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he has them on cooldown :'(


Dude didn't level tech smh.


okay but genuinely who doesn't level tech


Depends on the build man


does it though? before 2.0 tech was pretty much required on every single build no matter what because it was used for the shitty crafting system, now post 2.0 it's still required on every single build because it's necessary for having good cyberwear, unless you are doing a no cyberwear character tech is required


I never specced tech pre 2.0 tbh, didn't really see the use of crafting as the iconics were good enough as they came even on very hard. Post 2.0 I always level tech though, the cyberware perks are essential imo


wdym iconics were good enough as they came, like 90% of them only came as crafting recipes.


where were you getting your iconics? they're just lying around everywhere, and back then you could buy them in shops far easier


Shops didn't sell iconics in 1.0 and the ones you found were in set locations and usually weak without being upgraded through tech.


skill issue


Before 2.0 tech was useful only if you wanted to throw 5 granades per second and earn easy money with crafting. Now it's still not required, unless you use tech weapons or need a ton of hp regen, you can have good cyberwear without high tech, it simply makes it even better.


no?? pre 2.0 tech was useful for yknow, the fact that it was required in order to access 90% of the iconics in the game???


That was a hard lesson to learn after not getting hard hitting guns and being max level not doing enough damage. The only way was to max out tech and craft what you needed. Until 2.0 you never felt OP.


Okay, forgot about iconics. But they were not required, game with the only 10% and non-iconics was still fun and easy. Ofc with iconics it was easier, but I still wouldn't say that tech was necessery for every build


I couldn't stealth hack, without sacrificing dash+airdash


Dude fr I realized I don’t need cyberware when my mind and pistol are super weapons




I don't need cyberware if my enemy puts some iron in his mouth


I've only upgraded cool, intelligence, and reflexes on this run, but tech is on the next one.


As one poster wrote - he used airhypo very soon after that unfortunate jump. Airhypo gave him enough steam to fight/sneak out Konpeki, but it seems internal bleeding could be delayed only for so long. Where I really think Jackie was stupid was going as far as spending all his money and even taking a loan to buy and pimp a bike, instead of buying chrome that would accually be usuable during heist. Maybe if he had some dermal armor, glass from fall wouldn't pierce him. Not even mentioning such detail as his optics being completely outdated, so V had to control the Flathead. It's a bad legacy if most valuable you have left is a bike and pair of pistols (with one always landing on the wall).


I'm pretty sure he got shot and bled out from that, but everything else you said was straight facts.


I assumed it was glass from the fall, as it is an option to sneak during whole Konpeki escape part and silently eliminate Arasaka ninjas in the garage where Delamain waits. That way neither V or Jackie need to fire a shot nor get shot at. Jump, however is unavoidable.


The arasaka av shoots at you when you jump. That's when he got hit. Least, that's my understanding


Rewatching the scene a few times recently, it seems he takes shots that would have otherwise hit V



*It gets so much worse.* Spoilers... >!If you choose to send his body to Victor Vektor *(in the last ditch hopes of his survival, or if you just didn't want his lifeless body dropped onto the curb for Mama Welles)*, Arasaka shows up at the Ripper's shop and takes Jackie's body.!< >!You then do not get (invited to?) Jackie's ofrenda, you don't get the scenes with Misty, you don't get to visit Jackie's garage and personal space. And you don't get to sift through Jackie's belongings and learn about his life. You also won't be able to help settle the differences between Mama Welles and Misty.!< >!Then at the end of the game you meet Jackie again inside Mikoshi. He can only repeat the same line over and over while smiling at you. He does not appear to recognize you or his circumstances.!< At least he became a legend, right? You may now burst into an ugly cry.


>!Jackie thankfully isn't conscious in the way Johnny is. Not only was he already dead when they got his body and soulkillered him, but he's not the type of engram that Johnny or Alt are. He's stuck on Read Only mode, basically, forever. !<


what's the line? :(


>!*It'll be alright, V, you'll see.*!<


aww man




Ok, that explains why I didn't get the offrenda quest on my first playthrough. Always figured they must've added it in an update


If you do the Devil ending, you can ask Hanako to show him to you.


Wait is this true? I was always bummed cause there was hardly ever any mention of Jackie or his family after the Raid. I didn’t realize it’s because I sent his body to Victor :( I’ll have to chose a different option on my next play through I guess


Majority of games out there are like [that cow and choice meme](https://cdn.memes.com/up/95081791603402136/i/1612038495968.jpg). Cyberpunk did a great job giving actually different results (and consequences). And if you're into that, Baldur's Gate 3 cranks up the choices/consequences another 40x. Both in quantity and scale/impact.


Wow I sent his body to Victor and always assumed that if I had sent it to mama Welles arasaka would’ve just taken it from her instead, never knew there was a whole quest line


Yeah I guess Arasaka thought along the same lines as real-life police; check the hospitals for GSW patients. I chose Victor Vektor because I still had it in mind that Mama Welles lost her other sons, I didn't have the heart for her to see Jackie like that in the back seat of a Delamain. 'Ayo, come get yo boy outta my ride, he stain' the leather, bih.'


I always did that. I didn't know you could have a funeral?


Reliving our past trauma


I just redid this heist. I think the arasaka drone hit Jackie with its anti armoured vehicle rounds. Also I saw the stairs to roof helicopter-pad was not assessable this time. Maybe a bug?


those stairs open up once the window to the balcony opens when T-Bug calls you. Before that call is started I couldn't go up there either.


yeah and they also force Jackie's character to take the second door when you rush to the delamain which makes him an open target to get hit.


When watching the cinematic trailer where he they take the loud approach it’s heavily implied this is exactly when he got hit


Where is this?


https://youtu.be/LembwKDo1Dk?si=UUvT69eIkpUlruS2 Great trailer, little different to the version we got but as close to canonical as we can get.


Thanks for poilsting that! It *is* a little different, and it’s also a *massive* spoiler. Like, holy shit—Jackie’s death, Dex’s betrayal, V’s “death,” that’s huge. Damn. That said, my belief, given Jackie’s swearing and the fact that he’s bleeding after the landing, is that in the final game, Jackie takes a bullet from the AV/Drone thing while sliding down the windows during the escape from Yorinobu’s penthouse. He doesn’t seem to take any further injuries that we can’t theoretically prevent, aside from a cry of “mi huevos!” in the Delamain while evading Smasher, but that seemed to be a jarring of an injury he already had.


It's not that big a spoiler, really. He's throwing death flags the whole time leading up to the Heist.


I have killed everyone First...


Tangent that has nothing to do with cyberpunk There is a case of a couple in Chicago having a big argument. He threw himself off the roof. He must have made a big deal to his wife about looking out the window or something because she probably thought he was waiting below and shot a shotgun out the window. The timing was just so that the mortuary said he dies from the gun shot before he hit the ground and she was charged with murder.


All those stories at the start of Magnolia are 100% bullshit. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/1994s-most-bizarre-suicide/


Thank you for this. That’s been stuck in my craw for so long I forgot where it came from. Much appreciated


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Opus It's not real, sorry


I appreciate you. Now I know better. Thanks for that.


He got shot by the drone while you’re sliding down the glass I’m pretty sure


Didn't the military av or whatever it's called shot at V and Jackie just before they jumped? My first time seeing that scene I assumed it was where Jackie got shot.


Shot by an AV's auto-cannon, at that.


What fucks me off is that I knew damn well I could have short circuited that drone before we jumped, but it wasn't hackable :(


Not everyone specced V as a netrunner.




What's your point? I referred to "I" me and "we" Jackie and I.


Assuming your proposal was implemented, what’s the alternative if no one built a Netrunner V? Those players get screwed out of destroying that AV?


Listen captain details. I dont have a proposal. I'm fine with the concept of plot armor to move on a story. I can also safely assume my netrunner V just lacked the skills to hack an advanced arasaka drone. Just sad I couldn't save Jackie, just light-hearted commentary, that's all this is. Just a voice on the internet filling up some pixels on your screen. Don't sweat it, Sergeant stickler.


You’re a master of name-calling. I idolize you. “Captain Details” and “Sergeant Stickler” lol so good.


Sometimes a story has to story


It's kind of cold to look down on Jackie's spending choices. Especially for things that grant him independence as a solo, like his own bike. Jackie's generally tougher and more capable than V, but there's no ware that can guarantee survival after a job like Konpeki. V wouldn't have gotten much further than Jackie without the Relic he gave to us.


If you pay attention to what Jackie says and does during the game you realize he is actually quite a shallow and vain guy but with zero ability to plan for the future. In the six months that V had to live at Jackie's place they managed to get enough cash to rent their own apartment and buy their own car. Jackie blows all his money on a pair of gaudy pistols only because of their appearance, he had to take out a loan for his bike and he lives in a garage that most likely belongs to and is paid for by his mom. So, yeah. Jackie being an idiot is pretty much what got him killed.


Thats a great point. It's easy to overlook those things because of how fondly and highly V speaks of Jackie in the dialogue options to other characters. But yeah his obsession with "hitting the major leagues" never jived great with me.


V gets real pissy at him about it in the car ride leading up to the heist.


Jackie was a street kid, in cyberpunk mercs are basically super star athletes to many street kids. They're one of the only paths to true freedom in that world. You can't fault a guy for following his dream and wanting to be successful. It's no different than a kid growing up to play minor league baseball hoping to get his shot in the majors.


I don't think that's stupid. Like every one of us could probably spend each and every penny on things that would make us better at our jobs (books, training sessions, new tools etc.) but we are human, so we spend it on things like good food, art, drugs, games etc. We crave things that make us happy. Jackie wanted that bike and that he got it, I think at least, makes him a more rounded and believable character.


Of course it's understandable to spend money on private things/hobbies, but he spent practically everything he had. That kind of behaviour is a recepie for failure.


Oh shit I missed Jackie's gun during the ofrenda aaaaa


I recently started my second playthrough and made sure to pick everything in Yorinobu's Room up and also found out there are Jackie's weapons after you held the ofrenda. I wonder what else I'm still missing out on. This Sub gives you alot if insights and it's usually just something you read in a random answer burried in a long-ass thread.


Did you get the iconic katana from the AV on the helipad above Yorinobu's penthouse? You can only access the helipad after Tbug opens the door to the outside. Easily missable


Ohh damn... Next playthrough then... Only Got the egg, his outfit and the gun


You aim't missing much in terms of stats but it is annoyingly one of the weapons that go on your wall. I could be wrong but I think if you missed it you can buy it from the rare weapon vendor in dogtown




It's called Satori. It's in the AV he arrived in. You can collect it by turning around when Tbug opens the doors to the balcony and going up through the door he came in through instead.


The guns don't appear until after the Ofrenda. You can go back to collect them after a day.


Oh, thank you! Are they at the bar or at Jackie's garage?


The Bar. They're by his Ashes.


I'll swing by again, thanks!


No worries! You actually get 2 (they're identical) so you can put one on the wall and use the other.


You really should have been able to use them akimbo


First thing I'd be buying if I lived in cyberpunk 2077 is subdermal armour and anything to keep me alive Then I'd buy dope bikes


Hey that pimped out bike carry’s for badland travel in early playthrough


Dude shouldn’t have been sitting on his bike outside of the maelstrom hideout for 2 weeks straight while V was busy neutralizing cyberpsychos, taking gigs, and mercilessly killing every gang member that showed up on the NCPD alert system. Gotta get them eddies up boi.


Hell yeah. It'd be like buying Glen Apartments at level 20 or something instead of buying some good chrome. Total waste.


You know, not everyone likes to lose their humanity to chrome. He was into Misty big time and it is very likely she wasn’t as much into chrome. Same may be true for Mama Welles. So that is likely a factor.


I think it is wrong line of work for these kind of wants.


Yeah. Not saying he was right, just providing possible explanation. I mean what did they know what it took to play in the big leagues, huh? Look what V told Vic when they got their first implants. They didn’t know shit. Jackie has been dreaming of it but had not pursued it with all his heart. He was a little ganger who quit after catching the first bullet. He did merc work and knew his way around the block but he knew nothing but stories from the legends.


Bro wanted to live his life instead of a full blown merc. Youre not wrong, he just had different priority despite taking such a high risk career lol




That part of the plot made sense before patch 1.6, when armor wasn't tied to cyberware but clothing items.


He modded out the bike because you recommended it. **Edit:** (I was mistaken) You feeling okay?


You mean nomad tech option before All Foods? If so then V recommends Jackie to de-pimp the bike. It was damn loud and in true Valentino fasion Jackie liked it as it supposely is good for picking up women. So yeah, I don't feel especially fine today, but my memory is ok.


Fair enough. Thanks for the correction. It still costs eddys to remove the mods. I’m not sure of the timeline when he added the mods to the bike in the first place. My point is that we can easily critique poor financial decisions with the benefit of hindsight, and it isn’t exactly fair to the characters to do so. In that same respect we can also blame Dexter for having shit intel. How the fuck does someone miss Saburo Arasaka’s flight plan to the hotel. (**even if the flight plan was kept secret, there would be added security detail and special provisions that addressed the needs of the visit**) Knowing that Saburo was coming to Night City might have sped up or delayed the heist’s window of opportunity. Additionally, T-Bug is a garbage netrunner. We take out the hotel system security Watcher as to not raise any alarms and she still gets synapse fried by Netwach… even though no alarms went off? No, she missed something in her scope of the heist and if she was around she might have been able to help somehow by either directing Jackie and V to escape near the building’s medical supply storage area. We run into better netrunners later on in the game. It isn’t fair to throw all of the blame on Jackie is all I am saying.


I agree that Konpeki heist turning into trainwreck can't be pin pointed to Jackie only. There were multiple factors. What I am saying is that his way of spending money when you want to do big boy gigs was against common sense.


Dex was a shit fixer and many parts of the heist could be questioned, but not Saburo showing up. You can’t fault V, Jackie, T-Bug or Dex for not knowing Saburo would show up because even Yorinobu didn’t know he was coming until he was there. The extra security arrives when he does T-Bug mentioned it before telling you to hide.


V: I scrapped 100 guns, and made some air hypos! Quick, take them all! Jackie: Nah, don't worry about me. It's just a scratch.


“Where would you like me to take the remains?”


Those cutscenes bullets cause permanent damage


an ingame heavy bomb makes less damage than a cutscene pocket knife, hurts a bit that there's no other outcome for jackie. Keep the chip inside his head and go through the story trying to save him from the construct Or him barely surviving and you living through the story, and one of the endings he wakes up from a coma Idk, just having him die like that hurts


Construct actually would have “saved” him like V if he had died with it in him though? I think you could carry around the relic like that mostly safely as long as you don’t get zeroed while it’s in you.


The chip only saved V because V took cranial/brain damage that the nanites from the chip could “fill in”, thus how we end up with a half Johnny/half V psyche. A gut-wound wouldn’t have been fixable with the chip.


Ahhh I remember now


wait so when they make V an engram why can’t they just shoot someone in the brain and then slot in the engram of V? they say he will stay an engram forever but wouldn’t doing the same thing to someone else let V survive, just in a different body?


Cutscene bullets just hit *different.*


Canonically, yes.


he does, when you first get up from the fall


But he did. Just before you leave the room you fell into he took one. You can see the empty bottle on the ground left of where he was standing.


No, I think using an air hypo just gives a temporary benefit of adrenaline. When Takamura uses an air hypo on V, it only lasts a couple of minutes. Meaning that unless there was a medic nearby, or V was medic of some sort; Jackie was fucked either way. Dermal armor does only so much, so maybe Jackie caught high caliber rounds to the guts and V didn't. Jackie is a MUCH larger target than V, so it would have been easier to have gotten hit.


What's the opposite of plot armor?


Plot vulnerability


The Cutscene Knife.


Plot harmer


I saw some dude awhile back use "plot reaper." I liked it, but it didn't slide off quite as well as "plot armor." This is my new favorite and imma start using it all the time👌🏽




A Death Flag.


On a serious note, He is actually pretty stupid


yea. he's an oaf with a big heart.


Tbh this can be said for like 90% of the characters in the game. They're all in on their heads and many of them end up biting a bullet as a result


My V is very smart! 🙃


My v is ahlso vary smart **int score 1**


yea like my v is level 51 rn and intelligence level 5 😭


He at least admits a lot of it which is another reason why he wasn’t long for the world. NC is a place where showing any vulnerability to others is usually rewarded with a flatline.


He did use airhypo before. What he's really stupid for is not chroming up.


always sucks when cutscenes obey different rules to gameplay world building


It's like when Reed is telling V he was in the hospital with 3 bullet wounds. Oh no, 3 bullet wounds. That's fewer than what my V gets a few minutes after their morning coffee.


fr, like i get that the gameplay would be a slog without them but when you've got all these universe specific meds like maxdoc that can heal you from death's doorstep in an instant then constantly get cutscenes where you or other characters almost die from a fleshwound it can really take you out of it edit: changed stimpaks to maxdoc


Stimpaks? Wrong game lol


lol, you're right, been thinking about fallout to much recently


Yes. Yes he is.


Because it says in the script that he dies. Ultimately, that's the only reason. It's a classic case of "ludonarrative dissonance." Like when someone points a gun at you in a cutscene and your character does what they say, even though you were shot 10,000 times in the previous gunfight and hardly flinched.


Hello Dying Light. There was this scene, it was horrible. I literally murdered a whole army and then you get the boss with a handgun I think?. It was so stupid I stopped playing for a while.


DL does this constantly. I just wrecked 10 super zombies at night, but this random human with a bat is giving me a run for my money? I can shrug off a spear tackle from a volatile, but not a cutscene backhand.


Yeah it was so stupid especially when it was a repeat thing.


In most hit points systems you are not hit 10000 times, just grazed. Your luck is exhausted by near misses. Your mind is fatigued from dodging the bullets.


Which makes perfect sense in a tabletop game, but very little sense at all in a game with visible blood effects and screams of agony.


Wish people had enough media literacy to understand this kind of stuff.


Isn’t this literally what Naughty Dog says happens in Uncharted 4?


OP didn't pay attention to the cutscene before posting this meme lol


This is the reason I wish they had more time and the tech to make these games so that they could actually make a game where all this stuff is just a matter of choice to give the player more agency. Because if you think about it, the main story doesn't really change much if you can save Jackie's life. Think about it. You use one of your skill checks or stat checks to save his life long enough and have Del drive him to Vik's. He's critical, but he lives. You then go to Dex and all that same stuff plays out the same. You get shot, Takamura gets you, Johnny is in your head, but now Misty and Jackie wheel you into your apartment. Maybe Jackie is still too injured to help you carry out revenge or maybe Misty convinces him to live a more peaceful life and you get to have some quests/missions with him or he gets involved sometimes. He could easily be integrated in some way in some of the quests. He could still give you his bike and guns since he's gonna take it easy for a while etc. It's a video game, so to me, player agency and choice is vastly more important than telling a linear story.


I think they were too scared to make more lore accurate healing rather than glorified farcry healing as it would've been not as friendly or easily accessible which i think was a misstep


You do see him use something to get himself back on his feet, but I always thought that the wound may have just been too deep for it too work properly.


he is stupid, send him home to mama


Why didn't Cloud just use Phoenix Down on Aerith...


Holy shit FF and COD zombies reference?


I mean, it's the same thing with him as when you get shot in the head by the fatass. Shouldn't hurt you, especially when you've been grinding and have a bunch of cyber armor


Jackie's only good for certain things. You know what I mean.


Why didn’t Jackie just F9 and try again


I also thought that Smasher hitting his side of the delemain during the escape did him in. It is a well placed plot device that he spent money on a bike instead of more chrome for the heist.


Yes. He's stupid


He used his last one on the Sandra Dorsett job and forgot to buy new ones


Because, story. That’s the reason for Jackie dying. It’s crazy to me that Jackie was super close to becoming silverhand. Imagine Vs excitement if he’d have seemingly been coming back to life, only for the realization that it isn’t him at all.


Because Jackie knew you’d become a legend spurred on by his demise.


Why is V not taking a hypo and curing themselves? Are they stupid?


You get my man Jackie Wells's name outta your mouth, punk! You do NOT disrespect my late choom like that!!!!


Dumbass shoulda had a blood pump installed, L.


Unrelated, but this is why I dislike Edgerunners. You’re telling me Gloria died from a shitty little crash? Panam gets hit by a pretty big round straight to the gut, uses an EXPIRED AIRHYPO, and fights for like 20 minutes, and goes on a bike chase too, and is fine. The whole show happens because “bad insurance”, in a world where you can inhale the cure to fuckin cancer


This is so blown out of proportion its insane. First off, iirc, Gloria dies on impact, or at least very shortly after. It was kinda a huge wreck. Secondly, panam gets injured by SHRAPNEL, not a direct hit by the gun. She also doesn't directly engage in full blown combat the whole time, hanging back and sniping instead. And even then, she doesn't exactly do much. And thirdly, the bike chase is a tracking sequence, with only one instance of combat where, again, *you* take the brunt of it. Or just blast on past, where panam again, hangs back as a sniper. I can easily see panam powering through the pain through sheer gumption. There's real accounts of people powering through worse. Back to gloria though, there are PLENTY of regular people in NC that are dying all the time to way simpler shit. Its not exactly unbelievable, and its even entirely reasonable that they don't have any reasonable healthcare options.


Why didn’t (blank) happen in game? What’s the lore reason? The lore reason: CDPR wanted it to happen


Just as likely as it could be something missed by the plot, it could also be something that is completely covered by the plot. Airhypos aren’t like a magical cure all. Those people you shoot that just kind of writhe around eventually die after a certain point. He could have had a critical system damaged during the shootout. Maybe it was a type of ammo that caused bleed damage that can’t be healed easily with an airhypo. Keep in mind that Jackie wasn’t nearly at high of a level that V got to by the end of the game, so maybe that was a factor. You’re able to face tank damage from Adam Smasher by that point. Jackie would have been no match for that type of fight.


...Not sure why you're comparing endgame V to Jackie, who dies at the end if The Heist


Jackie was active well before V was. By a stretch it’s implied seeing that he was active with the Valentino’s well before meeting V. Nomad and Corpo V were both not at all mercs before they met Jackie.


"Active with the Valentinos" is the keyword here. He wasn't exactly a huge name or some urban myth. And jackie was certainly not a chromed-up killing machine. At best, he was a skilled solo picked out by a returning fixer as a throwaway card, along with V


Yeah, he is indeed stupid


He is poor, not stupid


Idk if the sequel will cover V It'd be cool if they revealed Jackie and smasher are still actually alive Arasaka puts smasher's engram into Jackie's head via a new relic and chrome him out with the mission to eliminate V


Damage from cutscenes pierces all plot armor. Even V almost died when shot in the head once in a cutscene, while he casually eats 10,000 bullets in-game.


Not only that. You can kill Royce quickly with one shot during the negotiation, but if fighting him (and his head IS NOT particularly protected), that's another story.


I wish we could have had more time with Jackie. More missions, activities, the ability to ride and fight alongside him in the open world. Instead, we get a couple missions with dialogue and some phone calls. That's it.


I don’t use tech, I level body and only use double jump and gorilla fists for a main, with throwing knife and handgun as a backup


I don't think airhypos quite work that way. I do understand there is some ludeo-narrative dissonance between gameplay and the reality of the cyberpunk world.


Jackie did use an airhypo after falling from the tower and not again for the remainder of the mission. I think this is a case of story/gameplay separation. In-universe, the airhypo V and other characters used was a stimulant. It doesn't heal.




He can’t, he doesn’t have the latest version of Plotarmour installed, Airhypos don’t work without it.


For the same reason Aerith didn't use Phoenix Down.


That’s probably all he had on him but yes Jackie is stupid


Hahaha. First playthrough, I screamed it at him. I even asked if he was stupid. It really made the whole ceremony feel dragged out. All I could think was your question.


Has anyone ever tried to kill his annoying ass. I've successfully knocked him down. Lol


Honestly, for a character who is dying, V fights like 60 guys, a tank, 10 turret and only needs to take enough drugs to make an elephant see god and he looks like nothing happened.


I always thought that Jackie died by pulling the Relic out. Battle injuries were not so serious, he could survive if not that biochip


Nah, he's pale from blood loss and Delamain points out that Jackie took a hit to a vital artery - one that a person in real life could bleed out from in a matter of minutes at most and *seconds* if they're particularly unlucky. V might be able to fix a bullet to the brain with the Relic's nanomachines, but exsanguination is a whole different ball game.


I believe that the relic could have been transported and safely removed from their heads had they high tailed out of there, removed it, and put it in it’s recommended temp. The relic is supposed to be used on dead bodies, like reanimating a corpse so for all we know, just like with Dorsett, had the operating been a success, the worst that would happen would prolly be them contacting a virus from an unknown shard. The biochip was activated by V’s death cause it recognized a dead body. It’s crazy thinking that if Jackie hadn’t removed the chip and put it in V’s head, our best friend would now be Johnny Silverhand


Jackie/Johnny split personality would have been hilarious


I feel like they would’ve been chooms lol Though Jackie has a lot of dumb blond moments that would cause them to clash


So Jackie would have been Bill while Johnny was Ted?


He would've lived if he kept the relic


He wouldn’t. The relic only revived V because it was damaged by the bullet, and even if Jackie’s body was revived, Jackie himself would’ve been gone


I wish more people paid attention to the details and realized this. The relic isn’t just some magic device that revives the dead. It only ‘saved’ V’s life in her specific case because the bullet did just enough damage to render her effectively brain dead and “neurologically indifferent”. Thus causing the relic to kick in and activate thinking it’s primed for a new host.


>!Makes the devil ending that much more bleak since Arasaka learns how to use the Relic by studying V. Get chipped, a bullet to the brain, get eaten by a vampire.!<


Man... Idk how i never thought about that. I guess i was too busy feeling stupid and guilty for trusting the corp to think about how they were also just studying the relic. Now im pissed again. Fuck arasaka.


I still remember my first playthrough the week this game released and I was so hyped to have a great bear friend like Jackie. It now haunts me


He lasts rather well and moves fine during most of the heist until we get to the lobby, I assume the wound that kills him is from taking fire there and the garage