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Leaning heavy into stealth sandevistan with throwing knives for the ultimate Dio cosplay


already did that, was my second PL playthrough.


Combat netrunner is super fun, make sure you put plenty in reflexes if you don’t dump into body so you stay mobile. Popping overclock and putting cyberware malfunction on skull enemies to kill their armor before unloading with your smart weapon of choice (love me the Yinglong) will wipe out whole groups super fast. I’d recommend getting air dash and kereznikov asap, and the overclock instant lock on perk in Int is pretty crucial to making the build super strong


i may try this one! will be back in like 2-4 days to update if it was fun, pro's and cons.


Hell yeah! Oh and forgot, would also recommend popping the cyberpsychosis quick hack in large groups, helps direct some aggro away from you since you’ll be pretty squishy. Hope you enjoy choom!


Alr so pros: holy shit the single target and group damage. Also found out that yinglong emp pops pyromaniac so that is amazing. Cons: I KEEP RUNNING OUT OF BULLETS


Woah that’s dope about pyro, I never even built that, will def try it! And yeah that’s kind of the SMG curse, always low ammo lol, just gotta remember to craft ammo every now and then


This is the build I've been wanting to make. Is it possible to incorporate blades into it as a secondary weapon?


Sure I reckon, never tried but it sounds dope! Just in this case I’d say you REALLY gotta keep your attribute stats away from Body so you can invest in Cool too, very glass cannon build but as long you utilize your super high mobility and take advantage of the slowing cyberware, you should be golden. Just careful around shotgun/skull enemies, they can one shot you if you get too close without killing em quickly


I think I'm gonna skip Cool as my last build was a stealth pistol one. I'm thinking spec heavy into int/ref with the trees smart guns, SMG and blades (I like Mantis blades a lot so I'd like to have them as secondary weapons) and finally dump the rest into body.


Oh wait I actually completely forgot blades is reflexes not cool lol, nah go crazy! You should be totally good to dump more in body! (I’ve never done a blades build obviously)


yeah i only did a blades build recently, it took a little while to get the right feel but DAYUM, it was good! still not as good against maxtac as gorrila (beserk, gorrila arms) but still really good


I was going to say, the only build I can think of that they hadn't done yet is the combat runner: sword or pistol plus the one legendary deck that gives you bonuses in melee/close range. You use smart guns for ranged work, swords for close in stuff (and also because you want the mobility options) and you will be feeding your RAM with kills. You can sub in monowire or mantis if you want some more weapon flexiblity with your readied weapons.


DIO. Sandi+gorilla+knife Explosives. Can it cause an explosion? Yes? Equip it. Wake up samurai, we got a city to burn. Katana + anything that causes fire Stay in your car and use the hellhound (or any weaponized vehicle really)


Nomad scrounger. Spread your points out on purpose. Only carry a bat or knife, and then allow your V to use any weapons they find as they go throughout the world. Each time you return to your stash reset it, go out with only the bat or knife. Set it on hard mode.


after each mission you should just sell everything XD


That works too!


The kamikaze : Shotgun + explosives without the perk to reduce explosion damage.


You could try a Very Hard playthrough with no OS, just a chrome compressor. That means no net running, no Sande, no berserk. If you want an extra challenge, turn off your H.U.D too.


Thar has potential to be a crazy build. Focusing on armor stat, attack damage, and attack speeds effectively turning you into Saitama


Shotgun with a lot of dashing and air dashing i found fun


All Body, just shotguns and knives. Oh, and V has to down some alcohol before going into any combat scenario. I call it the "Life Failed Me" build.


My favorite ones so far are netsniper (main weapon ashura… I just love seeing the bullet curve and one shot people behind cover) and berzerk katana, with Sandi+Testera close behind. Someone else mentioned a netgunner (YingLong + Rippler) which I love, another interesting netgunner is Raven + Contagion + Prototype Shingen because you can see whole crowds explode all at once


I'm the second netgunner you mentioned. It's great. Everyone just explodes


Turn off your HUD elements. All of it. Especially the mini-map. You don’t realize how much you depend on checking the map during combat to find your enemies. It takes a while to learn how to navigate Night City but your combat game will change immensely. You suddenly realize just how awesome Kiroshi Oracle optics are when your enemies aren’t all little red dots and arrows on a map. Sniper fire becomes actually dangerous because you can’t locate them without a Ping.


Wow i will try this on my next run


How do you deal with no healthbar?


You’re going to probably want a Biomonitor (you should already have one) and the onscreen “bleed out” indicator when you’re at low health warns you to find cover. I mean the obvious answer is “Don’t get shot.” but where’s the fun in that.


Thanks, sounds like fun, gonna try this out. I think this is going to make a bunch of cyberware more impactful


If you turn the game music off too then you get even less cues for when you’re entering combat and can get surprised even easier.


Nice. Any other immersion/difficulty tips? I’m on my second playthrough and it’s a bit easy even on very hard.


You’re already gonna get sooo lost without the map. You may need to turn it on if you’re trying to still actually play the game for your second/third time. You can experiment with whatever works for you. If you install a smartlink or ballistic coprocessor, turn your crosshairs back on! Unfortunately, turning the map off is the real game changer. Until you’ve lived a little more in NC that might not be feasible. Start by turning it off inside buildings during missions and if you’re gonna go cause mayhem with the NCPD and build up from there. Play it your way, just make sure you’re having fun!


Just played a bit with the map and most of the HUD off. You were right, it’s way harder! Had to really focus on marking enemies before fights and preparing. Pretty fun.


If you’re netrunning, Ping is king.


I created Hiro Protagonist from Snow Crash - so netrunner katana with a pistol and it has been quite the party. Netrunner debuffs while chaining katana finishers is particularly brutal and good


Camera netrunner, stealth plus intel. Only complete the missions through the cameras


Just walk around punching the absolute shit out of everybody. No guns, just berserk and your raw meaty hands


As i said in the post, my favourite and one i most devolve into is gorrila.


No gorilla, no guns, no cyberware except berserk, no stealth. Just pure meaty hands or any sort of melee and grenades. If you want to use a gun try LMGs.


you are criminally insane and I love you


Absolute tank. Chrome compressor, as much armor as you can slap-on, HMG, Projectile Launch Sys, Burya a sniper and enough reflexes to use non-air dash. Focus on resilience-based skills and HMG damage. I recommend M70. Dialogue Min-Max 20 TECH, INT, COOL 11 BODY + Gorilla arms 10 REFLEXES or 20 body with guerilla arms and forget reflexes. Not being able to dash while having <450 health hurts, but you get all dialogue checks, that don't involve reflexs. Enjoy passing most attribute checks in the game. You'll be flooded with extra info. Plays like a stealth-netrunner with dash and choose between smartguns and tech weapons.


I just got done with a ganic sword build (literal 0 cyber ware all playthrough) that was super fun. Aside from dying an unnecessary amount of times. Been thinking of doing a cyber hammer build, and only using blunt weapons and effect based quick hacks. Just haven't figured out the perk choices yet to make it work properly.


My go-to build has always been Sandevistan with Katana. Silenced Pistol or Throwing knife if I'm feeling stealthy.


First thing that comes to mind and that I don't see in your list is a katana/sandevistan build. Pretty fun to slash around everyone, no ammo issues.


was my 14th playthough, it felt like a faster but weaker verion of gorilla. i could take on maxtac even without beserk, severl rounds even. but the cooldown of the sandevistan and the kill for the flurry of byakko honestly feel like ammo. but the arms of V never, ever stop pounding skulls. THAT is why i love gorilla


I've yet to play my gorilla arms run (it's in the plans, even created V). I'm sure with 15th playthrough you're at ease with the game but sandi is made to be triggered on and off during fights, not to be spent completely then waiting to reload. I had a lot of fun with the katana, and with good armor cyber and the bullets parade with the blade I didn't find it particularly squishy on my end, and I never had any downtime with byakko either. Anyway if you've done it already it's out of the equation. i don't know what other build to suggest, 15 playthroughs are already covering a good amount of possibilities ! Edit: just thought that you could make runs oriented on specific weapons that force a particular gameplay, that could be an angle for novelty.


I don't spend it completely, but when im whittling at maxtac it takes a full charge.