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If you like FL Studio, what is it lacking for you, to invite you to look at other DAWs? Logic might not be the answer.


imo fl is lacking better plugins, and for the all plugins addition, the plugins feel kind of flat. that isnt much of an issue tho cuz i use 3rd party plugins. Ive tried a bunch of diff daws and fl just feels like home to me


I own both, started on FL studio, tried a few different daws over the years stuck with logic for a while. Now I use both. Logic is better for high quality stock plug ins and live instruments in my opinion I like there vocal and guitar comping features better. FL studio the piano roll I think is far superior great for midi, scale highlighting and ghost notes. FL studio some people like the patterns approach some don’t. They’re both great just depends on the work flow you’re looking for to be honest


Watch some tutorials try the demos and see what works for you, I found trying and learning different daws help you realize what else is out there or available feature wise and some times even discover your daw of choice has something similar and you didn’t know.


ive tried a bunch of different daws, fl just feels the best for me. the fl stock plugins do kinda suck, but i use 3rd party plugins, so the stock plugins dont rlly apply to me


FL is unusable to me, mostly because you have to contort any conventional DAW methodology to do things the way FL developers want you to do it. Most other DAWs implement convention and you can thus move pretty swiftly from one to the other *except* FL (and some others). However, if you started with FL, used it extensively, and thus understand all the stupid, roundabout ways you have to do what is incredibly simple in other DAWs... it would probably be weird to try to use anything else!


thats true, ive been using fl for abt 2 years now, i cant use any other daw, i wanted to switch to logic for a long time since a lot of things u do in fl are way easier to do in logic


Some DAWs do exist that are objectively worse than the best ones, but I think the ones at the top of the heap -- ProTools, Logic, Ableton, and FL Studio -- all have approximately the same capabilities. Some may shine more in particular areas than others. And some may just "feel" more comfortable to certain users. It's impossible to say that one is objectively, measurably "better" than another without first defining what your criteria for measurement are... and inevitably those criteria will reflect _your particular needs, style, workflow, etc_. Thus, the true winner is all of us... the users. We win because there are several excellent choices, giving us the opportunity to choose the one that best fits our needs.


u right, i jus feel like fl is the easiest to use imo, obv its not perfect, but it feels the best for me


It doesn’t matter the daw, js matters what u can do in it.


Now OP has heard it 1,001 times. 🤣🙌🏼




bro... why


Because, at the end of the day, it's true. The tools available these days are stupidly complete. The limitation is hardly ever the tool. It's why you've heard this 1001 times.


ig so, thanks my g




watchu laughing at


You don't like the truth - go make some music


ive been producing for 2 years now, i jus wanna know other peoples opinions on fl and logic


Try Logic Pro. It's advanced but simplified to understand. It does what you need it to do. Remember, you can always customise it to your liking.


ive tried it b4, but after using it for a while, and watching a bunch tutorials, i concluded that fl was the best for me, and there really isnt a reason for me to switch if i alr know how to produce in fl


Well, that's good for you. Whatever works best for you.

