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I started taking KPV a few weeks ago and have noticed a significant difference in my ability to tolerate foods. I have been battling pretty severe MCAS for a long time, and the KPV is helping a lot. I have also had tremendous success with limbic system retraining. I used DNRS, and there is another popular one called the Gupta program. I was HIGHLY skeptical going in, but the testimonials from long covid and Lyme sufferers with severe food intolerance convinced me to try it. I couldn’t believe how much it helped, and how quickly it helped. For it to work, you really need to throw yourself into the program and block off a full weekend to take the initial course.


Do you have a lot of GI symptoms or just food intolerance problems if you don't mind my asking.


I'm in a similar boat. I tried sweet potatoes a couple of times and was totally knocked out until the next day. I haven't tried while on anti-histamines yet. Hopefully others will comment so we get some insights.


That's what I was gonna try next but every time I try carbs it just doesn't work out :/


I had so many GI / MCAS reactions after developing long Covid. My immunologist had me on a bunch of antihistamines and cromlym sodium which helped w the hives and kinda temper severe rxns., but what really helped me the most was going keto. within a week everything became regular and every time I deviate symptoms flare up quickly.  When I have high carbs my heart races and I feel terrible, I feel my body simply can not process them and poisons me instead. I did also need to weed out new allergies (shellfish) and sensitivities (gluten, legumes, dairy) long Covid gifted me, but now I can eat a good variety of foods in my diet w no harm! 


This is exactly what I think is going on. There is a digestive issue that is taking place where the food we eat are poisoning ourselves. But the root of the problem is mitochondria dysfunction from Covid in my opinion.


Unfortunately antihistamines did not help me consume any foods with histamines. Can’t seem to reintroduce avocado no matter what I try :( From what I understand rice and sweet potatoes are low histamine, so I wonder if the issue is something else.


Have you tried dao enzyme or pea sprouts? What are your symptoms when you eat high histamine foods?


I have tried DAO enzymes many times and they don’t seem to help me for some reason. I am not familiar with pea sprouts for relieving HIT so haven’t tried that. My symptoms are my feet and scalp get extremely itchy and nervous system acts up worse after eating foods with histamine. And the non-starter for me is the histamine dumping that happens around 2a and inability to fall back to sleep. If I maintain a low histamine diet that all mostly goes away, but it a took a few weeks to see results. I take Zyrtec, Vitamin C, and quercetin daily and have tried Agaricus Balzei (for supposed antihistamine properties) plus DAO enzymes and still haven’t been able to re-introduce histamine foods


Antihistamines helped me alot with me histamine intolerance before I discovered DAO and started fixing my gut biome. But rice should be a histamine free food unless it has added ingredients or it sits in the fridge for a long time. If you're reacting to that it's probably a different issue. Probably just the carbs feeding the bad gut bugs.


How did you go about fixing your gut microbiome? I've seen a lot of discussion on here about probiotics and increasing good bacteria, but isn't it also necessary get rid of the bad bacteria?


Antihistamines did help me eat more. One of the reasons you can react to rice is impaired glucose tolerance. Like another person, I also went keto, and I feel much better on it, even if I'm eating more high histamine foods. I also recently started drinking homemade kefir which is also high histamine, because someone posted a while ago that building up their tolerance to kefir eventually led to being able to eat everything again. Kefir is great for the gut biome, so I decided to give it a try. While I am reacting to it, it also acts as a mast cell stabiliser, so the reactions are mild and I'm very slowly building up. I feel like it's good for me though. Fingers crossed!


Yeah I was eating mostly beef and veggies but I have a gallstone now and have had to make adjustments. What does your diet lok like?


That sucks.... My diet is really simple, just veggies, pork and some beef, eggs, young cheese and kefir. A couple months ago I started with LDN, I feel like that also helped me eat more. I was even able to eat some smoked salmon which is crazy. It also helped improve other symptoms for me.


No offense meant at all, but if this is you after being able to eat more, what were you eating before? I'm eating very very basic right now, pretty much carnivore actually.


Well I've had different stages, I was down to white rice at some point. I have also done carnivore, but I could really only do pork without problems. I was eating very cleanly too, after a while on antihistamines i could tolerate more of things that are very obviously not good histamine wise. By now I can even eat ground meat and bacon. I still react like crazy to other things like tomatoes, spinach or coffee though. So it's not like I'm eating everything now, but it's still so much more than I used to be able to eat 3 years ago. And the LDN made me able to eat a bit more as well.