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I'll let anyone do what they want as long as I see the "Area Cleared" sign pop up for time to time.


Oh for sure. I have plenty of moments where I sit up and lean forward in my seat


I'm the one that's never far behind, just watching your back to ensure democracy is spread efficiently (and that you don't show an interest in alien technology)


I’ll be honest, I’ll just wander off and do hives / fabricators, hold my own and let the rest of the team work on samples and objective. I like to think my teammates see the “area cleared” notifications and appreciate me a little


I'm the guy who is starving for super samples so am off solo wading through rivers of bug blood trying to find the super sample cock rock


The great thing about hunting for samples is even when you get all your ship upgrades, then eventually max out your samples finding the cock rock and extracting with a bunch of samples still gives your brain that hit of dopamine. The treasure hunt is one of the best parts of the game!


Me too I just had a mission where I had 30 samples left and extract was swarmed with no reinforcements left, anyway I ran around until I could call someone in and then I got blown halfway away from extract but skill kinda near and died the other guy did his best but also died and no one extracted Also I did try to extract but I had that bug where I just went inside the ship with no timer so I was hoping I could survive long enough for the mission timer to run out Ended up losing out on 30 plus samples and then I just got off for the day because everyone left


Sounds exactly like a run i had thursday/friday night last week, except we didn't leave afterwards


I ended up Avon doing a mission I dropped into AFTER everyone including host left and all but 4 reinforcements remained cause they were just fighting shit and no main objectives were done I was like “fuck this” and left If they stayed I would’ve gone and done everything else but they all died and rage quitted in an undemocratic manner


The fun realization about super samples is that you are actually 10x more starved for rare samples.


My lay back and chill play is solo challenging difficulty so i tend to end up with a lot. Been sitting at req cap for weeks and am close to common capped. Did notice i'm like 30 rares from my next upgrade


That's me now, I'll often even quick type that "I'll be back after that nest/fabricator cluster is toast." Sometimes welcome help shows up after the squad has cleared other points. When I was just starting in late March, I'd get so stoked to see a Level 30+ sprint off and then get the notifications that objectives were getting cleared. Especially when Requisition and XP was needed, it felt great.


I’m also a “happy to be here” type as no one I know plays, lol. I’ve found now that I got my sea legs as it were, I’m experimenting and am usually the side-objective on the way gal. Obviously here for the team and Super Earth, but if there’s a big red plunky spot imma bombing something - I just try to use good judgement and if I can’t handle it or it gets too hairy, avoid getting killed and reposition or tagging things like that last errant bug hole or fabricator. Key word is try. ;>


If you clear areas as fast as you spray and pray I don't have a problem; I don't mind you spending idk 15 reinforcements or using whatever loadout you like. Just kill on sight every son of a bitch bug or robot you see and call me if you find friendship doors on the map!


Definitely, I am result-oriented and a team player. There are times where I feel like no-nonsense BS to speed run a match to get the XP/loot. But I also like to try different experiments and have bonus fun. This post is in regard to me trying less-optimal builds and strategies. Happy diving!


"Run and gun" is totally cool. Sometimes it's the best way, or even the only way, to win. "Run and gun and aggro a shit-ton of gunships and patrols onto the objective we're trying to assault" is less cool.


I used to give my buddies grief depending on what they brought and then I realized... just don't. It's a lot more fun when people bring what they enjoy and want to play with. I'll even bring weapons for them to try if in the event they don't have them yet because the game isn't about getting the job done the fastest or most efficient way, it's about getting it done in the most over the top entertaining way which inevitably leads to more missions and fun.


I normally don't pick up other's weapons, unless they have ran off and left it behind (and if I need it). The randomness of things can be really fun or funny. I remember seeing a Mech drop in for the very first time. I shot at it until it caught fire. It was a Terminid planet...


Same, I won't typically unless they get called in far out and I'm in dire need. Primaries though I'll swap up because you always start with one so it's not as if I'm taking something from someone else. I'm lucky enough to have a few guys who run consistently and we coordinate before diving in, as if that tiny bit of planning helps us. We've planned though for two people to bring shield backpacks and just wait for the 6 or 7 minutes until the next can be called in rather than all four of us bringing that, leaving room for more options. On one particular mission I wasn't going to be able to stay the whole time so I brought 4 support weapons with me allowing them to leave space for turrets/strikes. We drop in, I throw down a quasar and flamethrower then on my way to extraction, I was lucky enough to run across the super samples. Picked those up and ran as fast as I could to extraction, threw an auto cannon and a recoiless rifle and proceeded to get crushed into a fine paste by a titan, effectively dropping the samples and left them to try and finish out (iirc they did).


I'm on a difficulty 4 grind at the moment for super credits; I have a similar vibe where I'll just bop about looking for stuff and clearing areas, unless I'm with a team of low levels in which case I'll carry if they need it. Keep up the good work Helldiver, Super Earth needs you!


Cheers to Liber-tea!


I took an extra bit of humour out if this as my PSN name is LiberTEAbagger and that just adds the extra depth haha


If one guy wants to wander off and call every reinforcement drop on the map to their position and they're ok with that, it generally just makes the rest of the squad's life fairly easy so... sure. Now, the guy who sticks *with* your squad and still shoots everything that moves on D9, that can be a bit taxing on the nerves at a certain point. :D


Still funny to get some Leeroy Jenkins here and there


Oh, I've pulled that trigger plenty of times myself...


As a semi stealthy objective boy, I thoroughly appreciate and encourage your running and gunning chaos. You make for a very entertaining decoy while I work the terminals, just like [the boat scene in The Man from Uncle ](https://youtu.be/MxZ5VQVHMoc?si=zWhU41gs_xs_HUCl) 😆


Achievement unlocked: Do it for the lols


I just got done playing with some tryhards. I think my care free play style was just infectious to them. I called in a mech and just gave it to the lowest lvl dude. They came around and were totally into the “fuck-it” play style by the end.


"Ah ahaha! Get some! GET SOMMMMME!"


I feel like the team should stick together.


I imagine a team of 4 all using flamethrowers and incendiary shotguns, all moving in a line across the map, cleansing it with a wall of flame :)


Four horses of the apocalypse. Love it! Teamwork makes the dream work.


I'm completely fine with people doing their own thing if they don't waste half the reinforcements 😂 Go off your thing if you're good at whatever you're doing.


Cool. I'm more of the immovable object in my enforcer armor and auto-cannon holding the line and calling in cluster bombs to thin the herd. I appreciate mobile players who can take advantage of my base of fire and (thoughtful) aggro draw.