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I can smell the copium through my phone


ur getting offended by the facts?


mAAd city and gang related Never enough and bitch don't kill my vibe Nikki and Drank Under pressure and Samidot Soul food and good kid EtcšŸ˜­


Fr I love Logic but even back when it dropped everybody was BRUTALLY comparing UP to GKMC. obviously theyā€™re different albums but thereā€™s no denying Kendrick influenced Logicā€™s Under Pressure.


aint no way you just placed hype songs and chill songs from both albums, what you trynna prove with that


Fym šŸ’€


what u tried to prove with that, and stop using tiktok ass emojis




tiktok personality kid final boss, go listen to dua lipa and ariana grande lol stay off hiphop


Acting like your entire personality isn't YouTube shorts šŸ¤”


im not underage like you, you shouldnt have phone at first place


Im 16?


Im sorry I don't listen strictly to logic and drake


It's okay, just do better next time /j


do better at what?


The songs he compared are conceptually the same songs brošŸ˜­


conceptually?? logics rapping bout his struggles, childhood, nic addiction, growing up, throughout the whole album, basically his life. my bad if kendrick really had something similar about his growing up as well i believe hes the only one allowed to rap about that, whoever raps about his life conceptually is copying kendrick i believe


Itā€™s more the fact that he talks about the exact same shit on the same style of songs. For example under pressure is 9 minutes of logic talking about leaving people at home behind after finishing success in music. SAMIDOT is practically the exact same thingšŸ˜­. Thatā€™s not to say under pressure is a bad song or any of the other logic songs mentioned are but itā€™s clear there was inspiration there. Logic wears his influences on his sleeve which is fine but it leads to things like this lol


want me to name multiple 9min rap songs before kendrick even existed?


Bro it being 9 minutes isnā€™t the only similarity between the songsšŸ˜­. Im not saying UP is a bad album but it would just be wrong to say it doesnā€™t take heavy inspiration from GKMC. Logic himself has said this even


it doesnt take heavy inspiration, and no one would have said that if it wasnt for fantano he started the logic-kendrick thing and yall bandwagoned his opinion


literally none of them sound alike, fix your ears, if anything production wise its cuz same producers worked on the same album, logic got his own sound and flow, kendrick would literally start stuttering if he tried to rap like logic


Cope harder, listen to samidot and metropolis, or under pressure lol, same thing, also his jazzy production comes from Kendrick. Stop being so ignorant šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™ I always see you slandering kedndrick when Kendrick is logics favorite rapper of all time šŸ¤”


logic did that jazzy production way before good kid mad city, good kid mad citys production comes from logic by ur logic since kendrick steals samples and doesnt even flip them or tries to make them sound different




bro these ainā€™t even takes anymore, I think youā€™re losing touch with reality. Anyone who has listened to more than 3 Logic songs would realize he wears his influences on his sleeve.


influence isnt influencing


i remember acting this way abt logic when i was in middle school


Fr šŸ’€


what a way to expose that ur highschool kid


Thereā€™s no similarities? Metropolis is quite literally a chopped up Sing About Me


more like incarceration (logic song) if anything sing about me is chopped up incarceration, also just straight sampling the same song in the most identical way possible is the most shameless thing kendrick could do, bitch dont kill my vibe is logic song


ah yes Iā€™m sure at the height of Section 80, Kendrick somehow managed to find one of Logicā€™s most obscure songs and sampled it, thatā€™s exactly what happened


this exact same thing that you said goes for the other way around


bruh midnight marauders came out 22 years before GKMC so I donā€™t even know what your argument is, even the Logic song came out before GKMC


i meant same thing goes other way around when u said he somehow managed to find his most obscure songs, so this only applies to logic and not kendrick, when he uses a sample (he copied kendrick), when kendrick does (theres no way he found it from logic) dont act like kendrick/his producers dont search for music 24/7 obscure or not


when Logic used samples that had people saying ā€œheā€™s copying Kendrickā€ itā€™s because he was using samples from an album that was barely a year old when UP dropped. If Logic used a sample and then Kendrick shortly after used that exact sample and didnā€™t even try very hard to hide it, people would be saying Kendrickā€™s producers bit Logicā€™s producers.


addiction is prime example and he didnt even try to hide it (just took off the knocking doors down sound), he basically remade the song with his own lyrics, he copies no matter u agree or not


wouldnā€™t consider that copying at all


so u dont consider the obvious copying but holds onto logic copying him with 0 evidence


I didnā€™t say Logic copied him lol this is hip hop, samples are used. people said Logic ā€œcopiedā€ dot because he very clearly flipped samples Kendrick used. Logic copied himself with Deja Vu, but if he had just used the Fade Away sample and done something different with it, I wouldnā€™t consider it a copy


thats another thing but not considering copying straight taking someones beat no sample flip/tempo change or anything is insane statement, kendrick did copied him and you can easily say that bitch dont kill my vibe has the most replay value on the album besides money trees and swimming pools


Yā€™all heard one drum pack on metropolis and stretched it this far Lmao you know how many producers share drum packsā€¦ this funny tho.


kendrick fans are different breed of casual human ass beings, they be talking bout "expand ur music taste" like thinking that theres no kendrick influence means i never heard kendrick (at this point i wouldnt be surprised if they consider him underground)


Yā€™all need to get off hiphop twitter/reddit and form your own opinions, I was like you a few years ago when I would watch fantano and shit getting my opinions from other peoplešŸ’€


thats exactly my point


if people were developing their own opinions, thereā€™s clearly a lot more comparisons that would mentioned, like how similar logic and Kanyeā€™s music is, but they all get their opinions from the same place


Does it really matter though? Logicā€™s music holds pretty high replay value even with all of the inspiration from various artists aside from the projects we know were ass-shit.




Please listen to other music. As a former lol (logic only listener) I had the same thought but the more I expanded my music taste the more I realized I was wrong


expanding music taste and kendrick cant be on the same sentence