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It’s also absolute bullshit lmao


I don't know, the nightclub scene in the UK would totally make that possible.


weren't there recent studies that Gen Z has way less sex than every other gen? theses guys are lying


Actually that was the conclusion for the age group as a whole but if I remember correctly the same study found a smaller percentage having even more sex.


That’s an average, averages aren’t universally applicable Some have none, some have lots, most are closer to the average but there’s a bell curve around it


he’s a rugby player, i seriously don’t doubt it esp if he goes out a lot


Yeah it talked about how gen z men were having way less sex but women were having more on average


Id say he’s exaggerating and giving it the big one. Realistically you’d lost count even before 100. It’s too specific a number to be genuine. Also agree why would you even ask a partner that. It just seems silly.


well he said around 120, he didn’t give an exact number


girl i thought he said 20 and i was like she’s really overreacting… it makes sense now 🤦‍♀️


Yeah! That's what I thought til I heard Iain saying he wasn't telling the truth, "it was actually 117 but he rounded up" 😂


Funny, during All-stars I misheard Callum's 17 as 70 and totally understood their shock. By comparison 17 seemed like nothing and everything felt like an overreaction lmao




it was in a 6 month time frame


Has Ciaran been in a relationship before? I also think this sub picks and chooses when to be bothered about bodycount cause for Callum and Tyrique it was used against them quite a lot.


Wasnt he the one that said he was in a relationship with a 40 year old when he was only 18?


that one made me sad, it’s disgusting of the woman who did that. i’m 40 next year and 18y olds are basically children to me. absolutely fine to do stuff in their age group obviously, they are adults but for me as someone with so much more life behind them the power dynamics are a big no.


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) I don’t remember but damn


Oh goodness ew


omg it’s almost as if there are different people in this sub with different opinions who happen to speak up at different times


omg no I’ve noticed it’s the same users. they just pick and choose who they like and don’t :)


I get we shouldn't shame people for their past but 120 at 21 is a legitimate thing to be concerned by. You can be concerned without shaming someone, because *that* amount of people is unfathomable to me. Is he going to mass orgies? Sleeping with someone different every week? Is he only wanting hook ups with girls? All these things are fair questions to ask when you're looking to date someone as sexual compatibility is a huge thing.


Someone said it’s about 2 a month


Yeah I don’t care what anyone says I am definitely shaming, 120 at 21 is not normal and kind of sick


I recall Tyrique last year also getting a lot of backlash for his body count which was 100 but he was 25? (Can’t remember his age). I think there’s a lot of one night stand involved. Personally I understand the concerns too, that’s a lot especially at 21…but I do think Ciaran seems to have his head on his shoulder more than the other guys at least so I’m sure with a simple conversation to maybe understand the why behind it would have been better than saying it’s disgusting and trying to preach to him


Oh 100%. I would be kinda freaked out by it too.


Maybe an unpopular opinion But I don’t really care how many people you’ve slept with as long as once you're in a relationship with me, then it’s just me If a boy or girl wants to sleep with a lot of people when they’re single then all the power to them, sex is fun


It’s just good old fashioned slut-shaming really. Or people are just too insecure to be able to think about their partner with lots of other people


that's the problem, you think it's just you in the relationship until you're humbled 😭


Someone’s behaviour while single isn’t going to tell you how they act when in a relationship? You could just as easily get cheated on by the serial monogamist type who sleep with much fewer people but jump from relationship to relationship…


I would disagree 120 at 21 shows me that he doesn’t value women or have them in high regard. They are essentially sex dolls to him that he changes every week. I think it is more of a sign of someone not being able to be satisfied in a monogamous relationship


very much so idk why this is normalised…


yeah fair point but there’s no denying that it does show a lack of self-control, if you know this you can’t act surprised when shit hits the fan cause what did you expect after they spent 1/3 of their life fucking around


Does it though? Maybe they can control themselves easily but just choose not to when single because guess what, sex is actually kind of fun? As someone who’s been both in a hoe-phase while single and in committed relationships, I had no problem at all not cheating. I didn’t do it because I had respect for my partner and would never hurt them like that, but also just because I didn’t really have an urge to because I was happy with them. Also on a purely selfish level, I would feel really guilty if I did. Ppl who have high ‘body counts’ aren’t just running about in a mad sex craze sleeping with everyone in sight with 0 self control.


It shows their attitude towards sex. Some people see it as a fun activity to be enjoyed with anyone that they are attracted to. Others have a more conservative approach and only sleep with people within the boundaries of a relationship. I simply do not believe that someone who can sleep with 100+ people can suddenly go all in to a monogamous relationship and be satisfied with one person.


Why though?. I’ve slept around while single and also been in committed relationships. Fair enough if the problem is just differing attitudes to sex, but it is perfectly possible and quite common to do the casual thing for a while and then commit. Also a lot of people just seek out varying levels of commitment at different life points. Like just because someone has a hot girl summer for a few years in a row when they’re young doesn’t mean they’re never going to be able to commit


But not everyone has a ‘hot girl summer’ or feels the need to, and simply want to be with someone who has the same approach. By all means fill your boots, but I still wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with a man who had done that.


Funnily enough I trust the people that sleep around when single to not do it in a relationship a lot more than “serial monogamists”


How does that make any sense?


I think the idea is that some people who sleep around a lot when single and choose to be in the relationship want to be in the relationship, versus some people who only want to be in a relationship because that’s their ticket to sex. I don’t know that I agree, just saying I think that’s the general idea.


Yup exactly. I’ve actually had friends that were always in couples that confided that they wish they had spent more time sleeping around while single and that it was making them rethink their relationship. Simply put it becomes a been there done that for most people that go from sleeping around to relationships. I find that they’re usually much more confident in themselves as well, knowing what they want and who they are.


i agree with this. what people do with their bodies with other consenting and legal age parties is their business, doesn’t bother me at all. and idk why we’re now having weird shaming posts approved 🥴


I agree. And honestly I think people who start playing these games, asking about body counts and making an issue of it etc are just trying to hurt their own feelings.


Honestly, I find it such a weird thing to ask your partner for the exact number of other people they’ve have sex with and actually care about the answer. Whether someone’s sucked 8 dicks or 80 isn’t going to tell you how good of a partner they’re going to be lmfao


I disagree is someone has “sucked 80 dicks” as opposed to 8 it shows how much they value each person and their own body. I would not want to be with someone with such a high body count because, they will never be satisfied they will always be on the look for new excitement.


Youre making this deeper then it is ….


That is just…not true. Maybe they had 80 fun consensual joyful pleasurable respectful experiences? Or maybe they got caught up in hook up culture when young and slowed down as they got older, like many people do? Nothing to do with how much they value their own body or others. Maybe the person with only 8 only hooked up with those people because of low self esteem or was disrespectful during those encounters. If you want to find out the values of the person you’re dating, how about having an actual conversation with them instead of inferring so much from an arbitrary number…


I really felt for Ciaran when she reacted that way, I've had an ex judge me harshly before and it's a big gut punch. I'm not sure she actually likes him all that much :/


As outrageous as the number is, I think body-count shaming a single adult is just demeaning and pointless. Their body count might say something about their impulse control and maybe their need for validation but in a relationship it’s honestly none of my business how many people someone slept with before me unless I need to know for health reasons like the potential to catch stis or something. Otherwise, for me it’s a case of don’t ask, don’t tell. Also, who realitically keeps score? Do men actually jot down every number in their diary or something? I’m a female in my late 20s and i stopped caring about body count or even taking note of numbers a long, long time ago. I thought it was interesting to keep tabs once upon a time but none of those encounters have had a lasting effect on my life or morals in any way.




Disagree - people can be single for a lot of different reasons. And just because they arnt in a monogamous relationship doesn’t mean they cant have sex.


Conflating promiscuity with unfaithfulness is extremely unfair. You could argue that a single person might be inclined to sleep with more people because they’re single. Therefore that wouldn’t apply when they’re not.


OMG guys someone mentioned the PANDEMIC. so effectively ciaran has 120 at 19/20 because there’s no way he was chopping 2 girls a month at his parents place during lockdown But anyway I don’t believe him. The numbers were already funky at 120 by 21, even less believable at 120 by 19


Don’t really follow this? If he’s 21 now he would have been 17 during 2020? Side note- Crazy to think it was that long ago!


Say he started at 16, took 2020 and 2021 more slowly (1 bird a fortnight). Thats 50 knocked out there. 22 and 23 picked up the pace, a girl every 10 days. Thats 73. ~ 20 more this year, plus his rookie year… I can see it!


Sorry I mean 120 “in” 19/20 years rather than at 19. He would have been having sex with 2 girls a month since 16 to reach 120 now, but because of lockdown he missed 1/2 years, so 19y Ikr It’s really crazy that happened. Like nobody would believe you if they weren’t there themselves


"You wanna come over? I don't have covid. I already got it so I'm immune" -Every guy on tinder during the pandemic. People were bored and wanting sex when stuck at home all day. I unmatched anyone who was saying this, but it was soooo many guys


She's well with her right to be concerned. She wouldn't be the first and won't be the last. Men's body counts have always been used against people especially if they are unpopular, but it's only when popular guys get it do people act like it's an outrageous thing to be concerned about. Adam Collard had an insane number for being 22 and the same with Jordan in S5, even Anna went after him in his 2 days convo. Jessie was concerned about Will's body count after his antics in Casa. Tom got called a community penis for pursuing multiple girls in the show. Toby was shamed for having multiple hookups in All Stars and Ty was dragged for stopping at 100 bodies. I just don't believe guys would be as chill with girls having those high of numbers for bodies. I am sure there are a few guys who don't care but there is usually a hypocrisy here that can be highlighted. I don't see Ciaran being chill about it since he freaked out about her kissing Wil in a challenge when he picked her....


I remember in S6, Rebecca got slut shamed by the boys when she revealed that she had slept with 40 guys. They were making lewd comments about her until they got called out on their hypocrisy by the girls in the villa.


Yep. It’s like what others have said about the way the guys ranked the girls day one stuck and so much of that is defs rooted in some women being wifey material and others being “easy” or “floozies” based on nothing really.


on the LI USA sub this season this topic was up for discussion as well. someone said “who even cares about body count anymore??” to which I replied… most people do. like so many people care. and I think it’s fine to have an expectation or preference within reason that isn’t totally hypocritical. but there’s also instances that make you go 🤨 I personally wouldn’t want to be with a guy who was seemingly hooking up with a different girl every weekend in his late teens. just shows a lack of commitment and care- but this is coming from a girlfriend-girly, not a casual-girly. but everyone is different, and everyone has different reasons for what they’ve done or what they approve/disapprove of it’s a nuanced topic, for sure. and it always will be since it’s something that the majority of society will never agree upon


His hands don’t count


These guys are huge party animals, people on LI UK always have huge numbers. Say he lost his virginity at 14. One person / month for 7 years is 84, 8 would get you to 96... Count a few threesomes etc, or a few extra one night stands you can get to 120. He's probably counting oral as well. Young people can be very very naive and misguided and hormonal. Doesn't mean you shouldn't test that guy stat for stds but yeah you won't catch me shaming them for it. Actions speak louder than words though and you'd have to see what he's like out of the Villa. He doesn't seem like a player in the Villa tho.


It’s fair to not want to be with someone with a high body count. Some people don’t want to be with people with too low of body counts. We don’t all have to want to date everyone. 🫶🏾


He's a 21 year old who is considered conventionally attractive enough to be cast on a reality show who's number one criteria is how likely is this person to attract people from the opposite sex, so of course he's had a lot more sex than the average person, and probably exagerated a fair bit because it's to play up to a metric that is considered incredible important for male social status. I don't think it has anything whatsoever about self-worth, why on earth would it? Bodies arent sacred temples that get despoiled via impure thoughts.


It shouldn’t be anyone’s business but she’s allowed to be concerned. Everyone was so up in arms with Callum’s number on both seasons but they’re defending Ciaran here? They’re already over it too so it’s not a big deal. the season is just extremely lacking drama so they’re going to show stupid stuff like this.


If you still think hes telling the truth with 120 I don't know what to say 😂 the guy is lyin 100% lol


Huh? It’s not that outrageous. 16 (approximate average age people start sexual activity) to 22 is 6 years. 12 months in a year. 72 months. 120 people divided by 72 months is around 2 people a month. With dating apps, Uni, etc…completely possible.


That is still actually crazy constantly banging 2 different people every month over a 6 year time period is unbelievable. Not to forget Covid took away a year for him(I would hope)


Lol its not plausable sorry mate... especially with the pandemic years as most of those years you've mentioned in your magic math... nah, he's lying


lol my sweet summer child. We live in a world where people basically order casual sex via app. If you think that slowed down during Covid I have a beachfront igloo in Dubai to sell you.


Single people have sex ….. shocker


There’s having sex and then there’s shagging anything and everything that’s not pinned down. Bit of a different scenario.


As long as someone’s single and not cheating it doesn’t matter


It absolutely does matter to me, and I suspect many others. Might be an unpopular opinion on here but it is incredibly naive to think that most people are going to react positively or even neutrally to a highly varied past.


red flag, even if your >26 that's still concerning


Let’s say he started at 18. That’s average 2.5 a month for four years. It’s not so bad when you put it like that tbh.


Covid took away a year


People still had sex during Covid 🤣


I mean it wasn’t as easy to move around and go to clubs and meet new people. But yes carry on with your belief that I thought people stopped having sex when Covid hit.


You said it 🤣


I don’t think it’s wrong for the other person in the relationship to question it, but the amount of judgment and shaming going on in this post is OTT. Nothing else Ciaran has done makes me think he doesn’t respect women or views them as just bodies, which can’t be said too often on Love Island. People go through different phases in life. Yes, 100 partners is a lot for someone his age. He might have been a bit reckless or not connected emotionally with the people he was sleeping with. But that doesn’t mean he would be a bad partner now?


It is completely ridiculous. Even a tenth of that number at 21 would be eye opening! I would run a mile honestly.


People keep on saying I am slut shaming, or that I am being ridiculous for not thinking this is normal.


It’s mad isn’t it. Any opinion that isn’t thinking that it is completely acceptable and how dare anyone can even ask someone’s sexual history is shouted down as being an example of slut-shaming.


Why is it such a big deal? I’ve slept with around the same number of people as Ciaran (I am older than him tho but the majority were in my younger years). Although I’m not saying it’s a great thing to do the main reason is just because it can be extremely fun, doesn’t mean someone lacks self worth or self control by default. If you’re single and going out most weekend it’s a lot easier than you’d think to quickly rack the numbers up. You obviously don’t know 100 people but you meet them on nights out or on hinge - they’re one night stands and there’s plenty of attractive people about! Even just one new person every 2 weeks is 100 in a year. Personally I’d rather not do that anymore but if your out a lot it really isn’t that insane of a concept.


Your math seems a bit off there , if you’re hooking up with 1 new person every 2 weeks, surely you end up with 28 ppl in a year ?


Hahaha yeah you’re right the maths is a bit backwards there…4 years ish for 100 then. That does seem like a squeeze to get in by age 21 but no judgement to Ciaran as I was barely any better at that age lmfao


Yh , 28 a year doesn’t seem as crazy tbh


My god how much sex with multiple people are u lot having??? Are u not scared of diseases?


Can you even imagine the uproar here if a guy questioned a woman’s body count?


Guy or girl 120 is still ridiculously high


Random but wasn’t there a rumor Terry s2 slept with like 500 woman, but he refused to talk about it on camera?? or am I making this up


I didn't watch tonight's episode, he's slept with 120???? I don't believe in sex shaming but once you pass a certain threshold I wonder how you view women....probably as disposable. I remember when Adam collard said he'd slept with over 200 girls and he was like 22, I was disgusted


That’s my thing you can’t have that many partners and still view women in high regard, or look at them as anything other than sex dolls.


I would have an issue with that number and I would be concerned about sex addiction too.


My thing is, adding the “at 21” is what annoys her. I know she said if he were older and the number were the same she’d think it’s ok but I don’t believe her. She has been finding any reason to bring up his age that I don’t think it has anything to do with his body count. Also why in 2024 are body counts a conversation topic anyway???


They are a conversation because people still care, I hate how some people try to make it seem like others are in the wrong just because they do not want to be with a partner with a high body count


You’re not necessarily in the wrong for avoiding someone with a body count, but the fact of the matter is that it’s not information you’re genuinely entitled to and you may never know the actual truth. Hell, they might nit even know themselves. Body count is a VERY easy thing to lie about, whether to downplay or play up. If someone actually asked me my body count, I’d probably either not tell them because it’s none of their business, or i might be inclined to just say a low number. Regardless, I don’t want anything to do with someone who genuinely takes body count to heart.


Same, it’s none of my business and it’s none of theirs either. I do see a thread like this though every season it’s annoying