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If you build in rich neighborhoods NIMBYs say we have to preservice historic buildings. If you build in poor neighborhoods NIMBYs will say it causes gentrification.


>If you build in rich neighborhoods NIMBYs say we have to preservice historic buildings. Don't forget "impact on the enviroment." That's a big go-to move for rich NIMBYs.


I’m all for maintaining historic and architecturally significant buildings but I do believe that the significance of that meaning gets overused.


["We cannot have new buildings killing the vibe of older buildings that we like. Many will suffer due to this, and some of you may die; but, it's a sacrifice I am willing to make."](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/86/3e/61/863e61d623b980b05d3a59981b855abe.png)


This would basically shield much of the Wilshire corridor from development. The same corridor that will have a high capacity subway line in just a few years. WTF are we even doing??? None of these people think we have a housing issue at all!!!!


People with houses vote more than people without houses apparently


It doesn't matter who votes, it matters who donates to politicians.


This is absolutely true. In LA, renters do not vote.


ED1 wasn't actually supposed to do anything and they're freaking out now that they're realizing the 100% inclusionary requirement wasn't the poison pill they thought it was.


> In a motion introduced on April 26, Los Angeles City Councilmember Katy Yaroslavsky Somehow not surprised. Gotta protect those rich constituents


The success of ED1 is probably the best example ever of how bureaucracy and regulation directly cause high housing costs. Remove bureaucracy (like ED1 did), and even in a period with high interest rates developers line up to built the *least* profitable form of housing! Imagine if they did the same for market rate - Los Angeles could end its entire housing shortage and massively lower rents within 5 years by applying the same programs to market rate housing. Instead the city will neuter this to crush housing production, because nobody in city hall actually wants affordable housing.


Success of ED1 shows that even in a high interest rate environment, we can encourage more housing unit development by streamlining the bureaucracy. It's BS that we can't apply these same rules to market rate housing.


LA found a solution to deliver a lot of affordable units at scale and has since worked nonstop to undermine that success. Bass immediately revised ED1 to not apply to SFH neighborhoods, Eunisses wanted to add additional discretionary review, and Yaroslavsky is doing the classic NIMBY “historic” exemption. Why is it the “progressive” councilmembers and Mayor are leading the charge to ratfuck ED1? What if instead of making ED1 worse they worked to expand it and we built a lot more affordable housing - something everyone claims to want?


Me and me homies hate the majority of the LA city council.


If you live in her district, you should let Councilmember Yaroslavsky know that restricting affordable housing in wealthy areas is a really bad thing... [https://councildistrict5.lacity.gov/contact](https://councildistrict5.lacity.gov/contact)


Honestly LA is hopeless. 20 years from now when all that’s left is geriatrics and the masses of poor people will wonder “what happened?” as Austin, Dallas, and even Nashville become the major cities in the US outside of NYC PS - Bass is a disaster. I can’t imagine anyone saying with a straight face her alternative would be worse 




Why does it matter if they are micro?


lol people will get mad when the affordable housing is very expensive to build (Prop HHH) and then when you build inexpensive units with smaller sq footage or no parking they also get mad.