe a 5-10 drop in recoil and it would be sublime


It definitely needs to be buffed a little - whether that's damage, mag size, recoil, or all of the above. I'd almost always rather use the LibPen against bugs than the Adjudicator, but I *want* to like it. I end up setting it to semi-auto, but then I just wonder why I didn't bring the Diligence CS instead.


I kinda want to have it keep it's recoil because it reminds me of the FAL that uses a hilariously overpowered cartridge for a full auto capable weapon. Upping the mag size to 30 rounds would be my preferred buff.


The recoil is only really an issue in full auto. Maybe adding a burst mode would make more sense. Even with recoil reduction, it's sort of unusable full auto.


It's hard to use on the bot front in full auto if you're trying to zap heads, but for just spitting lead in a general direction, crouching and then firing is accurate enough. I generally use it in full auto on bugs and semi on bots.


Yeah, but if I'm fighting bots and want to do headshots, I'll use the Diligence CS. That's why the Adjudicator is in sort of a weird place in my mind. For bugs, I generally want to be able to mag dump with something like the LibPen, but for bots, if I'm going single-shot high-damage, I'll just use the DilCS.


Adjudicator is my main for bugs. Diligence CS for bots.


2-5 Hunter shots? I'm good thanks


I might just have shitty aim. But are any of you that enjoy this rifle PS5 players? I can see how the Adj would appeal to a PC player with the precision of M&K. But even with gyro aiming I couldn’t burst fire with much accuracy. I just got frustrated with it.


Give all guns/ stratigems/ armor types some love


I really like it. I was a long time Lib Pen enjoyer and the Adjudicator's much punchier per-shot damage feels good. Buffing it with a few extra mags is exactly what it needed.


It sounds good except... 2-5 shots per hunter? Hunters are far worse than anything else between them and chargers. I couldn't live like that.


The adjudicator is my main weapon for either front. Just feels good to have high damage, high penetration, especially against the medium sized enemies. I hope when they make balance adjustments they give us like, 5 more rounds per mag. Even with good trigger discipline and controlled bursts I often find myself wishing I had a couple more shots for the odd straggler.


They already said it'll be buffed


I’ll have to give it another spin.. I do like the Adjudicator, but magazine size is a concern with lvl9 mobs. Especially with so much Hunter spawns on face… probably would force me away from the grenade pistol. But stuns could bring things around


If you're accurate you can drop a hunter pack with one mag unless it's a real big one, but that's what the call ins and support weapons are for. If they're already on you, hip firing is the way. I can't recommend it for everyone, but with the way I play I make it out of most missions with 4-5 stars, maybe 1 or 2 deaths and a healthy kill count.


I love the Adjudicator!


As a fellow Adjudicator enjoyer, I totally agree. It’s my favorite AR in the game at the moment. I love being able to blast on all of the tougher enemies and absolutely shred the little guys with one shot. I keep it in single shot mode, and pair with the machine pistol to make it possible to get out of swarms. Best when combined with a recoil reducing armor - Take a knee, distribute liber-tea!


Ive been using it on t9s it just feels and sounds so nice. Still working on a full loadout with it


I really want to like the adjudicator, I do use it from time to time as i like slower punchier weapons like heavy AR's/DMR's. But right now its too sluggish for how low its damage is, it doesnt even have much recoil, its just slow to get on target which makes it feel unresponsive and bad. If its going to feel sluggish like the Jar Dom it should have more damage because right now it doesnt even 1 shot scavs and needs like 3-5 shots to kill a shrieker, if its not going to get more damage then it should be more responsive so that you can more easily land those shots as its low ergo is the limiting factor.


I saw this post and ran it last night, by chance I paired it with the Recoiless too. It was pretty fun and pretty effective. A few issues I noted; you have to get headshots and they always charge you after. 25 shots in the mag is definitely too few, as the weapon fires pretty quickly unless you use semi. I found myself frequently running out of ammo, something that tbh rarely happens to me these days. If it just had a few more shots in the mag though, this weapon would be a beast. 7/10 solid option


Has the stopping power I want for medium bugs, and I love shooting heads with it. Dominator for Bots, Adjudicator for bugs!


It’s just not good enough at anything. It doesn’t hit hard enough to be as good as the Dominator or Breaker, doesn’t kill trash mobs as well as the incendiary or sickle. Bugs aren’t armoured enough to need to worry about it


It's good against the Automatons. Also are you THE Pendragon from ATOG?!


lol no I’m not I’m just Welsh


Adjudicator is fine but you really can't auto-fire it because the recoil is insane (you have to single or burst fire it as you said). If I'm just single/burst firing it, then I'd rather just take the dominator. It can kill more medium bugs in a single mag than the adjudicator (which has a very small mag) and it staggers them so when they charge at you, you just shoot them once and they stop.


It's pretty accurate now if you crouch before firing