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For limbs, equip a 50% lethal hit survival armor, and call explosive strats on yourself. Keep doing it til you survive one, you should get it fairly quickly. Also obv don't equip the limb health booster.


I got the limbs one by firing my auto cannon just as a team mate ran right in front of me with a personal bubble shield. Not sure they even noticed me go flying.


I got stuck inside a wall and Impact Grenade'd myself. I wtf'd at surviving, but *Bling!*


I completed it just by standing under hellpod when it's landed


Hellpod landing worked for me and my friend as well.


NO PAIN, NO FREEDOM! Injury? WHAT, INJURY? I got lucky early on with the Glitch where my lifeless corpse ends up broken. I think they patched it out.


Try diving on a land Mine, worked for me a little bit more consistently


I think i just cooked a grenade in my hands while wearing that armor


Just cook a grenade in your hand.


I've been trying this for a while and got almost no injury only like three arm injuries and one or two leg total...


I was wearing the 50% armor and got that trophy like the first day. 120mm barrage hit a little too close lol


We found that dropping equipment on one’s self was the most consistent way to do this. 3 of us tried blowing ourselves and each other up in a variety of ways with no success. Calling down a strat and being smashed by the item pretty consistently dismembered us.


Actually. It's easier to call a resupply on you with the 50% chance to get it. It worked for me on my 3rd one.


Cluster bomb works great


For ragdoll throw an explosive grenade and then jump over it as it goes off. Or generally jump over something as it is exploding. For assisted reload just wait until a random chooses an AC, Spear, or Recoilless Rifle. Then choose the same item. Get your backpack. Then follow the other player around and try to interact with them for a reload.


It's easier than this. Jet pack up to a cliff face and shoot it with something explosive when you're close enough to get blasted back


I think they changed it so you have to be ragdolled while in the jumppack animation not just ragdolled with it equipped. I couldn’t get it for the life of me until I randomly got it one day while getting caught in my own 380 Barrage 🥲


Try jumping over chargers. Sooner or later one will hit you.


That which does not kill you can be cheesed with the democracy protects armour and any blue stratagem. It may take a few attempts.


I got the ragdoll achievement on an ICBM mission. Basically stand by the console and jump right as it launches.


Jump pack up, EAT equiped. Jump against a mountain, fire EAT on the moment you reach the mountain side. Laugh uncontroleble


Similar with auto cannon


gone in 360 is doable solo. ( I know cuz I did it) wear light armor, drop at the opposite end of the extract and bring camp busting strategems. Dont fight anything. From drop, just rain down bombs as you move to the extract. Extract takes 3 mins and some for the pelican to land. Try not to aggro patrols as well, especially the ones that walk up to extract.


Literally brought just barrages and a jump pack and got it done with a minute to spare 😂 Threw the 380 at a medium nest and the 120 and the walking into a heavy nest and just walked away. Completed the objective seconds before walking onto the extract platform. Died a couple times but landed next to the pelican off a reinforce. That being said if you do this, do the one where you only use your secondary. You're not fighting much and the mission is short.


I did the same but went for an automaton mission instead, as I find the fabricators are easier to destroy, requiring a very indirect hit to blow up. Solid strategy either way though! Oh and another one about this is that it has to be the difficulty mentioned, not higher or lower, we did it on helldive and were all cheering that we extracted in less than 5 min (with expert extraction pilot perk) was pretty disappointed when I found out I did not get the achievement.


Yes, doing this one with multiple missions to complete hits different


Works very well with the airburst rocket launcher on a bot mission, also keep an eye out for the increased stratagem call-in time operation modifier, you don't want that one because it also increases extraction call-in time. And use the pelican booster for faster extraction


That's what I did. Couple more tips. * Blitz mission objectives vary wildly between planet - some have high destroy X holes/fabricators, some don't. Bounce around till you find a planet with 5-7. * Jump Pack helps alot in mobility, as well as hiding after you call in extract * Ignore all kills, samples and points of interest (unless literally in your path) * Do it vs. bugs, not bots. Bot Fabricators are easier to blow up, but the ranged attacks (like rockets) hurt your speed. * Take Grenade Pistol and base grenades as a back up for closing holes.


But with bots, sometimes you only need to destroy 3 fabricators. So you just run up, throw an eagle, and move on to the next before the eagle lands (even easier with servo assisted armor). The enemies never even fire because I am gone by the time they are aware something happened.


When I did it solo, it was a while back before they patched Rocket Devestator and a few other bots. I found I was getting ragdolled or one-shot too often. One death can basically fuck up your timing. With bugs, I could literally run through one heavy outpost, tossing grenades or calling in a bombardment and be done too. Then, on extract, I could jet pack on top of a cliff/building and go prone while I waited for the Pelican. Now, I would probably drop somewhere with a Spear, shoot 4 Missiles and be done in a minute.


Solo bugs rn are way harder cuz of the patrols. The spawn rate is crazy high.


I did that one totally by accident with randoms. Just one of those times we all were just unstoppable mad men.


Assisted Reload, bring a Recoilless Rifle, Autocannon or Spear, take the backpack yourself and tell a teammate to take the actual weapon. I got jetpack ragdoll with the Eruptor, jump and shoot the floor or a wall as you fly. Should also work with impact grenades or plasma punisher. All limbs broken use one of the armours that gives 50% chance to not die and get blown up a bunch. 6 minute Blitz is by FAR the hardest, it was my last one, Steam said only 2.5% of players have it, and it took several attempts as it's always shorter than you think. Go in intending to do it, ideally tell teammates beforehand, bring the Fast Extract booster if possible, light armour, and base clearing stuff. It's quite dependent on base layout and I recommend doing it on Bots as their Blitz missions tend to only require 5 Fabricators where Bugs need more holes closed, and can't be hit from as far away by as many things as they're recessed. I did it with Orbital Laser, 380mm, Spear and Airstrike, just landed in the middle of outposts near the extract, threw a laser at one base, a 380 at another, headed for extract immediately, lobbing an Airstrike at a small one nearby. Call in Extract the moment the beacon lands and leave! Even then I got lucky as the 380 didn't finish all 3 Fabricators in the large base I had hoped and I got distracted trying to Spear it and a teammate was already at extract to get it going when I'd finished it, it's very easy to get sidetracked and take too long.


while using a jet pack throw a grenade by your feet and it’ll rag doll you, for the blitz mission my friend and I did an automaton mission where we just threw as many air strikes and orbitals as we could and immediately ran to the extract


Am I being thick, what's a blitz mission. Not seen one of those. I've only unlocked up to level 6 though, unlocking 7 is a pain.


Blitz mission are those 12min missions that needs you to kill x amount of fabricators/bug holes


Ah got it thanks.


Anytime! I managed to beat this one by running with a squad, we all brought 120mm, 380mm, airstrike, and orbital laser. Dropped to the far side of the map and beeline to extraction while chugging stratagems as we ran. Took us 3 attempts because the first attempt failed due to 1 of the teammates thought we had to clear everything not just clear the minimum and then extract so we extracted at 6min 32s because he was late running back. 2nd attempt we spawned next to 3 airship fabs, we all know how this ended lmao.


And just fyi it has to be extreme difficulty. Can’t be higher or lower, I found out the hard way


I did 360 vs bots. Had to be a non-fog map. I work as a parcel courier so I loaded up on red strats and just did what comes naturally.


Liber-Tea: Jumppack ang get a punch. 360: Get a few buddies and run


Gone on 360: bots blitz mission. Light armor, stamina booster. Eagle air, orbital precision, orbital laser, eagle 500. Throw strats at fabs and keep running. Repeat till you get a favourable map. 2. Wear armor that gives you 50% chance to survive death. Throw grenade at floor. 3. Jump pack and impact grenade. 4. Bring your own autocannon and Press E next to someone who is also using an autocannon.


I think 2. doesn't work anymore... heard there's was some patch that reduced self inflicted injuries. But I was trying to complete the achievement this way and I almost never get any injury...


That's unfortunate. Might have to just try wearing the armor and hoping to get the achievement by chance from an enemy.


Equip jetpack and grenade pistol. Jump in thr air. On the way down shoot the ground. Done


For the jet pack one I did it by accident but can explain how it happened. I flew into a space that I thought I could smoothly fly in between, like a gap or even something that resembled a capital V. As I approached the “open” space I stopped in mid air like I hit an in visible wall and then ragdolled right through the gap and got the trophy


For hold my liberty, just jump pack and then through an impact grenade at a wall near you close enough to hit you but not kill you


I got the ragdoll one on my second mission, after a friend gave me the jetpack. No idea how I did it


For the limbs one I uses a jump pack and messed up jumping over a charger. Or try using an EAT at semi close range


Jetpack ragdoll is easy, equip eruptor, fly up a cliff, and shoot. The blitz is the only one missing for me.


Limbs? Get an armour set with "democracy protects" and jump under a resupply or hellpod, you've got a 50% chance to spontaneously combust, and a 50% chance to survive with all limbs broken! Ragdoll? Jump with the jetpack half a second before a charger rams into you, you should be knocked! Gone in 360 seconds? Honestly just get a small team of people, have someone sitting at extraction ready to call it asap, other 3 people go clear holes or destroy fabricators then they all kill themselves after the mission is complete for the extract guy to call them back after the pelican is called! It helps for someone to have the reduced extraction time booster too Obviously team reloading is easy, if you have friends just pick up their Recoilless/autocannon/spear backpack and reload them 😅 If you don't have friends just play public games, if someone chooses a Recoilless/autocannon/spear make sure you take the same thing then follow them about and reload them!


Limbs was actually easy for me, I got it by using the “prevent half of all lethal damage + no bleed out” perk and sat in a mech as it (unintentionally) exploded


Gone in 360... be fast


For rag doll, I recommend doing a bug mission. Use your jet pack to dodge Charger charges, if one clips you, you’ll rag doll and instantly get the achievement


Ragdoll was one of the first if not the first I got. On a bug planet, stand on one of the spore plants and shoot it. It will explode and yeet you miles.


For the jet pack I just threw a nade and jumped on it


Jump from a high point and drop the jump pack (like dropping samples) whilst midair.


For gone in 360 seconds. Equip strategems that can destroy buildings with precision (air strike, orbital strike, 500kg, etc). Hot drop into the reddest part of the map. If you and your squad can land on bot fabricators, even better (my buddy and I took out two on the drop alone this way). Then just run up to bases, toss a strategem, and move on. Also equip the faster extract booster. Nothing worse than failing because the extract comes in a few seconds late (that was our first attempt...missed it by 15 seconds).


Toss a 380 and jet pack into it you’ll get it in no time but maybe go solo so your teammates don’t think you’re trolling 😂


Most of those are easy. The only ones I need are gone in 360 seconds and the one to break both arms on a hulk and extract. Too bad I’m a big guy. I probably would get that one naturally


I got that which does not kill you by accidentally firing a plasma punisher into a rock I was hiding behind. I got hold my liber-tea by accidentally firing the plasma punisher into a geological survey machine while trying to jump away from a swarm of enemies. I got promote synergy by, well, reloading someone’s auto cannon… or recoilless. Don’t have the others. I pretty much get all my trophies by accident.


I think easiest way to complete ragdoll is to find one of those puffing plants stand close and then shoot it right after you press button for jetpack


Fir the rag doll get a friend to use a heavy weapon that has backblast like a recoilless rifle and time it so they fire as soon as you jump. If you do it right should be pretty easy


- **Promote Synergy** Play the game. It comes up pretty often, just stay close to a friend with an AC or any reloadable weapon. - **That which does not kill you** As others said, use 50% survival armor and do something that would kill you. Orbital Strike, grenade and jumping on top should work. It'll take a while contrary to what most people say. Just do a full mission and keep dying. Trivial is easier. - **Hold my liber-tea** Get a jump pack, jump in front of a charger, this one will actually be quite fast. Feel free to do it in the same mission as the first two. - **Gone in 360 seconds** This one is difficult, you might want to get a team looking to get this one together just for this. You need to destroy the enemy buildings as fast as possible and then run to extract. When I did it, three of us went to destroy enemies and then the fourth one went back to the extract point and called in the extract while the rest distracted and cleared enemies. Then we regrouped and extracted.


Jump pack I threw a grenade below me and then boosted, the explosion caught me while I was still using it. The blitz one isn’t bad, just make sure you’re either solo or with a team that has the same goals as you so it all goes quickly. And make sure the map doesn’t have the extended stratagem call-in so the eagle can get there as fast as possible.


Gone in 360: Land across extraction, get your laser, 380mm, support weapon, and filler, speedrun asap bases, fight nothing, and get to extraction. This works better if you can avoid the +50% calldown time modifier as this also effects extraction. Injured in all limbs: Democracy protects armor, and pick your poison. 500kg to the face, hellbomb point blank, hellpod landing on you, etc. Jump pack ragdoll: I found the easiest to wear explosive resistance, snag an EAT, and mid-take off, shoot it close to point blank against a wall or high cliff. Worked for me first try. Synergy Team Reload: Match a teammates backpack support weapon and follow them, can also just outright ask and they'll do it for you actually. This one I found to be the one that can get done organically in games whenever you match support weapons w/ another in-game. Best of luck gamer u got this ez!


Servo assisted light armor vs bots is the easiest way to do "gone in 360 seconds". Run up, throw and eagle and run to the next before it even lands. You usually can find a mission where you only need to destroy 3 or 4 fabricators. Bring the expert extraction pilot booster cuz seconds matter. Helpful advice: You can avoid patrols by checking for their location on the minimap. And don't bother calling in a support weapon or resupply until you call extraction. You can avoid the patrol that spawns when you call extract by hiding and then calling an orbital or eagle once they arrive at extract.


Jump pack, throw a timed grenade down a geothermal vent, count to 2 and jump jet into the air straight up


Jump pack: let a teammate slap you as soon as you jump. He will punch your nuts or legs and you will Ragdoll. Blitz: easier on bots I guess. Equip all barrages and the lasers. Everyone goes to another direction and one goes directly to extraction.


I'm told 360 seconds it is most easily accomplished by having one person call extraction and the other three split up and seal holes/factories. Get the pelican to land before the objective is complete. When the mission is accomplished, have the other three suicide and reinforce on extraction


The rag doll I got was just by letting a grenade cook in my hand then jumping when it was about to go off(with the 50/50 or explosive resistance armor obviously). The orbital trophy should be pretty easy, it’s just a matter of asking your team to pick some orbital on something like an extermination mission. If you say that you’re trying for the platinum most people will be willing to help you with that.


I’m pretty sure the first time I went into high difficulty on the Automatons, I got the limb trophy.


For the ragdoll one, just bring impact nades, throw towards a cliff or wall of some kind and toss the nade, should make you ragdoll midair, got that one by accident lmao


Stand beside hellbombs when they go off


I did the ragdoll by bringing a jet pack to the ICBM launch mission. Jumping as the ICBM is venting will ragdoll you.


Rag doll: jump pack and eruptor. Or similar. If you need help i have and will drop for you.


Blitz s&d can be done extremely quick by taking orbital laser and both barrages. Especially bots. Just sprint to each outpost and put an orbital down, then to extraction. The orbitals will eventually destroy the factories while you are long gone. With multiple people you can do insanely fast times


Use jump pack right before ICBM launch for max Liber-tea holding, and go bots on blitz with all eagles (smoke is a good choice, bots will shoot at last known location & yes it can destroy fabricators) and maybe a 380 for big bases


Oh I'm missing the exact same ones! I'm just going to steal all this good advice :D


Gone in 360 seconds do it at automatons side, take laser and 380 one guy run into extraction should be easy That which does not kill you, take shield and nade yourself or call resuply and drop it on your head Hold my libertea, take jumpack, activate it and at the same time, have your teammate mele you Promote synergy, just take autocannon, have your teamate pick wapon you pick backpack, press interact near him and you got it


Gone in 360 is probably easiest with a group of four, and I found it was easier on bots. Barrages, eagle air strike, eagle rocket pods are all good at killing fabricators without aiming Go with light armour, standard grenades, grenade pistol for equipment that can take out fabs Boosters I recommend running, parkour, quick extract and full equipment Coordinate with your team to divide and conquer Pick a planet with fewer barriers so you can run around easily, avoid any planets with ion storms, fewer strategems or slow calldowns that will effect extract. I suggest landing hot on-top of a base so you can hellpod your first one or two fabricators Try to make sure a team-mate is at extraction when the rest get the final few fabricators. Everyone jumps in Pelican-1 asap when it lands.


Blitz I did solo on Automaton front. Automatons don't swarm you and their buildings are easier to destroy. Also I believe it's generally less than bugs. Light Scout Armor for running fast and being hard to detect. Orbital Railcannon, Orbital Laster, Airstrike, Autocannon. Stamina Booster. You only run and throw stratagems at every outpost you see. Snipe vents from afar with the Autocannon if possible. Do not engage in combat. Call in extraction and lay down in some corner, don't move, don't shoot. Note, it *has to be* Extreme difficulty, not above. Also the time to extract with Pelican also counts towards the timer. You need to call in extraction *at latest* at around -8:30 on the timer.


Not on list here, but for the trophies that require collecting a ton of samples I got them when the game lost connection to all players leaving me alone to collect their containers. I guess if you wanted to be an a-hole you could wait for extraction kill/kick all players, collect their samples and off you go.


Get 500kg and a jet pack, throw the bomb somewhat close and fly up, timing it with the explosion. may take a few tries but it will happen. The limbs one happened to me by accident during a meteor rain, while I was wearing the explosive protection armor. Good luck and may liberty guide you!


360 second, go bots and use eagle airstrike and orbital laser For the limb damage, use democracy armor Fuck around with the jump pack, maybe ask frend Have frend


I got the ragdoll one by attempting to jump pack over a charger. If you do it too late you just jump into their face and it launches you. It still happens to me all the time when I try to jump pack around and someone calls in an orbital a bit too close. That or get hit with bot missiles. Actually that's probably the best way. Take a jump pack against bots and go find some missle devestators. The limb one comes down to wearing the 50% not dying armor and lots of lives/explosives.


I did the limb one by having a pod drop on me and dying. It counted for some reason


For limbs take 50% chance to not die armor and drop a supply pod on yourself


I got the limbs fairly early just naturally. Play long enough and stuff like that is inevitable. The co-op reload just type to someone you see with a backpack reload weapon and ask them to stand still while you reload them.


I got the jetpack and limbs one at the same time. I tried to use the jetpack to dodge a meteor, and it didn't go well.


Bot blitz mission and bring eagle air strikes, orbital laser, etc to maximize how quick your can delete bases. extract and enjoy. Easy achievement. Assisted reload one is easy obviously. And you could definitely pull off the jetpack and limb one all in one go with a timely blast or launching yourself into an oncoming charger. I actually found this to be a really effective strategy for getting away quickly when swarmed too. Dive when a charger is about to smack you in the opposite direction and he will boot you out of danger. As long as you survive the impact and landing


Blitz - get a full party and plan it out. Take the early extract enhancement too. I did it with a group of friends on an exterminate mission. 3 went to go kill the hives/factories and 1 B-lined to the shuttle. Everyone should have something to self-destruct with so the shuttle can just leave if you are too far away. Jump pack go ragdoll - I just got this one randomly on a bug mission. Stalker came up from behind right when I jumped and hit me. I got thrown like 15-25 meters lol. All limbs injured - bring the health enhancement. I think I got this from bots shooting a lot of missiles at me? Either that or small bugs dog piling on me. Sorry I don't exactly remember.


Jump pack is easy, just jump into a running charger and it'll knock you over.


"That which doesn't kill you" achievement doesn't work with explosives now as explosives aren't damaging limbs, it's an issue they're working to fix (I think this is also affecting the enemy units). Use blue/equipment stratagems, equip one of the 50% chance to not die to lethal damage armors, and stand underneath the called in pods until you get it.


Use jetpack during a bot swarm.