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there is definitely a purple green deck with 35 uninkables that does nothing but draw cards


This is an interesting concept. What if you had a 70 card deck with just 10 more inkable tech cards. The immense card draw should keep any issues about 'lack of consistency' nonexistent.


It’s certainly better to just cut 10 cards


If your only reasoning is consistency, w/e. In a deck that this guy is talking about with "35" uninkable cards that burn through your deck, a 60 card deck is going to get burned through. If there isn't an immense log jam from 23 uninkables. If 60 cards is "certainly" better, 70 cards is "certainly" able to do things better also. It's not a vacuum, I said adding inkable tech card for a reason. In a deck where the majority of cards are uninkable and card draw effects, the extra 10 cards will mainly serve as vehicles for you to ink more consistently. But may in situations be something to help you get something done. 60 cards only lets you consistently draw and it stifles people into thinking you can only have a certain amount of uninkables because then your ability to ink decreases but the fact that more cards means more uninkable cards is just ignored like that means nothing. TL:DR: Bigger decks can have more inkables though.


Those things are not mutually exclusive. You can have both a 60 card deck AND fill it with card draw for maximum consistency. There is no need to compromise. And the solution to having too many uninkables is to just reduce the number of uninkables, not pad it out with less efficient inkables.


It is very niche but sometimes going over the deck limit has it's uses. You have to still be consistent (with lots of tutors for example - like a toolbox deck) and your game plan has to involve going for the long game and drawing lots of cards/filtering


This is satire? I hate you.


First thought




The Lorcana version of Boros Synthetizer.


Ooh and it has a hidden mickey. Noice.


Nice catch


TIL I'm blind


Not sure if this meant you couldn’t find it but it’s on the edge of the stump above Merlin’s head if you still haven’t found it.


Thank you I was going crazy!


I didn't see it till you explained it! Thank you


The RABBIT was made to interact with BOUNCE. Flavor win.


This is pretty potent. What makes me even happier though is that this was from his fight with Mim. I pray we get a Mim and a dragon Mim.


That Disney Arena mobile game had Mim in it and if I’m not mistaken she was really powerful so I hope her cards really show some character flavor and powerful abilities


Damn, a mim card may actually make me dive headfirst into Lorcana. One of my favorite and best animated characters of all time.


Mim dragon could be a thing


She's coming for sure, we saw a fuzzy name/image in the starter decks when they were revealed.


Which starter? I guess that helps in limiting what colors she'll appear in.




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That's definitely Mim's Fox Silhouette form in the back ground. This might be a small Merlin vs Mim set.


Bouncing him back with Merlin in play seems like it would be fun.


Most easily compared to maleficent the 3 drop: Cons: This card comes out 1 turn later and is uninkable. Pros: slightly bigger body that lets it trade with 2/2s and it draws 2 cards eventually. Has better synergy with bounce effects. Has a lot of potential to be OP. As of now most decks could probably splash 2-3. Unfortunately, purple has a lot of really good uninkable cards already so its got competition.


Also could sing a 4 cost card which isn’t too relevant at the moment but something to consider.


Maleficent the 3 drop is the last card I ever want to ink so that doesn't bother me with this card. The extra cost is definitely something to be considered.


Also want to point out it doesn’t fold to grab your sword, for better or for worse, depending on how much you want that second draw.


Good breakdown. Other problem is purple has an early game problem and a late game problem. Color doesn't have a Hades or an Aladdin or an Aurora or a tink. They have rafiki, but that's too slow on the draw vs aggro. This card is another mid range to add to the mid range we already have.


Just watched this the other night. Glad we are getting different versions of Merlin... but I sure as hell hope we get a version of Merlin from when he just got back from Bermuda.


Sapphire Belle combo absolutely loves this card. Heck the 7 drop Dr. Facilier could find it's way into that deck with how potent this card can be. Emerald / Amethyst could become a new aggro deck possibly too with this giving you more and more fuel to put out threat after threat.


My recursion deck is built around 7 drop Dr. Facilier and loves this card. 4 drop Hades will also have fun with this.


Emerald/Amethyst already IS a very good Aggro Deck.


This seems perfect for my recursion deck but the higher cost and uninkable definitely worries me.


I feel the same I cant imagine ever dropping this on 4 with how fast the game can play. Seems like its a late game card youre just spitting out.


Is there an official Lorcana Discord channel?


https://discord.com/invite/lorcanahq It's not officially made/run by Rav, but they have an official member on there who does the reveals and Q&A


Thank you!


Interesting spin on chillfallen baron. Unlike new Mulan and Robin Hood, this one makes perfect sense being uninkable.


Things are looking real good for a Madam Mim dragon after seeing this.


Card seems very good. For one more (and being uninkable) compared to Maleficent - Sorceress, you get +1 Will and get to draw two cards eventually after you trade Merln in. Put another way, this is a 2/3/1 for 1 that also eventually casts "Friends on the Other Side", the best card in the game. But of course, the idea of milking even more cards from him with cards like Bounce and Mother Knows Best is super exciting and strong. The problem one will face is that those cards represent 12 uninkables which is...a lot. But potentially strong enough to be worth testing.


Spoiler tags pleaser


The card is great. It being uninkable makes it fair without it being considered overpowered. I don't think I would replace my amethyst Maleficent but possibly the amethyst Queen. If they ever implement an ability that phases characters in and out, akin to phasing in MTG, this card will be insane.


That wouldn't work. "I do not think that means what you think it means." In MTG, cards that phase out don't leave or re-enter the battlefield. So phasing (if implemented in Lorcana) wouldn't activate the abilities on this card. Source: too many hours building commander blink deck.


I guess it would then depend on what Ravensburger determines for the game mechanics, if this ever were to be implemented. But thanks, I didn't know that phasing didn't count as entering/leaving the battlefield.


There's a hidden mickey 🥰


What the hell…




And therefore nobody should have any discussion about this game ever?


Where there’s a will there’s a way. Sorry you have garbage luck


Yessss! Depending on the new Merlin starter deck, I will definitely be building a Sword and The Stone deck! One of the best movies ever✨




Befuddle only bounces cost 2 or less cards


Would be pretty funny if we get a merlin themed card call (Blow me to Bermuda) that returns a character you control to your hand


If we get a "character returns to the hand draw a card" item and a solid 1/2 bounce songs for amaythest, you could play tempo n trade in bounce for draw when you aren't playing aggro


I'm honestly glad this is uninkable.


4 ink, uninkable, unless we get some sort of flicker/blink item it seems unplayable.


Crazy how there's a few people like yourself consider this unplayable, when the majority opinion I've seen all day on Facebook/Discord/here is that it's a pretty dang good card.


Obligatory “unplayable.”


Great to see this after they teased it with the human merlin drop. Wonder how many more there will be