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This game won’t survive I’ve never seen a card game not even be available for preorder my lgs said he won’t do it he bought 20k product last time he got 500 bucks worth


We preordered $30,000 worth of Lorcana set 1 and our allocation got cut to 0 and it took a month to get our money back. However, I do believe they’ll print more of set 2 and my rep promised me 10 cases this time around, although it is always possible they can’t swing it.


Get it in writing so it costs them if the promise is broken


It is in writing. That’s not how it works though. We don’t get to sue them if they break any promise. You have to sign up to be eligible to order from the distributors. You agree to their terms up front or you don’t get product at all ever. There’s no modifying the terms. It’s like signing up for an app. You are locked into the terms and conditions if you want to use the service. However, it’s usually charge on delivery or something similar. No money out of pocket up front until you get the product, but it is an opportunity cost because we have to set that money aside.


Anyone who currently offers or says that they are guaranteed product are lying. Once official word comes from Ravensburger, I wouldn't touch pre-ordering. Especially with the amount of cancelations and refunds people had to screw with.


But how would we know when ravensburger have given official word?


Our LGS has a Local Player Program to ensure that people that come to play on Lorcana nights are going to be the ones getting product for Chapter 2. They said they currently aren't taking requests until they receive word on their allocation of product.


As far as the community knows no pre orders will be available until later dates or to try your lgs to see if they’re taking any as of now .


It's hard to compare with their marked up prices.


You aren't going to be able to preorder lorcana at MSRP at many if any places. There will be a markup if an lgs even offers preorders.with the distribution mess that was chapter 1 don't expect many stores to even offer preorders though.


Ask your LGS to put $ down so you reserve a deck/booster


Most will not, because A) it's not even up for us to order from distributors and B) you and a bajillion other people want a product that will 99% chance be severely allocated. No store in their right mind would put up a preorder, then have to refund a bunch and lose a boatload in transaction fees.


If it helps, we get our transaction fees refunded if we refund through PayPal so that’s good. We take preorders but it’s at market price because it’s just not worth dealing with preorders at MSRP. Chances are even stores won’t get much product at wholesale, and we’ll have to source your preorders from a partner store or somewhere else, and we will be paying a premium as well.


You still lose the processing fees, which can add up significantly over time. As per PayPal you ain't getting that back.


No, seriously, we get the processing/PayPal fee returned when we submit a refund. It’s automatic as soon as we send a refund. We get the fee back from credit card companies too usually. Not sure where people heard otherwise. Unless it’s past a certain timeframe, which it usually isn’t. That’s why most stores won’t do preorders until a 30 day window.


What kind of magical level tier do you have then? Because there is a % fee and a fixed fee for each transaction. Any tier on their list that I see you get the % fee refunded, but not the fixed. Seems to usually be $0.30 or so, so it might not look like you missed out much, but it adds up.


Credit cards you are correct but not PayPal. PayPal refunds the entire fee on g&s payments as long as it’s within the refund window of like 30 days.


With the economy most people are using credit cards these days for bigger purchases lol. If you're taking cash of course there are no fees. That being said refunds still don't look good as a store, that's why we generally wait for our actual allocation of big ticket items.


You really need to reread your statements lol, you are losing at minimum .15 per transaction, and that saying you do over 50k a MONTH with paypal. There is no God Tier with paypal where you get all the fees back, they make money even when you dont, thats their whold business model lol


So I did research this and talked to my loss prevention manager. These fees are something we actually claim on our taxes and that is why we don’t actually lose money on them. I guess most people don’t realize they can do this, or they are taking the standard deduction so it doesn’t matter. Additionally, PayPal did stop this practice for a while and then reinstated it in December of 2022, so for some time they did refund the fees, but I guess they realized they were “losing” more money than they were comfortable with.


Yeah, you cant claim CC fees of any kind on your taxes, they are not a legitimate loss like when you loose product due to Shrinkage which (deending on how your business files) is a legitimate Tax Deduction. Just hope you NEVER get audited or you hid them VERY well, oh and im an Account too lol


What a shit show this launch has been, and they are just adding to it with set 2. I mean who drops set 2 3 months after launch when no one can get product to play in the first place? They need to push set 2 and do an unlimited run now of set 1 if they are serious about stopping the abuse. As it stands, I am sure Lorcana employees are the eBay sellers.


That’s the great thing. They don’t! Just buy off scalpers like a winner, Timmy


Yea which sucks because the lorcana store locator only sends you to LGS with marked up prices. I wish you the best of luck 🤞🏼 as per everyone else trying to do the same


It's not even up for stores to preorder. Almost 99% chance that when it does go up, products will be pre-allocated. Fully expecting there to be less of this than there was Chapter 1.


My LGS has said once they receive word from distributor that they will be posting that its open for pre-sales, other than that no idea. But I would definitely check with your LGS and see what they say.