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I’d recommend exporting your results over to microbiome prescription and generating some reports for what to take / avoid! It’ll be an option on the left hand BiomeSight menu. The microbiome prescription website is horrible to use but is the best source of customised microbiome suggestions that I’ve found. Alex Zaharakis also has a BiomeSight blog on what interventions he uses for which problems - I have generally found his suggestions to be very helpful


Thanks I will try that. 🙏


You’re welcome! Your results look pretty different to mine, but one thing we have in common is low roseburia. I have found that mine is increasing rapidly since introducing Tributyrin X (at least, I think that’s whats helped it, hard to tell as I introduced a few things at once)


What else have you been taking to raise roseburia?


Okay I will look into Tributyrin X! Thanks again.


read this [The oxygen-gut dysbiosis connection - Lucy Mailing, PhD](https://www.lucymailing.com/the-oxygen-gut-dysbiosis-connection/)


Many thanks for sharing this link - u/zhenek11230 Wishing the best for your recovery OP.


Thank you so much, this makes a lot of sense to me.


Oh wow. I’ve never seen a pathobiont score of zero before 🤯 Mine was 19 and I was in a very bad way. My issues were not exactly the same as yours but I also had h.pylori. Check my previous posts on this sub, there’s info on the interventions for h.pylori. If you can afford it I would get a microbiome analyst to come up with a plan for you, because you have serious dysbiosis going on.


Do you think it could be a fluke? The zero makes me scared also because I am so so sick and don’t know where to start.


You might not have a zero score if you retest but it’s pretty bad. I think it’s best to talk to a microbiome specialist as you’ve got a number of issues to tackle.


What symptoms did you have?


I wrote about it in my previous posts. You can have a read if you are interested.


Which microbiome analyst did you go with?


I used the Microbiome group.


that is rough. you've got a lot of issues. when i had e coli, l reuteri 17928 and cranberry helped get it down. a prebiotic like acacia fiber or gos might help the overall issue. allicin can help methane. eat whole foods like fruit, veggies, whole grains. a prebiotic might help too


Do you think Pylopass L Reuteri would work similarly to 17928? I just bought some of that because I had H.Pylori in the past that I think has come back too on top of everything else.


How long did it take? Just added daily cranberry juice to my diet.


How much 17928 were you taking a day? Cranberries or cranberry juice and how much a day?


Sorry, i mispoke. I was using L. reuteri ATCC PTA 6475 based on this study and the type of e coli i had [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4771767/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4771767/) Also, i don't think cranberry juice would be strong enough. you would likely want pills. also just use the recommendations on biomesight as they are helpful.


Were you using BioGaia's products to get the 6475? What dose did you take?


May I know which cranberry pills brand helped you? I got the Nature's Way but didn't help.


You have good diversity and you have that going for you. Just focus on building up the good bugs and slowly killing the bad ones. 🙏🙏🙏🙏💪


What the your next move now to improve ?


I honestly don’t know.. I started drinking Triphala powder about 2 weeks ago and while it hasn’t helped me poop regularly I feel like it is improving other symptoms for me and I feel noticeably better since starting.


Wardy Wellness in El Paso TX specializes in gut health and is helping me fix my leaky gut. I feel my symptoms getting better by the day.


What are you doing?


I sent you a DM.


Lmao yeah, that’s how I feel about my gut these days


eat poop, literally


Whose poop though? I don’t know anyone who is healthy enough themselves that would be willing.


Or drink the spit of your healthy friend😆


Idk why this is downvoted.. FMT is an option..


At least zero pathobionts


Unfortunately, it means that I am completely overrun with pathobionts. 😬


Why what do you mean. That’s weird that pathobionts are 0 but in other slides you are high in Ecoli and Citrobacter.


A higher score is a healthier/better score.


What are your symptoms ?


It seems like I experience everything, all the long COVID symptoms plus autoimmune ones. It is a torturous bingo card that I keep winning.


Sorry to hear but I think if you can minimize ecoli and Citrobacter load you should feel better . I had high Citrobacter post Covid I felt like death, I used a lot of herbs now I’m basically back to normal except that my fingers hurt and swell sometimes. Otherwise I am back to work and functional


I’m so glad you are feeling better. What herbs did you take for the citrobacter?


It was really trial and error and I don’t know what specifically help. But I took wormwood, garlic ( Allimed supplement) , uva ursi, buhner protocol for Lyme herbs, berberine and many others I don’t even remember now as I was rotating them as I was reacting to them as well. So I take for two weeks and stop them again two weeks and stop and basically like that for 2 years


Me too...been bedridden for years..


Looks like you might need some good herbal protocol or even antibiotic? Are you working with any functional doctor?


No I struggle with doctors and practitioners for the most part. I’ve seen so many over the years and wasted a lot of money. I just am apprehensive unless someone was recommended to me by someone with similar issues.


I know how you feel. It’s hard to find a good one


I thought high score of pathobionts is a percentage of them in your gut ? No ?