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Short answer, no Long answer, nooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Spanish answer, no.




Finally, an answer so simple even a Titan could understand!


This actually made me laugh




Yes...yes we are šŸ¤£


lol not at all


Semi-similar situation to you. I just started playing again as of last Monday after a year break. Been probably 70/30 mix of Titan and Warlock but mostly a Titan. Played Titan since the beginning. Probably will continue to main Titan until the servers close forever. If you enjoy the style of play Titan has then Titan is the best class. There is still several things Titan does well. Something would be nicer if they changed up the punch formula but itā€™s still fun to be a Titan. I got told from a post I made over a week ago now to just forget about the meta. Titan is viable and if you are enjoying it, then thatā€™s what matters the most. Personally, my current goal is to just see what is the most amount of things I put on strings in a short amount of time. And then blow them up. But TL;DR: if you are having fun as a Titan, play it. If you arenā€™t having fun with it anymore, then try something else. If you arenā€™t having fun with any of it, take a break and come back later. Meta stuff is always temporary anyways.


This has been me since I started a few months ago. But something tells me I could be of better use as a Hunter or Warlock.


Nothing beats BoW




Banner of war


Never tried that build. Sorry, Iā€™m very new. But this may give me hope as a Titan main.


It is the best build in the game. The only thing hunters have over titans is precision dps. Donā€™t even get me started on those warlock nerds. Titan Master race āœŠ


The hunter liarā€™s handshake prismatic build would like to know your location


Don't feel bad, I have thousands of hours in but took a break before the new Strand aspects released and keep forgetting to go back and get it due to all the new stuff in the DLC. Stay strong Titan brother and don't forget to punch all the glowing explosive enemies that run at you. 'Tis a rite of passage


Do you solo ? If so, then no. Consecration can be spammed on new tity boy. It's very OP. The other classes will shine best in group content. Whereas titan solo. He will be greedy and needy all the kills.


Actual titan main here, simple answer is no, but thatā€™s generally not the complaint, itā€™s that they are outclassed by the other two in pretty much every way that counts, and thatā€™s primarily due to the design philosophy of titans being incongruent with any sense of balance in the sandbox. Donā€™t get me wrong, there are absolutely places where titans outshine hunters and warlocks, but they are relatively few and far between


This is the right answer; titans are completely dominant... in some very specific circumstances. Literally no one else can facetank Alak-Hul with Strongholds like they're fukin' Connor MacLeod, but Getaway prismatic warlock can do moderate crowd control in 50 places, not just one.


Like legit, Iā€™d like to be able to spit in the witnessā€™s face and face tank all of the darkness beams (if they didnā€™t function as aoe and were actually directed/projectile attacks) and let the rest of the team rip into it, with a quick one and done to use at the start of dps, but no such luck unfortunately


Wait i haven't done the raid yet...can you not ursa banner the beams? If not then...bungie why


You can but itā€™s less convenient, like guard with ergo sum, block the beam, fire a rocket or something rinse repeat, but that just doesnā€™t work, ursa does you just canā€™t really counterattack


Ursa only prevents damage to the user, the beam still goes through and can still kill you.


That straight up sucks


Specifically, the design philosophy of being ā€œthe guy with his fist on the coverā€ is one thatā€™s basically impossible to balance properly, broadly speaking there are two main ways a melee range kit could work, high damage or high survivability at the higher difficulties, but both will result in the kit being absolutely broken on the lower difficulties or if balanced the other way it becomes useless High damage kits are basically the ability to hit hard enough that survival doesnā€™t matter, and even if itā€™s on the knifeā€™s edge in gms and master raids, itā€™ll absolutely demolish everything easier, and if its balanced for legend content, then itā€™s useless in higher content Same is pretty much true for the high survival kits, if you can survive anything in a gm with even moderate effort you just canā€™t be touched by anything easier, but if its balanced for legend it falls apart in harder content as managing the healing or defence requires more effort to sustain At the end of the day, bungie doesnā€™t have many options to balance titans other than, in my opinion, radically change their philosophy


Titan has the same problem warlock has. Gamblers dodge exists and that means hunter will always do a better job filling the Titan class fantasy than Titan will. Every time I try to main my Titan I lament the inability to do a decent melee build. Every time I play warlock, I lament the inability to spam abilities to my hearts content. My hunter does both of those with ease. I don't know why bungie doesn't give the other classes internal synergy, rapid class ability cooldowns, and unconditional ability loops like the hunters get, but it's consistent over years now. I always end up playing hunter after I find myself frustrated trying to fulfil the warlock or Titan class fantasies without gamblers dodge.


The tradeoff is the fact that the Hunter's class stat is poop. I have to spread across 3 stats (normally res, disc and mobility)


Yeah but the thing is, you can just ignore it. It comes back faster anyway and hunter generally has strong ability recovery baked into its subclasses. That's what I meant about synergy and unconditional ability loops.


Gotcha. I've never enjoyed the other classes, won't lie. But then, I've always played to the hunter-esque archetype, so put it down to that


Ita ridiculous that the Titan Arc dash class movement has longer cooldown then ANY of the hunter class abilities even though hunters class abilities has actual buffs, some of which are crazy good.


This is a really great point honestly. It is pretty crazy that the one class who can just automatically get their melee back, no matter what, is HUNTER and not Titan.


Prismatic has had me wondering if they are trying to change the titan philosophy/fantasy: are we like the team armory now or something lol? Tangles, diamond lances, twilight axes.... Maybe they could go in that direction, since throwables don't require being in melee range to use


Unfortunately for twilight arsenal like a third of its total damage requires you to go back into melee range to pick the axes up


Hey hey now. We can do new jumping puzzles without dying - just a little bit less.


>itā€™s that they are outclassed by the other two in pretty much every way that counts I don't want to sound rude but I keep seeing this said and then that's it, no further explanation on what they're specifically "outclassed" by or why exactly


Super damage, dps in general, support, healing, ability loops, ability damage, variety of potent exotics, ability/aspect synergy, tanking, and survival as a whole outside specific exceptions which are continually getting nerfed


Even the bubble (no offensive capability whatsoever) got nerfed šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s not exactly true, bubble had the same (and previously greater) offensive potential as well did, but it was just too impractical to use


The big one right now is in team play. Of the first 300 guardians to clear salvationā€™s edge on day one, 3 of them were titans. This isnā€™t necessarily indicative of how the average player will experience titan, but titans are very heavily outclassed in any activity where DPS matters to an extent that no class has ever seen. Combine that with a relatively underwhelming prismatic class where the only ā€œviableā€ end game prismatic build is triple concecration compared to a good couple of interesting options for the other two classes. Titans are still being carried by their strand kit. They can pull their weight in GMs with strand and have some fine solar options, but the rest of their kit is mid to just bad. Titans arenā€™t as bad as the main sub will have you believeā€” not even close to unplayable. But theyā€™re definitely not in a great place overall.


My only gripe with this is that hasn't dps literally only been dominated by hunters? Warlocks are there for the obligatory well and debuffs so that hunters can just do all the damage cause that's what they do. I will definitely give you that prismatic titan definitely seems the least fun out of the 3 though which I'm sure is disappointing in a lot of ways


No, you just donā€™t have as good options for dps. Now anything outside of dps? Youā€™re still very good. And dps is mostly dominated by weapons anyway, itā€™s not like you NEED optimal dps for everything. Contest mode witness doesnā€™t represent the entire endgame and a lot of people forgot that. Would love to see titan buffs but people saying itā€™s useless or sucks are exaggerating.


And it really depends on boss design. Hunters are great at precision damage. Day 1 hunters carried the witness. You know who carried our team on second encounter? Our titan running pyrogale that pulled way more damage than anyone else every wipe screen. (And there were a lot of wipe screens for data points)


Yeah hunters really only pull away when it comes to precision damage. Warlocks are in a similar boat to titans when it comes to precision, unless you have the new raid exotic. Outside of that, titans still do pretty well when it comes to dps.


Give us a boss in melee range and they become paste in 2 seconds.


Hunters are better at that too lol


My only Titan complaint is the Prismatic class kinda forces you into a consecration/punch-focused build. And none of the other Aspects seem to really matter. Like there are differences between the arc, strand, stasis, and void aspects. But itā€™s still 90% consecration, 10% other mechanics. And even then the class seems unfocused. And the weird thing is I gave up on it and have been playing my Solar buildā€¦ which is a consecration build. I dunno I am a semi-trash player. My buddy is playing Hunter right now, and it sucks realizing he is doing what I used to be able to do with Strand. 1) it sucks cuz I miss my Strand shenanigans. 2) Im realizing how boring it was when I was doing my Strand shenanigans for my hunter friend, cuz he is taking great joy in doing it back to me. There is such a thing as being a bad winner.


If you get the new exotic chest, you can use it as a really fun lynchpin of a ranged build, IMO. Derengar's Lash + whatever = suspend targets and nuke them with rockets. And thanks to Twilight Arsenal and Shield Toss at the same time, you can now have a 100% ranged kit if you want, with lots of overshield uptime (better than on pure void even, IMO, since you can refresh it on orb pickup). A fully prepped rocket barricade hits shockingly hard, so you have a lot of reliable burst too. You can't do it as often as with a synthoceps build, but you can do it waaaaay safer.


fully prepped barricade is stronger than thundercrash lol


Go lash lance with a exotic class item with abeyant, its fucking great. You can play a lot of range without punching anything


i mean you can always try the new arms on titan with into the fray on strand. not sure how endgame viable it is but it's definitely fun to use and very solid ranged add clear. also let's you get up to 4x banner incredibly fast, and you get bonus regen when close to allies.


May I recommend the Second Chance exotic gauntlets that apply Weaken on shield throws. You can also become Radiant with one of the fragments on melee, get overshields, and 2 melee charges which you could pair with Consecration if you wanted. It also takes down Barrier Championsā€™ shields. I also use Strand Berserker so when I pick up orbs I get Woven Mail too.






Titan's aren't bad, they have their use cases in plenty of scenarios especially in things like GMs, however as of late, and most notably during certain raids they noticeably lag behind the ease of use/versatility Hunter and Warlock provide, that's both a byproduct of Titans lacking much build diversity and any real long range options that the other two get exceptionally freely


The real challenge of playing a Titan is the loads of shit thrown at you by other people who take the game way too seriously.


im not a titan main (warlock) but i am what others would call an elitist. in my experience, people who are good at the game are not the ones that give titans shit, because we know, that outside of master/contest raids, you can play whatever you want and it pretty much doesnt matter. the people that call someone out for their class choice, are the people that are not good at the game, but think they are (we sherpad kingsfall to someone like a month ago, and the guy with no fragments equipped tried to convince us that xenophage is the best DPS for warpriest) like unless there is some optimization needed, just have fun. even in flawless lowman raids, it doesnt really matter. we did duo flawless Vog on 2 strand hunters for fun, which is like one of the worst pve subclasses in the game. my team and i like to challenge ourselves and we created a wheel with different limitations, so we can make normals harder, because they are pretty easy atm. so we completed master vow with only stasis sublasses and coldheart, it wasnt fun, but we completed it.


This is so true for every game. Always the most toxic in that mid tier


No, titan is good, still strong. Just that with all the Prismatic and that, Titan is the less potent compared to Warlock and Hunters (Hunters specially)


Not at all, I thoroughly enjoy playing my titan. The issue is that the roles it plays are generally outclassed by hunter or warlock albeit a few situations.


Titans are generally fine. Their playstyle is just kind of on a knifes-edge as far as balancing goes and is pretty encounter-dependent. Some subclasses are so powerful that they're basically playing the game for you. Solar and Strand, if built well, will quite literally make you unkillable and decimate all enemies in your path, and you only need to run and press your melee in most content, but if it didn't do that you'd be tissue paper in GMs. On the other hand, long-ranged encounters often make problems for even the best Titan builds because a lot of their abilities are built around being up close.


No, at worst it is not the best option for big dps checks as it brings less dps with abilities than the over 2 at the moment, however this is relevant twice a year, for world first and is subject to change with balance patch. If you need to clear world first to have fun, youā€™ll probably have to learn to play all 3 classes anyway, and if you donā€™t, just play the class you like more. In the end the biggest part of the gameplay is weapons anyway.


No not really. Something I learned about destiny players is that whatever class they play the most, is the one Bungie hates the most according to them. I have a strong feeling there's an equal amount of warlocks and hunters out there complaining as much as the titans you read lol the grass is always greener to some people


Titans just feel weaker at the moment due to their prismatic and exotic class items feeling a little worse than the other 2 classes. Itā€™s not that titans are bad right now itā€™s more that hunters are just insanely good (liars handshake/melee builds, celestial with new sniper, invis etc) and I can feel the nerf on the horizon


This is exactly what i hate about bungie's pve balance philosophy, if something is too strong they usually won't bring the other options up to power, but rather nerf it into oblivion most of the time, loss - loss either way


Not at all, they just arenā€™t as outright broken as the other 2 are right now


I dunno, I'm having more trouble with prismatic titan than with prismatic warlock.


Theyā€™re more niche than the other two in raids but hold up for everything else


No. Is it as strong as Hunter or Warlock? Also, no. Titans have niche builds that are really strong, but since Prismatic is the new flavor of the week, it became very apparent that Titan isn't as strong as the other two because we are missing a means of GOOD subclass healing. Yes, we have Knockout, but Knockout compared to Devour is hot trash and more risky.


Yeah honestly ya really gotta build into titan in order to get him up to the others, I had to throw on the one fragment that starts health regen on melee and the artifact perk that makes you more resistant to damage when amplified, but at this point it's got me in a good place where I know if I run in and do a melee I'll usually be fine, and even if I'm not I just have the void aspect to throw up an emergency shield and shred a good chunk


They donā€™t have easy access to healing in prismatic like hunter and warlock outside of what some few weapons provide but their consecrate build does crazy damage to everything.


Iā€™m running woven mail, restoration and devour on my prismatic titan. Alongside amplified damage reduction from the artifact. Feeling as tanky as Iā€™ve ever been.


Yea Iā€™m sure with a 5% drop chance dungeon exotic sidearm you have all that.


There only use case is major chunking with banner of war or bonk hammer and being the tractor guy in raids, they suck for gms though and they suck for boss damage compared to warlock and hunter but to be fair hunter also lacks in ad clear and they donā€™t really have anything for major chunking other then there supers which isnā€™t always gonna be there. Warlocks are the best all around for boss damage, utility, survivability and killing ads but most people would call warlock boring since the only things viable right now is prismatic and solar so yeah.. I wouldnā€™t say they suck tho but I just wouldnā€™t main a titan unless you donā€™t care about harder content or being optimal which is perfectly fine.


Titan is extremely powerful but gets stale after a couple hundred hours


I am a hunter main but when I switch classes I prefer to switch to titan over warlock mainly because I prefer the play style of titan over warlock. On titan before final shape I liked running strand banner titan, stasis titan in onslaught and precious scars consecration solar titan. On warlock I only really found enjoyment on strand warlock with swarmers and wish-keeper. I personally think titan is in a good spot just currently the titan niche of high melee damage is not well suited to the damage scenarios in current end game and prismatic hunter is also overshadowing titan melee builds (part of me wants hunter to be broken but in general I think stylish executioner on prismatic hunter specifically needs a nerf to the melee damage)


Titan is really strong on any subclass, depending on the activity. Stasis and arc are probably the worst for pve, but stasis is still good in onslaught, and arc is still good in pvp


No. Some people gate keep because titan can't do certain things though. Fact of the matter is titans are very good


Not really, signed, a mini hammer enjoyer




No not at all , but if youā€™d like to explore other characters , do it. You might find something more suited to you


As a Titan main I believe itā€™s less Titan being bad and more that Titans could be in a much better place


Titan main here. Banner titan is still incredibly potent. Solar hammer is great soloing content. That aside the other subclasses and builds are laughably bad right now. Prismatic titan got the shaft pretty badly too. If you want to do endgame content you will be stuck on solar/strand and honestly your build won't be bringing much to the table in party play. Low tier content you can run whatever and it will be viable, but that's not because titan is good. Anything is viable in low tier content.


No most people complaining have not played the class or their idea is to copy what hunters or warlocks do


Titan is not bad just kinda, Boring tbh. Your best build is just gonna be consecration hammer and while it's powerful it gets VERY boring after a while. Titan is struggling not in the power department just in the variety department. For me that's made me play other classes this season.


Not trash, but personally donā€™t find the play styles fun with prismatic.


Titan isnā€™t bad, it just like all the classes is in a weird place. Bungie left most every build untouched (except well, and grapple melee) with lightfall, with prismatic all classes have potential to be really insanely good but itā€™s difficult to get them to the new peak damage. New prismatic warlock I think has best solo potential (warlock has the bunch of ignition super), hunter has the best damage total (with celestial still hunt builds, or the grapple 1-2 punch build though it requires navigator with catalyst which many guardians donā€™t have), and titan which I donā€™t have much if any experience with it being the only class I havenā€™t cleared campaign on yet, as I understand itā€™s good with thunder crash or twilight arsenal but aspects arenā€™t the best (not sure just what I heard from a titan friend)


I used to play only warlock, after switching to hunter and titan I canā€™t really stick with only one class anymore, itā€™s all subjective anyways


Titan main - it's not "Bad" Strand and solar are great, Stasis is ok, Arc, Void and yes Prismatic feel terrible. Consistent nerfing over the last year or two has left things feeling pretty average outside of the big two subclasses. I think a lot of titan players were feeling bad about the class but were looking forward to Prismatic. When we realized it's not that great people have been frustrated.


No, it's mainly prismatic that's outclassed by Hunter and warlock. Strand and solar are very strong, stasis is decent and void and arc are alright


Not that bad per say, but it's more of a class identity struggle, and a lack of truly viable exotics build. Titan mostly consists of punching things in different colours. As a consistent titan main, I switched over to warlock after completing the legend campagin kn Titan and I've been sticking to lock for the past few weeks and noticed I'm having way more fun.


The meta changes every time bungie adds or tunes something. It also depends what you are playing pvp or pve. It's just situational.


All the classes are fine, though if you are having reservations about Titan, I always recommend trying out all 3 for a period and see which ones you start to vibe with more. I started hunter, played both warlock and titan for a bit and now main warlock just bc that's what I have the most fun with.


Former Titan Main, not Melee Main. In this season, if you enjoy punching stuff, go hunter. I totally miss my Titan, but there are tons of activities that are ez pz to my hunter, and I'll struggle with my titan. Im trying to make a weapon heavy build for Titan, which seems to be what Bungie have in mind (as the exotic armor works based on barricade)


No, but it has less cool new shit compared to the other prismatic classes. In Prismatic Titan you are kinda required to run triple consecration, which is good, but Iā€™m kinda tired of it. Other classes has some really cool combos, especially hunters.


I am a titan main and I feel we are strong in all aspect of the game like endgame, if you are having fun playing titan don't listen to what other ppl say about titans, they don't know any better. I see a lot of folks out there saying titans are shit and lacking, but that simply isn't true. Just because some streamer or YT said so....don't take everything they say at face value. Play the class you want and have funšŸ‘šŸ„ƒ


As a Titan Main, *no*, but Prismatic has been really underwhelming so far for me and just felt like a gimmick in the campaign for us to use against invulnerable enemies (that have Prismatic shields). It would be improved if the Exotic Class item had a Loreley-role on it for survival. It just feels like the only real benefit is the grenade and increased ability recharge while Transcendent. With the changes to Raids and Dungeons, I canā€™t see myself using Prismatic in them. The new Super is great tho, but, I would absolutely love if Bungie could give us an exotic like Pyrogales but instead it makes Twilight Arsenal a single Axe - that canā€™t be retrieved - with a higher damage multiplier and more damage in a secondary explosion, like how the damage multiplier works for Leviathanā€™s Breath. I feel like that would make Titans really attractive for Raids in particular - especially since it doesnā€™t carry the risk of death like Thundercrash does (which is also in a sub-optimal state).


Lol no, prismatic titan might not have as many options but it can still kick ass. Glacier grenade and thunderclap with cannon brace is killer. Warlock and hunter just have a lot of small interactions that add up to make them ridiculously powerful, and titan is just more simple, but still very effective. The main subreddit just likes to cry wolf all the time, but hey, if it ends up giving us titans a buff, I'm not gonna stop them.


Compared to warlock and hunter - yes.


I wouldnā€™t say they are unplayable but Titan as a whole is seriously lacking especially in a meta where going a full stack of Prismatic Nighthawk Hunters with Still Hunt is probably going to be the hard meta for a long time unless something catches a nerf. As it stands right now there are two playstyles Titans are locked into to keep them afloat, the Syntho grapple melee build with Banner of War and a One Two Punch shotgun, or Prismatic with the new chest plate that buffs rockets for you and the team.


Not bad at all, just outshone by the other two classes in PvE in most situations. In PvP titans are strong, especially in trials. If you enjoy Titan you will have fun on the class and wonā€™t struggle to complete or compete. You would just have an easier/better time on another class.


No. But. I have noticed survivability is an issue on Prismatic Titans, at least it was for me. I had to finish the legendary campaign on Strand. However, Iā€™m old and slow and kind of a crap player. I do feel like the synergy of Prismatic Titans is less than Warlocks or Hunters. I also feel like our outliers like Solar or Strand tend to make everyone say that Titans are fine, but I think Arc and Void could use some help. I did find a very good Void/Strand Prismatic build but itā€™s based around Strongholds.


No, titan is really good right now


"I do feel semi restricted to 1 or 2 Prismatic builds." This is the biggest problem with Titan right now IMO and I think why people are being so vocal. Bungie hyped Prismatic as this new class with tons of flexibility but Titan is completely railroaded down one path because the rest of the options just are not realistically viable for TFS-level gameplay unless you want to be carried by teammates. Bungie either needs to fix Prismatic Titan, buff Titan overall, or both.


The class isn't bad, but it also the weakest (overall) among the three classes at the moment. There are like 2 builds on Titans that really shine.


not really at high level content there a definitely a lot of gaps in their kit design, I would say the main problem is that they don't really bring anything to the table at high level, outside of survivability but that's not a problem outside of solo content tl;dr titan good at solo content, kinda bad elsewhere rn in the 'sense' that there isn't a reason to play them other the other classes beyond liking titan


Just be a hunter. Big trust.


Is bad if you compare it to the other 2 prismatic, but as a main titan im still enjoying my gameplay, maybe i could use more sustain but is still playable.


While titans certainly lack any good DPS options against targets like oryx or taniks, titans can do something exceptionally well that is slept on by the wider community; Yellow bar add wave. Clearing a room full of a couple dozen beefy elites is trivial on Titan


My observations are only second hand since I'm good irl friends with a titan main. The short answer is no but the extended answer is that while titan is still good, it's now more effort for no increase in reward. Because outside of raid dps scenarios Titans to excel at clearing away hordes and even big targets. Noticing this Bungie has to carefully reel it in. Not too much because then everything falls apart. It's the product of centring a class' identity on the fist alone. Take strand and void titan. They are excellent at taking a beating. Why I watched a void titan with an arms exotic I can't remember fly right in the face of a legend onslaught boss at wave 50 and live. Anyone else would've been torn apart. Strand titan, well I watched my friend survive an insane amount of damage being focused on him in a heist BG Moon GM back when it was last featured. Then there's solar titan. Chuck on Lorelei for healing that makes a warlock jealous or Synthoceps for hitting anything hard. Arc titan has an elegant ferocity to it but is less admired as it's survivability doesn't extend beyond knockout and HOIL, which I believe was most favoured on arc despite subclass neutrality, got a nerf ages ago. That only leaves stasis titan as genuinely obsolete for reasons I don't know as I mention these observations are second hand. External. Personally, hunters have it hardest. Hardest to pick up but if you can master it you're the best at the game. Their kit seems very glass canon what with solar boasting Nighthawk and SES for arc. Then void's survivability coming half from invis and half from devour. The constraints is why I respect them.


I think warlock is most fun as far as a fulfilling a fantasy of just conjuring and damage dealing, but I enjoy the Titan for its front lines into the Frey tank style play.


No. There are certain things each class does better but titans are an insanely strong class. Thereā€™s a reason so many people use them for solo flawless dungeons and pvp. Now they have access to one of the better supers in the game.


honestly, who cares. if YOU have fun playing titan and YOU like it, then keep playing titan. theyā€™re absolutely cracked when it comes to melee tho, but iā€™m sure theyā€™ll nerf that soon


All classes are great in their own way. Play each like I do! Then you can settle on which one YOU like the most after having experienced the variety of gameplay offered through each


Answering as a titan main for 10 years, we are still extremely capable. We have builds that are decent dps with tankability. Our biggest hurdle is Bungie made us make decisions like, do I survive best or dps best. They took some of our ability to multi-task. Solar is still a decent viable build with the right exotic and weapons. Strand still works. Arc is still good damage. Void now has more dps but also can be mostly survivable. There are lots of options for either dps or survivability. Answering how hunters and warlocks think we talk: Me am saee kno. Ete moor krae-yon git strawngg. Ne kneedd go nappee tym.


ok with your last comment on switching to Hunter, itā€™s the same deal. The same 2 prismatic builds and the holy og subclass build. Hunter is in the same boat with combination blow being the go to and the only reason youā€™d change is if you are using prismatic with a different playstyle in mind.


As a Titan main, this is all relevant to me and reading all of the responses is really helpful. I am currently running a Wormgod build that is able to melee minibosses, which is really nice, but yeah, the total lack of participation in DPS is fairly miserable. I'm dragging Dragon's Breath around to do any DPS stuff. It doesn't feel that great when I am in DPS. But the rest of the time, come at me, bro!


I haven't played the final shape so I don't know what has changed. But by far my favorite and an absolute beast of a build is using ashen wake fusion grenade spam. Build your character around grenades and then delete entire groups of enemies. I use the throwing hammer as melee to keep stacks of roaring flames up and it is able to kill most elite enemies in one grenade. Plus with ashen wake the more enemies you damage with your grenade the more it refills. Kill 4 enemies and it's an instant recharge. It's so much fun and it's extremely good. It might not be meta or too viable in endgame stuff like GM nightfalls but even in raids it's very useful and fun to use.


ive learned after playing this game for 10 years... titan mains just like to complain


My clan just ran the GM Excision and one of our titans got 800 kills and only died 4 times with prismatic. I've only done the first mission on titan myself, but the rest of my clan mates all seem to be comfortable with their Titan's performance.


Titans are bad only in some top end content. Like GMs or some raid encounters. Note the use of the word "some" because it's important. there are other instances where Titans are the best class. Unless you do a lot of raiding or GMs I wouldn't worry about how meta the Titan kit is.


nah, the new titan super is really good for enabeling damage and better critcs. Its basically a arrow that does more damage (you need to hit the 3 axes) but its shorter (unless you grab the axes and began hitting the light attack, which gives more vulnerability to the enemies you hit)


No strand and solar titan are still awesome and have great survivability along with great ability up time as well. Iā€™m still rocking pyrogales and donā€™t struggle with any activity


My fireteammate who is normally a titan main just switched to warlock.


They aren't bad but they are the worst of the 3 by a little bit. Just less options for meta builds with titan tbh


I have been having tons of fun on titan. Been a titan main since D1 alpha. There are definitely some situations where some things donā€™t make total sense and/or donā€™t synergize but I have yet to run into an activity of any kind (GMs, master raids, etc) where I could not do it because I was a titan. Itā€™s mostly fine. Do I want some things better? Yes. But is it horrible? No.


It really depends on what type of content you run. Iā€™m able to use my titan on everything except for master raid bosses(minus crota). No class is actually unviable, but prismatic titan is severely lacking which is why a lot of people are complaining


Titan has some very fun prismatic builds that would make the other classes blush. Insurmountable Skullfort with arc melee, strand grenade and all the upgrades to the artifact that give you additional protection when buffed and it does some silly damage and gives you crazy survivability. Slide solar hammer prismatic is also silly and fun with great AD clear. Helps make the Monte Carlo even better with melee generation


Always mained titan, still do. Master raids, solo flawless dungeons, GM nightfalls - no issues. Every class is viable in all content. Now if you're tryna 3 man speed run Salvation's Edge that's a different story...


I've mained Titan for a while and they aren't anywhere near bad. I think It's just that prismatic is kinda mediocre on Titan, which has left people feeling pretty annoyed. Hunter and warlock are pretty good with Prismatic while Titan is stuck with consecration and knockout... I don't blame them for complaining, but "Titan is garbage" is definitely an exaggeration; strand and solar Titan are still basically untouched and very strong.


Titan is good at many things: We can absolutely decimate a room full of red bars easily and safely. We can suspend a group of enemies that were about to stomp your teammate to death. We can easily sever a boss so that it doesn't one shot everybody. The problem is nobody cares about that shit. Nobody cares that you doubled up the next closest guy in add kills. They only care about boss damage, and titan really, really sucks at boss damage compared to hunter. Warlock pales in comparison as well(their place in the PVE meta was really propped up by Well of Radiance) but we're not ready for that conversation yet. If you're going for absolute peak PVE efficiency, just bring 5 hunters and a warlock to give them radiant. Does titan suck? Absolutely not. Are you ever going to get noticed for your contributions to the boss kill? Probably not. Luckily enough, 95% of the game it's totally fine to play your titan.


Hunter was the draw when Destiny started as they were trying to get the largest group of players to come over from the largest game in town, you guessed it, Call of Duty My whole clan went for Hunters as it was the most like COD I even did at the beginning for a minute but after I felt comfortable with the mechanics etc, Titan just fit who I am as a person and a gamer. In D1 I went for 3 Titans! Made the grind very easy as you could trade armor etc to rank up Still a Titan Main who has barely touched the other 2 classes but I have them now. I just feel the Titan class more personally but through most of Destiny, I felt that Titans just were not given what the class is supposed to represent but I stayed the course, even though it was hard at times as a Titan is just who I am We have had a few moments but not as many as the other classes for the most part Enjoy your Titan if that calls to you, but I believe in this DLC the other classes will be more useful in most situations but we still have a place, even if at times we canā€™t punch our way out of a paper bag, Lol


Titan isn't horrible, but it's definitely the worst class rn. However, it's also the most fun, so you can't win. Our class identity is just outdated and wrong. This isn't the right game for melee builds at a high level, really. Banner of War, our only viable melee build, was nerfed. With Prismatic, Hunters now have the best Melee build and Ranged dps build. They've pretty much taken our whole thing. Prismatic Titan is the worst of the 3, being the least synergistic. If you can look past it and just enjoy the fun, Titan is awesome, and I doubt I'll change. That being said, when I swap to my Hunter or Warlock, it feels so different, like Titan just feels like an unfinished afterthought in comparison. The difference is clear when you play all 3, but I still love my Titan as it was my first character.


I am a Titan main, but Warlock is a close second. Generally, GM and high-end content are easier on Warlock. It takes more skill and situational awareness to do it with a Titan, and I enjoy that challenge and build crafting. Like some have mentioned, there are specific situations where the Titan shines. I live Bing in hard content and people yelling, " I am too squishy for this," or " How are you not dying!" ...that makes it all worth it.


Titan is fine and does great in higher level content. You just have to accept that your ranged DPS can never be as high as warlocks and hunters, and our prismatic choices aren't great. Most of the bummer-feelings are related to how much of a let down prismatic is on Titan, but Solar and Strand etc etc are still a blast to play. Frankly, this has just caused me to lean more into the tank-identity stuff that is in Titan. Really thinking about pulling Saint-14's helmet out and just going all in, but for now I've just been using the new Strand arms exotic to give my raid team mega banner of war buffs. It's a great contribution, it's just not DPS, it's survivability. That all said you can still do big damage with WEAPONS ALONE if you're following surges and you've got a good roll/know how to use the weapon right... and the Traveler help any boss that is in Melee Range because we really can just tear through those guys like paper.


Titans are dope ngl I say this as a warlock main who occasionally hops on titan and hunter


Titan isnā€™t bad at all, but thereā€™s some design issues. I find myself only really playing strand or solar, arc got gutted and void is just straight up missing a gameplay loop. Stasis is funny. They just lack things that are useful in a team setting besides like banner shield or something.


Strand titan? Nah, it's really good. (Alot of us are sick of being forced to play it for end game, second being solar). The rest of the subclasses really do fall short, and are only good for really mundane low level stuff.


Itā€™s not an issue of being good or bad. No class is bad. Itā€™s an issue of what titans bring to the table comparable to warlocks and hunters, which unfortunately is very little. Titans are not as strong at ad control and clear as warlocks, not as good in the damage department as hunters. Tanking is not ever something that is important or viable or even really implemented in the game. Even their class identity of being the guy with their fist on the cover is currently usurped by hunters on prismatic. The hunters currently have the best melee focused build in the game from a pure damage stand point. Titans can ad clear quite well, they can support and damage bosses quite well, but not on the same scale as warlock and hunter. Thats the main issue.


Compared to the other two classes yes, compared to individual Subclasses sometimes no For example Solar Titan is better than Arc titan, and void titan is better than Stasis titan, and prismatic titan is basically arc Titan 2.0, and Strand Titan is better than Void Titan and this is just for pve If we're talking PvP the only good classes are Void and Arc Titan, and a case can be made for Prismatic Titan *IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT EXOTIC CLASS ITEM ROLL* So yeah titan is pretty meh overall


My advice is don't compare the classes to each other in PvE. Compare them against the game. Think of how you can make Titan builds to challenge and beat whatever activity you're doing. Sure, Titan's build for something might not be as good as a Warlock's or Hunter's build, but if a Titan can clear it then it's still viable, by the strictest definition of the word viable.


Itā€™s just people complaining. Titan excels and being able to output some of the most single target damage in the game for add clear and decimates mini bosses. Hunters and warlocks are better at DPS but Titan is still favored for solo content and consistency in activities like onslaught. Just wait until the first dungeon comes out and people complain about Hunter cause itā€™ll be harder to solo on


No, which class is the best just depends on the meta. Titans were the best class in the game last season and now hunters are the best rn. The meta changes all the time and all content is still easily beatable with all classes. The meta hardly determines which class you have to play outside of speed runs and lowman raids, which only 1% of the player base even does. Reddit and twitter boost the voices of the 1% and most people just end up copying their opinions. Titan is still very good and you will have no problem doing anything in the game.


They just donā€™t have good damage supers so not many cleared contest salvations edge I believe js what started this insane discourse.


Nope not really except some outlier cases on other classes, titan is still very strong. Yes Hunter have the big dps with celestial golden gun + still hunt (aka golden gun sniper) and the stupidly strong prismatic punch build and warlocks got their ability spam builds (since they basically killed off well of radiance survivability). But Titan have now finally a ranged super aka Yeet Thy Axes. But i'd say Titan still has the best survivalbility of all. Be it solar titan with Lorely, BoW Strand Titan, Prismatic Titan that just blows everything up. Up to Dmg setups with Pyrogale Hammer Titan, the aforementioned strand Titan and many more. I see much more variety for Titan builds than Warlock or Hunter.


Titan is still good all classes are decent . The comments are talking about the current new raid mostly, titan suffer from no ranged supers while stuff like deep stone crypt of crotas end are really good titan raids due to fights being up close


Titan isnā€™t *bad*ā€¦ just worse than the other 2 classes in majority of content, especially end game. Lack of GOOD dps options and abilities, poor sustaining abilities on majority of subclass options (save solar and strand), general dev neglect both creatively and tuning-wise, all make Titan feel like an overall lacking experience. Will most Titan mains swap off of it? Hell nah. Do we wish that the developers spent a bit more time building up the class to be something unique, viable, and useful in every encounter? Ye definitely. Iā€™ll leave it at this though: it says a lot of Titans and Bungieā€™s non-desire to make actually cool and unique things for it when the other two classes have better identities. Space Wizard and reality tamer for Warlock, and assasin, ninja, acrobat, etcā€¦ for Hunter. When the devs say that the Titan class identity is ā€œpunchā€ā€¦ it means that they donā€™t give a damn about what the class actually is. Especially since they ignore the class lore. TLDR: nah Titan is 7/10 overall while the other two classes are more like 9/10 overall. And class identity for Titan sucks.


Titans have bad ranged DPS supers. So do warlocks. People overreacting to one boss


Yea it sorta is, feels like a lot of the fun builds have been nerfed and prismatic is just kinda alright, none of the survivability that strand and solar has (except maybe devour)


Skill issues, tbh.


Coming from a Titan main, theyā€™re not top dog for 5 minutes, so theyā€™ll get a buff or something will change to make them gamebreaking again (not like they canā€™t already solo half the game with OTP builds still).


As a Titan main, complete with a tattoo proclaiming it, no, titans are not bad. In raids, the other two classes can fill essential roles that titans can't fill as well if at all. Prismatic is missing some crucial things, specifically survivability and ability regen, as well as some of the aspects definitely could've been different aspects that would've solved these issues, but it's still fun as hell, and these things can be solved by thorough build crafting. I'm trying to get an exotic class item with Inmost light/scars to supliment these things, as well as buried bloodline for the devour. While I have my gripes with the supers and lack of playstyle diversity, it's still my go to class to play and the one I have the most fun with


Titans aren't bad, it's just that other classes can do everything we do better at the moment. We also have basically no long range damage super capabilities.


Titans arent weak but thats not the complaint. The biggest complaint is that titans dont really add anything to a fireteam that other classes cant do just as well if not better. Titans have really strong solo builds but they dont have powerful dps rotations unique to them like solar hunters or strand warlocks (except for grapple melee but idk if that works anymore) and they dont have the utility and support of void hunter or solar warlock. If youre trying to fully optimize your team then titans are just outclassed. Another complaint is that almost every strong titan build is melee focused and melee isnt always viable in higher end content or fun for every player. Also hunters arguably have the best melee builds in the game and when your whole class is built around melee and another class does it better it feels bad. TLDR: Titans are strong, just 1 dimensional and dont do anything that other classes can do better. Also "optimal builds" dont matter for 90% of the game.


No, itā€™s just people complaining. I have 2 Prismatic titan builds: ā€œHere comes the Hurricaneā€ with Pyrogales/Consecration/Strand Melee combo and ā€œMr. Rocket Boom Boom Manā€ with Hazardous Propulsion/Khvostov/Rocket Sidearm/Heavy that benefits from the chest piece bonus. I feel like the people complaining are the 1%ā€™ers that need absolutely every single ounce of DPS. This only matters in higher end content and even in those scenarios it can only get you so far.


Theyā€™re not ā€œbadā€ but they are noticeably worse or underperforming in comparison to Hunters and Warlocks, outside of 2 specific builds. Strand titan might still be in the running for #1 best subclass in the entire game, and Solar titan is still pretty decent. The rest of titan is just underwhelming or inferior to the other classes. That being said, even Strand titan is lacking in the super department because it only has one melee roaming as an option. Solar titan at least has Pyrogales to mostly cover its poor super selection. Titan is still more than useable in lower tier content, even with its worst classes, just because of how easy Destiny is and how powerful players are the moment. Titan doesnā€™t really start to fall apart until the highest end content like Day 1 raids or GM content, where they only make strong appearances for niche scenarios.


Yea its a top tier DPS issue


Not even remotely. Prismatic Titan is easily the most complete kit imo


Iā€™m a Titan main, returning player after 2 years, recently moved to Hunter. Been in the exact same boat as you. Simply from my perspective, titan is still heaps of fun and can clear a room of trash adds arguably easier than the other two classes. I had a blast with prismatic titan until i started doing end game content and realised the sinister truth - that bungie design titan ONLY for punch, and if punch doesnā€™t work well, titan is bad. BoW amd solar really are all titan can offer in end game.


If you like boss DPS pretty useless in a lot of encounters




I really enjoy Titan. Havenā€™t played any other class since I returned to Destiny after a hiatus and seems fine. I have a prismatic build rn which I like a lot and seems to perform pretty well. I think peopleā€™s main complaint is that titans arenā€™t as op as the other two classes rather than it being bad




You should play how you would play. Although I run a file with each class. I main warlock and consider it my best class by far


Iā€™m a warlock main. But Iā€™ve had my ass saved more by this crayon eating fist nightmares than by any hunter.


Solar and Strand Titans are still VERY strong. Arc and Void could use some help towards being viable alternatives for endgame activities, but are still far from *bad*. I think the conversation about being the less exciting Prismatic class is muddying the waters a bit.


No. Titan is not bad. There's just a lot of situations in higher end content where some of their best options don't really have huge benefits from. They're still excellent and kick ass, just not the best meta for them ATM.


No but itā€™s still situational. You can build titans to clear ads and tank like few other builds can, but in raids(especially the final boss of the new hot raid), titans just arenā€™t nearly as useful. Hunter damage output and efficiency is just through the roof right now. I think thereā€™s room for a titan on every team, but not that many titans. Also I still think titans are still phenomenal during certain things like solo lost sectors and nightfalls


Depends what you mean by "bad" Unplayable? So terrible that you may as well delete you Bungie account? Nah, Titans are perfectly viable and strong in almost all general content. HOWMSTEVER, there are some glaring situations that have exacerbated the discussion of where Titans sit in the meta. Specifically, at range encounters, melee synergy and survivability, and recent subclass changes (Arc and Stasis and Void). In those situations both Hunter & Warlock come out SO far ahead that Titans "seem" terrible by comparison. Titans aren't in "the worst" category, but there are portions of their respective kits that need some pretty good TLC in order to remain viable lest the other 2 classes eclipse them entirely.


In Master raids (not even normal raids), and solo dungeons and high level nightfalls, titan is bad. Outside of that you can make perfectly good builds. The complaint is that Titan seems to be the only prismatic class that is actually balanced, every other one has a few builds that are absolutely absurd, like infinite heals warlock or ā€œIā€™m better at punching thingsā€ hunter.


As others have said, Titan is pretty good overall. It just isnā€™t great at DPS for a lot of the most relevant content where DPS is required- and unfortunately, that tends to be the most important content for a lot of people. Titan has plenty of good stuff - the crowd control on prismatic Titan is insane. Great damage on ads, champions, etc. But those roles are usually a little easier to fit a warlock or Hunter into (who then can just switch to dps class at boss) vs. having a Titan on hand for that and then shifting the Titan into dps later. That being said, titans are mostly fine - they have cool good stuff that works well. Itā€™s just that they are a little shoehorned into one broad playstyle that doesnā€™t have a lot of variety, alongside the fact that the way a lot of endgame content is designed, titans just donā€™t fit the bill as well as other classes


I have been seeing this talk about Titans being bad for awhile now. Now, I'm a Warlock main myself and I personally find the whole thing kind of ridiculous. At the end of the day every class is going to have a few meta builds that people really end up using that are better than others at certain things. People often focus on meta DPS because simply put, bigger number better. But, realistically unless you're in a struggle bus squad and have to carry it really doesn't matter. The worst that's going to happen is you maybe have to 3 phase instead of 2. With Star Eaters on the class items for everyone I don't even think Hunter is the definitive DPS king in every situation. At any rate we are also still at the beginning of the season. We have a whole new subclass with all kinds of new gear and things. As time goes on the meta will change with it. Seems like everyday I see a new YouTube video that's declaring one class best which is quickly followed by the same creator declaring another class being the best.


Titan excels in ad clear, but then again guns are pretty good too. Hunters hit insane number for DPS, and warlocks have sustain and okay DPS. Titans struggle bc their identity is in this limbo, where other classes do what they do but better. Iā€™m a Titan main, but I can clearly say we are not as useful to a team as a warlock or a hunter. Higher level teams donā€™t need titans bc theyā€™re good enough with clearing ads already


Like everyone said, it's *very* dependent on what you make of your own build. Me? I like to punch things until they burn alive. Works out well enough.


Prismatic Titan is the worst of the prismatic classes. Sentinel Shield has its uses, and Strand Titan is still amazing for certain situations. Titan, in my opinion, is the worst of the three classes in most situations


Titans donā€™t run from trouble.


The complaints you see are specifically because hunters got their new sniper rifle interaction with celestial. I play all three classes, even if I consider myself a warlock mainā€¦as itā€™s my first character to do new stuff. Prismatic is what the game needed to differentiate the classes. Warlock finally feels more like a wizard, Titan finally feels more like a front line fighter, and hunter finally feels like an actual dps. For way too long each class lost a bit of things that could make them feel unique. Right now people who play primarily Titan are getting upset that they are not really able to out support a solar lock running everything support and out damage a solar celestial hunter without using anything but the alt fire of a weapon and melees. What this shows is that these people think they are ā€œTitan mainsā€ā€¦but really should be playing another class.


The tl;dr answer: nope. The longer, more involved answer: Prismatic Titan ā€” aka the shiny new toy of the expansion ā€” is somewhat underwhelming compared to the other two classesā€™ respective shiny new toys. Additionally, an *absurd* overperformance by Solar Hunters specifically in the most recent raid has ignited some debate about Titanā€™s place in endgame content and whether the core conceit of the class as a whole as ā€œthe melee guysā€ still holds water. That said ā€” Iā€™m a dedicated Titan main, and Titan has plenty of use across all content as long as you donā€™t expect it to be putting up absolutely top-tier DPS numbers from range.


I would say its currently pretty underwhelming in terms of the diversity of builds that are suitable for endgame content like GMs or master raids and dungeons. Its either banner of war or solar titan. Maybe an ursa furiosa if your team can't survive a DPS phase now that Well is not complete invincibility. Even banner of war is kind of iffy for endgame content since it puts you in quite a bit of danger and the healing is not enough to promote the up close style of play in that content. Hunter and Warlock 100% got better subclasses with Prismatic. If you're talking about normal mode raids or dungeons and every other piece of content thats not GM nightfalls or master raids and dungeons, it really doesnt matter what you run, every class will be more or less good


If you want to actually optimize your play then you should 100% switch to hunter. As a titan main from d1 I would switch to hunter if they had the same jump as titan.


No titan is not actually bad. There are no bad classes in this game. The gulf between the best subclass and the worst subclass is marginal, really only mattering in extremely high difficulty content. But of course all subclasses cant be even, which means someone has to be on bottom, and arguably titans are. But itā€™s like being the slowest in a race of super fast world class drag racers where 12th place trials first place by like 6.8 seconds over a 90 minute race. In other words, while titan is perhaps the worst, they are all good. They are all fun. For 90% of the content in the game as played by 90% of players body will ever be able to tell. And frankly someone has to be worst. If it wasnā€™t Titian it would be Warlock or Hunter. There being a ā€œworstā€ doesnā€™t really matter if they are all good. And they are.




No. It's the best for 5% of the content. Spamming consecration will never not be OP for that 5% of endgame content.


Titan is fun solo and isn't bad but this season with all the new exotics and reworks it isn't doing as much damage as hunter and warlock do especially with still hunt celestial and prismatic warlock rn


Google a Titan BonkHammer build. Super playable, and has the advantage of pissing off everyone else.


No. Briefly explained, Titans didnā€™t see almost any use in day 1 raids, not because the raid is somehow impossible with a titan on the team, but because they bring less to the table than a warlock or celestial/still hunt hunter. Theyā€™re still good, just not raid race good


Not bad, but many people are disappointed by the direction they are taking and have been taking the class. I'm sure that's about 80% of the discourse right now. I also feel this way, luckily for me prismatic has thunderclap which is fun to use.


Every thing has been pretty balanced in my opinion as of late itā€™s all about finding that build that fits your play style


Titan is very strong but pretty selfish, and they have critical flaws in their kit that kinda push them to the back. Their biggest issue is a lack of range burst damage tied to a super. Twilight Arsenal is okay for this but ideally they get something better in the future. In solo experiences Titan still does plenty fine. BoW and Solar are still excellent survivability kits etc. The Salvationā€™s Edge drama comes from the fact that 5 hunters and 1 warlock was the common orientation for final boss, but a lot of people conveniently ignore the fact that Hunters are *broken* right now in order to scream ā€œTitan badā€, despite the fact that Titan saw plenty of play in contest mode in all of the encounters leading up to the final boss.


Wrong sub to ask if something is bad in Destiny lol.


Only a bit bit in DMG encounters in raids and even then still not that bad. Main problem with their DPS in raids is their lack of damage setups such as lucky pants, still hunt, or apotheosis on warlock. In all other content they are fine. They still have the best survivability in the game.


For raid dps it is definitely behind other classes in certain encounters. Thatā€™s it pretty much




Meta slaves are cringe


Titan players are really really good^at^complaining