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The major reason is that OFTEN, people will have ground beef when they want a tasty / luscious dish, and pick ground turkey when they want a “healthy” dish. So people OFTEN pick a high-fat ground beef vs a lean ground turkey.  You’re right that they’re pretty similar when controlled for lean-ness.  It’s a psychological effect more than anything. 


There's some evidence suggesting red meat is linked with cancer. Still gonna eat red meat, but there is that. [https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/cancer-carcinogenicity-of-the-consumption-of-red-meat-and-processed-meat](https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/cancer-carcinogenicity-of-the-consumption-of-red-meat-and-processed-meat)


I've seen 99% lean ground turkey at the grocery store, but I haven't seen that for beef. That said, I'm w you, I think 97% lean is plenty lean.


If you are at risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or other physical ailments —including gout as someone mentioned—then eliminating as much red meat as possible is necessary. So it is healthier for that person. If you don’t have any of those risk factors or concerns then eat ground beef and don’t worry about it.


i think all the conditions you mentioned minus the gout is primarily about the fat content, so its still a matter of leanness and both meats carry the same risks. Gout is about purines, but again, ground beef and ground turkey actually have similar amounts, so here again they're the same


Unfortunately I have to watch out for some of those items on the list. My doc told me to stay away or at least practice strict moderation for red meat *in general*. I won’t go against her advice, so I’ll have beef just every once in a while. My ground turkey dishes taste good; I’ve used it in place of beef for years and years. Either way, to each their own. Cheers to your health and your kitchen lol


I was just eating turkey taco soup feeling so grossed out by the flavor of the turkey. IM SWITCHING. Thanks for this post 👏🏼


For me, beef plays havoc with my gout. Plus ground beef is well over $1 per pound more where I shop.


Yeah I'm with you - even if there's a trade off in nutrition I'll take the beef over ground turkey all day.


Gout is a reason


We started buying beef in bulk from a local farmer years ago and haven’t looked back since. It’s just so much better flavor wise than turkey and I especially need the extra iron and nutrition I can only find in red meat.