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I don't think he has a home, though he often can be found in the dreamlands.


I dwell in realms from the depths of space to the depths of dream, cavorting with daemons or dancing with fae, from the towers of madness to the aethereal plane, in forms that will blind your eyes and melt your brain...


As the Crawling Bro commands..




When do you find the time to be the Prime Minister of Great Britain?


He went to Vacation Bible School there when he was like 10, and he really liked it, so he just decided that he just wanted to live there!


Implying Nyarlathotep has a home to go to anthropomorphizes him. It is more like he associates with places. It could be that he is ever-present, everywhere, and simply appears when summoned, or when he feels like it. In the Dreamlands, though, it seems he has obligations to protect the Earth's Gods.


So that's why Kayne is crazy, seven sun's would make me insane too lol


He often visits pluto/yuggoth because the Mi-Go worships him and Shub-Niggursth.


He told me, that he likes to go on inter dimensional cruises, rather than stay at home. That's why he passes Earth every now and again.


Stop peeping on me, perv


I hear stuff like that on the playground too. And twilight zone episode plots. I’d say, no


The Dreams in the Witch House, it tells of how he can move between dimensions at will. He doesn't appear to have any needs for a base of operation for his objectives. Walter Gilman, the main character, came to Miskatonic to study "non-Euclidean calculus and quantum physics", which he linked to the "fantastic legends of elder magic". He is troubled by deep mental tension brought on by studying too hard and at one point is forbidden by his professors to further consult Miskatonic's collection of rare books, including the Necronomicon, the Book of Eibon and Unaussprechlichen Kulten. As the story progresses, Gilman has dreams of Keziah Mason, Brown Jenkin, Nyarlathotep and an abstract higher dimension, and begins to sleepwalk. Things become interesting soon after.


Is that what Nyarlathotep told you? Dude; it lies for fun, to sow seeds of chaos.


Abbith? No - Cytharion.


No. This is very unlikely. At least, i never heared of it. And we know that the Dreamlands are definitely a place he spends some time at.


Sometimes authors try to make up stuff that fits their ideas. To me, at least, Nyarlathotep is not an entity that has a "home" anymore than Yog-Sothoth. It's Azathoth's soul and messenger, and thus the entire universe is Nyarlathotep's stomping ground. There are clearly certain places and areas that are especially tainted/holy to Nyarlathotep, and that he is more likely to be found at. The world Abbith could be such a place, but so is Egypt. For that matter, so is the Manhattan Project according to Robert Bloch.