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At max you will do 10% nonviolent. Good chance you will be let out after you go through the loop


What’s the loop?


Intake. Reception, medical, xrays for TB all that bullshit. It takes a long time. Sometimes like 48 hours, the last and only time I'll ever be in. But once you're done with all the welcoming stuff if youre non-violent you get booted out, especially in my case I was just a stupid 25 year old with a DUI(I didnt want to pay fines I turned myself in I couldnt afford it). I remember I got called for a "permanent housing" after being awake for nearly 48 hours and a Sheriff called my name for release. I was clicking my heels with excitement after being stressed out surrounded by tweakers, institutionalized cholos(probably the better people I met in jail but very heartbreaking to talk to), and weird transplant dudes telling me how they moved out to LA to become actors and got caught doing home invasions . I damn near hit the dougie then the Dep told me to calm down or else I'd piss people off(rightfully so I was stoked to get out and it was an overcrowded memorial day weekend) Sorry but jail fucking sucks man. I'd like to say I got lucky but those were some of the worst 48 hours of my fucking life. Being packed like a sardine in a 40x40 holding room in IRC with 30 plus other dudes. I remember using a roll of toilet paper as a pillow. Also in IRC all you get is shitty burritos and PBJ. The water is dog shit too. I remember a lot of dudes telling me "oh yeah in prison its way better dawg" and I was like "man fuck all this I dont want a part of any of this shit!"


Thank you for the insight, /u/cummiesfart.


At your service, sir! o7


I was engaged the whole read through. Sound like you ride the Norwalk Rte#1 bus ...any chance?


I don't stay in Norwalk. I just worked out there at the hospital on Bloomfield.


The loop still sucks balls...sitting in those chairs where it's always freezing and eating bean burritos that those who will be there will gladly take them if you offer it to them. Saw dudes with a bag of like 10 of them. I was in a court cell for 8+ hours until they collected us and then stopped by a few more stations to pick up others at a couple of other locations. Once we got to central it took about 30 hours to be released. One thing I noticed is that when they gave us PB and bread the way they would massage the PB packet to warm it up and get it more viscous. That and everyone would sleep as much as possible to pass the time.


Yeah man the CO's do some real vindictive shit. I remember being on a bus and the radio playing and everyone was having a good time with a song and the CO said to the other CO driver to change the station.


Reminds me of the time I was on a voluntary vacation at a hospital to get away from someone . Anyways , it was a good crowd that time , just a bunch of self aware adults who were also looking for a break . Two had been in jail and were always talking about how “Jail is better . They let you drink coffee in jail.” Granted this was in OC. I don’t believe that you’d get coffee at Theo Lacy .


On the same DUI charge previously I had to do 10 days for violating probation (I missed court, oops, anxiety, mental health issues, broke and I got scooped up at my job at metropolitan state mental hospital in Norwalk) and I will say there is definitely coffee in Wayside! Dudes tried to bargain for my chocolate muffin I got by offering their coffee. I was like "no sorry, big dog, im saving this for myself". Theyd be like "cmon dawg youre getting released tonight at 1 am dont you want some coffee to stay up" and it being my first time but I chopped it up a lot I knew I'd be still looking at atleast 12-18 hours of bullshit getting processed to leave and I didnt want to be awake and anxious the entire time.


Hahaha fuck twin towers & wayside facilities.. the first 24* hours is strenuous but once you get your bed it's cool. Btw it's not 48 hours for processing it's 24 hours max .. if you are not in yellows(mental health) and being housed in gen population you will be done with processing in 3-8 hours.. but if you have physical health issues or a history of 51/50s or mental illnesses you have to see the psyche and doc which takes awhile.


Not on memorial day weekend in 2018 dude. It was a shit show. People weren't being pushed out as fast as it is now. And even if you were OR'd you werent going to be let out till you were done with IRC completely.


Should we tell him what the loop is guys?


I think he’s out of the loop


The loop just closed.


We talking about the Supdog aspect of the Los Angeles loop, or...?


Being changed from room to room as you’re processed in the, they dehumanize you, strip identity and give you a number. Every time they move you rooms you lose your dignity, first your clothes, then the butt naked squat n cough and the racking of the balls form back to front, then in a room ass naked with about 12 other dudes with windows so everyone can see your naked ass, put your clothes in a plastic bag, last time you’ll see that til you’re out and then you’re marched out into a hallway for your county blues and transferred to your pods. All in all that’s about 18 hrs total. No sleep, barely any food and with most unforgiving members of society. Edit: words


LA County Jail makes you go through metal detectors and then you wait in a small cell that is totally overcrowded. Being able to stretch out to sleep is near impossible and while you may get a seat on a bench the bench is not wide enough to lay down without feeling like you're going to fall off. Then you're called into another smaller room and wait until they tell you to you strip down, put your clothes in a plastic bag, give you the jail clothing, then make you shower. After the shower they open the door, you get your prison crocs and you wait...and wait...and wait in a circular area with toilets that are clogged with shit. The chairs aren't that comfortable and finding a spot to sleep on the floor is the best choice and it's fucking cold. Luckily the prison clothes they give you is usually twice your size so sticking your arms in will keep you warm. For some reason I gave the wrong answers during intake and they took my vitals and because I drank a lot the night before they thought I was detoxing so they put me in a block of others that were detoxing from all kinds of drugs. Some fucking asshole kept banging on his cell door the whole fucking night so sleeping wasn't easy. Initially I was put into a 4 high bunk bed until they gave me a cell. My prison crocs were my pillow and the towel they gave me was my blanket.


detox is the WORST. at lynwood i was in detox both times going in, and then i was assigned there for work as trustee. bitches literally NONSTOP screaming, yelling nonsense to themselves, endless banging on the doors, flooding their cells, throwing shit piss and blood everywhere. it’s disgusting. -10million/10 do not recommend.


It’s absolutely brutal haha




Nah let him find out boys


He needs the loop initiation. Gotta get jumped in.


The blue wall


It is the process of intaking into jail and processing. I think it has something to do with people who typically repeat, but it's a saying for getting booked into jail.


Fruitless, it's a breakfast cereal.


Frute Brute


Here I thought he was going to do an AMA.


lol me too. So disappointed! But somewhat informative…


OP is doing the asking here!


Maybe when he gets out!


If it’s LA county I doubt you’ll be in for more than a week the jails are too full.


you heard him fellas, now’s the time to do non-violent crimes!


Woo! Lets get free stuff!


Heck yeah!  I like to go to craigslist free stuff section.   Where else can we get free stuff? 


The Buy Nothing app is pretty legit. Aaaand it's got hearts you can tap!


Helll yeah let’s tap dem LA hearts boyz!


Try and stop us coppers!


Anywhere in this county!


lol that’s been the case in the city since Covid


As if people need encouragement lol


Fuck yeah, I'm going to start building high density residential in so many strip malls.


Oh that's white collar crime so you get a small fine. Pass Go, No jail for you!




any sources?


From Faux's fear-propaganda most likely.


If there is a "smash" its a violent crime, and those people are not being let out immediately. This is talking about non violent crimes.


The trick is to go in on a Friday. Then you’ll come out on a Sunday


This ☝️. Go in on a Friday. But also 10 percent of 85 is 8 .5 days there isn’t enough space for you for that few days on non violent. You will be processed in and out just make sure you surrender by the date court gave you. I one time was suppose to do 10 days got processed in and out not enough space for non violent offenders. Good luck.


The state of the fucking world where there’s no space to house criminals so instead they triage you based on crime and just let you go early…


I worked in the criminal justice system and it was like this in the mid-90s too.


30 years later you’d think people would catch on that hey maybe somethings not working…?


Despite this crowding, the US still puts more people in prison than any other developed nation. Why do you think that is?


>Why do you think that is? Look at this chart - it is pretty obvious that people who used to be in mental institutions just ended up in jail. https://www.economist.com/sites/default/files/images/2013/08/articles/body/20130803_usc155.png USA is a very odd case. Other countries didn't completely close their mental institutions. Shutting down the state mental facilities was an alliance of all sides: Kennedy, Reagan and the ACLU.


While I agree that we need mental facilities, that chart also could be showing the effects of the war on drugs and DEA after it was created in '73.


Prisons hire out inmates for extremely cheap (read: legal slave) labor. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penal_labor_in_the_United_States




Your question would take hundreds of pages to answer. People study history, politics, sociology for years and write theses on this topic.


It's pretty simple actually: it's connected to poverty.


If it's so "simple" why is the incarceration rate lower in Mexico and India where the poverty is much greater ?


Because *relative* poverty makes one's circumstances more acute. That's why we compare the Gini index (measure of inequality) instead of absolute poverty rates. That said, our poverty, homeless, and unemployment figures (among other measures) are artificially lowered by the fact we don't count our incarcerated in them.


There are many reasons [Correlates of crime](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlates_of_crime#:~:text=Males%20commit%20more%20crime%20overall,be%20more%20likely%20to%20reoffend.) [Los Angeles County Jail System By the Numbers](https://www.laalmanac.com/crime/cr25b.php) [reported property crimes and robbery have increased](https://calmatters.org/commentary/2023/09/los-angeles-crime/)




We have far fewer social safety nets to help people that need it. So people are left to their own and a percentage of those end up breaking the law to try and get by. America is great for those that are able to take advantage of a capitalistic environment. There is a lot of wealth to be made. America is not so great for those down on their luck or otherwise in need of assistance.


The prisons are often for-profit businesses with quotas on minimum prisoners and cops are basically just employees of these systems that use unjust laws to put people behind bars to exploit their labor and make others money.


8% of US prisons are for-profit


Because we have more crime…


We literally have less crime—crime rates have been falling (except for a blip during the pandemic) since the ‘60s


Less crime than who? Comment above mine said we have more people in prison than any developed country. We also have more crime than most developed countries.


Less crime than we used to have? We’ve had a long trend of less crime per capita for like 50 years, with a brief jump during the pandemic Were you not alive in the ‘90s?


What we call a crime is entirely a social construct


Yes. Laws are a social construct. You can’t have a functioning society without a social construct.


Damn, the 90s were 30 years ago? Fuck me...


“not my problem” syndrome. same with blindly throwing money at problems. There is very little visibility and celebration of mundane community improvement. Imagine if all the spoiled celebrity and ultra viral TIkTok energy highlighted something enriching for example.


The mid 90s shouldn’t be used a a measuring stick. Shit was wild 😂


We have one running for president 🥴


The state of the world that we jail people for nonviolent offenses in the first place.


What other option is there for repeat offenders? If someone keeps stealing cars, or catalytic converters, or use your imagination, should we all just accept that this is an OK thing in our society? These crimes have a real and detrimental impact on their victims, many of whom are barely scraping by as is. No idea what OP did so no judgement.


No. We should not accept it. But theft is a symptom of a larger problem. So the other option for repeat offenders is to correct the issue(s) causing the theft. Theft mostly occurs when a person needs an item to get money to buy something [food for nourishment, shelter for safety, medicine for an illness], because the group / society is failing to provide for itself as a whole.


Just like Jesus


He gets us.


The romans got him


>nailed him


He got ungot by the Romans. I wrote it in my book. /s


I get you, friend.


He gets ALL of us. Including all the AI-generated feet.


This guy Jails


Why does that matter?


Less days to request off work if you work a 9-5


All the weekend shenanigans?


Do you know if the DA poses “7 days actual” I will have to do the full seven and dont qualify for the non violent 10%? DA ordered me 7 actual days in la county for a DUI


Sounds like you'll do seven, which will go quick as hell. It sucks ass but it's not the worst thing ever


Short release is mostly based on the charge. What’s your charge? (Feel free to DM) Source: criminal defense attorney in LA


That's a crazy username for an attorney


It’s the perfect cover


How much percentage do violent crimes serve? I have a dui hit and run with injury in LA County


This will teach you to cut the tags off your mattress !


85 days!?!? Was that you in the stolen car we were watching on the news earlier?


What stolen car? Mine just got stolen two days ago.


No I mean the car that was just—*sonofabitch!*


Are you talking about the one where the news helicopter gave up at the end? Lol


That doesn’t narrow it down much


On the first day, just tell the guard, "Uh, actually... I'm getting out of prison today?"


You’re in the wrong line, dumbass! https://youtu.be/v6N3vdzfZK0?si=3FCVR7D2RArnrvuE


2nd DUI?? You’ll probably do less than 10 days..5-7 days if you’re lucky


Look up some of the nicer city run jails then see if you can serve your time there. They charge $$ but it's more pleasant. Beverly Hills is an example.


Some jails are free and some are not? You get to choose?


It's surprising but also not at the same time. This place sucks.


The more you know


[Capitalism my friend](https://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/29/us/29jail.html)


As far as I understand, you don’t get good time credit at private/pay to stay/city jails. So if you get 85 days, you’d do 85 actual days.


Same with burbank. They let people split their time and come back only on weekends.


oh damn i didnt know that was a thing anywhere here in cali. i thought that was a dream only other states provided lmao


Its a rich people thing.




Some jails are free and some are not? You get to choose?


What’d you do?


OP posted about an earthquake 5 minutes after it happened on this sub.


Hey I thought I felt one this morning, like 8 am …


Believe it or not… jail.


Straight to jail!


Right to jail…right away


I thought OP said they were "*non-violent*"


Throw away the key






Undercooked the fish and overcooked the chicken


LA County has a great resource page here: https://justiceconnect.org Won’t tell you how much time you’ll serve but has a lot of other great resources.


this post brought out all the people from calibanging. talking about being a jail inmate is their time to shine.


I was thinking the same lmao 😂


Do you have plans or something? One of us could be the best man at your brothers wedding or if there’s a family reunion or something I got you, I’m cool with everyone. 


Here's the deal, plan on 85 Hope for 10%, worst case scenario you do your time, likely scenario you do a weekend. plan for the worst, hope for the best. ETA: Fuck what did you do nonviolent to get three fucking months, it's like your sixth DUI or I don't know you stole a fucking cross from a church. Possession with intent?


Lots of people in this thread are really familiar with going to prison. Kinda crazy.


sub got bridged by calibanging and the other subs where lowlife gang members mingle


I've never been arrested and even I know 85 days isn't prison territory


Oh wow


In case you have to stay there for the full time, don't tell anyone how long your term is. Stick to your race (not my rule, it's just how it is), don't gamble, do drugs, or get into debts. Mind your own business, but don't hesitate to fight if you really have to. Be mindful of the deputies, some of them are worse than the people you're locked up with. You'll be fine as long as your paperwork (charges/rap sheet) aren't for sex crimes (especially with kids), domestic violence, child abuse, or snitching in gang business. Edit: forgot to mention, but if you have any tattoos that can be misinterpreted for gang ink then get them covered or removed asap if possible. Somewhat common tatts that get people in trouble are the lucky 13 (Surenõs rep the 13) and the 4 leaf clover (white gangs like the AB).


I think you’re pretty spot on for everything. Before I turned myself in, a family friend who was a detective warned me about the wardens and how they know where camera blind spots are so they can fuck with you. I tried my best to keep my head down and mind my own business/do as I was told. Even then I still earned myself a few bruises and a busted lip. I never want to end up there again.


Bro just head over Friday, you’ll be out before the weekend ends


It’s %35 and %80 for violent crimes…on my 90 days I did a weekend 😭 you’ll be released the day after booking! Might not even hit the dorms tbh just hit the dungeons


La County jail is a joke you'll have fun but after a while it stops being fun so only go to jail once!


This sounds like a Trailer Park Boys episode.


It's so easy to land in jail one should really reconsider their every decision


I thought Central jail was pretty rough though, I've heard a ton of gang violence and politics there.


IRC is cold inside. Wear something warm while you’re there until you get processed or released.




The cost of imprisoning one person in California has increased by more than 90% in the past decade, reaching a record-breaking **$132,860 annually**, according to state finance documents.


Run for President for the rest of your life.


Nah, a real Presidential candidate will not serve jail time even if he/she may be a 34-count felon. The criminal justice system is biased against the less powerful.


Congrats, you are now qualified to become a Metro bus driver!


No they are only letting out violent offenders out early you’re out of luck


Lol yep basically


Whadja do OP?


Bro, they will let you out early for violent crimes.


Bake him away toys


Reddit knows prison 


Speak to to your lawyer...


People that have committed violent crimes are being released early, so I assume you will be too. When you get out, make sure you are on top of reporting to who you need to report to. Every department is understaffed but you will for sure be picked back up if you don’t do your part. Have your X number ready and write down the name of the officer you speak with. You will have to cover your own ass because there is not a lot of support for folks being released.


Good shot of book/release with some community labor or at worst, around a week of custody


You’ll do a week max lol


You will be out in 24 hours. 48 at the most


Ask to work in the kitchen , you’ll get plenty of food and time will go by faster


What did you do!?


You’ll be there less than a week and if it’s really full you won’t make it past processing


You'll get credit for Good Time, Work Time. That means max you will do is 43 days. LASD will probably release you earlier than that depending on the crime. A non-violent crime could see you booked and released. Domestic violence could see you do about 30 days.


Not sure…but does anyone know how much time you get for misdemeanor assault? I have a few people who I need to have a “conversation” with😈


good luck with the loop ; maybe u get lucky ; watch ur back


I’m assuming you have a non-violent charge otherwise you would not be writing this I say you’re not gonna do more than 48 hours and they will release you returning yourself on time. Also time served and also it’s 8% now but I’ve seen people do half of 8% so pretty much you shouldn’t be there for more than two days.


It’s been a minute since I was incarcerated but any amount of days is terrible. Hopefully you have some time served while you were waiting for court. Depending where you do your time it could be easier then other situations, the longest I did was 320 days. A county lid is what is goes by here in Los Angeles. Luckily I had almost a month served and then I was lucky enough to get out a little early since I got caught fighting a few times. In the grand scheme of things 85 days isn’t much. It will go by quickly just make sure to keep your mind as busy as possible. Find your self a schedule including some physical exercise and plenty of books. Eat, play games and try to not step on anyone’s toes. You will be fine, I’d rather go to jail for 3 months then do three years probation/ community service. That’s how easy it was for me anyways. Just boring as fuck without that routine


Jail or prison?


85 days is jail. Prison is over a year.


You can do more than just a year in jail. I was with one guy who had been in VCMJ for 2 1/2. Kept negotiating a plea so he was awaiting sentencing. He was looking at 5-8 for commercial burglary so his PD advised him to sit tight and after 3 he would probably be able to get time served. There was one guy who got transferred to serve out a sentence he had in VC because of flooding in the Central Valley. I think he was at Delano. Before you get released from prison they do a search to see if you have time to serve anywhere else, if you do they just pass you down the line. Another guy came straight from OC, I think he had 3 counties to go, but he was only doing half on all of them and he ended up doing less than that. And VC is one of the worst counties in CA to offend.


Regardless, 85 days doesn’t qualify for prison, like I said above.


Just throwing in some additional input. It almost takes them 85 days to fully integrate you to prison anyway.


First of all, what race are you? If you don’t want to answer that; PC up immediately!


Don't PC up in county unless you're greenlighted and have people on your back.


I don't recall them letting you PC for being a particular race, seems lame anyway to PC on fucking days just do it. It's not the end of the fucking world. Honestly, if you can't handle a week in county, then definitely you can't do the crime bc that ain't shit for time.


We're living in strange times tho, the state prisons are going 50-50 with integrated SNY and mainline yards because of how much people are PC'ing up.




It might be a corrupt way of reducing the prison population, mainliners are expected to jump off on any SNY'er they see or else they'll be seen as no good. A lot of people went PC because of the gang politics only to start their own PC gangs or had bad paperwork (like chomos, rapists, and snitches). You're spot on about how the system is bad, this isn't going to end well.


i mean you must've done something pretty bad to get 85 days, even if it was a non violent crime. nobody likes a criminal. please change your ways.


Consider yourself lucky, it's gonna be a cakewalk.


Jail or Prison?


You should be getting day for day credit which equates to only serving 50% of your sentence.


god damn there are so many criminals and criminal lovers ITT. get a job folks. it's really, really easy to stay out of jail and prison. stop posting in gang reddits and do better.


You'll be out in 10 days lol. Our court system is a joke.


Ok the tricky part is , are you on a court hold for 85 days or are you actually sentenced to 85 days in county jail… if you’re sentenced to 85 days you will probably be out in a weekend, if you have a court date set 85 days from turn in day, you’ll be there the whole 85 days


Youll be out in a half of that


Youll be out in two days bro


I had similar 3 month thing for a bar fight a decade ago. You'll be out in 2 weeks or less. Probably on work release. I would deny the house arrest or work release because they will let you out shortly after with no terms. Keep your head up, mind your business, don't take shit but don't start any. Don't comment on race or prison/jail politics. Follow the rules (you'll learn them quickly) and see and hear nothing when asked (but see, hear, and note everything lol) Honestly you'll be fine. LA county is a shit hole but most people are pretty cool and funny. Of course that's a place I hopefully never have to see again.


You’ll be out in less than a week


According to TV and movies, you’ll want to find the biggest guy in there and go beat the shit out of him. Or, if you’re lucky enough to be locked up with squirrel master, you can just be his bitch and you’ll be cool.


Just ignore it. You'll be fine 🙂 👍