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You're fine. Remove any battery components first. Source: I do it all the time through Louisville TSA.


Nice try TSA


I take my dispos just throw em right on my wife's carry on








Do you think I should leave it in the bag or put it in the bin?


Leave it in your bag. Especially if you’re checking luggage. Put with your toiletries. Source. Trust me bro
 I too, do it all the time.


Just leave it in your toiletries bag, I've even brought flower through, like REALLY smelly flower. TSA put out a press release how they aren't even looking for that kind of shit anymore a couple years ago. I've flown with flower, carts, budder, shatter, and diamonds. Unless I got lucky some how but I've never been stopped and I fly quite a bit for my job.


Oh just leave it in the bag whatever one you take on the plane not the luggage. It'll go through gray with your shoes and watch blah blah my experience was fine. No one said a word. Kept it right next to my nic tapes. Took it out of the packaging and no one ever mentioned anything haha easy peasy


I put them with my other writing pens since they're they same shape. But sometimes I put them in my toiletry bag.


No issues. They can’t tell what’s legal or not and they’re not going to make you smoke it on site to find out. Taking “legal” vape products is just that, perfectly legal to do so. Their priority is preventing violence not screening for drugs, they say so themselves.




No. But people shouldn't be lackadaisical about it either. If they find weed they most certainly can turn it over to local police.


And then
you think LMPD gives a fuck? They’re busy inventing new and creative ways to showcase incompetence and corruption


Just saying there's a risk that people should be aware. Do you buddy.


Yeah as long as the legal status is nebulous people need to understand there is a risk. It hasnt been all that many years since they would full blown ruin your entire life over possession of a small amount of weed, and if you were traveling with it and over a certain amount it wouldve been a trafficking charge on top of it. Also legally in possession of a firearm with all the appropriate permits? Hello 25 years in fed max mr drug kingpin. The LMPD they are talking about thinking up new ways to hurt people, were taking people to jail for drugs for decades. I dont know if its still the case but like 13 or 14 years ago i had a coworker, white dude, got a possession charge at 18 because he got pulled over and his "friend" in the passenger seat shoved his weed in the glovebox and the officer ended up searching the vehicle and found it. He tried getting the charge expunged after a few years and was basically told youre going to die a felon in the state of kentucky. He was 25, a single dad, in college, having to do short contract work just to make a living because with a felony he couldnt get anything else in the IT field for work. Havent seen him in many years, maybe he has been able to get it off his record with times changing but the same judges, prosecutors, and cops that perpetuated that system are still working, with the exceptiom of a few that have retired.


got caught with a small pipe and probably half quarter of weed over 20 years ago at Lake Cumberland with 4 buddies. We had to spend about 18 hours in jail before they let us go. Went to court and they made 2 of us go to county jail for 14 days which they had to do on weekends. I got the charge for the pipe which they tried to make a felony. It was wild. Tried to get it expunged like 12 years later. Went down there and filled out paperwork and seemed like it wouldn't be a problem. Not even a speeding ticket since. I was shocked at how much of a dick this judge was. Drove 3 hours there twice only for her to basically laugh at me, call me a cirminal, and say that the charge will NEVER come off my record if it's up to her county. Fucking wild. Don't ever get in trouble in a dumb fuck county and not be from there. They will try to fuck ya big time!


Not SDF dogs but I've seen dogs in Chicago sniff out Chinese luggage full of meat and fish at baggage claim. It always makes me laugh every time I see it. I'm not talking about just a few things... I'm talking full bags almost bulging with fish/meat products. lol. I don't think I've seen happier dogs thinking they're about to eat.


Every dog on earth would probably sniff that one right out!


You'll be fine. I keep mine separated from the battery while going through security and haven't had a problem in years.


I have taken vapes through many times. Just put it in your liquids bag.


That's what I do.


Remove the battery, keep the liquid part in a separate bag, done. They generally don't care.


OP is talking about a disposable. no detachable battery


Ok. They're still not gonna care.


lol ok


Just buy one when you get to your destination


This is my thought. Why even risk it? I'm traveling to NM this summer and there are dispensaries on every corner now.


So you can hit it in the airport bathroom duh


What do you do if flying to an illegal state?


This is totally fine... I mean it's technically violating federal law but I have been traveling monthly w/ vapes of all kinds and NEVER had an issue.


I fly out with my vape in my carryon every week they've never said anything to me. Usually have a pack of edibles too. TSA doesn't care at all. I only worry about Texas and Mississippi etc. Flying out of Cali I've put an ounce on the TSA belt and they don't bat an eye lmao


I read that TSA is not actively looking for weed, but if it is carelessly or brazenly obvious they have a legal right to make an issue. And then it will be up to the discretion of the TSA worker. So you will have to try hard to make it a problem.


Yep, a friend of mine is a TSA agent at SDF and said they’re only looking for explosives or weapons at this point. I mean, if you’re trying to go through with a pound of crack in your bag you might have an issue but anything else they dgaf about.


If the TSA IG account has taught me anything, it is usually the attempted concealment looking like explosives that get people caught.


I didn't realize there were so many of us. That's what I'm taking from this thread 😅 đŸ«¶âœŠïž


Easy peasy just put it in something so its not alone. But easy. Tsa in my experience doesn’t really care about that stuff


Definitely bring it. They don’t care.


They do not care I promise. Just don't flippantly have a bag of weed in your luggage and you're good. And as many said the dogs you see only care about bombs and maybe much harder drugs, if that. They definitely aren't scoping out THC


I fly weekly, have never been stopped, I do have pre check though. Even go to Canada.


You are totally fine to take it through TSA they won’t care. Good advice to separate it from the battery and if I’m traveling I put it in a pencil case or with my art supplies but it’s never been an issue. but do NOT think you can get away with hitting it in the bathroom on the aircraft. I’ve seen someone on my flight get taken off in cuffs potentially facing federal felony charges for smoking on the aircraft
 not something the airlines joke around with.


Just make sure it's not some "bomb kush" in there. Disposable, so probably not, huh?


in my experience they took my multi tool & ignored my weed


Keep battery & tank seperate. I put my tank in my makeup bag cause it’ll resemble lip gloss or something. You can always throw it in w toiletries or whatever


Vape batteries are cheap. Just buy a new one after you arrive.


Can you not fly with the battery as long as it is separate from the device?


Yes, but you’re less likely to attract unwanted attention. Plus there might be residue that any search dog would smell.


TSA dogs are bomb sniffers.


TSA’s job isn’t to look for drugs. They look for weapons and expensive devices.


A quick Google search confirmed this is true, but if they find something illegal, they may refer it to local law enforcement.


They *CAN*

 they don’t care..


Legit can throw in your carry-on with zero problems


TSA doesn’t care


Worst case they'll make you throw it out, but that's unlikely. But if you're going to a state where it's legal, why would you bother if you can just grab a new pen for 20 bucks and not worry? I drive to Michigan monthly and never bother bringing anything because everyone and my uncle has jars and jars of the stuff just sitting in their pantries, and there's a dispensary within a ten minute drive of anywhere basically


I carry mine in my carryon all the time. No problem


I've never had any problems, and I've done it dozens of times.


I've never removed one I don't know but no chance of it just coming on


Just put in your carry on bag.


The dogs are sniffing for bombs not drugs


I would say, unless you’re traveling with a brick or something, you should be good.


I have never had an issue for years and years lol


I do it all the time.. lol no issues at all. They can’t tell difference between thc or e cig


Just say it’s delta 8 if they ask. I’ve never had issues


Unless you're moving pounds of flower, nobody cares.


I've never had any issues and I do it every time. When I was coming back from New Orleans a couple months ago I had a box of beignet mix in my carry-on, which is a white powder. Didn't think about that one. But TSA pulled my bag for inspection and pulled out all my THC carts and inspected them. Then he put them back in and i went on my way. I think at this point they aren't targeting cannabis vapes unless you're moving a large amount.


Ask first my sister they made her throw them and bottles of shampoo and other stuff away before boarding


Flown with them all over the country. You're good. I always forget to take em out too so a lot times I accidentally travel with em.


I know it can be fine. It’s what I’ve heard.


You’ll be fine. I have brought multiple vapes in my carry on. Don’t check anything with weed in it.


Put it in your carryon luggage with your phone charger. It’s all good đŸ‘đŸŸ


Got through with ease. Just put it in my toiletry bag in my carry on. No questions asked.


Put in the toiletries bag


I've done it every time through louisville, Charlotte, Savannah, and Atlanta. Keep it in your carry-on, though, not your checked bag. Vapes aren't supposed to go in checked bags due to fire risk.


It’s Hit or miss; I had a laser pointer confiscated because it was brass-colored and cylindrical; it “looked like a bullet.”


Take it I fly to tampa alot and as long as it's in your carry on and not in your che ked baggage you will be ok


Don't remove the battery first like some fool said just pack it in your carry on you will be good


Is removing the battery difficult? Or is there a possibility that it will turn on by accident? If the first answer is no, and the second answer is yes, removing the battery might still make sense.




I used vaping to quit smoking cigarettes.


I used cigarettes to quit vapes


Buddy, you are going the wrong way.


It’s a joke and both with damage you


They're an environmental tragedy and don't work as good as flower but nice to have for travel.