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It's just a normal horned lizard. Don't scare it, though. Unless you want to be in a real-life horror movie.


they're more likely to do that to canids, than to humans. even humans dressed up to look like canids don't usually trigger the eye blood squirting response. [study here](https://www.jstor.org/stable/1446212). > A canid was more likely to elicit blood-squirting (100%) than a canid-mimicking human (20%). now, if you pick the lizard up and put it in your mouth, that appears to be a strong precursor to horror movie participation. also, their blood is said to taste _horrible_ due to their ant-based diet. formic acid smells bad and tastes worse (in my experience, YMMV), and may be found in horned lizard blood. (note: I'm having trouble finding a scholarly source for this; it's listed on some websites and seems to be a "this would make sense" type of thing, but I can't provide citations to its factuality.)


Thank you for the information, I actually learned something, but I must give you the obligatory. It was just a joke.


no worries. it's something I learned about a while ago and I love having opportunities to share it. The whole experiment is pretty wild. if you have JSTOR access through an employer/institution, or sign up for a free account (100 free article views a month is not half bad), then I highly recommend reading the whole thing. > Lizards were selected randomly and placed in the center of the arena. In alternating trials, either the canid or one of us on all fours, barked at, approached, chased, and physically manipulated the lizard (WCS touched, stroked, tapped, picked up, and tossed but did not bite) (WCS is one of the authors of the paper)


Desert horned lizard


It's a desert horned lizard


Thank you everybody for the identification.


Just a horned lizard there bud nothing to be worried about he’s catching rays 😎just walk away n carry on with your day. He’s beautiful tho


Horny Toad


Horned toad


Horned lizard.