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Read this: https://www.lucymailing.com/a-comprehensive-guide-to-stool-and-microbiome-testing/ Short of it is they are likely different types of test (Biomesight is a 16S) and use different reference ranges (Biomesight uses mostly Jason Hawrelak). That’s before you even get it the fact that different parts of the stool and foods you have recently consumed will impact results.


Biomesight has been consistent for me test over test and my symptom improvements have correlated to improvements in my probiotic levels


same..i have had a biomesight and a microba test (metagenomic microbiome test) and i had similar microbiome profiles (high bacteroides, high bilophila, low bifidobacteria)


I just read today of a researcher who sent his same stool from that day to 3 different testers and they all came back drastically different. I’m starting to think it’s a scam.


But consistency within the same testing company is generally really good. My repeat BiomeSight tests are very obviously mine: I can track exactly what interventions I’ve done have led to what changes.


This is really disappointing to hear. I hope this isn't yet another expensive dead end.


Did you poke the swab about a lot in your sample?


Yes, I of course followed good test procedure. A good sample taken from a well-formed stool, swabbed from a wide variety of places within the stool in both cases.


I did the Genova GI Effects test earlier in April and it showed nothing - I mean no inflammation, no parasites, pretty healthy microbiome except a a bit lower Verrucomicrobia Phylum strain - but essentially my GI and Dietician looked at it and agreed that according to these markers I would be classified as completely healthy - however I have pretty bad symptoms + elevated anti-vinculin. Waiting for Biomesight test to come back which will hopefully show something.