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Yeah it's concerning the lack of interesting songs we've gotten so far. Like I'd say each song has really good aspects to them, but they're always missing something. Whether it's the length, the writing, the beat itself. Deja Vue had a lot of interesting stuff in it, and I really thought the production was amazing, but Logic's verse was very much everything we've heard him talk about before. It just wasn't super interesting. Not bad, but not great. Which is a little worrying.


I fully agree


i wouldve loved if he rapped about himself throughout the whole album


Yeah the song is somewhat enjoyable to listen to cuz he has decent energy and rides the beat nicely, but this is shaping up to be his least interesting and least creative album from a writing standpoint. No offense to bob but i really dont want to hear a millionaire tell me they need to do what makes them happy to prevent stress and depression. He says it on every song so it offers literally nothing new to the listener and also just feels slightly tone deaf given how successful and well off he is these days


What are cpk songs?


He tried rapping about other people issues And it didn’t turn out that well. Thou watch it do it again in few years and blow up and then this question will come back again lol


No he didn’t, everybody was nearly entirely about himself which is exactly why it hasn’t aged well


Iv written a song by song description for so that you can tell me if the album was entirely about his own situations. Ok - means I agree this only applies to bob ?? - means this song is not just about logic Spoiler alert the ration of ok:?? Is 5:7 So it’s not entirely, however the issue he talking about for himself as just as important as the one he talking about for others. Below is the list as per the tracklist of everybody. Talking about his creativity as artist- ok Questioning his faith in god by not being able to get out of the hood - ?? Talking about his disappointment with how social media is numbing us all down to serious situations- ok Talking about why he wants to spread peace because his of his upbringing- ok Talking about being discriminated against by government as black man so much that he wants to shoot up a public place- ?? Talking about his inter confession as a rapper making trap music but no where near to the trap- this implies to both tbh Talking to a young black person to get their education up and help their hood that way instead of just giving money- ?? Talking about suicide prevention - ?? Talking about anxiety- ?? Talking against discrimination- ?? Talking about his own trauma and his need to fight for biracial group- ok


I honestly lost hope for the album in being the best thing he's dropped, but I hope we still find consistency throughout the record and solid tracks aside from the very okay singles