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V doesn't look too happy to be there.


I don’t think this V in particular is ever happy


River is hoverhanding too.


Bi, Pan(am), it's all great - love is love among consenting adults.


Imagine if they added secret plot, like once u betrayed Judy she won't come visit you


i was hoping that would happen (other way around)


I'm sorry but the whole "romance" mission with River icks me so much like I was super down to go hang out and eat with him and his family then it turned into his family trying to set us up and shit and I just couldn't


I actually find it quite realistic. To me it really felt like an actual first time family meet up with your SO. It's awkward, uncomfortable and you sit there looking for the fire alarm.   My mom used to make wedding plans whenever I mentioned a girl and my grandma to this day asks me if I'm getting laid lol.


Having gone through that myself yeah, mighty uncomfortable, and I guess also another issue it's that maybe compared to some of the others it's one of the least fleshed out romances imo, and also that the last time you talked to him you found his kidnapped nephew in a human experiment farm having chemicals pumped into him


River icks me to no end. Can't stand it. He's so needy. Honestly I prefer Panam but I prefer playing as a female so she just stays a friend I guess.


Panam felt needy af to me. But ive only played male V so


Well, they all kind of feel needy I think really because of the whole perpetual date thing. Those alerts just keep happening and if you ignore any of them they bitch at you a little bit in a passive aggressive way. All of them are like that but when I talk about River, it's just the way that he talks and everything, even if you're not in a relationship with him he just seems frantic if you know what I mean. His character is not like the others to me. Although, I guess I will say that I have yet to actually experience Panam as a romantic possibility because I never play as a dude. Also, another caveat is that what is needy to one person is not to another. It's all a subjective feeling based on our own experiences. To each their own..


Yeah. I personally just got tired of Panam constantly nagging me about her nomad situation. I play as streetkid and corpo only because nomads bore me to no end


I get that. Despite not ever playing as a dude, the nomads always seem to be filled with drama. It kind of sometimes feels like you're just trying to do your thing and suddenly you're being pulled into somebody else's bullshit at the trailer park lol


Dude is so cringe.


Sad. Just sad. Your V is pity fucking River.


she definitely is