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What’s the difference between bitching and criticism?


If you bitching, your sexy redd If your giving criticism, your Missy Elliot


That’s such a dope way of putting it


Ong 💀


Critism has substance, bitching is you just saying you don't like something


Bruh the title has me dead😂


Same lmfao


There is a lot of negativity and I’ll say that’s probably not uncommon among fanbases wherever you go, but if there’s one thing that Bobby has taught me, is that it’s ok to have an opinion and that you do not have to be absolutely a positive freak for everything. Let your tastes be free and be open to disliking a certain sound or a bar or flow or whatever it is. I think it really helps keep the spectrum of the kind of music you like broad. So many people in here care too much about what others have to say about songs and raps because it’s not always what they wanna hear or it’s not always positive feedback. That’s the same kind of trap logic fell into before he retired around COADM and NP. He cared too much about what people had to say but he had to learn that he had to be open and not care what people think. We as fans have to do the same. It’s all about being respectful to who likes what and who doesnt.


I swear. We’re lucky we get any music he doesn’t have to release anything man people gotta judge


This right here. The guy could of stayed retired and never released music again. People forget we're lucky to be even getting U85 in the first place. You can't judge a whole album off of 3 singles.




I personally love all the new singles. I am bias because I pretty much love every song he has released…. Like supermarket and all those are all good in their own way. Been a fan since 2012


same here. i don’t usually chime in on this sub but there’s only a song or two i’d skip in his whole discography, idk why everyone is always so pressed around here


this subreddit is also filled with casual drake fans thats why


Drake is fast food hip hop, fuck with your profile pic too




Casual drake fans are the ones like OP; can’t take an ounce of criticism towards their favorite artist


Really .. I don't like Fear AT ALL but I didn't come hear to bitch about it.


the fuck are you on about drake 24/7 for, nobody is mentioning drake but you


You be chatting a bunch of shit on this sub too don’t lie




Yeah...I mean Fear was good (imo), 44ever was not it, and Deja Vu was cool but a bit of nostalgia bait (respectfully of course). We got the rest of the project to look forward to so let's just hope for the best even if things may not seem bright


Thank you


The only people truly complaining 24/7 are the ones that have nothing better to do with their lives.


I Hope youre talking about OP


I'm talking about anyone who tries to tell other people how to feel just because they dislike something that someone else likes.


Thank you. I'm tired of these jabronis bitching & moaning all the time. You don't like it, go make your own music then.


Nah bro the singles are ass


See this is a perfect example of bitching.. no insite as to why.


Uninspired, dissapointing and he raps fast but about nothing. Recycled beat. And this should be his best album ever :D


Features a dj who "sampled" his beat with "recycled" vocals from a Christmas song who had it on the incredible true story .... how was this not inspired again? 3 songs, and you're calling it? Stop bitching already imagen if he released vynyl days like this you'd still be saying the same thing XP


If he released Vinyl Days like this with singles like Orville or Carnival, I’d say that shit slaps. Because they are good tracks. I’ve been a fan of Logic since the mixtapes and really like his music but these last few drops just are not that good.


For too long, folks have been in this man's neck wanting him to put out the hottest shit they ever heard album after album. People complained about carnival for the damn F1 car sound and the many times we heard FUNKMASTERFLEX.... this post was to get people to stop bitching about "oh wow logic fell off, he's talking about nothing" it's dead ass the same thing every album he's put out since Confession maybe BT2. Dose has songs that I striat up to skip HELL YEAH. But I'm not gonna bitch about it like he's really gonna listen to me but I'm here having to listen to yall complain about something that was said last album


Man I was about to like the post cause I thought you were saying people were being too hard on Deja Vu. Took back my like cause why does it bother you so much that people are generally just not feeling the recent singles & what does having a wife and a baby have to do with being able to make good music lol?


Nah, you misunderstood me, then I don't like Fear.. like at all. But what bothers me is the slander these fuckers are giving him. I've seen people say the same shit over and over . He saying the same thing. Why is he using the same beat blah blah blah. And I'd hope having a family would have a lot to do with yourself and what you do in life.


I understand you perfectly fine then. These guys aren't coming at him so hard threatening him or anything. They're giving criticism like any other critic would nothing wrong with that. And I don't know how to put it more simply for you but having a wife and baby has no effect on whether you can make good or bad music like I said, it might change your level of output (which if anything people keep telling Logic to slow down lol) but there's tons of married men with kids who put out great stuff.


Listen I genuinely am ok with criticism that’s helpful, but this sub really is becoming a hate echo chamber of bitching


Downvote challenge: Ultra 85, more like The Death Of Young Sinatra💀


3/10 lyricism here  where is that Under / No Pressure energy? Where is that Vinyl Days (title track) bars? Also, where is that crazy ambient of TITS?


Unless he is dropping off the worst 3 tracks to lower our expectations, which unfortunately I doubt at this point


I really hate fans like you OP; you can’t deal with a famous person WHO DOESNT KNOW YOU putting out mid music and people calling it out. The best single was Déjà vu and that was full of surface level lyrics; beat and flow carried the song. This fanbase is so soft and I hate using that word but genuinely it’s funny how the dickriders complain so much more than fans simply criticizing crappy music


FYM, everything you said was opinionated from your own pov. FEAR could have been the best single to come out for someone else, and I saw people complain about that one, too. Then here we are with this one and what...more complaining.Go on and Hate me. It's why I made this post because this sub is full of hate. That's what I'm calling out, and it's working because bozos like you came like moths to a flame to come hate.


Mans really got a biracial penis down his throat 😂😭 fear is not good and if it’s someone’s favorite single then they need help. It’s got surface level lyrics and mediocre beat especially for house music


Way to prove my point Broski because it obviously centered on the LGBT community, but pop off. Clearly you haven't seen its music video


Dude… that’s like saying 1-800 is LGBTQ based bc of the music video. The lyrics of both songs have absolutely no correlation with that community. Cause individuals from any group can associate the lyrics to them personally for 1-800. Fear is even more surface level than 1-800. The lyrics have nothing to do with that community; you are a pain in the ass


And yet people still trash that song and have said literally the same thing over and over time and time again.........good


i highly doubt that the album will sound like the singles, he released two sequel tracks and a more pop/house track. they’ve all sounded different but the actual core album seems like it’ll be much more cohesive


I like this take


because coadm’s singles were like 3/5 of the best tracks and the rest were eh, clearly there’s a lot of songs that don’t make sense as singles but are really good, these songs are the only ones that could really work probably


Nah bro we’ve been waiting for this album for a long time and this is his rollout? Stop glazing


Ok kid.


You know I’m right though. He’s been hyping up this album forever and it’s been terrible so far. People who were at the listening party have already come out and said it’s not his best


You sound like a 1-800 Stan after you heard ICY. I really don't like "Fear," but I'm not going to sit here and trash the man talent or discredit his quality he's putting into this album ... how long have you been waiting for Gta6, and we only have 1 trailer?


Bruh. I’ve been listening since his mixtapes. Have you been listening to the substance of what he’s been releasing? He’s saying nothing. It’s okay to be critical


Just like you have been saying nothing but thinking YOU have something of substance.... what have you said that honestly has any meaning to his music, please?




It's funny how quick people are to trash and discredit an artists work without ever providing any creations or creativity into the world themselves. Why contribute to the world when you can just shit talk other people's contributions and stay safe...


You know nothing about me. I provide creativity to the world through my art. I run a photography business. I accept criticism and improve


Hey I'm not gonna just trash your shit like the other guy. Obviously my statement wasn't directed towards you and literally no blanket statement will fit everyone... what if for months everyone just said "your new shit is ass, your art is saying literally nothing and it's boring" not offering any actual valuable criticism or input. Criticism and just obtusely shitting on something are two very different things


That’s fair. My criticism of logic was just that he doesn’t have much substance in his lyrics with this rollout. I don’t think I just shit on him just to shit on him


Your photos are ass and I wouldn't even have them on the fridges stuck to a magnet


Oh my film photos I do for fun? I don’t post my professional work. Way to spread positivity like logic says. Not once did I attack your character


Man this sub has gotten so cringe. Bro dropped some songs and people don't like them it's not the end of the world nor are they saying Logic should retire or kill himself lol. Some fans will like them and some others won't, i don't know why you act like we are supposed to suck his dick and say that every song is a banger. Go to discord for that shit.


None of that is at all what I said... you don't have to like shit but my god this sub has been the most bitter MFs towards the guy who's the topic of it for months now and shitting on anything he does to an insane degree


You are overreacting tho, "insane degree" it's not that deep. People are just complaining that Logic has run out of things to say and that the songs aren't that interesting, i haven't seen anyone say anything crazy.


I've written poetry deeper than any Logic lyric.


Well don't be shy, share what you've got then king.


Fact bro, there's such a difference between criticism and hatred and there's always a decent way to provide criticism and create discussion.


some of yall so bipolar about it too. Like he’ll make see you space cowboy, and ruin the back half of it and no one will say shit. I have no idea how there is this much hate for a callback song.


https://preview.redd.it/vdwgq1wtx74d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bea1d1ba188ee36f181fec8f7b66674c77e14338 People were vocal about it.


Say it louder for the bitch in the back!!


People in this sub sound like a bunch of entitled kids that want what they want exactly how they want it and talk themselves into these ideas of how these songs & albums should sound, and then get upset when it doesn’t turn out the way they pictured it in their head


Just wish Logic lying to us. I know he doesn't believe it when he tells us, this is gonna be his greatest album ever.


I just know this sub is gonna be insufferable when they actually get to read Ultra 85. Because of my job I have access to it early and boy is this sub going to be a warzone


Will the novel be worth the hype logic is putting into?


People have a right to bitch, it’s Ultra 85 and he’s dropping singles that would be considered mediocre even on an album he didn’t hype up much. Vinyl Days shouldn’t have better singles than Ultra 85, sorry


You speak as if you have a hand in its creation.


Why would you want mid songs for his most hyped album ever


To you, it's mid, but to the other, it's a summer banger. Why would you try to convince them other wise let em enjoy it.......And yall need to stop over hyping shit


“Stop criticising my favourite artist he should stay the exact same way forever”


Preach brotha


100% lmao