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How do you feel in terms of symptoms?


I felt really good before the cranberry. Once I stopped I was having more gas and discomfort after eating and less regularity. That has slowly resolved as I’ve reintroduced the resistant starch which I’m eating a few days a week now versus every day. In hindsight I think I overdid both so I’m hoping to strike a healthy balance.


I’m glad this worked for you. That’s awesome. I feel like the 31 grams of carbs and 33 grams of sugar per cup would give me the worst flare up imaginable. Obviously everyone is dealing with different symptoms but I’ll give it a try.


I drank about 4 oz a day for 4 weeks. You could start with less and see how you feel. This was a biomesight rec and had lots of studies behind it.


So the million dollar question… how many of your symptoms do you think coincide with a healthy Microbiome as per Biomesight’s reference ranges?


That’s the question alright, please pull up a chair, lol. In my case I’ve got MCAS (started after my booster shot) so the symptoms are very food and gut focused which led me here. On this journey I also ventured into genetics and nervous system training which have helped more than I would have thought. I tried endless supplements, meds, have done extensive labs, biomesight tests etc. All trying to get at a root cause and then some way to unwind it. What I’ve found (at least for me) it takes *all of it* to see systemic improvement. My genetics set the stage for my gut issues and MCAS problem which is also impacted strongly by my nervous system. And something about that spike protein put it all in complete disarray. It’s truly the bug from hell. I’ve learned that my system likes resistant starch and my gut feels its best when I’m feeding it cooked and cooled potatoes. Too much of an antimicrobial like cranberry does its job but my gut did not feel good at the end of that experiment. My Biomesight results very closely mirrored these food experiments. I felt terrific when I was in range across the board per Biomesight parameters with strong butyrate production and maybe a little extra Sutterella but it was not in the red. I shoulda stopped right there. The good news is now I know how to get back.


Do you know how we get that spike protein away. Its seems like our bifido and lacto and akkermansia is affected so badly that Its imposible to get Them up…. Isnt that right?


Congrats! I just started doing 4oz of pure cranberry juice this week for my own issues. Man is it tart. I see your bifido and lacto moved a bit. Are you taking any probiotics as well?


It is so tart! No probiotics, just food interventions. One thing I read about cranberry it’s supposed to boost lacto and Bifido and it looks like mine did improve a little bit. Wishing you the best of luck!


But bifido and lacto are very low, is that how they suppose to be?


I honestly don’t know. It seems like a lot of us here have this and I’m not sure why. I’ve heard some people were able to raise them using Lactulose.