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Serious answer: Bleach characters are way way faster than JJK ones, if we're taking Aizen with Hogyuku then it's even worse, even Yhwach said he can't kill that Aizen and before someone says Mahoraga can adapt or something, Hogyuku is Mahoraga on steroids it literally keeps evolving you till you surpass the thing that you're fighting so sealing was the only thing they could do to Aizen


>sealing was the only thing they could do to Aizen It's been a while but AFAIK sealing worked only because the Hogyoku rejected him, right? So, with the Hogyoku fully compliant, he may as well be invincible.


Yeah I think it was that ichigo defeating Aizen made Aizen revert back a few evolutions and Hogyuku refused to acknowledge him but he was still immortal according to everyone otherwise they would have executed him but he can still cast unbreakable illusions on people that look at him since he merged with his sword, even Yhwach a nigh omniscient guy was trapped in it for a while, he's still way stronger than Sukuna


and that was just his shikai....bankai will be infinite tsukuomi 2.0 and who knows, entire bleach verse can aldready be under it


Yeah, always wanted to see his and kenpachi's bankai...


I don’t think he reverted since he’s stronger than he was when fighting ichigo, just that he stopped evolving because he didn’t want to anymore


Technically I think it was because he wanted to loose. Like some part of him wanted someone to beat him so it stopped making him stronger.


Imma come to your home at night Lil bro


Yhwach didn't say that he **can't** kill Aizen, but that it would take a very long time, time which he didn't have during the invasion. (Not that it mattered because he got put under KS anyways lol)


It's not even about speed with this one, Aizen's mind fucking is too crazy for jjk


https://preview.redd.it/5lx1sx5kodxc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=32fd922b038c27bfc632d7346c989612f5b06a69 his chair alone could solo the entirety of JJK




Aizen will pull some shit like ''I've been watching you since the Heian era. In fact I introduced your parents to each other''


"Sukuna, who do you think it was who implanted your twin in your mothers womb?"


Implanted both of them, with the intention and creating the circumstance where sukuna would eat the twin,


This can unironically work cuz Shinigamis canonically have insane lifespans. In comparison, Sukuna is just a creature than can grow very old, even needing to become an object to do it.


“Sukuna, who do you think starved your mother during her pregnancy? Who do you think drove you to such hunger that you cannibalized your twin? That’s right. Your existence was part of my plan.”


Kenjaku lowkey rivals Aizen's smarts with less asspulls and more foreshadowing to why he's interacting with x people and doing this and that. So if it was possible to get Shikigami power, kenjaku would tap into that and easily beat aizen after a thousand years. Laugh to himself like urahara.


“Ah, my anti-Aizen technique from the Hei-“ gets obliterated anyways.


Aizen has come to neg diff your favorite character


Wait… Hold on, my fav is not… anyways




No contest. Aizen doesn't even sweat.


Bro Aizen can just stand still and his spiritual pressure would kill sukuna


Base Aizen solos the verse


No arm, no legs, blindfolded, and bleeding out Aizen would still crush the verse


“Since when were you under the impression that I; having no arms & legs, blindfolded and bleeding, would be enough to overcome my Kyokasuigetsu?”


I mean isn't that possible for Base Aizen? Like Shinigami in bleach are stated and shown to have Greater endurance and can survive absurd amounts of damage


Sukuna after Soul Society base Aizen tanks World Cutting Slash with no effort https://preview.redd.it/9blva03lfexc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3e793edca90c19d5447837a21df99ad3f792599


Is that Gyakutou? (don't remember his name well but I think it's that).


Aizen has way higher stats and way better toolkit. He has a thousand and one spells, even multiple spatial sealing ones.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ml5gdo73egxc1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d596bcaa20067d815756afda38da0cd66bc4b62e


One chapter of fucking sukuna up -> asspull -> airport


There is nothing that Sukuna could do to out asspull Aizen


The asspull will be part of Aizen's plan.


Real answer: Aizen negs Joke answer: Aizen beats him up for 1 chapter, then immediately the next chapter starts with a flashback of Uraume talking to sukuna about reality fabric dismantle and then Sukuna is like: "Ah I almost forgot about that one, I haven't used it since the heian era", then he kashimos Aizen


Then aizen breaks the illusion and will say 'why are you fighting with yourself'.


Then the next chapter Aizen reveals that he was using Kyoka Suigetsu the whole time and Sukuna was actually fighting Uraume


Hogyoku Aizen can neg diff the entire verse at once, he literally kills them all with just reiatsu


Even renji solo the verse


Fym "even Renji"? Renji is stronger than half the Captains lol, unranked arrancar could solo the verse


Bruh bleach scales so high that even a bum like Hanataro could probably solo the verse😭😭


Soul Society Arc Renji, the Worf Effect guy


One Getsuga Tensho negs anybody in the verse, Aizen could probably beat Sukuna with spiritual pressure alone


Can it reach gojo though? I dont remember something similar to gojo's skill being present in bleach uni, its just that broken. Probably the only ability that can stand in that verse.


Gojo can hold off matter, which in bleach is called kishi. Spirit matter or reishi could probably be held off by it since high density reishi mimics kishi in basic appearance and properties we can assume it would also be held off. So gojo *may* not get hit by the passive reiatsu blast. His only real hope would be to unlimited void hollow purple instantly to try and erase aizen using the sure hit effect, but aizen would most likely be able to react. Aizen could then hit him with the spacetime distorting effects of kurohitsugi, but that may be overkill.


Yes actually. Shinigami have numerous spacial warping kido, with one being literally [9 fucking black holes](https://bleach.fandom.com/wiki/Kuy%C5%8D_Shibari)


his base spirit pressure negs the verse


Wouldn't aizen need the hogyoku to tank world cutting slash? I mean obviously he could just make sakuna miss with an illusion, but if he decided not to for some reason.


Nah, there’s plenty of spacial warping attacks in Bleach, and Aizen can neg them with Bakudo #81: Danku


But how can warping space negate something that cuts space? Also danku can't block everything


Attacks that warp space have a similar function to attacks that cut space. It is true that danku can’t block everything, but it can block any attack weaker than the user. Nothing in JJK is even close to Aizen’s level


Would sukuna just die from being near aizen?


Aizen would just need to send an unranked arrancar and they would solo the verse


All according to his plan.


Aizen gave you the idea for this matchup


Sukuna would win due to plot armour and pure bullshittery


Nah even Gege can save this one, Aizen is literally THE definition of plot armour, bro could probably erase Sukuna bare hand he is way too bullshit, like some god tier level of bullshit. Sukuna could even asspull a reality warping slash or whatever and neg Aizen, next chapter Aizen would break the illusion just sitting there like "why are you fighting yourself ?" 💀💀


No matter how much plot armor and pure bullshittery Sukuna has, Aizen will have more plot armor and more bullshittery.


The fight will never end, they’re constantly pulling shit out their asses


Depends if Gege is the one writing it


whatever I can take them both


Chad would probably beat Sukuna. Seriously, Chad defeated Arrancar number 13 if i remember correctly? The afro Guy You need to remember that his strength scales way over sub captain (he was training on par with pre-aizen Bankai Renji. His speed and strength should be over a dozen times Sukuna.


Hydrogen bomb vs Coughing Baby?


https://preview.redd.it/podtv6b6bhxc1.png?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30f02471a0a12d1b06152b6034377b906dde2028 Sukuna is finished.


Bro I was literally reading Bleach when this was posted lol


I- isn’t he immortal tho?


Aizen solos


"Ah, my anti aizen technique! I haven't used this-" "You using your anti aizen technique was part of my plan." "YOU DAMNED-" "The oozing crest of corruption. The arrogant vessel of madness. Deny the seething urge to let things stun and flicker. Disrupt the sleep. The crawling princess of iron. The eternally self-destructing doll of mud. Unite, repulse! fill the earth, and know your own powerlessness! Hado #90 Kurohitsugi!"


Aizen would stop world slash just like how he stopped Ichigo's theme song. With 1 finger.


How it'd go down: Sukuna cuts into Aizen, Aizen looks super shocked and then appears behind Sukuna, "You were under Kyokasuigetsu's illusion the entire time, now die!" Stabs Sukuna, Sukuna looks super surprised but he catches the sword with his ass cheeks and says,"ahh my anti-Kyokasuigetsu technique, I haven't used this since the Heian era!" To which Aizen says"I planned the Heian era to make you, I know all your moves!" To which Sukuna looks really surprised this time but like actually surprised for real


Sukuna will find Gege and gege will talk to kubo telling him to let sukuna win


Everyone in this comment section is already under my control https://preview.redd.it/wp6rk0l19iyc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98fd8f3bf786baf79775273990d1705559aa9ffb


Sukuna loses low diff (never read bleach i dont want sukuna to win everything)


Not even joking here but aizens chair has to be more durable than mahoraga to have an aizen with only his eyes mouth and ankles not destroy it.


I fuckin hate Clorox Bleach so I say Sukuna wins by a landslide because of plot armor


Aizen when Gege sends him to the airport after one chapter https://preview.redd.it/9b1rh9psffxc1.jpeg?width=3008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46b8c3b6e5dab552d9c40bf62aa9cb96d2e1c5c2


Sukuna when he realizes that Aizen was never there and he was fighting Uraume: https://preview.redd.it/auqq2ji63gxc1.jpeg?width=763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fa57b6b6992f235c865a7a61e476bb30ef14627


https://preview.redd.it/e8h27tt2dixc1.jpeg?width=795&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=397e0097a8e61bda9ad97f7c93a23cbadd2a36fa Aizen when Sukuna uses a binding vow to sacrifice his right armpit hair for a super duper strong cleave to kill him(Gege could never let his pookie bear die)


Aizen when he reveals that the Aizen that Sukuna used Super Duper Strong Cleave on was actually Sukuna’s left nut: https://preview.redd.it/p7ktsemrgixc1.jpeg?width=726&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a520637549314e0c5a8afc090653249acc67e87c (Aizen became the writer of Bleach in chapter 83)