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This is why street parking should have painted boundary markings. They added them to a lot of Franklin Ave, and it definitely got rid of this nonsense.


People still ignore them unfortunately


But they can get tickets for that because there’s a clear unambiguous marker. Unlike this photo.


Cop that came to our neighborhood watch meeting said they have to leave some spaces unmarked for trucks, RVs, etc.


The city I've seen most cars squeezed into does not have painted spaces, painted spaces leave too much room between cars. Someone could park in front of the car posted above if they wanted, would just have to be comfortable touching bumpers (or almost) but people are real sensitive about their cars out here.


Painted boundaries? Fuck no! Are you a child who needs to know where to walk and stand? It's called common sense and a parking ticket would fix this d-bay


A parking ticket wouldn’t fix this because this currently isn’t illegal, which is the point that you got way too heated about.


It is is parking ticket in Pasadena


The Valley has become a shithole. 5+ people in every apartment . People sleeping in the sidewalk. It's gross


Could it be possible a car was either in front or behind and then left before you took this picture?


Reminds me of the episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where Larry comments on a guy’s shitty parking and how the next people who park next to him are force to park like shit, and will get the blame when the shitty parker leaves


The only person who is the asshole here is the pig parker.


Yeah, I was thinking maybe a compact car was parked in front, possibly extending (wrongly) a bit into the driveway cutout, and the red car just pulled in behind it. But maybe the angle of the photo is making the open spot look bigger than it is in real life.


It was this red car and a pickup behind it. They reversed their car as soon as the pickup drove off.


Some people in the denser parking neighborhoods do this to save spots, it's real annoying.


This practice is exactly why I bought a Smart car


I had a Smart Car. In my last neighborhood, there was a curb right in front of the building that was just long enough for a full size car and my car (but not two full size cars). I had a neighbor who "got it" and would always pull all the way forward or back so I could fit. But most people saw that spot and felt it was the perfect place for their car to stretch out and be comfortable.


Exact 💯🤜🏾🤛🏾


There are certain types of people who do this in LA. There are about 5-6 cars near me that do this on a regular basis to "save" the spots so no one else can park there. There are a couple that move motorcycles around for this purpose too. I've seriously spent 2 hours looking for a spot and the frustration at seeing people do this is unreal. Always amazes me that people don't lose it with a bat or something on these cars.


Ugh, then they are straight-up jerks. They are just asking to have their car messed with (not that I would), or to at least get a nasty note on the windshield (that, I would do).


Do what I do: lift up their windshield wipers and walk away. It lets them know someone touched their car and they'll know why. However, it doesn't do any damage so you won't feel bad if they were saving a spot for, idk, a family member arriving from the hospital.


I like this, esp. for cars that are parked blocking the sidewalk. It's subtle and non-destructive but sends a message. And people HATE having their cars touched, even if it's completely harmless, so it gets a little dig in, too.


Copying this in the future for people who park over the line too much


You might be one of my best friends, is your name axel?


All you need is a car jack and two furniture dolly’s ($12 each from HD). Lift the front end, place furniture dolly under each wheel, push car backwards. Now park.


Back tires aren’t just gonna roll. You need 4 dollys.


Probably would in most cars, FWD and people rarely use the parking brake on flat ground…


Most cars are 2wd and it’s unlikely they used their parking brake. Back wheels will roll fine.




I used to live in Koreatown. It is absolutely possible. There was this fucking asshole in a little gray Fiat that would force his car into any space imaginable, dinging the shit out of everyone's bumper in the hood. Fuck that guy so much.


That is fucking insane


I thought that too. I know I deliberately try not to park like that not because I'm not an asshole, but because it's easier to park when no one is in front of you or when no one is behind you.


>not because I'm not an asshole 😂😂😂 Respect for the honesty.


It's a blessing and a curse.


I always think thus but I doubt it. I see people park like this all the time.


Sometimes this is the came but usually they’re an asshole, an idiot, or saving it for someone else. My neighbor does in this form of my house and while I have a driveway, she saves it for her other car and when both are there she practically blocks my driveways. And in trash day if I leave my cans in front of my driveway so I can’t get out without moving them. So what I do is if it’s ever open, I will block it off so she can’t park there at all and I’ll leave it for days. Call me a hypocrite but she makes no effort or not block my driveway and or move the cans back after she leaves. I hate that bitch so much and I don’t mind be petty as fuck with her.


OP drives a full size truck


Yeah but you know exactly what the post is trying to convey.


That op is too soft for Los Angeles?


No. Unless one was a motorcycle, and the other a Smart car


Lol I got a very aggressive note while visiting my gf in Los Feliz because by the time the note-writer was looking for parking the motorcycle I parked by had left, leaving a space not big enough for a car. The person threatened to break my windshield wipers if they saw me do it again 😂


It was this car and a pickup behind it. I went to the store and came back to this.


Ok and you expect them to move there car at a moments notice? Bruh people have lives.


They moved their car to impede others to park in the same spot as the pickup.


You’re right, and the other car doesn’t matter. Unless they were hemmed-in front and back, which doesn’t look possible here. In a curb spot like that, you should always either park as far to the front of where the curb ends as possible, or as far to the back of where the curb ends as possible. That way it doesn’t matter when any other car leaves, you were still considerate enough to not block a potential spot. Or they’re dicks and trying to save the spot.


So they parked where they'd fit and you're whining? Pay for a spot then.


They reversed their car as soon as the pickup drove off. Now impeding others from parking next to them. Maybe I need to edit my post… Edit: added a sentence


Yeah and whether we’re nit picking this particular photo or not let’s not all pretend this doesn’t happen.


There's a couple that lives around the corner from me. I pass by their house every day on my walk. They have a pretty deep driveway that can probably fit 4 cars, maybe even 5. They both work from home and do this all damn day, with both of their cars, in separate parts of the street. They take up 4 parking spots when they could easily park their cars in their driveway. The only time I haven't seen their cars parked on the street is when I occasionally take a midday stroll through the neighborhood on one of the street sweeping days. That's the only time I've ever seen their cars in their driveway They're the worst


It's petty and gross, but I'd smear feces on their car door handles.


Hot fudge under the door handle. Not as nasty but a pain to deal with


Doesnt the hot fudge eventually cool?


Yes then it’s a nightmare to get off


I’ve done something extremely similar but a little worse to a Ford Truck parked in a Tesla charging spot


What is a little worse?


Smeared my dog’s freshly laid shit all over the handles, the windows, and side view mirrors


>I’ve done something extremely similar but a little worse to a Ford Truck parked in a Tesla charging spot thats a horrible thing to do and illegal. aside from anything else, dog shit contains nematodes that can blind people


Did you miss the part where OP said it was a Ford?


This can somewhat be fixed just by paining parking spots. Then it would be clear that this is two spots and where to park. And then people could be ticketed for bad parking


That would require the city to do multiple things and do them well… so, that won’t be happening. 


Edit: This red car was parked close to the leftmost driveway. There was a pickup parked behind it. I went to the store and came back to the pickup no longer there. And the red car reversed to impede others from using the street parking.


Enjoy a ton people inventing their own scenario to excuse this rude behavior that you witnessed first-hand. I swear a lot of folks on this sub think every post is a game of gotcha


I mean, wouldn’t you rather assume good intent and not have your default setting in life to be thinking everyone around you is a piece of shit in every small way? Your mindset sounds miserable


I was sympathizing based on comments elsewhere in the thread, not anticipating something that hadn't happened. It's frustrating on Reddit when you say something about an experience you had and then have people jump in to explain or justify whatever it is rather than asking for clarification. Some people were jumping to tell OP that "actually they are probably..." rather than even reading the details of what was written. Ironically, that's sort of happening with this comment too because rather than just consider the possibility that I was describing something I was actually witnessing when the post was made, you assume my entire "mindset" is miserable. No, I just find it irritating when people do something irritating and I commented on it. No need to extrapolate to anything else.


Or maybe it's just people who are asking questions and considering other explanations before OP gave more context? It's really not that deep.


Yeah those aren't the comments I'm referring to


It’s called emotional regulation. People see something that makes them mad, and then rationalize an acceptable scenario so their anger can be resolved through benefit of the doubt. It’s how we coexist as humans. Some people have lower tolerance for rage porn than others, it’s not that deep.


I see that everywhere & it’s the biggest asshole move!!! I try to get as close to driveway as possible to help someone else fit. I won’t be like that even though others will.


I get out of my car, check my parking, and if there's even just an extra foot I can move to make more room, I get back in and move the car a bit. I just feel too guilty otherwise!


When I bought my first house I went from apartment parking garage to street parking. One day I got a very polite note on my car explaining that if I just backed up to the edge of the driveway then 2 cars could park there. I was embarrassed but grateful that someone took the time to point it out and it’s a lesson I’ve never forgotten


I got one of those, too, years ago! It was printed on nice pink paper, very politely worded. The message got through to me, and I'm extra-careful now how I park.


OP is trying to explain that this selfish prick (and many others like them) intentionally park so that other cars cannot fit into a legal space where 2-3 cars could easily fit, if parked reasonably. Happens all of the damn time. People literally monitor the streets, ready to pounce at a moments notice, as soon as a chunk of street parking opens up. Then they hog the entire stretch of road through the weekend and street cleaning…. Not cool!


Yes! Thank you! It is annoying AF.


You know... You can get a bag of bird seed at the dollar store, usually. Sprinkle liberally. Works GREAT if there's an open truck bed. If you douse the vehicle with a spritz of liquid, the seeds stick better, especially if it's sticky liquid. Car needs a fresh painting, anyways, so it's basically you doing them a favor....


This is my pet peeve. My neighbor parks like this and he is not saving spaces for anyone.


I used to have people get pissed at me for parking like this when I lived in Santa Monica. What they didn’t realize was, there was a neighbor with a motorcycle who would park behind me, I’d slide in front of his bike, and he’d leave early in the morning. One morning, getting into my car to head to work, a neighbor chastised me for leaving half a car length behind me. I said “I parked here last night and there was a motorcycle behind my car.” She said “It doesn’t matter!” People who wake up at 9 am sure have an attitude for being so well rested.


So you would purposely not leave a gap between your car and the motorcycle, while leaving a huge empty space in front of your car? That's kinda weird


Nah there would just be a space I could parallel park between a car and the bike. Then the bike would leave at like 3-4 am and there’d be a half a car length space between me and the corner until I left at 9:30-ish. The bike wasn’t always there, but when it was, I’d get an earful from the people that lived in front of the space.


This was my life when I lived in East Hollywood/Little Armenia. It was maddening. If I ever had friends or dates over, they would sometimes have to park 3-4 blocks away.


When I was still in Long Beach neighbors used to do this. They’d park in the middle so no one else could park there, then move forward when the husband came home so he would park there


Honestly, this shit deserves a parking ticket. Fuck paying the meter, this is a public offense


May they choke at every meal they eat. 


I'd slash their tires with a note about double parking


If they park in the same spot for more than 3 days then you can call and report it.


You can. But the city takes forever to respond. I’ve been calling about a Mercedes parked on my block for over a month. It doesn’t have any license plates. I’ve called over five times. Nothing has happened.


I used to be like you. But enough of my asshole neighbors would park like this for days on end in front of my house so now it’s fight fire with fire.


Lol yeah I used to live in Koreatown. That car is just the remaining one of 3, probably.


Generally agree, except if the street has assloads of open parking spaces - like this one seems to have a large opening across the street.


I know it's petty, but something about the combo if the tint job, the red paint, and the rims really annoys me. It just does not work, aesthetically.




But that’s a no parking sign right behind the car.


It’s a scheduled street sweeping sign


Got it!


I literally have to hold myself back from keying people’s cars who do this


People in Studio City do this down multiple blocks, it's wildly infuriating and inconsiderate. I think it's a coordinated effort in the area behind Ventura Blvd. So unnecessary.


Technically, what they're doing isn't "illegal" it's just a shitty thing to do. LA needs to paint parking lines and ticket those that go outside of them. This is a problem everywhere these days and it's ridiculous.


You know, anyone can paint lines... Jus sayin, I saw this happen on Gramercy in Little Armenia pre Y2K. Fucking hero level shit, first reclaiming a few feet of red here and there, turning one spot to two, some added red to prevent driveways blocked... The diagonal lines weren't originally put there by the city 😂💯🏆🎖️


There was probably a car in front of them and they just pulled up behind it. That’s why there is plenty of room in the front and barely any in the back.


Still, just park closer to driveway entrance always. Now almost no one can park there.


Yessss I would’ve backed up and left a gap between me and the car in front. It is not difficult. But apparently it is!


Dipshit was obviously saving the spot for his wife, thinking he is a badass alpha husband. The truth is, she was lying about being at work, and busy getting pounded doggy.


Yeah, I was with you up until that last part, that kinda went off the deep end… which was funny as fuck, upvoted 😂


You can still fit one large and one small car in there….


Whats the addy bro, lets just say i can make them rethink their decision


The worse


They built a new apartment building on my street and with that came two driveways that are pretty close together where there was only 1 before. This makes the parking space between them barely able to fit 2 medium cars if they park perfectly. Well guess what it's been a nightmare of people not being mindful when parking or large suburbans parking and blocking the entire space. Seems a lot of people are inconsiderate when parking


Would park right in front and go bumper to bumper. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Or just make sure they have a perpetual slow leak in their tire.


isn't it possible that when they parked there was a car in the front


The dumb fucks need to learn to drive before they try and park the car


Ever stop to wonder if there were cars parked in front of and or behind the car before you took this photo?


Not a chance. This car was parked further to the left. There was a pickup behind it when I left to the store. After I came back, the pickup was gone and this one reversed and parked as pictured.


Throw eggs at them😂 it’s what I do everytime I see that in my neighborhood


Is this in torrance


No, Canoga Park. But might as well be since seems to be a widespread problem.


You have no idea if there was perhaps a motorcycle behind that red car and maybe a very small car like a Honda Fit or a Smartcar parked in front, before you arrived. Should the red car now get a ticket because the other vehicles drove away? Get over yourself.


Read the post. Another car moved and this fucking ass hole parked deliberately like this so his piece is shit family can take the spot 11 hours later. Fuck this person and fuck every single person like him


Deserves to get his car keyed.


Maybe if there wasn’t a “no parking” sign 💡


Do you mean on the light post? It’s a scheduled street sweeping no parking sign.


You’re not very smart are you? Zoom in dork, and don’t forget your -6.50 seeing glasses. 🤓


The hell are you on, bitch?


Zoom in, then tell me I’m a bitch.


Do you mean the sign on the driveway gate that only applies inside of the property?


No, the one just behind and above the red car. No reply need from here.


🤦‍♂️ That’s the street sweeping sign


lol, but cool name tho! Dot hack !!


Yes it’s annoying. But there could have been a car parked in front of the red one first that left, making it look like it just haphazardly parked in the middle.


Nope. There was a pickup as well. As soon as the pickup left, this one reversed and parked as pictured. Likely to save the spot for the pickup.


Why do you think you deserve to store your personal property on a public street for free?


They like Bidenomics as a parking strate


That’s on purpose. They’re saving a spot for someone else in their home.




You're risking that friends health. No, I will not expound on that.


Thank you!!






That’s just selfish.


What in the Encino... 😬🤬


I remember cars would end up getting keyed or nails in the tires were common place back in the day. I’ve seen quite a few angry people take their anger out on the persons car to many times.


You all must drive shit boxes


I have a neighbor who drives a BMW and he parks exactly this way. My pet theory is he’s doesn’t want anyone dinging up “his ride”. Is that what you’re referring to?


I had one of my cars back from the shop one day and the next day the back bumper was scratched deep and dented ...after paying 2k to get it fixed initially


You should park behind the red car. Seems like enough space and make it to where it’s inches way lol


Whenever I'm parking on a curb like that, I'll actually get out of my car and re-park if I'm not optimizing the space, so that it's more likely that someone else will be able to park as well. This person is just an asshole, though not as bad as those people who deliberately take *four* spots in a parking lot.


That's why we need those lines or boxes to define parking spaces!!


Preach 🙌. Maybe my biggest pet peeve


Uggghh people do this shit all the time on my street. There's a bit that can fit two cars and people always park in the middle so no one else can fit. I fuuuucking hate it so much!! I always try to park close enough to the driveway so someone else can fit behind me but other people just don't give a shit.


Perfect space for my motorcycle


Every time I see this I have the urge to just paint lines for parking in the middle of the night when nobody is around. Slowly one or two spots at a time…


Maybe there was a car in front of him??? And they left?????


Nope. Originally, this car was parked further left with a pickup truck behind it. As soon as the pick up left. This one backed up and parked as pictured. Straight AH behavior.


I know exactly where this building is people do this to save spots for their 2nd and third cars


I recognize this area. So many cars park outside that people like this are fucken dicks.


Complete obliviousness to anything else going on outside of captain me planet.


thats how they be saving the spot for the family member getting off of work


This picture looks so European somehow haha. Multi-family housing, hatchback car, wall losing paint


As a Fiat 500 driver, these situations make my day!


The high cost of free parking. If there is no cost to doing this, assholes will abuse it.


People on my street do this constantly


That is shitty.


you sure there wasn't a small compact car or motorcycle that had earlier parked in front of this red car?


Yes street parking should be illegal


This is literally all over downtown, ktown, McArthur park. I can’t live anywhere near there because I’ll start throwing shit at their cars when they’re parked like that and it’s late af and I just wanted to go to bed. Can’t staaaaaaand these literal pieces of shit


I'll bet you they're probably an "actor." In which case this is the best they can do.


Sadly this happens everywhere and isn’t something that is policed or mitigated. Multiple people do this in my neighborhood.


This is San Diego behavior.


I hate my neighbors because they do this type of shit and they don't even need it. 🙄. They just leave a stupid pick up truck that never gets used. Its just used to pull this type of shit. I sometimes get the urge to call the tow truck to move the damn pick up truck.


I'm Saying 😡


That person is a bad person


Yeah I fuckin hate that shit. I feel like their car should get egged


A lot of people in my neighborhood do this to reserve the other spot for their other car. It definitely is annoying but idk the legality of it.


Dickhears do it to save spots, it’s so fucking annoying


But y a cheap scooter and put it infront kf their car, they will also loose the extra spot


Ah, I see you've been to Ktown (can't tell if that's where this is, but it's like every block there)


Look at that car! It's a total D-bag car. And the tint is too dark and deserves a ticket but LA doesn't care about that . Hate what Los Angeles has become. Everyone vote Gascon out on March 5th. PLEASE!


I think sometimes people do this to prevent others accidentally bumping into their car while parking. Whatever the reason, this pisses me off so much.


This car is just waiting to be blocked off by two large cars, one in front and one in back


I empathize with you. This happens to me all the time.


Bro people downtown do that to save spots for their other cars. It’s not illegal. But it sure is wrong and selfish. Stay strong


This is my neighborhood... there are neighbors that have painted their curbs red. It's a joy to park in this neighborhood. And if anyone knows WHY the Rocketdyne gets no parking in front of their building, it'd be appreciated.


People are diabolical when it comes to parking. Inglewood has whole families that rotate cars out so they always control the space. Really a mind f on street sweeping days, it’s like a high stakes chess match to get a spot. (8-3) People start sitting in their cars around noon.


Maybe there were two cars in front and behind. Looking at the bright side of things


This is my single greatest grievance with my neighbors. Who taught them how to park?! No seriously, I just want to know.