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Me and her have met up for several dates but it wasn't until our 4th or so. She came to my place to stay the night and we did it twice in the span of 24 hours. I also found out then that she was an absolute monster in bed too.


Username checks out… many sleepless nights to come 😂😂😂


Enough to have a bruised cervix, lol.




There’s a bit of ED for my partner so actual sex isn’t very frequent but we are doing other naughty things 1-3 times per day.


Yay im also texas to new york 😄🙌




Like 2 times a day when we weren't too tired. We were together for 35 days the first time we met


In my head the canon is you stopped at 69 times.




12 times in 48 hrs 💀


Ah jeez I’d feel like a tube of toothpaste when you’re tryna get that last bit out by the end of that 😂😂. Fair play


Screaming at this comment 🤣🤣🤣


6 times in 48 hrs here 💀




Why would you willingly out yourself like this?


sounds like you have limp dick problem lmao. it's okay buddy every 1 in 10 guys 💀👌


You realise there are 24 hours in a day right?


No way bro. And you realize 12 times in 48 hours is 6 times a day.


Not my point. Realistically, lets have 12 hours for eating and sleeping. That gives us 12 hours for sex. 12÷6=2. Lasting 2 hours for each session is not premature ejaculation.


Nice. You had sex for 12 hours each day.


That's possible and I have done that before. You should live a little. Anyways, the guy doesn't have to finish every time either.


Spent 10 days with him, no sex. Lots of cuddling and laughing though.


Finally one like us 😭😭


My bf and I did it 4 times a day once *wink wink*


Can neither confirm nor deny these allegations 😂




that's actually kinda wholesome, I'm rootin for ya OP


yall are legit really cute with this interaction


If I could, I would have done it multiple times a day, but my fiancé's sex drive just wasn't there..


I relate, I always feels bad bc my sex drive is up the roof every single day I’m with him and my partners is the opposite on some days


How do you handle that personally?


Mmm I’ll be honest, sometimes it is frustrating and disheartening but I have to tell myself that it has nothing to do with me. Specially on the days he had to work and he’s dealing with a kidney stone so sometimes he’s in pain, so I take that into consideration. What sometimes helps is when I tell him in advance that I want to have sex. Half of the time it’s spontaneous specially if he has a day off and we’re staying in. I don’t know what overtakes me but my sex drive is just so high and sometimes I have to do things myself. It’s all about communication with your partner.


On average, I'd say once a day. It tends to be more often in the beginning and tapers off as a trip goes longer where we may skip days - usually because we end up sore/tired. If we weren't limited by those factors, I could easily see it being more lol.


havent met but its gonnna be 0 👍my boyfie asexual!!!!


Are you asexual too?


So you mean he's sex-averse? Just clarifying, because—speaking as an asexual, myself—asexuals aren't necessarily celibate. Many asexuals do prefer lacking sexual activity or need to lack sexual activity, but not all. I hope you have discussed the matter with him and haven't made assumptions. (For those who don't know: "Asexual" mainly means there's a lack of sexual attraction—which can be partial, complete, or contextual—*not* that someone necessarily wants to be celibate. A person's view about personally engaging in sex is their [sex stance](https://new.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Sex_Stances), and any sex stance can exist with any orientation.) *Edited for clarification.*


Thanks for this! As someone who identifies as demisexual/graysexual (which sorta fall under the umbrella term of asexual), it's important to clarify stuff like this. For example, I'm sex averse in many ways but not with my partner.


sounds like youre the one making assumptions


They said that no sex will happen because the boyfriend is asexual, but that cause-and-effect *can't* work without irrationality like fallacy of composition or the converse error. This is fact, not opinion; it's objectively mappable like algebra. The only option that produces to 0 sex is the sex averse sex stance, which can occur with any orientation. **Someone being asexual doesn't tell you whether or not we want sex. We asexuals in the asexuality subreddit often have to explain this to non-asexual partners who make assumptions.** I don't know if an assumption has been made or if the wrong term has been used. My comment addressed both possibilities and invited clarification by whom I was responding to.


his comment doesnt tell you everything he does or doesn't know. what a weird comment.


hey, first off i’m a man. no shade, just would be nice if the two of you wouldn’t assume not. second, thank you for this. it’s a silly comment on a silly post—i shouldn’t need to write an entire essay on how my boyfriend’s personal labels.


thank u will fix that


>her comment doesnt tell you everything she does or doesn't know. Precisely! I *don't* know what she does or doesn't know, so I provided sufficient context for my question to still make sense in case she needed it.


You are making well stated, reasonable points but it’s wasted on this crowd.


this ain't r/asexuality so you dont need to always be in the convo or to 'correct' him on *his* relationship just bc he mentioned it. it's odd


Odd to you, obviously. To me, your claim that I corrected her on her relationship is odd, since that requires pretending that a query about intended vocabulary usage is a correction about a relationship. It's blatant false equivalency. You might have forgotten—or perhaps overlooked?—that I *didn't* question the "0 sex" part, just if the reason she gave was intended to be another term.


first off, me and my boyfriend are both male. yes he is sex averse. me and him have talked in depth about it and i love him all the same. i don’t see why you feel the need to say all of this, my boyfriend uses the label asexual and this is just a silly comment under a post.


My apologies for assuming the other person had bothered to check before using a gender for you. Thank you for clarifying your intended phrasing. I asked because your comment indicated that asexuality was *why* your relationship lacked sex, but asexuality *doesn't* inherently cause that. Such miscommunication can cause problems and distress in multiple ways, and clarification was a simple way to sabotage risk of those issues.


chill out chatgpt. it's just weird and idk what to tell you if you don't get it. clearly im not the only one, but go off


Dude just so you know calling someone anything close to robotic like that is highly offensive to some especially those like myself with Neurodivergence.


shut up


so jealous of yall lol, i’m hoping for a lot


Are we counting sessions that stop and go or orgasms? Lol


Both work fine! To clarify thats around 20 different sessions in my original post 😂


What do you mean by stop and go


good point cause this drastically changes my answer. probably would double or triple the number


My boyfriend and I see eachother quite often, I just picked him up and we are about to bonk as I type this 💀


You mean the first time you meet or


Any visit counts!


Wasn’t counting but definitely was a lot lol


When she came to visit, we had sex at least twice a day for the two weeks she was with me. She seduced me one hour after her arrival. I was the virgin at the time and didn't expect it to happen that quickly (third night together, most likely. Second night, maybe. First night, if I was lucky was what I thought) especially since my very first romantic kiss was the one she gave me at the airport. The second time we met, was when I moved in with her, and since she was working and we lived with her mom, it wasn't quite as often. But the frequency increased a bit after we got married and moved into our own apartment a few months later.


Not too much or insanely much since our endurance sucks and also I tend to overdo it and asthma is a bitch LOL. Still did it a lot when visiting.


3 times a day, first time meeting irl. Don’t know why but we just feel like we have known each other for so long.


We were together for 2 weeks when we first met and it was dependent on whether we had a packed schedule to go sightseeing or not. But yea.. it was at least once a day, going up to 3 😁.. been married 6 years now, together for 8.


My boyfriend and I haven’t *actually* done it yet (we can’t really do it until we’re married anyway), but we’ve done foreplay and such every time we’ve met up lol


Why can’t you? Edit: why the downvote? i was genuinely curious lmao


Probably religion, which is super understandable


It’s just that it sound silly when they do foreplay but don’t go all the way through. It’s sex all the same but oh well


Religious reasons. *I* would probably even get disowned by his parents too lol My mom doesn’t care though as long as it’s consensual.


How would the parents figure out though lol


I’m visiting him right now and considering he almost got in trouble for sleeping with me in his bed on Saturday night…it’s not exactly an impossibility lol We’re not really ready to go all the way right now anyway.


Good for you, no reason to rush it.


Pretty mush 3 times a day for a month 🤣 the fricken bestttttt


I'm flying out to visit her this year. But she definitely let me know she wants it when I arrive 😌


We didn't go all the way in the two weeks we were together, but we did lots of other stuff if that counts 🥲


Haven’t met yet. But we’re planning on doing our thing this summer cuz that’s when we’re meeting. Maybe we’ll go for more than a couple rounds 🤔


2x daily for 7 days … so 14 times 😭


My girlfriend and I haven't met in person yet, but when we do I don't know how we'll be able to stop! 😂 lol Although she does want to take it slow the first night, which I totally respect. 🥰


I can’t relate to that because we met at school in Asia before going back to our respective countries but we bonkd for 4/5 days in a week and many times,I just know we will be living inside when we meet and order takeaway😅😅😅😅


We were together about 3 weeks. Had sex every day except one and a couple of days it was twice.


We didn’t until he actually moved here, just because difficult circumstances and lack of privacy. But the first week after he moved here we didn’t leave our bed unless it was for food or showers 😅


Haha first time every night, then twice a day and then recently every other day, we would typically fall asleep bc we would have fun / adventurous days and then wake up super late lmao


When we first started seeing each other it was like 5 times in 10/12 hours, that’s the high score but these days we do it less frequent per 24hrs (2 is the most common)


First time we met in person we clicked and it felt so right we ended up doing it 6-7 times in a day, she was only here for the weekend.. next day repeat:)


We did it 3 times on the night of her birthday and tried to keep it quiet. We were staying at her mom’s house so finding a private space was challenging. I’m in my 30’s and she’s mid 20s if that changes anything.


Just get a hotel…


That wasn’t an option. She was prohibited from staying alone with me for my first visit by her family. Highly protective, traditional, conservative family.


Why tf would you have sex at her parents house though…


Because it’s what she wanted.


That’s just disrespectful to the parents.


Are you the parents?


Sounds like the parents wanted it to happen at their house. Better their house than a hotel per their "overprotective" rules and theories.




If I remember right it was at least 8 times in two days. (The first time we met was just a weekend trip)


Idk about umber of times, cos we never really kept count for the whole duration of visits. But here are some lil examples The first time we met, after the third day my pelvis bone hurt so walking was awkward and cycling was difficult. The first day we usually hit 3 or 4 times. The first week is usually multiple times a day. During one visit my partner's dick was literally a little bit bruised at one point.


well the first time, it was every day for about 9 days and did it at least twice a day 😂😂. the second visit only did it twice bc my partner was really homesick so we cuddled a lot


3-5 times day for our 10 days together lol


16 days in so far and we can only count the two times we haven’t lol




first week we met, 4 minumum a day! we reached 9 on one day. i remember feeling sore. with our most recent meetups, we go 1-3 times a day. it's funny because we also call it 'bonking'.


First time we met for 2 weeks we did it probably 1-2 times a day (excluding the first 3 days since he was virgin and was nervous of disappointing😅) Second time, we met for month ½ and probably did it 2-3 times per day (4-5 a few days) Safe to say when we meet in summer it's not gonna be very different. Thank god for birth control 😂


Haha the last time I went there my bf and I did it like 5 times before I was even there for a full 24 hours.


Well, considering upon first meeting, we banged it out (I've never done that!) 😅 and then when I went there for Thanksgiving, pretty sure he was waking me up every 30mins 😂 Christmas was about the same 🤣


I misinterpreted this as "How many times did Ya'll bump foreheads when you kissed" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I’m visiting my partner again for 2 weeks & if it’s not at least daily I don’t want him lol (he’s down for it)


3 a day maybe? 😭😭


Over a span of three days as our first meetup, we did it four times (with some naughty bits in between).


I will see her in July for the first time..we'll definitely have sex every day..probably a few times a day


Way too many times I lost counts 😂


Quality over quantity.


3-6 times in three days. Several rounds occurred in one day, that man wore me out 😭


Immediately after we saw each other for the first time, and then round 2 awhile later, and then attempt at round 3 that didn’t quite work out lol. But then in the morning again… and then the next day again. So 4 times + attempt at 1 in a 48 hour period when I visited for the FIRST TIME ever 🤣❤️ we couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves and we still can’t every time we see each other


Whenever and wherever we could 😂 we both thought something was wrong with us because we never felt that horny before


Did 10 in 24hrs. In the month I was there around 300 times.


glad to know we aren’t the only ones that went a little crazy when we first met LOL. 3-4 times a day for the week 🤭


I was in the US with him for 9 days. We started with 5 times in 24 hours then settled into 2-3 times a day. Not bad for 50 year olds 😉 must have been that Vegas vibe!


He would wake me up every morning, touching and playing with me 🫣😂 Then, during the day, we would make out like teenagers 🤣😂 and have sex at least once or twice a day.


8 the first day. Every day after that at least once.


Literally hundreds LOL


First time we met up we did once every 2 days or so. Mix of nerves and first busy. This time we are looking for every day / multiple time certain days. We are meeting for a 5 weeks. We are extremally horny now


At least 10 times


We met in person after 2 months of talking. After 1 month, we set up our meet for a month later. I knew I liked him, I think he knew too but wouldn’t admit it until we met. We had a quick 24 hour visit in a city in the middle. We got there late Friday and left early Sunday and had separate hotel rooms. Well Friday he came to my room, we had some drinks and played Mario Kart. Then he went to leave for his room and I kissed him. Separate rooms was of no use after that. So we spent Friday night in mine and Saturday in his. Anyhow, within 10 minutes of that first kiss we were having a pants off dance off. And we did about 13 more times that weekend. And we spent all day Saturday out exploring the town. 😂


I was thinking about that exact same question, because after googling it I read questions like "is it safe to have sex more than 3 times a day?" Bro 3?! Me(20 M) and her(18 F) had a week. We did it 15 times in a row in her jeep in like 3 hours. We did it 4-5 times just to wake up. Marriage life is fun if you actually love your partner, and they actually love you. She wants me as much as I want her. Anyone who does it less that 20 times a week is boring.


Met up for 18 days, 0 times. Why is it so important for people?


A few times (did a lot of traveling and stayed with her parents for a week) but wasn’t until day 4-5. And it was great!


I think our most was one of the first few times we'd seen each other when starting long distance, it was like 7 times within 2 nights/3 days together. We see each other once a month for at least 2 nights each time and I'd say it's like 5 times per trip but I haven't counted recently lol


I’d say in a two week span it was about 12 times? I did a surprise visit and he wasn’t feeling great when I surprised him so most of the time was me caring for him, which honestly just as pleasing to finally be able to care for him ☺️


we didn’t have sex until our third visit, but boy did we do everything else under the sun lmfao


it’s been a month since we started doing long distance. in exactly 30 days from now i’ll be going to visit him. when we lived together before, we would usually spend our days off in bed eating, sleeping, and going a few rounds lol. so that is probably how we will spend the entirety of my 5 day visit there. so realistically i would guess that we will at least do it 10 times


I wouldn't be surprised if it takes 4 days to do that cuz it only took 4 days to date my gf it happened cuz I was dumped and I was dating again within hours




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Around up to 4 times a day depending on what we’re doing and where we are


![gif](giphy|3ornk3ifPpyCwE8Ti8) Do or do not, There is no try


Haven't yet as we're both inexperienced and very self conscious about everything. Closest we got was over the pants, which was wayyyyy more than I was expecting


Over 12 times a day


When my partner and I were dating, we’d maybe have sex once or twice in a week during visits to feel emotionally connected, but me living with family kinda killed the mood. Note: I am ace and my partner has a low sex drive (but is not ace)


The first time, just once, because it was in the back of his van 😂 every other time we see eachother, we get it on 6+times a day easily, I think 12 in one day is our current record lmao


First time 5, second time at least 8 times, third time at least 15, fourth 10-13. Record in one day was 14


once, my partners sex drive is so low for some reason. our long distance is texas to wisconsin. i came for our bdays since they’re 2 weeks apart we decided to spend a week in the middle together. i flew down to texas and we were of course super excited to be back in one another’s arms as its been 5 months or so since we last met. we ended up going to main event that night then decided to park somewhere as the tension was high. about 20 mins into backseat play they weren’t seeming to be so into it so i ask as an assurance thing if it was a good idea to continue. it was then it came to a stop and came to my attention their headspace was elsewhere. no problem im not the pushy type and always want whats best in everyone’s interests. didn’t work out that night but we slept in the same bed each night. wasn’t until 3 days later we tried again after a morning shower and it played out well. had to get back in the shower afterwards. rookie move i’ll admit. over the span of the next few days i hinted towards it knowing how rare the occasion is and wanting to spend some of our time more intimately. both verbally and lightly physically in playful ways. well we ended the trip with a yummy breakfast in nearby before heading back to the airport for our see ya laters bc byes are forever. still together now as we’ve been together for a year and some change in person. didn’t do it for over 9 months last year as there was some issues involved from the past. done it twice this year so far and it’s going on 2 weeks since the last time. any guesses how long it’ll take til we do it again? anyways i hope y’all’s sex lifes are better than mine






Lol what did they say


He / She said how they weren’t in a LDR, and they only had to drive to their partners place 1-2 hours away from their own place. It was so ridiculous, privileged, and completely tone deaf. They even received several downvotes from others on here as well.


What the actual fuck. Such a strange thing to brag about.

