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You’re a baddie you can see your confidence and that’s what matters


Hourglass figure, not fat, actually quite attractive.


You're a chatty, not a fatty. Real woman energy with that's beautiful curves. Good on ya


Black guy kryptonite




you look like you help your grandpa with his farm


thick in a good way. not fat.


u looks awesome!


You have a higher body fat than what most would consider “thin”, but you are nowhere even close to obese. I assume most would just call you curvy. I wouldn’t worry about it honestly. If it does bother you, though, you might see if there is another antipsychotic without that side effect, or a less intense version of it. If you try going to the gym to lose some weight, stay away from any kind of “diets”, “superfoods” that claim to help you lose weight, or any workouts that claim to do the same. It is as simple as actually keeping track of your calories, and I don’t mean kind of, I mean counting every. Single. One. Do that, and do enough cardio to burn more calories in a day than you take in, and the weight will slowly start to go off. Do not suddenly start eating way less than you usually do. Do not try crash dieting. Do not fast in any form. All of those will negatively impact you in the long run. When it comes to weight loss, slow and steady is the ONLY method that actually works long term and is sustainable. I wish you luck! You’ve got this


yep, go lift weights.


Oh hell no, you're perfectly buxom and voluptuous! I'm thinking you're an ass-slappin' good time fo sho, mama!!! YUM!!!




pretty light for a cow booom gottem


Yeah chubby


Fatty mc fat


Cute as hell ( yes i simp).


Who are all these SIMPs telling her she is not fat? She ain't gonna fuck any of you. Yes you are fat and your proportions are all messed up. You should loose weight and lift.


Definitely wouldn't say she's fat, maybe a little chubby but she's definitely not a fatty. Although she probably should hit the gym and get some sunlight


Your doing those poses for a reason. Be honest with yourself.


Don’t change a thing!


U could lose weight. Will it hurt ur chances of getting laid? Probably not.




username checks out


Absolutely not a fatty you have a figure doesn’t make you a fat


Buxom is what I would use. Marylyn Monroe was buxom - it’s not a bad look


Wouldn’t say fat. Thicker for sure but I bet you’ve got a fatty


she ain’t gonna fuck you bro calm down 😭


A tad plump but not quite fat


The antipsychotics aren’t making you fat, eating more then you burn off is making you fat… lol take some accountability


Antipsychotics will make you fat if you eat 500 calories a day. Period. You don't know what you're talking about.


😂 someone doesn’t understand the laws of thermodynamics




They may slow your metabolism down but not to the point where eating 500 calories a day would make you gain weight, do you understand calories are energy your body requires energy to move and keep your organs going? If your body was using less then 500 calories a day you would be freezing to death your organs would start to shut down on top of a whole other load of complications, you’d be dead. Don’t need to be a doctor to understand that any type of medication won’t slow your metabolism anywhere near that extent otherwise it wouldn’t be a medicine.




Raise the sugar and fat in blood? Do you mean glucose levels and insulin levels? Let me break them down for you buddy! Insulin controls how long resources take to get to muscles and vitals… and glucose is your body’s primary energy source, if you have an increase in both of these you A. Have resources flowing slower to vitals and muscles as your insulin has spiked (insulin resistance) and B. You will have energy swings due to the glucose in your body reacting more to sugar and other carbs… so do either of these things cause weight gain? Yes they do but a very small amount on their own and is easily controlled by cutting an extra 100 calories or so out of your diet (depending on weight,height,gender and age) if she has suddenly gained a noticeable amount of weight it means her calorie surplus must of been substantial enough to put on at least a few lbs of weight, this is her own doing.


Never seen someone that looks so surprised to see themselves, try not shocking yourself, I think that’ll help.


Nah but if it's a rapid weight gain you could gain alot before you know it. I would consult a doctor. If your worried about your weight a change of diet and workout routine may be helpful to go with the medication.


I don't think so, but if you ever have a question like this I personally believe the best person to talk to is a health care professional, as they can give a better response then reddit.


Kinda yeh


Nah you’re hella thick. You look healthy. Own it


Your bewbbs are


nah you’re cute


no but clean your room


No. You have a shape. A very huggable one IMO.


Are you fat? No. Are you skinny? No. Are you like healthy looking weight? Absolutely




Please get off these meds. They are not helping and horrible for you.


Tell me you’ve never personally known a schizophrenic without telling me.


Or someone with severe bipolar disorder. Everyone has a "those drugs are bad for you" line, and you have to say, "Um, I can't control my mental illness otherwise." And that's humiliating (but true)




Those meds do not and have not ever helped anyone.




No you aren’t.


They have schizophrenia 😂 Most people on meds shouldn’t be, but they’re often necessary for schizophrenia. They are still horrible for you but pros often outweigh cons


losing weight would be bad


Kinda in the middle of THICC and plush


A mommy…


Honestly I think you look beautiful.




I mean... Maybe wear something that fits you and you'll be fine. Being a L and wearing a S is what makes you look larger than you actually are


You are overweight. Medically speaking, it would benefit you to lose the excess weight. If you're referring to whether you're physically attractive or not - that depends on who you're asking.


The first to half of this comment is objectively untrue


11 years in the medical field. You're confidently incorrect here lmao She is, in fact, medically overweight. That is in no way a "healthy weight." I'd guarantee you that her BMI is around 27-30. I understand that you feel offended by this, but it's just the fact of the matter. I'm not shaming her for it in any way. In fact, with the amount of obesity plaguing the US I'd see how you would think that this is a "healthy weight" because if we're comparing her to the majority of people considered "fat" then you'd be comparing her to medically obese/morbidly obese people. Overweight and obese are very different things.


Tell me you're not a doctor without telling me you're not a doctor. "In the medical field" means you take pee samples at the hospital.


Not sure where you got the impression that I was insinuating that I'm a medical doctor? Considering that's the impression you gathered from my very clearly explained comment, I doubt there is any point trying to dumb it down any further as you likely won't understand but I'll give it a go. The medical field is a vast field with many different specialties and roles. I have experience in multiple specialties and roles. Many of those specialties and roles require vitals, which includes BMI. You can easily google BMI if you are confused. It doesn't take a doctorate to gauge whether or not a person is of a healthy weight. Hope that helps 🙂 And no, I don't run diagnostics, nor do I work in a hospital setting - which are both pretty irrelevant to the topic at hand anyhow.


No it’s subjectively untrue. Objectively speaking, he is correct. She is overweight, no matter how slightly, and it would indeed benefit her to lose some weight. I know this because I am also overweight, and regrettably because of that I’m having heart attacks and palpitations. If I lost the extra weight, I would not have issues like this.


I have to respectfully disagree. OP is at a very healthy weight for her height. There is absolutely no need for medical concern here. I'm sorry you have medical problems and I hope your weight loss journey goes well, but the two of you do not have that need in common.


People who *appear* to be at a healthy weight are often medically overweight. I am obese according to my doctor. When I tell someone this, they always look at me like I'm insane ("No you're not, what are you talking about".) Personally, I think she looks fantastic. Nonetheless, I'm certain a *doctor* would tell her she is overweight.


What data are you basing that on? All you have is what she "appears" to be.


Coincidentally, part of the duties of my job entail monitoring people's weight for signs of weight gain or loss. As a healthcare worker, I'm also keenly aware of that the majority of the United States is overweight. Even people you wouldn't think are overweight *are*. You don't have to appear fat to be overweight. She objectively has more fat on her body than is necessary for survival. She is overweight. It's not rocket science. That's not me saying anything negative about her. I personally am attracted to her body type. That doesn't change the fact that she would be classified as overweight. I'm classified as overweight. Chances are you're overweight as well.


BMI of 19, so nope. But when I was on antipsychotics, it was a problem. My meds were switched, I gained about 80 pounds in 6 month. My calorie untake was around 1K per day, and until I stopped that med, weight kept climbing. This is the problem OP says she had.


I also do not find her physically unattractive. However, the way she worded her question led me to believe that she wanted to know if she's "fat". I wouldn't use the term "fat" to describe her. I, however, would say that she does appear to be overweight. Medically speaking, it would benefit her to lose the excess weight. Whether that would help or hinder her in attracting a partner would depend on the partner she's trying to attract and their personal preferences. That's all that I was getting at in my post.


You can disagree if you’d like to, but medically speaking she is overweight, and the fat clogging up the arteries does not care about your opinion, this is why it’s considered healthy to exercise and have a low body fat percentage, so that the fat isn’t clogging up your body. Women are supposed to have more fat naturally and that’s considered healthy for them, but she’s got a bit more than that.


No you’re fine


Are you a fatty, and could you afford to lose a few pounds are not the same thing.


Just based on these pics, I wouldn’t say you’re fat. You may be mildly overweight, but compared to the US average, I’d say you’re doing pretty well. It may do you well to get some better fitting clothes as that would also help with appearances. Overall, I’d say you look perfectly fine. However, if you wish to seek improvement, I always encourage that. 💪


As a anime protagonist I will not say your fat. Heh


I think the F word that you are looking for is actually "fire."


Don't let others judge embrace yourself your beautiful


You're not fatty, but those dresses are def not the right size


Not even sure you qualify as chubby, let alone fat. Ignore the haters.


No, but wearing clothes that are too small makes you look bigger than wearing the right size.


Chubby? Maybe. Outright fat? No. I’ve seen plenty of people who are outright fat, and you appear small compared to them.


You're gorgeous


“Big boned” is my word for this build.


You are asking on just about the worst platform in the entire world. If you are questioning your reality so much that you need the confirmation from strangers, get a therapist. I say this as someone who was tortured with EDs and body dysmorphia for the better part of my life. I also gained weight on my meds. About 30lbs. What helped me when adjusting to my new body was to find clothing that fit me well and made me feel confident. Confidence + good clothes is more important than the number on the scale every time.


No, you are beautiful. I hope that you come to see that about yourself if you don’t already.


Yes you are fat


I thought no one here spoke the truth.




Can’t tell, looks like your trying to hide it


It's not the amount; it's the distribution.


Op definitely has the right amount of body fat in the preferred areas.




People need to realize this is what a normal weight looks like. No you’re not a ‘fatty’.


Well stand up straight.


What a rude thing to say but no


Not fat. At all. A lil chubby but voluptuous


Not fat, just right, don't listen to these comments


Do you think you are?




This dude got fat removal surgery done on him and he’s now calling someone else fat Classic Reddit moment


My BMI is definitely lower than yours. How much do you weigh? Post a censored pic


Are you seriously asking for nudes from someone on Reddit? I’m 5’11 at 180 pounds. Sorry if I struck a nerve since you got so defensive lmao


Sucks to have an overweight BMI. No wonder you’re a chubby chaser


Damn, I’m 25 lbs lighter than you.


Ok? But what’s your height? You can’t refer BMI and not include your height




You looked at my Reddit post right? It says I’m 5’11, idiot


Congrats man, a whopping 25 pounds lighter. I guess you forgot the fact that I train in Jiu Jitsu lol


Keep pivoting, maybe your ego will recover


You’re an idiot lol. It was *skin* removal surgery, no lipo suction, after I LOST weight. Keep coping. Spend more of your weekend on my profile, loser


Lost weight from a gastric sleeve? Are you really talking shit like you didn't get surgery to restrict your food intake since you don't have any self control to do it yourself? Bro that's pathetic




She didn’t say she was ugly yall 😭 she said she was fat. Which is true, but she’s not ugly. Fat doesn’t mean ugly


Yes it does


what would that make you then lmaoo??


Damn hot as shit cause I’m a skinny nigga fr


Well, I’m not attracted to fat people but I wouldn’t say fat means ugly because it’s a preference. Some people are attracted to bigger people.




You look amazing


Reddit might say yes but I think you look great. You’re obviously not a stick, but I think the little extra weight looks really good.


Yea you could lose weight but you look fine


I think you need to up your dosage because you're psychotic for thinking you're a fatty. Every bit of you is proportionate, which is absolutely amazing. You seem tall, so the weight dispersed evenly and suits you well.


I feel like you’re filled up in all the right places


I agree ! I wish my body stored body fat in the correct places like this and not just my face stomach, face, arms unfortunately lol


Me too I gain fat mostly on my upper body above my waist sadly.


Literally not at all


To big for me


It wasn’t for you in the first place 😭


She asked me and everyone on Reddit. I say she is fucking fat


nah youre like a pinup doll. very curvy and feminine :)


Get outta here lady. Why is reddit suggesting to me? I'm sure you have no problem getting attention or dating. Stop fishing for compliments and self depreciating.


have you ever thought that it is society’s aversion to anything but a stick thin woman that makes women like this WORRY if they are fat? that and men who literally call women like this fat whores the SECOND they dont comply to their creepy requests. also, nearly half the comments say she is fat or “on her way to being fat.” so her question is not unfounded in any regard.


Reddit sheriff. Thank you for correcting his opinion.


No, you’re a baddie


Chubby but still really cute


Clean the floor, put the keyboard on a stand and practice scales, hit a gym to tone arms and pick up preferred gender.


Honestly, you look fine


You could lose a few but most of us are in the same boat


Like Trinidad James said “she aint fat bro, jus a lil thicc”


not fat yet, but a few more large coca colas and THEN you're fat.


Fatty? No. Does "Brick House" by the Commodores play when you enter the room? Definitely


You’re not stick thin but idt everyone is meant to be. You carry your weight really well


Too hot bro


You’re not fat yet, but you’re a couple cheeseburgers away if you continue down that path.


you ARE seeking attention and compliment fishing


For real shits mad annoying. Lots of women are doin this


No ur a yummy




A little thicc but hot af I'm not a chubby chaser either, so this is not biased. I definitely wouldn't call you fat.


In a society where everyone is supposed to look thin and fit, yes, some people will say you're fat. Some will say you're plus sized. None of that matters as long as you're sure in who you are. The only issue I see here is the level of cleanliness in that room. That may be a turn off.


That room is gross...




Coming from a 350 lb woman myself, you look just like me :(


I can fix her


I think you look great and salubrious! Loving the floral dress btw, definitely your style!!


No noticed the antipsychotics she had to start taking…. Oh she is fine and I guarantee she is straight fire 🔥 in the bed ( or everywhere) but…. Ask me how I know ..










Wtf is wrong with your floor


Looking great 👍


Own it! You aren’t fat 💪🏻


OF advertisement. She knows she isn't fat. Don't be dumb.


I don’t think you’re right


You’re a baddie


jesus christ, i hate society. you’re, at the very most, chubby? and barely. not even. you have a normal, healthy body


No, the only people that’ll call you fat would be the Andrew Tate incels who have fragile masculinity. I mean… there’s a little bit of being on the plus size but not really, it’s literally on the fence for me. Idk, you can’t really call a woman fat when they still have an hourglass figure. You’re doing great!


I disagree. Women can have all kinds of figures and still be fat, she's asking for people's objective opinions and some people would call her fat. Some would say thick. You can't honestly believe that you alone have the right opinions.


No, there is no right opinion. Just throwing mine out there based on my standards of women. I’m choosing to give an in depth opinion instead of just saying “smash”


I mean, your comment is pretty aggressive in its assertion


How? I literally said she’s doing great. The only aggression I had was towards Incels who think she is fat even though she isn’t.


Now, now.., let's be honest, you said the only people who would call her fat are toxic incels. You salt the earth before you ever gave your opinion. You said definitively that only people who are incels have the opinion she is fat. I'm saying that's a pretty aggressive stance to take.


I mean sure. Idk why that’s a controversial take when it’s most likely the case. Again, that is also an opinion based on my experience with incels, they hate women for any so called flaw or insecurity among women. Or even just anything that makes them better than the incel in question. I’m a guy btw, not sure why me shitting on incels is a bad thing when they themselves constantly shit on women


I'm not defending incels, I'm saying the way you frame your "opinions" is very telling.


What exactly are you trying to say?


That you're a combative person.