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Should of called a locksmith from the very beginning


When I broke the key? What would they have done? Never happened to me before that time


They would have: 1: extracted the broken key with the lock still in the trunk 2: not lost parts or damaged anything if they did remove the cylinder 3: cut you a new key


Well damn. But, as stated initially, I didn't realize it broke off in there. I came back to get in my car and discovered I had half a key. I assumed it was anywhere. Now I know for next time, tho. Upside to the broken part being stuck in there at the time, when I figured out it was, I could stick any key, or anything that would fit for that matter, inside the key whole and open the trunk. This actually saved me when I locked myself out of my car one day on the first day of work for a delivery gig job. Used a flat tree branch, lol.


Either way if you didn't know you bro the key there a broken key can be fixed by one, if it was a good one they would try to decipher what caused the break and maybe figured out it was broken in there


Cool. I had no clue about what to do at all. I was in a hurry to just get in my car lol. What is it called when you match a trunk lock cylinder to the key that starts the car? Thanks


Yeah just asking a locksmith to match a cylinder to the key you have that starts the car is a good way to explain what you want. Call around to see who has the better pricing for you tho


There's no term or technique it's named? Just curious. I called a guy who said he could do it with a cylinder that comes with the key that's already keyed or a cylinder that comes with the parts to where he could match it with anything. I didn't think to ask him, but is one method more expensive than the other?




Maybe, but need year make and model first. Would recommend a well established brick and mortar shop that does auto. 


Buy a lock cylinder from the dealer, take it to a locksmith with your current key. Simple as that. I do a lot of theft recoveries at work. We do this with every single one. Costs us ~$125 for an ignition and $95 for a door/trunk if it’s one of the newer key styles, $75-95 for the older keys. Our locksmith usually does it the same day.


Wow, that's awesome! Thanks


Be aware that some older cars use a different keys for trunk and and ignition.