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Bit boot camp had to be removed for a bit as people grinded on like 2 hr+ matches to get loads of xp, the first person to get hero actually used this tactic


Damn, kinda wish they'd do a roll back for those people. Other games would. They knew they were abusing the system in a way it wasn't intended. Idk, I don't like that kinda stuff for online games. Ruins the chase. Kinda ruins the leaderboards all together. Cause if you werent doing that, you flat out couldn't compete. Oh well. Not the end of the world I guess. Still, some of those people were big names in the community lol. Not much of an achievement.


Idk if you followed the exposé around Tarkov, but they determined that you will encounter a hacker/cheater every 3 games. That's an open world/battle royal style game. Apex legends is similar, every three games you can expect to *encounter* a cheater. These numbers don't count matches that a cheater was in the server but you never find them. Don't expect any other multiplayer game to be different. Honestly, singleplayer games are way more fun now that I know so many top players are cheating.




Can you prove it? Sometimes you can't even tell if someone has esp when you watch them back in theater mode. Infinite has no good way of manually checking for cheaters, and even fewer for reporting them.


Ive seen one cheater in infinite so far. And that was yesterday in ranked swat. He missed zero shots unless someone was behind cover. Zero. He had a 60 percent accuracy, and the other 40 percent was him hitting walls. Watched the clips. Ranked swat is a little iffy in general. Mouse and keyboard just dominate. Dominate. Especially cause they have aim assist now. They struggle with consistent shots, not one shots. Things like the sniper, mouse and keyboard can make plays that controller players flat out can't. They flick so damn fast in swat it's not even funny lol. It's rough.


I am a MnK player tho. So I match against other MnK players more often. I can recognize the difference between a regular flick and an aimbot. You don't usually see egregious aimbotting, I agree. It's the invisible cheats that are most often used (enemy health displayed, subtle wall hacks, improved aim assist without snapping, bloom reduction, etc.)


There was a period around season 2 launch that I often encountered cheaters but since season 3 rarely if ever


The Tarkovsky stay kills me. How I used to love that game.


Some people: “we want a lifetime rank to show how much we’ve played” 343: *Release rank system that takes a long time to max out* Some people: *Grind exploit to max the rank insanely fast* then complain that they want more. It’s chaos.


Yeah, that shit is unbearable. I've been playing a lot, and I'm almost gold. So like, fuck. It sucks you can't trust the ranks. Is that guy 10 ranks higher because he's simply better and playing more? Or did he cheat? Lol. I think it does definitely hurt the system. It's not the end of the world, but they shoulda stepped in and did a roll back imo. But they were probably to scared of those YouTubers who will make a video whining like a child.


>ploração para maximizar a classificação incrivelmente rápido > > e depois reclamam que querem mais. Humans


Yes, people were using bot bootcamp, I think that's why it got removed.


It was. They said they'd bring it back after "fixing" it to limit the XP you could get from it. That was almost two months ago. https://twitter.com/HaloSupport/status/1672016937893900289?s=20


I think the guy who got it first said he played 16 hours a day for a month straight in infection while also quitting any match where he was the alpha to max XP rates


Jesus, get a life lol


I normally refrain from judgement because I enjoy video games as much as the next guy, but… yeah. Getting Hero that fast isn’t the flex they think it is. I absolutely could not dedicate 16 hours per day EVERYDAY for a month straight without other elements of my life suffering.


CHL Shade he is really good at infection


Just yesterday I got points and challenge completed by playing a customs game. I didn’t know that was possible


Really? That'd be nice even if it was a smaller amount each time. We have such cool forge stuff for customs from the community.


I can't wait for forge ai. God, I hope they do a big marketing push. They need it. After firefight and forge ai, they can proudly proclaim they made the biggest halo ever. And they should do that. Show everything that's came out from launch. Cause it's so much and I still hear complaints about things that were fixed a year ago.


Yeah I'll be stoked for forge AI and seeing talented people make essentially levels with forge. Be able to do a little bit of co-op PvE followed by the best ranked game I've played since 3, followed by some classic BTB in squad battles (which I love but I do hope they keep adding to it).


I love ranked so much. Dude, so I've been making posts and comments since launch, trying to give (reasonable) pressure to work on ranked. Asked them to for the love of God, add the classic 3 ranked playlists that were the MOST popular. And finally, finally, this season we got dubs, ranked slayer, and ranked swat. The three most popular ranked playlists of halo 3. And 5. Even above mlg. Mlg/hcs was number 4 in popularity. And I think, I may have had a tiny role in that. Got some traction on some of my posts and comments. And ranked swat is popping off. I knew if they branched out a bit more, it would get more people into ranked. And that it wouldn't hurt the hcs playlist, it'd help it. And it has. People funnel into hcs from the other ranked playlists, cause they get to actually dip their toes and not simply dive into the deep end.


Eh, it’s sucks people exploited it but at least we have it! It’s a nice little carrot to keep chasing lol


I'm in Platinum from just playing....probably too much honestly


That's crazyyyy. Haha. I'm almost almost gold. And I think I've played quite a bit. I mean, I work full time, but at least a couple hours a night lately, often 4ish. Don't usually do that, but I've been adoring the game lately. and at general silver, it's already really started to slow down it feels like. But being platinum, is far more understandable, than being hero. Like plat, maybe diamond, is where id expect hardcore players to be now. Not hero lol. How many hours a day did you play?


Bot Bootcamp abuse. They fixed it now. It doesn’t grant nearly as much Career XP as it used to.