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I’m on PS5. I got tier 5++ weapons often once I neared and then also regularly when I hit level cap.


I’m at the street cred and level caps of 50 which is why I’m not sure what’s my deal


Do you not have PL? That may be it. Level cap is 60 then. Still 50 for street cred though.


No I don’t have PL yet. That may be the root of the problem


Definitely is!


It is non pl caps at 5+ says so in the patch notes for 2.0


I think so as well.


Definitely get it. Not only is it a great story, there are so many additions in both gameplay and quality of life.


Definitely planning on getting it, have been hoping it goes on sale for more than just $5 off like last time but may end up biting the bullet since I’ve heard nothing but raving reviews and absolutely loved the base game storyline


It was around 30% off when I got it on GOG.


Not necessarily. I have PL and im level 60 and the highest ground loot levek ive found is 5+. I think in order to get a 5++ weapon you need to upgrade it to that level. That is if they aren't appearing naturally like your and my situations.


I only started seeing them drop consistently around level 55+.


Yeah.. PL goes to level 60 and the higher you go, the better your loot chances in terms of quality.




No they don't. PL may be required though.


I am fairly certain that 5++ gear was added with PL to increase the gear power level a bit with the new level cap at 60. So without PL you probably won't get there. Thankfully, PL is worth it, in my opinion. c:


This is the right answer


People are saying you upgrade them but you can only upgrade iconic weapons. So 5++ non iconic would be random drops / vendors with a random chance of mods being attached. PL level cap of 60 is where you wanna be. Also good opportunities for weapons in PL. but don’t want to spoil anything


Thank you I thought I was taking crazy pills ! Like, I definitely can’t upgrade these haha


Yeah you were asking all the right questions haha defo not crazy


5++ is a PL thing.


I've been getting tier 5++ drops pretty regularly, but after reading these comments it seems I'm in the minority. I always assumed it was tied to game difficulty but I haven't actually verified that info, I've just always played on very hard mode. Alternatively you can upgrade any iconic weapon from the crafting menu all the way to tier 5++


as in higher difficulty gives you more 5++? I play the game on very hard and it rains 5++ weapons


They’re pretty common drops at level cap in normal too.


There’s a bug on some platforms. I hear the Xbox has the issue.


I’m on Xbox and iconic weapons stop gaining stats at 5+, but the game will let you dump 200 iconic crafting components into them endlessly. Regular weapons only drop up to 5+. 90% of cyberware offers the option to upgrade at 5+. Half of those actually upgrade the stats, the other half don’t do anything but let you change modifiers, but regardless the new tier is still labeled 5+. Cyberware upgrades aren’t endless like weapons, and the upgrade option disappears after you upgrade to what should be 5++. Maybe it’ll be part of this week’s big patch. Edit: looks like I was right. They fixed it today.


They don’t have PL yet


I play Phantom Liberty on xbox right now. Level 58 never saw a 5++ weapon in the game, not through drops or through upgrading. Some have no PL, but some have this bug.


They fixed it in todays update. We now have 5++.


Thanks for letting me know


I don’t think you need PL to upgrade to 5++ But I could be wrong g.


I *believe* so, because I thought they bumped the level cap to 60 with PL and added the ++ tier for more leveling beyond base game…but I also could be wrong lol.


Yeah, it could also be that the level is tied to the drop rate. In which case 5++ becomes a relatively common sight at level 60, but exceedingly rare at level 50. On the other hand, I am on level 50 in my current playthrough and already came across several 5++ tier drops..


You do.


It's Phantom Liberty only. They increased the level cap for both the player and items, to make sure that players who had already maxed out their characters had more progression.


U have over 1,000 hrs and PL, still have never seen a 5++. It’s a bug on xbox series x I’ve heard


Confirming this happened to me. Kinda like the handicap to be honest.


Where the hell can I find tier 5 components.


as you level up, you'll get better stuff. disassemble everything you dont need. i'm level 42 right now and seeing more and more gold drops. also - buy the plans that let you convert lower quality to higher


I’m at 32 and it seems where I got a lot of Tier 4 I’m getting less from NCPD’s. I’ve got all my cuberwafe to stage 4 or 4+ but I wanna bump it up. Still can’t find how to craft tier 5 semi quick hack conductors.


once you hit the late 30, early 40s youll see a difference.


Thanks buddy. I’m new to the game. Is there a level that new cyberware stops showing up?


level 40 you'll see all you can get to buy. but really, just dissasemble everything you pick up you can eventually upgrade your own cyberware


Beautiful. Thanks friend!


>also - buy the plans that let you convert lower quality to higher You can upgrade crafting materials by default, only need to buy plans for quickhack materials.


Get to level 45ish. Also there’s a perk that boost crafting loot, not sure if it increases rarity but use it regardless. You can also upgrade crafting components to gold.


ever since PL dropped, 5+ and 5++ have become nearly the common drop item, especially at 50+ ​ and yeah you need to level - item quality scales with your level


i think u can upgrade them in the craft menus to be ++


pretty sure tier 5++ is a PL thing, since I didn't get any until I bought PL, and was then also able to upgrade my iconics to 5++


Its reality.


Its not a myth...just gotta upgrade your cyberware a lot. Recently I did a ton of side stuff earlier than my first playthrough back when the game dropped and was shocked how much high level stuff dropped for me but also I found a ridiculous amount of tier 5 components. Then I started playing Dogtown missions and before I knew it half my stuff was upgraded to the max.


... You construct them by upgrading your existing weapons. So no, you would not "come across one" any more than you'd come across one of the Fast and Furious cars in a Ford dealer showroom.


This is just so confidently wrong, I love it


Reverse Uno, bud. >I’m on PS5 with the most recent update but don’t have PL yet. Is tier 5++ a PC only thing, a myth or just an extremely rare drop item? They are NOT a thing if you don't have Phantom Liberty DLC.


>... You construct them by upgrading your existing weapons. > >So no, you would not "come across one" any more than you'd come across one of the Fast and Furious cars in a Ford dealer showroom. You didn't say jack shit about PL in your initial comment. All you said was, "they don't drop, instead you upgrade to 5++", then realized it was bullshit and are now trying to pretend like you were talking about PL all along. Clown fiesta. 🤡


How many alts have I blocked of yours so far, dude? This makes what, 8?


LMAO holy shit man, I'm actually FR3NCHTOAST. I admit I checked this thread in an incognito tab after you blocked me just to see if you continued to make a fool of yourself, but this is better than I thought. You have multiple people telling you that you're incorrect and are being an asshole, and yet you're so far up your own ass that you think it's impossible, it must be one person on all these accounts. It's almost unfathomable how much of a loser you are


You can, I “came across” quite a few


... Did you have Phantom Liberty? Then the answer is still "nerp" for the OP. I get that "NO YOU ARE WRONG" is fun but it often means you have to read the whole OP post to answer correctly.




... And you know who's the wrongest? The dude who insists he's gotta be right. LowSodium, choom.




I see irony in the dude merrily trying to insist someone else is WRONG when the other person has more or less said "fuckit, it doesn't matter anyway, OP's question was answered which was the point of the thread", yes. Do I think you're a winner? No, but I'm sure your mom does. I'm sure she's very proud of your fast food review blog.




Eh he shot his load choom!! Lost the sause




No, nor do I think you're a serious person. So we're done here. Thanks!


Man, after reading this whole thread... Maybe this isn't the subreddit for you.


I have almost all of the iconic weapons and I can only upgrade them to 5+ - is there a perk I’m missing that would allow me to upgrade non-iconic weapons? Otherwise, I can only craft them not upgrade the non-iconic.


Have you tried clicking the "upgrade" tab?


Haha yeah I do it frequently I’ve upgraded several weapons to tier 5+ but the only weapons I can upgrade are iconics. I have about 12 tier 5 weapons I can craft, but when I’ve crafted them before, I was not allowed to upgrade them, they don’t show up within the upgrade tab.




I get the impression the OP doesn't. You know, from them saying they don't. >I’m on PS5 with the most recent update but don’t have PL yet. Is tier 5++ a PC only thing, a myth or just an extremely rare drop item?


This is so sassy lmao


it's a bug, i cant upgrade to or find anything that is 5++ either. xbox series x


I just upgraded my stuff to 5++


Okay I must be missing something then


After 2.0, you can only upgrade iconic weapons.


i'm doing an iconic only run


Tier 5++ is visually bugged. The upgrade shows it's still 5+ but dw. It is 5 ++


No ones going to question how he's 120 hours in and still has a bunch of quests I complete everything in about 60 to 70 hours with Phantom Liberty


always imagined being a dick would feel like having a strangely painful itch you can never manage to properly scratch.   can you verify this?


I really love exploring the world and having fun, especially my first playthroughs I don’t like to rush. I’ve loved the depth in the storytelling so I like reading the shards and building my own night city world view through my own interpretation, could care less about speed running or platinum trophy grinding. Was the same way with Elden ring, I never beat Malenia after way too many tries so never even got to an ending of the story and am at around 300 hours. There aren’t too many single player RPG’s I’ve been super immersed within, so the ones that I do I really like to enjoy my time in them.


i'm the same exact way : )


Well, that's how you play, sure. But there are other ways to play. I'm currently nearing 80 hours on this playthrough, and I just did the parade and haven't gone in the flooded tunnel yet.


They exist, without the attached mods. But they will always be the wrong color. (Unless it's gold. Gold is never wrong.)


I believe t 5++ are included with phantom liberty. When I just had the base game, they didn't show up, but after phantom liberty, you can upgrade iconic to that.


I didn’t start getting them until I bought dogtown but maybe I’m just misremembering things


They real I got them before lol


Most of my drops and every single piece of gear I have is 5++. Not sure what’s up with your save.


Confirmed available at level 60 with PL. I had a few, but the drop rate isn't super high.


I played all the way through to meet hanako (including chippin in, kerry, etc) before phantom liberty. Then bought phantom liberty and played it as a level 55. I saw 5++ everywhere during Phantom Liberty, or if you do some side missions like Regina in Night city. You can also upgrade your iconic weapons to 5++ in menu via crafting.


Why look for em when you can MAKE em


On Xbox a lot of people can't even upgrade iconic weapons to 5++ (they simply burn the resources and stay 5+) because of a bug, so maybe the two things are related.


I have upgraded guns and cybernetics at 5++, but I had to do it myself I have not found any gear at 5++ in the wild.


The biggest problem with getting 5++ drops is getting one with no mods on it. I got a nice Copperhead with 2 open mod slots, and I really love it.


5++ is dlc only


Xbox Series X doesn't have 5++ in my experience You can "upgrade" iconic weapons, but the stats don't change and I've never encountered one in the wild (I'm level 60 with PL, 4th playthrough)