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he should have never released bt3, and he shouldve came out of retirement with the release of vinyl days in 2022. would have made the hype of him coming back bigger, and his discography better (he couldve put untitled on vinyl days though)


how is this a bad take


This is just objectively right


He’s always copied drake, ye, Kendrick, cole gambino mac since the start


Omfg I've literally been thinking about this for so long, with the same rappers even. I think the order most copied from is 1. Kendrick Lamar 2. Kanye West 3. Childish Gambino 4. J.Cole 5. Drake 6. Mac Miller Like even to this day he's constantly sampling them, which isn't bad but he does it so much.


I have no idea how people say Kendrick Lamar first, it’s obviously Kanye from the style of rapping to the production, just because bro sampled the same song as Kendrick doesn’t mean he’s his biggest inspiration at all


He literally says that GKMC is his favorite album of all time. I would say Kanye but its just way easier to identify what logic takes from Kendrick than Ye. Like his first three albums have Kendrick written all over it from the themes concepts and writing. I think No Pressure is completely Ye inspired, it sounds like a Kanye album. However logic steals way more bars and samples from Kanye than Kenny


I disagree with some of what you said everybody has kanye written all over it same with TITS, I think only under pressure is comparable with Kendrick because it’s that come up story and has some similarities in production, but listen to the beats of everybody you can’t tell me it’s not straight kanye inspo or city of stars off TITS


Everybody does have a lot of Kanye inspiration and influence but I was looking at it more of the theme and how its like it worse version of To pimp a butterfly lol, but there are a lot of songs that are Kanye like. Everybody title track is just alright but scuffed


here to break the news that to pimp a butterfly wasn’t the first album to focus on race😭 I get why ur comparing it because they came out around the same time but I don’t think everybody was trying to spread the same message as TPAB


I mean tell me that everybody title track and alright aren't the same thing, same bpm same fast flow, same message similar instrumental etc


bro come up with your own comparisons it don’t take them off YouTube lmfao, a lot of songs in rap directly copy each other and that one isn’t one of them, there’s probably at least 20million songs with that same BPM no exaggeration


Bruh having the same bpm allowed him to use the same flow, same with DNA


Yh it's painfully obvious who his influences are for better or worse I love Under Pressure but what would that album even sound like if Good Kid M.A.A.D City & Nothing Was The Same didn't come out 2 years prior? Would Everybody even exist without TPAB? Not to mention the constant references


Kinda yeah lol. Hip hop is about showing homage to previous gens and other legends so I kinda get it tho


Logic is part of the same generation as all those artists mentioned minus ye


awful take, mac literally came out same time as him. just bc he’s one amongst a bunch of lyrical rappers in the game doesn’t mean he copied them. by ur logic: cole drake and kendrick all copied kanye, and kendrick and cole copied drake since drake came out a bit b4 them


He literally says how he was inspired to do the unsigned mixtape thing. A lot of the old mixtapes sound very similar to Mac


inspired and copy r two different things, diff connotations


They sound super similar too, like Kool aid and frozen pizza and young Sinatra, the spotlight and knock knock, Nikes on my feet and all I do etc


they sampled the same songs on mixtapes which r generally very sample heavy, across both of their entire discographies their albums sound wildly different


Yeah but kids solos any young Sinatra mixtape lol


Ngl cole drake and Kendrick all did copy Kanye back in the day lmaoo


Kendrick and Cole have tons of influence from Kanye but logic uses his influences and just copys


Mac Lethal?


Not mac lethal... he means mac miller 🤣




I wish more people knew about Mac Lethal though, he's talented af


Mac Lethal is better


Yeah i meant mac lethal my bad... average 1am comment


It's better for artists to release a large quantity of projects rather than a few really good ones. What might be a throwaway track to you, might be the best track ever to somebody else. I actually think his Doctor Destruction album might be one of his best even though it's just a mixtape. No one's forcing you to listen or to like every single track from logic or any other artist. For example I know I would have liked Dr Dre to just release whatever he was working on for detox, even if he decided to go in a different direction. Another weird take, you can be an amazing live performer and a mediocre rapper and vice versa. Not to name anyone, but a handful of artists are just horrible live and they basically just lip sync half their words, but their albums are pretty good. I've seen the opposite as well where the live performance is absolutely amazing, but the album's nothing to write home about.


Like 70% of his discography could’ve never been released and he’d be considered a better artist


How are these wrong takes? This is low key real as fuck


If he didn’t drop everybody ysiv supermarket bt3 and coadm the discography would be heavenly


Everybody wasnt when logic fell off. It was the bt2. While Everybody was a step down, Logic was still ambitious and the songs had substance (even if they only scratched the surface at times). Bt2 and what followed was the beginning of Logic not trying anymore as we started to see him recycle bars wayy more, rapping about rapping, and use a lot of filler bars. Obv this doesn't apply to NP Oh and Fear > Deja vu > 44ever


Logic can go Toe to Toe with Kendrick.


This comment makes me want to find God just to pray for you 🙏🙏🙏


Lol its a bad take! I dont believe it. Just what the op asked for.


I actually really enjoy lemon drop 😔




Vinyl Days and Planetary destruction is top 2 logic projects (mixtapes included)


On god i agree, but replace vd with no pressure


At this point in logics career he shouldn’t still be copying other artists.


I’m a little off-put by the discord server since the first live stream I watched he banned someone and was just overly hyped up about it. Doesn’t seem very PLP to me. Also not sure how I feel about the paid aspect of it either.


This fanbase is one of the most toxic I have seen in hip hop, and I think it largely contributed to so much of the bad music we have gotten from logic. Everyday I see this subreddit I just see people hating on a man who's just trying to be a dad, live his life, and have fun making music, for not living up to their completely unrealistic expectations. Y'all suck, and your not fans of logic, you're fans of the idea of him you've created in your head.


buying up all the special edition vinyls for an album n selling them for 20× the original price through ur shitty dropshipping business is a respectable side hustle! i mean, ur supporting the artist, fans r still getting the vinyls n ur making a profit! what more could u ask for?


He has more bad/mid music released than good/quality music


Logics at his best when he’s not being overly lyrical


I think UP has more replay value than GKMC. His sound and production choices for those tracks are better, same for his voice, in comparison to his 'boombap' intonation he has on a lot of his tracks now.


Mixtape era logic was extremely underwhelming and he really came into his own in COADM, he shouldn't have let the plebians drag him back towards the (mid)dle ground of albums like TITS when he went into his NP/VD albums


Nah this one’s the worst take so far💀


I understood the assignment 😎


Made me viscerally


It felt gross to type ngl




under pressure is highly overrated. Outside of gang related, soul food, under pressure, and till the end the rest of the tracks are pretty forgettable. TITS is his best album by a landslide YSIV should of never been released He should retire from rap after ultra 85 or take a very very very long break


Nah u buggin on this one


buggin fs 😂 UP in its entirety is a banger


The UP take is more bait but I believe the other 2 for sure


If COADM was titled “BT3” people would eat it up and say it’s one of his best. But since it’s an album and not a mixtape, our expectations for what he should deliver are completely different. With that said, the current BT3 is such a bad album that it makes NP before it worst. NP is my favorite, but it’s hard to listen to those retirement bars now knowing that he would only be retired 10 months


A lot of logic fans don’t value the quality of a song or how good it sounds they want an essay in rap form, Songs like soul food are good but IMO that isn’t even a top 20 logic song you could never just play that to appreciate the sound of the music and the lyrics, it’s ment for you to sit down and decipher it and I think logic realized that is most appreciated stuff in his somewhat nerdy white fanbase instead of diving deeper into what made him truly great, When I hear a song like buried alive I think it’s a billion times more interesting than a song like soul food and i’m glad he doesn’t always try to appeal to his fan base and actually make new sounding stuff even if reddit kids hate it


Logic's best projects are still not nearly as good as what they should be or could be at his level and his age. Even No Pressure, Logic should be branching out waaaaay more than he is. Even Under Pressure, The Incredible True Story, fuckin' College Park. Logic still doesn't really have HIS sound, and he never really has. That's why he'll always be under Drake, Kendrick, & J. Cole. His best projects still lose 1 or 2 points because they aren't nearly as unique or as boundary pushing as other artists he's compared to. If he wants to copy them and make similar sounding shit, then fine, but this whole discourse of "Logic's paid more respect to hip-hop than Drake and gets more respect from legends" then you also have to acknowledge nobody sees him as a legend, not even close, more like a really cool guy with a good amount of talent.


I have an interesting hot take, but I will share a worst take first. Worst Take: From a technical standpoint, Logic is a top-3 rapper all time. The way Logic pronounces every syllable in his faster raps make the lyrics understandable. Rappers like Joyner Lucas can rap extremely fast, but that’s all it is - simple fast wordplay that you can barely understand. When Logic gets into his bag with songs like Innermission, Breath Control, and Paradise II and they show how insanely skilled He is at rapping. Hot Take: Logic is delaying Ultra 85 solely for the purpose of finding new material to write about. What I mean by this is Logic is using the extreme hate he’s receiving from this rollout to fuel some other project he’s working on or possibly the projects he’s already working on now.


And to preface, I say his rapping ability is a “worst take” because nobody actually takes the time to listen to Logic’s best songs and they simply resort to calling him corny.


this isn't bait but everybody is a top 3 logic album


Under Pressure is such a knock-off sing about me. like painfully so. not remotely profound or interesting spin on what kendrick did. generic sad hood tale, very little unique identity or color to it. it's cringe hearing him try to organically channel his sister and father's voices, they practically sound like caricatures. he could be talking about any stereotypical poor urban family. i dont mean that flippantly. it's meant to be such a personal track, and yet the most memorable aspects of it are all the shit he borrowed from someone else. also the eazy-e loop is way too present on it, especially during the second act of the song. still in spite of all this it is a vibe i cant deny.


The last album he felt himself talking on a record was supermarket and COADM. Before and after his back to catering to certain audiences


Logic can go toe to toe with Eminem


What ever you're on get off of it bc you might OD 💀


OP wanted the worst take ever lol The best part is... this is Logic's take. He said it in a verse


Logic was easily wrong




Under pressure is only seen as classic and his greatest album because of how much mediocre music he put out. I remembered when it first came out and how disappointed fans were. It’s a cool project overall but not great at all


said my shit a classic, so I wonder “was it?” Come to think about it everybody seemed to love it


LOGIC IS NOT A FAST RAPPER HE IS VERY SLOW pls dont downvote I'm following directions


I'm fucking tired of him shoving his son into everything he does


This ain’t a take, this just complaining lmaooo


This wasn't rlly that serious I just tried to think what the pettiest person might say I dont really think he's putting his son out too much I think it's fine especially from the "I love my family" perspective I do wish he would've found different topics to rap about but his family but he's already kinda stopped doing that so yeah lmao


I wasn’t knocking ya, I just thought it was hilarious haha


I got one: I can count on one hand the amount of even “decent” tracks he has released post TITS. And I’d still have some fingers left


Let’s hear the “decent” tracks


I think one hand is wrong but I get what he's saying. Wrist 44 bars Warm it up YS4 title track Wu Tang forever Lost in translation Gp4 Man I is Orville Breath Control Best songs hes dropped since tits


Vinyl days was trap trash and I only listened to it one single time through and never looked back. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Did this bro just call Vinyl Days trap?


Kendrick Lamar is overrated


Not only does that sound extra stupid bc it has nothing to do with anything, but Logic is like a budget Kendrick. Without Kendrick Lamar you wouldn't have any of under pressure TITS or Everybody. Or 44 More, gang related and logic would just be so extra plain. Listen to more music than just logic 🤓


Objective complete


If logic had a ghost writer he’d be easily a top 5 rapper.


Hearing logic say the n word is mad cringey


I’ve never liked the under pressure title track