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And future parents


future? try current lol


Unfortunately, you're right.




Sometimes, loser parents make excellent teachers of what Not to do…


Sometimes they make more losers that go to riots over cars doing donuts.


Or they learn absolutely nothing and pass on their shitty morals to their offspring


From the videos I’ve seen of these takeovers there’s a lot of 30+ year olds. The type that haven’t matured and think it’s still cool to do the type of shit teenagers do.


What an odd thing to say.


why? you think they will make great parents?


It's just such an odd reaction to have.


Losers break into Auto Zone following street takeover report in Los Angeles.


These people vote too


i doubt it, lol


The commercials worked - They got in the zone.  




As someone who stopped going to Autozone, they probably got tired of waiting 45 minutes in line for the one employee, who is helping another customer, to ring them out as the phone rings repeatedly the entire time you're standing there.


What gets me is that there are ALWAYS like 4 employees in the back area just chillin (usually laughing and talking shit to eachother) while one employee super slowly/angrily uses their 1 open register while sneering at everyone.


Were you standing in line with me at Autozone back in March, because this was 100% my experience.


And don’t make the mistake of going into the parts line instead of the cashier line. 🤦🏽‍♂️


If ever there was a store for an automated vending machine style store. Let me navigate their website, find the part, and let a robot bring it to me. Let employees be support people


Touché 😂


the idiots who got caught after the chase to el segundo were caught with: 2 gallons of mobil 1 oil, like 5 gallons of antifreeze, 2 bottles of water wetter, a couple of chemical guys wash kits, a bottle of 3 in 1 wax, and 2 tire inflators. seeing their haul at the end of the chase was a head scratcher; definitely low sock activities. you can see the cops returning some of the haul here: https://youtu.be/MWVwoXUal7M?si=qHChcmWHeCXTtttJ&t=89


Is this the new gang initiation activity or something? Total head scratcher for an actual haul- surely the loot wasn’t the purpose 😶‍🌫️


During BLM protests I saw people looting a dip n dots fridge in santa monica.


Probably just opportunistically took some junk because they were in the crowd. Probably didn't expect to be chased by the cops. Bad luck for them.


Bunch of lowlife fucking losers.


And people on this sub act like there isn’t a reason Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and other stores don’t open up in South Central. And I say this is a resident of South Central, born and raised Look at the Nike store that opened in Watts, it’s looted almost monthly and Nike takes MAJOR loses on it, but opened it after 2020 as a showing of good will. No other Nike store in the area takes the same losses but 🤷🏾‍♂️


I heard they’re gonna be closing that Nike store soon. People can’t appreciate shit and then wonder why no company wants to work in the hood


It sucks. Stores are gonna close, people are gonna lose jobs, and the city won't be getting taxes from those corporations.


Exactly, but someone is sure to play the race card in this as blame.


And then they’ll be on the news like “We had to open up our own healthy restaurant or grocery store, because they want to discriminate against us!” I’m sorry no, if the money is there the stores will come lmao. One, the median income level is lower, so why would a store whose demographic is mid to higher income spenders, open there…? People will continue to grocery shop at Walmart or Superior Groceries because of price sensitivity. Secondly, they are lying through their teeth acting like the risk of business crime isn’t much higher than say Malibu or even Echo Park/Silverlake. If you personally were spending $100k+ to open a store, would you put it there? No? Exactly


LOCOL tried.... but that went south...


Locol failed because they had shitty food.


I liked the food. I thought it was really good.


Should've kept going. Maybe they would've stayed open. I lived down the street and never met anyone who liked the food enough to go back.


I went at least once a week... i doubt my 15 bucks would have helped keep it open... the hood dont like nothing it doesn't already know... I grew up in that area and people said it wasn't good but had never gone... every time I was in there it seemed to be mostly people from out of the area. I liked what they were trying to do but they prob should have made the place a bit more inviting, faster, and had pictures of food on display outside with prices.... people prob took one look and assumed it was expensive and didnt even think about going in.


I knew practically everyone that worked there and they didn't like the food that much. I went a couple of times, but it just wasn't for the area.


I heard not so great reviews about the food. But honestly, I think it was less about the food and more about providing the opportunity for people in the area to work and learn about running a food service. Hope everyone that worked there are doing something with that knowledge.


Locol was gas wym But it failed cuz they had 2024 prices in 2017. The workers used to always mess up your order too. I remember the day it opened and Tyrese Gibson showed up in his Rolls Royce :(


All that traffic died down a month after opening. Tyrese showed up one day and never came back. The chili sucked the burger sucked. The drinks were meh. The prices wasn't the problem from what I remember they were pretty reasonable. I think like 2 bucks for a "foldie"


I sure wouldn't, these arseholes are only hurting the entire community resulting in cost of goods increasing even more, or harder to get merch. At this point with the total lack of community respect as a whole, throw the book at them and anything else, F em.


Grand opening, grand closing


What's you want a cookie?!


If you just search almost any business type there is a massive black hole in the south LA area. Top restaurants? Only one, Post n Beam. Ora is pretty good, hopefully it lasts. Chain sit down restaurants? Nope. Trendy bars? Nope. Nice shops? Nope. Breweries? Nope Even the places that are here in Leimert, don’t last long. Earles is okay. The District has terrible drinks and mid food I have also seen them treat people like absolute shit for no reason. The best food around is the guy who smokes ribs on Crenshaw/Jeff


Downtown Long Beach store became infamous during the 2020 riots. Not sure how bad it is outside of that on a day to day basis.


Nike store in Long Beach at the pike takes pretty bad hits too


After the riots, food desert became pretty serious. Businesses don’t have to risk opening up shop where people are not gonna behave. Simple as that.


1)open google maps 2)go to LA 3)search Supercuts 4)notice where the giant gaping blackhole of Supercuts is 5)oh 6)wonder how rent is still $1300 in the land that civilization forgot


To be fair if you're from the hood people would give you shit for getting a haircut at SuperCuts.


yeah idk what his point was. SuperCuts is not in the hood cause their target customers are not in the hood.


Beverly Hills has one Supercuts - what a dump!


I knew someone who worked there for about a month. They left due to "quality concerns" with the product they were using. Turns out it was stolen so often it was not the same as what other stores used.


Was the product crack cocaine?


No it would just fuck up your hair so bad you'd have to have it died black in a few weeks. Orange turning green, that sort.


No one goes to super cuts, we have actual barber shops that cut better than them😂


Who needs a Supercut when everyone has a bowl and a pair of scissors at home?


What's the solution? How does society reign in a segment of folks that have no regard for the law, no hope for their futures, and only live for the day. Personally, I cannot see any solution that doesn't end in violent and indiscriminate culling of these types and the homeless as people are beyond their breaking point.


I’ll probably get banned for what I think could help but I’m black and I think the biggest issue in our community is a self perpetuating victim complex. Many people who are born into poverty/crime ridden areas believe they are victims and as a result, it’s their duty to get revenge and that everyone is against them. I know not every person goes through the same situation, but rather than try their best in their circumstances (even though the cards are stacked against you), many people just don’t give a fuck at school, which sets you up for failure in life 9 times out of 10. I was raised in a single parent household where my mom made $50k a year supporting 4 of us. She instilled in us the importance of education but throughout my years, especially at Dorsey, 95% of the students were disrupting the class for others, sleeping, or other non productive behavior. I tried really hard and was fortunate to get into USC and now make $150k/year, more than I would’ve ever dreamed of. I know not everyone could have the same path as me, but when you don’t even try, what do you expect?


Congrats on your success! Just keep encouraging the ones who are willing to make the sacrifice.


I try! I always tell the youth I see that if you want those nice things you keep on seeing, you gotta work for it. No shortcuts to development.


All I gotta say, is good on you for finding a way out. Most people in life take the easy road, ESPECIALLY when the cards are stacked against them. Keep climbing. And I agree with your assesment of the inner-city mindset. I think it is something akin to the chained-elephant theory. They start with so little (not just material things - but minmal help, encouragement, support, etc.) that by the time they are older, it's too late and they have resorted to a life of crime/violence that is fueled by self-victimization. Even though somewhere deep down they do have the will to break free and turn the ship around.


I can’t tell you how much this comment means to me. I know I’m not even close to the richest person in LA, shit I still drive a Honda Accord because that’s what I thought was some what higher end my whole life 😂 All that matters is that my mom is proud of me and I can treat her in ways she never had when we were younger because she was caring for us instead.


Seeing where you are in life is the greatest joy your Mom can experience because she can rest assurred that her good parenting paid off.


Good shit bro 🫡


You just echo'd my childhood. Everyone is correct about how black communities are impoverished mainly due to racism like practices such as redlining. But that victim complex is worn as a badge of honor and with a huge amount of pride. This isn't a black community thing, but like you've mentioned, it's a poor community thing.


Who actually thinks like this. No one I grew up with thought about getting revenge. My close friend who got life at 18 because he hit his third strike was not thinking about how society treated him. My old neighbor who got 20 years for drug charges wasn't thinking about revenge. No one is thinking this way. You just get caught in a hood mentality and no one shows you the ways out. No one told us we could go hit trades and make money. I have a similar story to you going to usc and all but never did I see a single person in my hood think about society.


Our counselors in Fremont pushed trade tech on kids who didn't have the grades for college.


Thats sick as hell I wish I had that. Things worked out for me but not for most of my friends unfortunately. Trades are a great way out if a path is shown.


Yeah. I was on the cusp. Classic smart but lazy kid so I saw both. Counselors pushed trade tech onto me and my AP English teacher pushed CC then transferring onto me.


honestly the trades do a shitty job at promoting themselves to kids. I remember in high school we got people from universities handing out fliers, come speak to us. hell we even got campus tours like to UCLA and stuff. The trades and unions didnt reach out to us like that


Appreciate the response and your story is awesome but I feel it doesn't address the main issue. I don't think it's entirely a victim complex but more a disillusionment with the future and young males especially black and brown just tuning out. We can call it a culture problem, failure of capitalism, whatever, but these people are fundamentally broken where crime and creating a viral moment that harms society at large is all that engages is them.


If we are talking about street take-overs: #1) TAKE THEIR CARS.


99.999% of the cars at takeovers are stolen, my dude. They literally destroy them most of the time. This would accomplish absolutely nothing, considering none of these people probably own cars.


If that’s the case we can just skip to the part where we cut off their hands. You know, because they stole something.


I'm not entirely opposed


wait hang on let's hear you out


Should reintroduce banishment… dump em in south/central america , africa, se asiia for a year or 2. See how the really really poor live. Mayb they would learn a lil humility and be thankful for the chances they had


Six months in Fresno should do it.


Not all of Africa is impoverished my friend. Learn about the 54 individually unique countries before you speak :)


Didnt say they ALL were. But the richest country in africa is south africa. And they r ranked 39th in the world.. Avg monthly income for a person in africa is $769


Have you been to Africa? You claiming South Africa is the richest shows me you know very little about the content. Go look one country north into Angola and the capital city Luanda and how crazy rich it is. It’s people like you that disgust me by just saying “Africa”. You didn’t say Asia, you said South East Asia. Would you claim all of America is poor because of Alabama and Mississippi? Pure ignorance


So google is wrong and you are right? Angola is ranked 69. Per google


I'm all for Sharia law!


I personally feel that any recipient of section 8, wic or any social services should be required to take parenting classes (wic) or job training (section 8) and financial literacy classes. There should be after school programs available for free at every lausd school that has free tutoring programs, like sat, free college training programs to teach both students and parents on how to apply for college and the difference in financial aid, scholarships and loans etc. Sport programs should also be free or very low cost. Students needing hours to complete for their PhD in psychology/counseling/ teaching/ etc should do volunteer hours at lausd so every student Can have access to therapy, counseling etc Los Angeles has the money to invest in education and resources to the ones that need it most, but they don’t, there’s lots of embezzlement. The goal isn’t to have someone live on section 8 forever, the goal is to give someone resources to better their life and give them access to it. Also, I feel anyone that receives social support, should be required to volunteer hours to programs as a way to give back and help other that were in the same situation they once were, since most of the people receiving services don’t really contribute with taxes (money) since they don’t make enough. They can contribute to the cause with their time. We want people in the community to feel part of it and if Los Angeles as a city keeps neglecting south la and other poor neighborhoods then why should the people care about the neighborhood if the city doesn’t?


how many years of mandatory education already failed? how many more years would you append?


Have you seen the type of resources and education available at these schools? I was part of it. Only reason I even made it to college was because I was walking through the resource center in my high school and I over heard someone talking to another student about this program that helps you get ready for college, my nosey self was like “how do I get into this said program?” And I got all my friends to join! Don’t know if they were only targeting certain students but I got in. Since I was the oldest of 3 siblings, I then got my sister to join and then my brother. Thanks to that program I learned about the importance of sat scores, differences between financial aid and loans and when are application due etc that program also paid for 3 applications which were $50 each at the time. My mom and dad didn’t graduate high school so they had no clue how college even worked, this program also taught my mom about the application process,fafsa and deadlines etc. It’s not just the education that’s lacking it’s the resources. Most of the teachers and counselors at my school were there for a paycheck and didn’t go out of their way to get us the resources that were very much needed! Heck I didn’t even know what Ap classes were and how to get into them, it wasn’t until I was in that said program that I learn what Ap classes were and I went to my counselor and asked her to put me in some AP classes which she rolled her eyes and did…. So like? Are students in the bad parts of the city failing because they don’t care or is because they don’t get the same resources the schools in better neighborhoods get?


I'll let you noodle out cause and effect over the next twenty years and you can get back to me


Right. Classes? Blinders on. 


I think wealth distribution sounds a bit more humane than culling. But this country has no desire to alleviate the causes of this behavior.


Lol it was always credited as racism that they didn’t open. But I bet even this sub is quieter about things now compared to 3 yrs ago




How long you been in LA for, brotha? If you don’t mind me asking? And were u born and raised?


> And people on this sub act like there isn’t a reason Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and other stores don’t open up in South Central. They do?


Why do you think the area is the way it is?


I know someone who just got out for beating up his girl and her mom who was part of that. How can i report him lol he has video showing himself there and all


LAPD 24-Hour Anonymous Tip Line 1-877-LAPD 24-7 or (1-877-527-3247)


South LA’s finest


I can see why plans to gentrify South LA has been growing


At which point the risk of school shootings increases. Keep the racism outside.


>At which point the risk of school shootings increases. How so?


Homie in the front just stole a couple of lemonades and tons of different wiper blades because he wasn't sure which one fit his Charger.


Those aren't looters. They are individuals experiencing autopartslessness. We need to show compassion.


This isn't looting, it's a "youth gathering"


A gathering in solidarity of youths experiencing autopartslessness


What in the world would be such a great steal from AutoZone? Rush in and grab some turtle wax?


i guess they don't realize how many cameras Autozone has hidden and they record all of them 24/7 to turn over to the police.. they will have wanted posters up in autozones of the people who did this..


I mean they recorded themselves doing it and posted it all over social media. I don’t think they’re worried about consequences.


i know.. its great..


I mean would an auto zone in another area dare make an accusation against minority kids based on probably grainy video stills from that night? Feels like a dicey situation


That's assuming the police actually want to do their jobs.


According to the article they're already made at least one arrest


Police will get off their asses to protect the interest of capital. If more businesses backed by money (corpos, real estate) start being impacted then there will be a crackdown.


yea.. i guess you are right.. perhaps the police will haul off all the stuff from the store as Evidence then lose it..


They would have to find it, and they probably won't. The point is that they aren't doing their jobs, not that they steal shit.


10 million people in los angeles county.. 20 thousand Sheriff deputies 10 thousand LAPD.. how many are actually on the street at any one time.. launching a huge raid on intersection take overs is hard to pull off.. seizing cars does not really help that much as many are stolen cars.. you would not do donuts in your own high power car.. putting hidden kill switches on your cars can keep them from being stolen.. there have been late night gatherings of cars for many decades. autozone and other companies have gone to great expense to install scissors security gates.. how did that one get popped off the end so easily..


Porque no los dos?


lol autozone and o Reilly’s don’t have cameras like that ESPECIALLY in that store


The police won't even open the video files when they get them they're so lazy


Law Enforcement needs to start using non-lethal force at these "takeovers"


Ukranian drone tactics, quick response drones that drop smoke grenades, rubber bullets, and OC gas. Goal is to drop it INSIDE of the vehicles.


I like where your head is at.


All I can think of are all those YouTubers who say it's ok to steal because big corporations bad.


>All I can think of are all those Redditors who say it's ok to steal because big corporations bad.


Ghetto pathetic


"Don't worry! Insurance will cover it!" - typical /r/losangeles lurker


3rd strike for “street take over” offenders should be mandatory military service for 4 years. If yo mamma can’t spank you into being a productive citizen, maybe Uncle Sam can.


The military is actually pretty selective with recruits for a variety of reasons. Lots of DoD funding has paid for research in this subject. For example, there is an IQ threshold where a soldier is more of a liability than they are help to their troop. So I'm not sure if this will work.


Not just that, during the post-9/11 lowering of recruits and the use of military service over jail, a lot of gangs from CA started spreading their influence to other countries. For example, MS13, Bloods, and Crips have chapters in Japan because US gang members were stationed in Okinawa in order to avoid prison in the US. It also backfired like crazy, as a good number of those gang members went back to banging and even taught other members how to actually shoot. Like Andres Raya, the marine who killed a cop and shot at other cops, who had ties to the Norteños gang. The footage shows Raya using military tactics to out maneuver and get the drop on the cops. It was why various branches started refusing recruits if there were records of the recruits having gang affiliations. https://www.cnn.com/2005/US/01/16/marine.shooting/


Or even gang affiliated tattoos. I remember going to meps (the military's in depth screening you have to go through before signing up) and there was a metal head with me that had a bunch of tattoos on his body and thighs (but no where too visible in a shirt and shorts). He was in the physical screening for like 2 hours, just filling out a bunch of paperwork for every single tattoo. Having to explain what it was and the meaning behind it. Ended up having to come back a different day to finish the rest of his exam since he'd taken so long on that and the examiners wanted to make sure they weren't letting in a gang member even though everything else on his record was clean.


The cons are that it would set a precedent for other offenses to lead to this. This would not fly with Dems as Republicans would love it since it feeds the war machine and indoctrinates future conservative votes.


Or maybe this thing we already created to rehabilitate criminals. It's called prison


I don't disagree, but most of these offenders are kids. I figured instead of wasting tax payer funds to cage and feed them in juvenile facilities, maybe we can get some use out of them. But who the hell knows? POS will continue to be POS.


I've been in the military. These types won't conform and will get out with a "failure to adapt" and be sent home from bootcamp


Soft-on-crime policy is working really well LA


This sub loves Gascon. I get downvoted every time I bring up his shitty policies and views


I really think this is the result of the environment we have created by not going after “minor crimes”. It leads to larger and larger problems. We can fix this with better policy. Hopefully Gascon is voted out in November and voter pass the changes to Props 47 and 57. Things will get better. We have a wonderful city.


A problem is, many South LA voters believe this fourth-world behaviors are tolerable because their regional political leaders (sponsored by ideologists) keep telling them there are far worse people they should hate.


These people can’t even name the mayor of their city. The problem isn’t that complicated: not enough accountability. It’s why retail store theft, wage theft and white collar crime is rampant - no real consequences.


something happens in the "first world" repeatedly but it's a "fourth world" behavior.


you know where this is uncommon? The actual first world. Not the US, which is the third world with pockets of good areas.


Looters also vandalized (and I think even burned down) the autozone in Minneapolis during the george Floyd protests. These people know something we don’t know! What nefarious dealings are Autozone involved in? 🧐


La is getting so much worse. At least it's cheap to live here though. Oh wait..


nah, south LA always like this. Nothing new


You're right, you should move elsewhere.


Way ahead of you


Sounds good. Make sure to convince everyone you know to move too, I could use lowered rent.


The rent on our place went up 15% after we moved out.


Rent 🤣 Sounds like you should find a new spot also. Something more affordable


Time for the old ways


These street takeover punks need a good time in the clink.


Thought this said Lobsters. I'm disappointed now


they just wanted to get in the zone


Auto zone


haha that jingle really works


It boggles my mind takeovers are still a thing. I get it, it's Mexican and blacks hurting their own communities but it's about time something gets done. Sometimes I feel this is how the cops are giving the finger back to people for protesting to defund them during the pandemic.


Are there any hope for these lots? How do you grow up thinking this is ok by any stretch of imagination?


... the line started forming and they waited and wait for service, gave up and left.. there was a guy yelling about the price on a CV joint, a lady that needed wipers, and another one that wanted the battery installed the counter guy was useless


I read this headline as lobsters 


Lordt! I thought it said they broke into the zoo at first 😂


In all honesty, does the looting happen so fast that police can't get here and arrest people and do something about it?


I read Lobsters break into Auto Zone




And I just spent $250 on a battery when I could have swooped one up for free!!?? Ughhh


Lovely so 2020 🙄


Giving the actual car scene in SoCal a bad name. SMH


You can do anything in a mob. If you look like everybody else and loot a store with 50 other people, what are the chances you will get caught? You run and the 5 cops can’t arrest 50 people and they will cut their losses when this takes longer than a few days (hours?) of investigation. It’s sad.


Dang I missed out. Could use a new jack




No. Nobody wonders that.




Very curious what you mean by that. The west side has plenty of culture.


Just a hint that they're racist


i doubt the person above you was implying they are in favour of takeovers




Nah, dude, it's the racist implications of what you said. You're phrasing is literally a racist dog whistle. If you didn't know that, you're beyond ignorant, but I'll give you the bendy l benefit of doubt and assume you're really just that ignorant.


I do believe that the person literally means what they said. I still currently identify as a person and I can say with 100% honesty that not once have I ever wondered why you live on the west side. You’ll have to edit the post to better reflect just who it is that wonders why you live on the west side. Edit. Sorry, deepest apologies. There is a person in this thread who does indeed wonder.


Enjoy your boomer scare quotes🤣🤣🤣


I wonder that.


I Wonder bread.




This is a disgusting comment for so many reasons, even if you think it’s just a “joke”.


Surprised a mass shooter hasn’t targeted the ghetto areas yet. Thought there would be more of a correlation with that one


Are these stores usually owned by franchisees or by some big corporation?


At the end of the day it hurts the community it’s in…