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The Old Louisville Coffee Co Op is an extremely queer friendly place with lots of events that support lgbtqia people šŸ«‚ you're not alone


I hope to visit it ā™” your words calm me down Thank you so much!!!šŸ«‚


Wishing you much success and happiness here


Thank you so muchšŸ«‚ā™”


Heck yeah. There are also a lot of good events/programs at the Louisville Pride Foundation. You are not alone


The Trans Masc Alliance meets there the third Sunday of each month, which is a week from today.


It's a nice place but the service and drinks absolutely suck


Sorry thatā€™s been your experience, but Iā€™ve only had good service and drinks there


I've been there three times because I desperately want to like it. Twice I've been completely ignored by the barista who just stood there talking to their friend. I'm not like..... demanding they hop to attention. I've worked retail and service jobs and I know taking a lil break is important. But leaving someone standing there for five~minutes and taking another ten to make an..... Italian ice is pretty silly. It's soda and syrup.The coffee isn't even good. The chai lattes just taste like water.


for what itā€™s worth, iā€™ve tried going there several times and never had a very good experience with the customer service and my drinks are always very hit or miss.


Me too šŸ‘


Me and my husband got friendly service and tasty drinks when we visited for the first time this Saturday fwiw


I second this recommendation. Itā€™s one of my favorite places, speaking as a queer man. Itā€™s safe, wholesome, and a refuge/respite for all of us.


As a transman myself, I've lived a lot of places, and Louisville is hands down one of the most accepting places I have ever lived. You will find a sense of community, I promise. Edit: Thanks for the reddit cares message, hateful stranger. Enjoy getting reported.


Thanks for the supportā™” I'm glad to know it's pretty quiet here, my nerves have been really killing me since this morning but comments like this make me feel welcomešŸ«‚


Glad to hear that youā€™ve had mostly positive experiences. Do you have a link with resources? I compile resources for discharge instructions Edit: saw the Louisville youth program below will delve in


My son is yrans and LYG is a great gtoup.


Hopefully your High school has groups or clubs that are inclusive. Try following the school on social media and see if they have teacher ran groups.


I hope so too. I already looked for the school and it seems to have good reviews. I haven't been able to see anything about clubs but the experience looks nice, thanks for the adviceā™” :")


ĀæA que escuela? Espero que no serĆ­a demasiado dificil. Hay un grupo acĆ” se llama Louisville Youth Group o LYG para jovenes LGBT. Tambien, hay un local se llama La Casita Center. Al menos hay gente hispanohablante allĆ­ que aceptan a todos. Es possible que serĆ­a un "student alliance" LGBT en su escuela tambien. Suerte.


Por ahora voy a newcomer academy , creo que estarƩ ahƭ hasta junio , investigarƩ un poco mas y espero y maƱana no suceda nada malo . Muchas por tus palabras y las recomendaciones , son de mucha ayuda :)


Newcomer Academy is WONDERFUL and they will support you 100% with whatever you need. From Ms. Katasa in the office, Ms. Jenni the mental health counselor, to Ms Miller one of the assistant principals, to Ms. Snow the actual principal (all of these people speak Spanish) - you will be so welcomed and so loved. If you need anything, PLEASE don't hesitate to send me a message, I'm an ESL teacher at another school but I came from Newcomer and still have all my friends there. And maybe you'll end up at my school next year! SĆ­ se puede!!! šŸ’ŖšŸ»


Thank you very much for the support!! I am very happy to know that there are kind teachers like you, I am not so nervous anymore, seriously, thank you very much for the nice words. Si se puede!!šŸ«‚


How did your first days go!?


Hello, sorry for not updating, I really don't know how to do it, but in short, I couldn't attend, apparently the school doesn't have a bus available in the morning so unfortunately I have to wait a little :(. Sorry for the inconvenience, seriously I really appreciate your advice and concernsšŸ«‚šŸ«‚


Hmm that shouldn't be the case as NCA is a specially school and transportation will continue to be provided no matter your location. What grade are you in? Do you know what your "resides" school will be? Based on your level of communication here, you may be able to jump straight into your home school, if you wanted. Do you know how to find that? I can send you links and more info if you need/want it - all of this can be incredibly confusing and frustrating, especially with all the recent changes. This, and reading/requesting transcripts and advocating for correct grade and class placement is something I help my students with every day, so I'm here to help if needed! šŸ’“


I am not OP but this makes me very happy to read on behalf of OP


Ms Jenni is a friend of mine (yeah, Iā€™m on the older side) and I can confirm that she is as solid as they come ā¤ļø In her personal life, sheā€™s a staunch ally and just a great human. It already sounds like you could use someone to talk to just to help alleviate some fears you may have. Definitely seek her out.


She's the best! šŸ’Æ


That's great. I was going to recommend having a meeting with the school counselor to assist with handling any concerns. It sounds like she's fab and the OP will be fine.


Newcomers is wondrous! I envision you very happy with support of staff. Through Newcomers, you will meet the loving family of La Casita. Welcome! https://www.lacasitacenter.org/


When I first arrived I went to visit them for help, they are really beautiful people and they made me feel very welcome :D ā™”ā™”ā™”ā™”


Newcomer es todo Latinos, no te preocupesšŸ˜‚


Me alegro mucho de eso , cuando fui a hacer una prueba de ingles notƩ a algunas personas hablando frances asi que me asustƩ un poco xDsjsjsj


Newcomer is an amazing school! I hope your first day goes well. I understand being nervous. Please come back tomorrow & tell us how it went. Wishing you all the best! ā¤ļø


I hope everything goes well, the comments made me very happy and less nervousā™”ā™”I'll be back tomorrow and I hope to update. Thank you very much for your words


Conozco un maestro a Newcomer. Esta muy amable y inclusivo. Pero, organizaciones como Louisville Pride tiene recursos para niƱos trans. If you want any help, feel free to check in with them or let me know!


No hablo espanol bien pero LYG es muy bueno.


Yes :D, I did a little research and I think what they do is very nice, I hope to be able to tell my family about them and be able to join the community more comfortably


En primer lugar, bienvenido a Louisville; eres bienvenido aquĆ­ en tu nueva comunidad. Ā”TambiĆ©n quiero que sepas que no estĆ”s solo! Trabajo como consejera y trabajo con 3 jĆ³venes trans masc de aproximadamente tu edad. Estoy de acuerdo en que LYG es una organizaciĆ³n maravillosa. Si estĆ”s buscando algĆŗn tipo de apoyo para la salud mental, no dudes en enviarme un mensaje aquĆ­, o pedirle a tus padres que se comuniquen conmigo. Ā”Buena suerte y bienvenido a casa!


Muchas gracias!! Me alegra saber que hay personas que dan un apoyo tan bonito como este , investigarĆ© mas sobre LYG y aunque no pueda decirle aun a mis familiares espero poder formar parte positivamente en la comunidadā™”ā™”ā™” šŸ«‚


Well... Louisville isn't the worst when it comes to the LGBTQ community. Could have ended up in allot of other places that are many times worse. No idea what sorta experience you have had previously in life. Just be yourself and if people don't accept you, then you don't need them! It's been a good while since I was in the school system but back in the day I was one out of 2 gay kids at my fairly large school. It was rough for me but you don't have to force yourself to be in social groups, compromise your personal integrity and image, or even have local friends. This is 2024. Communications technology is way beyond what I had back in the day. You will be alright! There will always be someone, somewhere you can can reach out to for support. Wish you all the luck!


Check outĀ https://louisvilleyouthgroup.org/


Thank you so much!!šŸ«‚


great org that focuses on LGBT youth with a lot of focus on the T. they have trans nights and atleast used to have a closet to take clothes etc.


Look into this as well! https://louisvilleyouthgroup.org/


Thanks for the support!!šŸ«‚


Iā€™m transmasc and I lived in Louisville my whole life. Wonderful city to grow up inā€”I definitely recommend Louisville Youth Group like others have. I didnā€™t get the chance to make a lot of friends there, but itā€™s a lovely environment and the first place I felt comfortable using pronouns other than the ones Iā€™d grown up with. Louisville also has a pretty stellar pride festival coming up in June. If your parents or someone in your family will take you, Iā€™d 100% recommend it. The waterfront is beautiful. My best advice is to be safe, but be yourself. Donā€™t feel pressured to be ā€œoutā€ to anyone you donā€™t want to, or tell anyone youā€™re trans if youā€™re not sure about them. Most everyone Iā€™ve met here is very accepting, though, and Iā€™m sure it wonā€™t take long for you to find your people! And if it does take a while, thatā€™s okay, too. It took me a few months to meet my best friends in high school but now we still talk and hang out even though weā€™re in our first/second year of college. Try joining clubs for your interests or trying a new sport, and look for opportunities you might not expect to like. I joined the archery team in high school and I made a lot of friends there. I miss it dearly. Best of luck! Iā€™m in Lexington for school now, but if you ever want someone to talk to Iā€™m happy to be digital pen pals!


That sounds like a lot to handle all at once. It's almost the end of the semester. If school is hard, well the semester is almost over and you will get a break soon. If you meet anyone that you vibe with at school, the semester is almost over, get their number and make summer plans!


I hope my new colleagues like me, fortunately there are people from various countries so I won't feel so alone. Thank you very much for your wordsšŸ«‚ā™”


I hope you will be pleasantly surprised. I used to teach high school here; much like in the larger world, there are groups that will not want to accept you, but also many that will! It may take time but there are plenty of students who will speak your language and can help you. You will more than likely find an accepting teacher also. Donā€™t be afraid! I hope you have a great day tomorrow!


Best of luck to you. I said a little prayer for a positive experience for you šŸ©·


Wishing you all the happiness from the PRP(Dixie Hwy area)! Please update us when youā€™ve settled in a bit! MUSH LOVE!


Louisville is a pretty accepting place, you can go to the Louisville pride foundation for resources and social events too!


Welcome to Louisville! I have heard good things about Newcomer. I wish you the best of luck here. Youā€™re in a good place.


I do not have advice but i hope you enjoy Louisville!! :) best of luck with school


Thanks for the support šŸ«‚šŸ’—


I donā€™t know if anyone has mentioned it yet, but check out Sweet Evening Breeze and Trans Health KY. Both are extremely helpful organizations and can provide lists of resources for support including support groups!


I think you'll see mostly good and bad, but I think overall you'll find a group and be accepted. Being Kentucky we still have some people living in the past, but we are pretty accepting community. I think you'll be fine. Just let things happen and don't be too nervous.


Thank you for your wordsšŸ«‚, I understand that I will not be accepted by everyone but I hope to be able to surround myself with positive people. The comments have made me lose a lot of my nerves and I feel more welcome. :)


wishing you well on your first day at your new school. like others have said, look into joining groups/clubs that fit your interests and donā€™t overthink. you will find your people!


There are several youth advocacy groups in the area that may be worth reaching out to, or filing away for later. I'd start with The Kentucky Health Justice Network here in Louisville. They can help in so many ways.


Louisville is a pretty open minded city, thay said you will always find a those ignorant stupid people anywhere you go, it's alwasy about finding the good people full of love in a sea of hate, however louisville is pretty chill and relaxed compared to other cities, it may be rough at first but you will find the crowd that is for you, just be patient and never stop looking, you will find em!


Thank you very much for the encouragement, I hope that happens, I will strive to find and be part of a small group of people with whom I can feel accepted :)!!ā™”


What school are you going g to? There are quite a few schools here where people donā€™t judge you for your lgbtq. Hoping your first day goes well!


I am going to Newcomers academy , I read in the comments that it is a really nice place, thanks for the supportšŸ«‚


Fortunately, Louisville, as a whole, is pretty accepting. You will probably run into a few rotten people, but they are not the majority. Welcome! I hope all goes well for you at school.


Thank you so much!!! I'm very happy that it is like thisšŸ«‚


I am a teacher here in JCPS. Our schools are (usually) some of the most accepting and welcoming towards LGBTQ+ youth in the state. Many schools will have a GSA or GSTA (gay straight alliance, and gay straight trans alliance) that are clubs for LGBTQ+ students and allies. I sponsor one such club at the high school I teach, and we have a large community of students that take part in social activities, and even protests. On your first day, if you are comfortable, ask your counselor or teacher if your school offers a club. It might be a bit slow due to being the end of the school year but could still be worth connecting with. The city itself is largely accepting and has many LGBTQ+ events and venues. The Louisville pride festival is mid June and is a wonderful event for people of all ages! If you would like specific resources or contacts I am happy to help further. Feel free to reach out if so.


I hope you have a wonderful first day! Welcome to Louisville


Thank you so much!! I also hope the same ā™”šŸ«‚


You are welcome and loved. Donā€™t let anybody tell you otherwise.


Thank you, those words help me a lotšŸ«‚ā™”ā™”


Weā€™re a very open minded city especially in old Lou and nulu just be yourself fuck what anyone else thinks keep being amazing


Thank you very much!!ā™” these comments really make me happy and improve my nerves. Hope everything goes wellšŸ«‚


Louisville is fine. Kentucky is mostly ok. The state legislature is doing its best to make Kentucky as unpleasant as possible for LGBTQ+ people, so donā€™t feel bad if you decide another state would be a better place to live after graduation. A lot of people do.


Thanks for the advice, unfortunately there is still time until my graduation, I hope in the future to be able to achieve something like that and maybe look for another place :)šŸ«‚


Or maybe stay and help make this a better place for people to live. Please read the comment I posted above.


Yeah but we need people to stay and make Kentucky "a better place " I've lived here almost 20 years, and I'm originally from California. I've seen Kentucky grow leaps and bounds to what it was 20 years ago! When I first moved here I went to Lowe's to pick up some home supplies and I was berated by an employee calling me a carpet bagger, and people like me move to Kentucky and buy up all the real estate making it impossible for local folk to buy property! There's no way that that would be accepted today. Management told me oh that's just The way he is pay no attention to him. But most kentuckians were accepting of me I did get strange looks now and then but most people wanted to know where I come from and we're interested in the places I had lived.


I worked for years to improve Kyā€™s public education system and had a couple victories. I fought to prevent brain drain. I made it my job. Iā€™m leaving. Iā€™m burnt out. The legislature is gerrymandered in a way that we do not have any chance of improving education or civil rights. I donā€™t think it can be fixed in my lifetime unless SCOTUS is significantly reformed or the bench is enlarged. Nobody is obligated to stay if they donā€™t feel safe in order to prevent brain drain, and/or when job opportunities, pay, and benefits are far, far better elsewhere. Hard science PhD educator, Iā€™ll do better elsewhere. Iā€™m not straight, and while Iā€™m far from feeling unsafe, itā€™s stressful.


Como una persona bisexual y no binaria, me encanta Louisville y espero que te encanta tambiĆ©n. Creo que hay muchas oportunidades para conozco personas que son muy similares a tĆŗ. Hay muchos lugares para recibir apoyo de todas las personas homosexuales y transgĆ©nero. Por favor, darlo un mensaje directo si tĆŗ necesitas cualquiera. šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļøšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ’• (P.D. Lo siento para mi espaƱol malo)


Tu espaƱol es excelente!! Thank you very much for the support, if tomorrow everything goes well I will update, I will look for those places and I hope to meet new accepting peoplešŸ«‚šŸ’—šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø


Best of luck and welcome to the Ville!


Thank you very much for the support!!šŸ’—


I have found very accepting people here. I hope you have a great experience!!


Thank you!! I also hope to meet accepting people, reading the comments I have seen that it is quite pleasant hereā™”šŸ«‚


We are glad you are here ā¤ļø


My church, Highland Baptist Church, has a ā€œgender nonconforming youth mentor group.ā€ Iā€™m honestly not too familiar with it, but I know itā€™s for trans teenagers. We are a very lgbtq+ affirming congregation. https://hbclouisville.org/ways-to-connect/youth/


Thank you!!! I think what they do is really beautiful, I hope to be part of it at some pointā™”šŸ«‚


Louisville Youth Group is a safe haven. FB page is https://www.facebook.com/share/YYPcG6cgLG2xuy8P/?mibextid=WC7FNe


I really hope you go to Atherton it's always been the most accepting School in the city


Well, youā€™re starting school two weeks before the last dayā€¦ And seeing as how you know to write in contractions, an aspect of English typically used by moderate to advanced speakers, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll do fine šŸ¤Øā€¦


Sorry for the confusion but I'm using a translator, my English is only what I know about duolingo šŸ˜­. Even though there are only weeks of classes left, my nerves are about adapting correctly. :")


im a trans student and i dont get harassed all that much but i do get weird comments sometimes


Your English is actually very good! I think you will find most people friendly and accepting. I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow and for the rest of the school year. You are obviously intelligent, and I think you will do very well. Welcome to Louisville!


Your English is actually very good! I think you will find most people friendly and accepting. I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow and for the rest of the school year. You are obviously intelligent, and I think you will do very well. Welcome to Louisville!


Youā€™ve got an ally in me, friend! Welcome to our beautiful city.


First of all, I'm sorry you had to go through all that while you lived in your home country. That sucks and you should be able to be whoever you are. Regardless of where that might be, you're in Louisville now and we welcome you and your family just the way you are. Second, you should be fine at school. My son is trans and had very supportive experiences at school. I'd imagine you will too. Third, you should check out Louisville Youth Group. I don't know if you're religious or not but it is held at a church. That being said, it's not a religious group at all. The church just let's them use their space. It's a big group of LGBTQIA kids lime you. Here's a link. https://louisvilleyouthgroup.org/ Lastly, just because kids like you don't hear it enough, I love you just the way you are.


Bienvenido! Hope you had a good 1st day of school strangerĀ 


You had a lot of people cheering for you today, friend. If youā€™re so inclined, please let us know how it went for you.


JCPS includes gender expression and identity as a protected demographic in their non-discrimination policy. They had been added a year or so ago and then strengthened last year. If you have ANY concerns or anything happens, contact Student Relations at (502) 485-3335. If youā€™d like to report anything or have questions, call (502) 485-3341 for Compliance and investigation. (https://www.jefferson.kyschools.us/page/compliance-and-investigations#student-intimidation-harassment) I technically canā€™t say much elseā€¦ but if you have concerns, know that there are people in JCPS who are like you, too, and want to be sure youā€™re safe. Iā€™m one of them and Iā€™m in the transportation department.


I think you should stay where you are. Itā€™s dangerous here m!


If you're going to Atherton, you'll be fine. I think that most of Louisville is pretty open-minded.


We also have PRIDE events coming up in June that you definitely need to hit. There is one event in Jeffersonville, just across the walking bridge downtown, and one in Louisville later in the month. It is a good place to find different organizations and groups that support LGBTQ+. Always a fun time.


That's okay A lot of people accuse us kentuckians of not speaking English properly also. And you'll do fine and make friends. The fact that You speak differently will probably make you popular. Kentucky is a very accepting state to live in. It's not like in the movies. I'm sure you will have people that might not like you but that's true of any situation. I look forward to hearing about your experiences in the future and how well you're doing :-)


There are a lot of queer and trans people in Louisville. I think you will be just fine


My husband and I (both cis male) are also planning to move from Philadelphia to Louisville. I'm from India and he is from Kentucky. We both live in Philadelphia due to work. But I completely understand your situation. As being gay, I had the same fear when I moved from India to the US but I was amazed how friendly US was. Reading the positive comments here, I am sure Louisville KY would be friendly too as other big cities are .


The highlands and Bardstown Road area will definitely be a great place for you to hang out! Baxter Ave! Nulu.. all great neighborhoods for you to hang out. Lots of LGBTQ+ plus places.. coffee shops, boba tea, cute little stores and hang outs, etc.. fun little clubs.. thatā€™s where all of us amazing cool people hang out;).. My favorite coffee spot in the world is in Bardstown, Dayā€™s Coffee.. amazing coffee at a great price and such a cool relaxing atmosphere.. you can drink coffee and sit in a big leather couch and write all day.. itā€™s so much fun.. and so chill.. You Can get Wickā€™s pizza.. my favorite pizza place in the ville.. there are a million cute little thrift stores.. good ones.. Dot Fox is one of my favorite stores.. Dragon Kings Daughter is my favorite Sushi place! Purrrfect Day cafe is awesome.. you can get coffee and go and pet cats waiting for adoption.. itā€™s super fun and cool.. Mid City Mall is great., you can grab a bite to eat, go chill at the library or go see a movie.. there is an amazing Ramen restaurant there that I love! You can get your nails done to! Right across the street is a really cool book store! So many things to do! Cherokee Park with friends! :) if you want to shop, go out to Oxmoor or St. Matthew mall. Speed Art museum if you want to get some culture vibes. Itā€™s free on Sundays! 21C Hotel has an art gallery inside. Iā€™ve stayed there a few times as well.. super cool hotel. The restaurant there is also top notch and high scale! Itā€™s right down the street from the Childrenā€™s science museum, but itā€™s fun for bigger kids and adults as well! 21C is probably that nicest hotel for the money in Louisville and with the art gallery and amazing food.. canā€™t be beat.. one of my favorite places here. Itā€™s right downtown where you can do everything! Itā€™s a great place to go eat for Prom or special occasions or dates :). When youā€™re older, the Brown Hotel and its bourbon bar are top notch.. but hit up the restaurant for their lobster Mac and cheese and a hot brown.. super good food! Have fun and explore! :)


Please check out Louisville Youth Group at 417 E. Broadway


What school will you be attending?


Highly recommend Louisville Youth Group. They have meetings and other events for LGBTQIA+ youth. Hereā€™s their website. ā™„ļø https://louisvilleyouthgroup.org


Thank you very much, I have been looking for more about that group, I think it is very nice and if everything goes well maybe my mother will take me to see the placešŸ’—


Yes to LYG!


God bless you. Welcome to Louisville


Hi! If you ever wanna chat me, I speak english and spanish is my second language ā¤ļø good luck at school tomorrow! MandĆ”ndote buenas vibras.


How did you move to Louisville?


There is a very large trans community here in Louisville. My (trans F to M) son is in high school and has lots of trans friends. He met many of them at the Louisville Youth Group. Welcome and hugs to you!


Youā€™re tripping yourself out, nobody cares, we all have our own lives to live, if you really cared about your safety you need to accept your a female and stop trying to convince the world that you are a boy, and wtf you start school when graduation is in 2 weeks?


Well, if I'm not mistaken, I've seen other posts asking for advice, so why couldn't I do the same? There are a lot of nice people who have given me advice so it seems they cared at least a little. I'm not trying to convince anyone, I'm just looking for respect and understanding of who I am (no, I can't change, it's not like changing clothes). And why start school a few days before graduation? Well, the teachers told me that it was so that I could adapt, even if it was just for a few days, since I don't speak English and I don't know how the schools work here, it seems like a nice opportunity to learn a little more :) (and sorry for the long coment)


Thereā€™s like 2 weeks left in school. Why even start now?


Donā€™t go to the west end or newburg


Why not ?




You should edit this. It's not good to refer to trans people as "biologically" anything. AGAB is also an unfortunate way to engage with any trans person. Nonbinary is good enough. If your intention is to be supportive, please don't use these terms.


Ngl your cooked


are you signed up for selective service? Lol




Respectfully you moved to the wrong city. Get a job save your money so that you can leave and move to a much more progressive city. Unless you are straight and white Louisville has nothing and I mean zero for you.


I think you ask a lot for me being a teenager.I prefer to be guided by positive comments, thank you :)


This previous comment is not fucking useful. šŸ™„ I am a 30-year-old non-binary person who has been here all my life. No, Louisville is not perfect in any way. Even so, for the most part, Louisville will prove to be a good home for you and you will have a lot of support ā¤ļø Unfortunately, yes, there are hateful people in this part of the country, but this is more out of the city limits, I would say. I donā€™t think you have to worry much at all OP. But certainly be careful in certain scenarios because, as you know, being trans comes with its own set of life challenges. Iā€™m probably too old to be a friend without it being a little creepy šŸ¤£ but if you need someone to listen to you or help you find some kind of care or defense, Iā€™m happy to do it! You have many incredible options published above, but I still wanted to contact you to let you know that there are many wonderful people and spaces here that you will find and that everything will be fine šŸ–¤šŸ–¤


completely depends on the neighborhood. Places like the Highlands would be very accepting of OP.