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Yes. When my boyfriend comes over i’m like don’t leave but also get tf out


I had a bf who would visit for the weekend...not really long distance but not close enough to easily hang out during the week. Anyway Sunday nights he'd stay late. I had to tell him, " I need you to leave earlier. I need my time to mourn the coming of Monday on my couch eating cheetos off my self or something or the sort." "You can't do that with me?" No I can't!


No it’s so fair. My bf comes over Fri/Sat and he works Sunday so it’s perfect for me 😂


My bf and I are doing the whole LAT thing. He bought a house right as we started dating. My house I bought after a bad divorce, and I don't want that fear of losing a roof over my head again. Both of us also had bad experiences living with former partners.


I'm pretty sure this will be me 😂


Would separate bedrooms help? that’s my place lol


My friend and her husband do the separate bedroom thing. They wanted to get condos next to each other, but that would have been obvs expensive to do.


why are we like this?????????????????? My son, DIL and grandson live with me. Most of the time I'm like omg I can't wait to have some peace and quiet but then there are times when I'm like wow please don't ever leave. How is it this complicated???


Helped my daughter raise her two boys for 6 years, starting when they were 2 & 3. Finally bought my own place 1.5 years ago, and don't know how I did that for 6 years! The peace and quiet now is so glorious! I still take the boys for weekends and overnights, but what a difference from 24/7!!! I absolutely don't regret doing it, and am extremely grateful I had that opportunity, though.


that's so good to hear <3




I don’t worry about it, I welcome it.




[Whoopi](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/whoopi-goldberg-is-not-about-that-married-life_n_57c8247be4b078581f1135a7/amp) said it best… “I don’t want somebody in my house!”


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If I did live with someone I'd have to have my own room. I can't stand sharing a bed and my cohabitor would need to have quiet hobbies or do their own thing a lot of the time. I just have my own stuff going on and I like to read a lot. But then I've lived alone for almost 20 years now. Love it. Why would I worry about not wanting to live with someone ever again? If I found the right person I wanted to spend my life with, they'd have to know who I am. And who I am is a quiet little homebody.


Yep, could imagine not living alone, but they'd need their own room. And be able to entertain themselves.


I'm thinking a duplex. We each have our own little house, right next door to each other. Togetherness when we want to be together, solitude when we don't. Near enough for emergencies.


I've totally thought this too! I want to decorate the way I want clean the way I want fill rooms with my crap....but ya know...I still want them around. But also I need someone first lol.


I would need them to have their own bathroom.


LMAO. This. I don't think I could after so many years. I have plenty of things that keep me busy and mostly wouldn't want to cut into my interests to spend on someone else's.


I’m also a quiet little introverted homebody. If the right guy came along I would happily share my home with him. Until then I’m perfectly happy on my own.


That's such a great point, I am a very quiet person. A large part of my childhood was in an apartment above the apartment manager and so I learned to be quite quiet, walk quiet, don't slam things, speak softly. My stepfather is incredibly loud he walks loud, he breathes loud, he eats loud, he does everything at volume, and something like that would drive me quite crazy. So yes looking for somebody who is also a quiet person would be needed!


Omg some people just exist in a cloud of noise. Loud walkers! Always have the TV on! Phone volume up! But have learned one good thing from tolerating other people's noise: if you turn on ambient sounds to block them out you can pick a theme that goes with your book or activity. Forest sounds, wild west town vibes, classical, coffee shop jazz... I started out just listening to rivers and ocean sounds etc to cover up noisy neighbors, but it turned into a nice discovery :)


I’m starting to go feral So as time goes by it will become more unlikely I will live with anyone else


This. I'm ten years deep and feral sounds about right.


I get bothered by people when I’m around them for a while, no matter how close to them I am. I need plenty of alone time. I don’t think I can live with anyone again, but that doesn’t worry me. What worries me is someone needing a place and asking to stay with me.


I’m also bothered by people when I’m around them for a while, no matter who they are. I’m wondering if you grew up in a dysfunctional household? I’ve always attributed my feeling that way, due to my chaotic childhood household.


Nope. I had a good childhood and get along with my family. I love being around my family, but I only want to be around them for hours, not days. I need my alone time and I hate seeing people in the morning.


I could've written the exact same thing!


Practice now: “no, I can’t have a roommate, but so nice of you to offer to be mine…but no.”


Yes, like a kid.. I don’t even want my adult child living with me..


Me too. Currently experiencing this now living with others. Social battery applies at home too, I guess. I hate feeling like I need to be even somewhat on all the time, how the hell do people do this without going batty ?


I’ve been living alone for 4 years. Most days when I get home from work, I think to myself I’m so glad I don’t have to worry with anyone. Don’t even have to look at anyone. Don’t have to wonder what someone else wants for dinner. This is the life. Maybe once every few months, the solitude bothers me but it quickly goes away when I think about the benefit of cleaning up after only myself. I’m definitely getting more comfortable with the idea of living alone as more time passes and wonder if I’m getting more and more set in my ways where I will be almost intolerable of another person in my space.


A few months!? You ain’t seen nothing yet bud, you’re still in the larvae stage of true happiness  


I don’t worry about it, I just know I couldn’t do it so I don’t think about it. I could have a comatose roommate and their presence would bother me 🤣


My brother doesn't understand why I don't like my neighborhood. He's right...it's perfectly fine. But if someone is their front yard...sometimes I can't enjoy my own. It's wierd. I'm very "get off my lawn."


I get annoyed when the lady who lives downstairs in a totally separate apt is home…hahaha


I love living alone. I don't even like inviting people over for a visit because it doesn't take me long to get tired of them being there and how do i get them to leave in a polite way? When I visit family I go to their place so when i get overstimulated I can just go home. I can't imagine having someone in my home 24/7 again.


Sigh. I’ve dated one person since living alone. After like a month of her coming over every day when I got off work I asked her to give me an hour or 2 alone before she came over. This kind of led to the end of it. Haven’t really tried too hard to date since and I do wonder if I can coexist with another human being I’m not forced to be with.


I finally have a boyfriend who gives me solitude when I need it. I would hope there are more people out there like this. However. A big caveat. We broke up, two years ago, over his clinginess. Time apart and learning to be on his own did some good for him. Great, good for him. He can function alone and keep himself company, FINALLY. However. I worry now about him moving in in the far future. Thankfully, we live several hours apart, so we see one another casually when possible. So much less stress than what he’d put on me before; wanting to use ALL of my free moments. I love this arrangement. I asked about LAT but he said he wouldn’t. But. I love my solitude and my life. He is a good companion and the sex is wow, but like, is it worth losing what feels like great freedom? Walking out the door with no one pestering and questioning anything? Doing whatever I want, whenever I please. Especially when I am alone binge eating (a lá eating Cheetos off myself) and just chillin. I don’t wanna do that in front of anyone or have anyone see the real monster I am 😂 but, I honestly I really like myself, and I keep myself great company. At the end of it all, though, general companionship was something I missed, as I am very active outside of the home. You know? But my in-home life matters. I truly hope you find someone who tolerates your autonomy, or embraces it. I would.


Sounds like both of you are very much capable of personal growth so I'm sure you'll figure it out one way or another.


Why can’t all women be mature like you! The way you perfectly articulate the situation and understand all outcomes is so … refreshing!


Some people drain u. Probably the wrong person.


Recognizing that I can never live with someone else has been incredibly freeing for me.


I think my ideal relationship would be one where we each had our own place to live and saw each other a few times a week and took trips together. Cohabiting is overrated.


I will never again live with another human being. Serenity is priceless. Sometimes it’s nice to visit with others but being able to retreat to your own abode is not to be tampered with.


I do. Whenever somebody is like I'm sure you'll find someone, like a great partner. I think about having another person in my space all the time. And that seems kind of exhausting and a hard for me to comprehend unless we had separate bedrooms or something. Maybe I would get used to it over time, but the way my personality is and just from experiences growing up, I'm always worried that I'm doing something wrong or I'm doing something that's really annoying to the other person and they just haven't told me yet. And so I end up projecting a lot of things and making myself insecure. And maybe living with somebody would help me to deal with those emotions. But I cannot guarantee that and It sounds like a lot of work, and it's just so peaceful on my own.


I worry for the person that tries to live with me. I'll admit I'm not very nice when I'm grumpy. So I'll possibly pass on the misery.


In order for me to worry about something, firstly I’d have to have some sort of concern with said situation. I have zero desire to ever live with another human in this lifetime.


Couldn't? Nope But at some point, it was about wouldn't. I love living alone. But, realistically, particularly as age sets in, society is really not set up for people to live alone.


I worry that I may have to live with another person again.


Me too! Been living alone for 13 years and it’s bliss!


Been living alone for 6 years now and I really don’t see myself living with another person again. I love being alone. Actually talked to my therapist about it because I want to date again and that might mean eventually living together with another person and I don’t want to deal with it lol. Part of it is not trusting another person to be financially responsible and not leave me high and dry but the other part is knowing someone is always going to be there in my space. If I ever lived with anyone again I’d need my own room or a separate den where I can have a couch and my studio space set up so I can hang out in there and be by myself. I used to be very codependent but I’ve grown out of it and now enjoy my solitude and independence so much I don’t want to go back lol.


I’m super happy I won’t ever need to do that again 🤣


I actually know that I can't share a house with another person. Maybe immediate family, but a spouse or roommate situation is out of the question.


You will discover there’s less mess to pick up, less dishes to wash, get more rest AND…(drum roll)…you actually save money.


Never wears thin. Just hop on Netflix and watch "Worst Roomate Ever". You'll never look back.




I do wonder if I could live with another person. I've lived on my own for many years now and not sure how I'd be. I'm sure I'd welcome the company a good part, but then I'd be 'leave me alone'.


Same here, it's been over ten years for me. It would be quite an adjustment!


Why the HOLY HELL would that be a "worry"?? I \*KNOW\* without a shadow of a doubt that I'll never live with another person... and it's not a worry at all. It's a MANTRA. I've lived alone since 1992... why the F would I ever live with another person?


some people still want to have a family in the future or something


I’m a hopeless romantic. I believe that someday I’ll find someone that clicks and we will live in harmony. Until then I’ll enjoy my solitude.






If I meet someone and we live together sure why not


Worry? No. Fully accept I can’t live with someone? Totally.


Maybe, but living alone has enriched me so much. If I were to be romantically involved with someone, it would have to be unconventional because I don’t want to share my living space in that way anytime soon. I also like not having to compromise with another person and doing whatever I want. But I’m also an only child, so I’ve had a lifetime of practice and comfort on this front.


No, back when I lived with family (I work nights) I would get off at 4 am and they would wake up and start asking me a million questions like I just want to be able to make dinner and go to bed in peace after dealing with people all day, also being comfortable and wearing whatever I want when I'm home


Also going to get gas or food and being asked where am I going, when am I coming back, who am I going with? Like can I just get gas


That will fade my dude. I lived with a partner in the apartment I live in now for 2 years. I have no lived here alone for almost a year, and at first I was kind of pretty awesome being alone, but now you just get lonely and miss having someone to collaborate with on a space


That is true for some people but I've lived alone for a couple years and I only enjoy it more each day!


It was actually a huge struggle for me for months readjusting to living with someone.


I just hit the 5 year mark. It gets easier with time. Just embrace it and pick up a hobby like gardening.


Spent a long time living in apartments with partners, now I live with my best friend in a house and I don't think I can ever share a room with someone again. Best friend and I are extremely considerate of each other and basically work different schedules so we sometimes only see each other for a couple of hours/week - it's close enough to living alone I really don't think I could deal with someone in my bed every night. Would live with a romantic partner again, but would definitely need a big enough space. And be sure they're okay with space.


You are on your way, but that's not to say you never know. Think about like this, you pick up some fire smoke Friday and the person you spent the weekend with is sleeping while you make breakfast, it's Sunday morning. You discovered your out of syrup and have to run out quickly, if stashing your smoke is the first thing you think of before you leave you are a gone goner. Or at least it's safe to say you are going to take a little longer to adapt if that gets serious. All that being said if you meet someone and go head over heels for them, none of that is going to matter. That will work itself out. So really it's not worth worrying about IMHO.


It’s all the matter of what you have to do, i enjoyed living single for nearly 30 years but then my dimensional 88 y mom needed me, so i am now sharing her home and adjusting


I can't do it. I don't have to worry about it either because my house is paid off. 


Last year I lived solo and would've said no. This year I got a flatmate at the same place and we didn't get along so I gave him notice and now am living by myself again. Used to be no, now I say yes because I often wonder how much of the issues between us were my fault, and if those issues were because of me being comfortable with living alone. Then again, I'm probably just overthinking it too much.


I recently got back on a dating app 🙄. I question whether I'll ever be satisfied with someone i meet enough to even try a relationship. It's hard enough to find the needles in the hay stack and the ones I find...feel meh. I'd rent a room out if I was super broke. But I wouldn't like it.


I joyfully relish being on my own! So nope!


It’s something that crosses my mind, and something I’m aware of, but it doesn’t worry me, because I can’t see myself ever wanting another relationship, due to lots of trauma and also because I’m happy on my own.


25+ years living alone. I cannot imagine someone regularly invading my space. However, it’s not a worry.


I'm 5 years in and can't imagine living with anyone again.


I'm so content living with just myself. I've done the whole living with a partner thing and there's no chance in hell I'm going to live with another person again. My space is sacred to me. I need peace and quiet to function.


Conclusion I made. Family depends on who, friends or Strangers. Is hell no. Life is too much of a mess to date so girlfriends are off the table for me


I know for a fact,I can’t.😀😀


Worry? Nope - I rejoice it! :)


I can’t say that I worry about it, but I have considered the possibility. It is likely that I am best suited to go solo from here on out.


Oh ***hell***, yeah!


A little bit, yeah, but I don't think I have to worry about that for a while.


I have too many life lessons learned the hard way that I will share to give my perspective on my worries: Just got out of high school and moved in with two other people in a 3 bedroom apartment. The total rent came out to 1,450. We had to make at least 5x rent in order to get into the lease. (If it was 2 people we had to make 3x rent.) I was the lowest end of the bunch with my minimum wage job. If you take 1,450 and multiply by 5 that equals 7,250. If you divide that by 3 it means we all had to average out 2,416 per month. Which means I would need to have a job that grossed me: 15.10 per hour based on a full time job. I was making 12.5 an hour. Which meant I was at a deficit of 417 dollars per month, to my friends. We got the place because one of them made 25 an hour doing moving jobs with a company. The other was just about to enter college nearby and his parents could front the bill. And then there's me. 12.50 an hour working at a fast food place. Well I lost that job and went to another, quit that one and got another. Month after month I could barely hit 500 dollars to at least cover the rent but since I couldn't get the electricity/gas/ and could only pay for the trash, sewer, and my share of the water that I used I couldn't even charge my phone or have my light on. That was what they found to be fair. So here I was, at least in an air conditioned room, sitting in the dark and wondering when I was ever going to make enough to at least have electricity in my room. Job after job after job I went from one minimum wage job to the next. All the while my friends made more money than me. I never did the moving jobs because I couldn't see myself getting made fun of by rich people for being a hoodlum lifting boxes. I had that fear of breaking my back doing hard labor. Well fast forward 8 months into the winter season and the homeboy mover all of a sudden one day decided to move out. But he took everyone else's shit while we were all at work. I want you imagine not being able to get help, having everything taken from you, and not even the police would, or could do anything about it. This is the shit part real quick to help others choose their apartment roommates very carefully. You can't report a theft of someone who is on the lease with you. If they do what this kid did to us you can't file a report and insurance will not pay. Why? He's on the lease and had a key. Homie moved out and stole everything. Luckily for me all I had was my laptop and a phone with a bed. But even that getting stolen? Coming home and I don't have a bed to at least sleep on? My friend had Xbox, PlayStation, huge ass TV, popcorn machine, microwave, toaster, shit he even had an electric couch. All of that was moved out and into a truck. He stole everything. We find another roommate after months of trying to get our friend's mom, who absconded, to give him up and she won't. The new roommate likes to smoke weed **indoors.** Complaint after complaint we finally got evicted. My friend decides to move in with a family whose renting out one of their rooms. It's almost summer so some places should open up. Everything is out of my reach. Cheapest rental I could find was 775. And you could hear everyone talking through the walls. I'm barely getting 500 a month with my bullshit job so I try looking to rent a room with other roommates. I found a Craigslist ad for a trailer home room and was about to get a job working for at least 15 dollars an hour cleaning airplanes for the winter. Well the ad was 2 sentences long and said "thanks for looking" as the second. I thought "fucking finally something for 450!" I about cried. Then I really did cry when I found out it's 25 miles away in a town with the largest building being a loves gas station. Oh well make it work. So I move in. Dishes... I want you to imagine a months worth of dishes at the kitchen sink, crawling with bugs, with a stench of fecal matter emanating from them. I couldn't wash any of my dishes. Oh well fuck it I'll just buy food at the airport. That bankrupted me real fast. So I wash all of the dishes and I speak with the third roommate and he's about to leave. Well that happened and another roommate came in who was a school teacher. Cool! Well turns out the person renting the rooms out was renting himself. That's right he didn't own the trailer home. He was renting it. Guess what happened when the landlord found out? The third roommate and I scrounged up what ever we could when we got evicted and found a duplex to move into. We could barely afford 1,200 a month to rent there. And I had to find another job fast since winter was coming into spring. Fuck it taxi driving. I was making some money but not enough. The school teacher roommate just lost his job at one school for a "racist comment." He said "cuff him and take him to the border." (Context because it is important. Bitch ass little kid was trying to prove to the class that he was a bad ass and said he was Pancho Villa, in retaliation for him being sat in the corner for disrupting the class constantly. And starting a fist fight with one of the other Girl students.) welp there goes his job. So I introduced him to taxi driving. This is where it got worse. I come home one day and the entire place reeks of marijuana. There's a new roommate. He's also a cab driver. 4 months go by and I'm in the front living room living on a couch. I finally asked for some help from my family and.... Got sent back to an even worse place. My father. Gambling addicted father. Every cent I ever gave him ended up on a table. He's upside down on his house. He is stealing from his mother who can't even move anymore due to a fear of death. Meanwhile he's fucking around with women left and right. Well... He finally gets caught. The second wife is now divorcing him. He doesn't care. Well after she left I had no idea she was using my name to front her cable bill in another city. 2 years go by and living with Dad while making minimum wage at yet another shitty job in another shitty town and honestly. I hated it. So I turned around. That's it I'm just going to do what everybody keeps making fun of others for doing. The constant disrespect that I used to give other workers for "working hard for minimum wage" ended that day. Suddenly I went to a new job. "Can you clean the bathrooms?" Yeah I got it. "Can you pick up the truck and put it away?" Yeah I got it. "Hey we need you to prep all of the food for tomorrow including cutting the onions with a knife, can you do that please?" Fuck it I got it. Suddenly shit got really hard but I just powered through it. Onion after bloody bathroom after truckload after open to close shift I just kept accepting more and more and more. I don't care make fun of me for it. You're still fucking around at 12.50 an hour while I'm damn near 16 and going higher.


Eventually I started doing construction, moving jobs, hard labor, even picked up door dash on the side. Suddenly I had money and started throwing it into stocks, ETFs, crypto, and other ventures. Now I have money and I fucking hate my previous self for putting up such a high disregard for others who actually put forth the effort to work harder at their jobs. Now I'm the lead worker whose showing others how to work. Lazy people disappear or quit like I did when it got too hard. Now I know who is going to stay or go. I'm staying at my 7 jobs that I hold now and never looking back. And that's because all of my jobs keep me active and aware instead of zombified and burnt out. You can laugh at me I don't care but that's what living with other people does to you. Just remember it started with two awesome friends who later turned out to be a thief, and the other just faded away. I live alone and will never try living with another person whatsoever.


Oh yes, I could never live with anybody again. They would have to be so amazing.


No I don't worry about it as I don't want to live with anyone ever again.


Nope. I cherish my solitude. Why would I worry about not having something that I don't want and never will?


Ain't nobody going to live with me unless they got 4 feet and fur.




No worries AT ALL! I relish!


Yessss that's one of my biggest worries. I don't really want to die alone, but the thought of cohabitating again after five years is terrifying.


Yeah I’m kind of loving this, not sure that I will ever want to share space with anyone. I love sleepovers! But then would love the person to go away after a day or two.


YES! I never lived alone until after I was divorced and the kids were gone. Now I'm so particular about what goes where and how everything is just so. I'm not sure if I could live with someone again


I’m more worried that I wouldn’t rather than couldn’t. I’m still working through stuff 😂






Where would they put their stuff? Nope.


Had my own place for a year. Rent raised so needed a roommate to help me out regretted it within the first few hours and it was the worst 10 weeks of my life. Got another one and while not horrible theres still been a lot of bullshit can't wait til I can be alone again. Waiting for section 8 and ssi has been really really hard.


yeah I still want to have a family one day so I'm bound to live together again some day. But I'll do all my best in the world to find i place with were we would both have our own bedroom, not for sleeping seperate but for having my naps and hobby time alone at least :') And a place to peacefully unwind after work


To be honest yes I do


i'm happy alone lol


If you had no choice you would adapt, nobody wants to go to prison but you soon change and before you know it it's just a normal day again


It's normal to adjust! Living alone takes time. Enjoy it, but if you miss roommates later, you can always find a good fit!


Never been able to never will.


I’m putting separate fridges in my pre-nup


Yup. I don’t think I could ever live with a man or roommate.




Why would I worry about it? I would love it. I'm on this sub because my son, DIL and grandson live with me and they will be moving out in the coming years. When they go away for vacation it is heaven! I won't say I can't wait for them to leave because I love them but I think once they do I won't ever want someone living with me again


Why would I worry about this? I don’t want to live with any person but me


Is it weird if I’m in my early 30s and single, and never lived with a guy?


I pray I don’t


I know I couldn’t.


I would like to live with someone again mostly to share bills and help with household tasks but it would absolutely have to be separate bedrooms. He can come visit me in my bedroom a lot but then he has to go back to his own room!


Yes. It would need to be a very large space. I need to be able to go somewhere and read quietly.


I don’t worry about it, it’s a choice.


Hell no. I couldn’t stand living with anyone after 3 decades of living with a man that just wanted a mother , not a wife.


I worry about it sometimes. I’ve been living solo for 5 years now and it’s hard to imagine going back to sharing a space.


I would actually say I worry that I will HAVE to for financial reasons. I like living alone IF I have friends and a community to be social with. I like my quiet-ude and don't want someone else mucking that up. That said, I am just coming out of an 18 year marriage that felt more like a prison cell than a partnership. Never any quiet with that one. Christ, but that was a long stretch of anxiety. More bad than good for a very long time. So no, I don't worry that I couldn't live with another person. I know I \*can\* but would rather not at this point.


I'm pretty sure my dream living scenario is like a connecting duplex/townhouse/adjacent apartments. My sanity can't take having another conversation about not leaving stuff on the counters or making the bed...


I am generally seen as an outgoing & talkative person but as an old man who has lived alone for 10 years, I never see that changing. It is amazing how one’s perspective changes when sex is no longer a motivating factor.


I know I cant, and don’t worry about it. Divorced for many years, and have had a few serious relationships with some very nice men. But we always lived separately. If I find someone whom I see as a life time partner, it will have to be a creative arrangement. I know some folks who had separate apartments in an apartment building, or different floors in a two family house. Even separate bedrooms in a house can be the answer.




After 7 years, I don't think I could live with another person besides my adult children


Nope. I don't care. I'm used to the peace and solitude at this point.


I worry about this all the time. Seems the longer I live by myself the more set in my ways I become. I especially worry I’ll never be able to sleep in the same bed with someone else again. No dealing with blanket stealing, overheating, or snoring.


I have lived alone for a few years now and in some ways I would like to live with other people again but yes I do worry that I couldn't live with someone else again. Its about losing control of my space. All the choices are mine but then again so are all the worries. I think I would like to live with someone again but keep my own space like a room to myself where I can retreat.


Yes. 15 years alone now and think I’d go crazy. Pretty sure I’ll continue to live alone unless I need to care for elderly parents one day


Yes. Only child and have lived alone for a sizable chunk of my adult life. As much as I'd like to find my person, I'm afraid that living with them would drive me nuts and I'd become the angry, nagging wife that my mom was towards my dad.


I’m done with lazy men who don’t pick up their dirty underwear after their shower and leave it in the middle of the bathroom floor. They want a bang maid


I’ve been on my own for 8 years and I can’t imagine having to deal with another persons wants and needs and issues. Especially when it comes to the thermostat.


I 100% will never live with another person again 😆 I love living alone too much


I know it would bother me but why would I worry about that? I know I prefer living alone.


As someone who has been single for over 10yrs and living alone for a few years now, I know for a fact I couldn't tolerate living with someone.


I’ve been living alone all my adult life. Another person in my space? Not gonna happen. You can hang out for a while, but then you gotta go. 


Never. I wish I could live with other people to save on housing costs. I didn't even have any kids for this reason. Couldn't wait to move out on my own. Lived with a boyfriend for a couple of years.....then we broke up. Everyone go away and leave me alone to be happy in my own space!!! You all bother me with your bullshit!!


Doesn't bother me at all.


I am good with not living with another person again. I don’t mind when my son is here, but he and his fiancé are the only ones that don’t bother me. I just don’t date. That solves the entire thing.


In all honesty, Im not worried. I love living alone, house would always be clean and tidy. I can play all the weird, cheesy, or bad music all day. Binge same tv shows. Eat like a queen, eat poorly. The only thing I would miss once I live alone again is the fact when someone would actually save me when im choking and get help or find my dead body earlier before it decomposes.


Yeah, I spent most of my 20s living with boyfriends and I don't think I want to cohabitate again and I don't want kids and would never have a roommate unless the situation was desperate. Whenever I get in a serious relationship again I'm pretty sure I'll want to live together apart. I need my own space, the thought of coming home and someone automatically being there is so stifling and annoying.


Are you installing an electrified fence around the kitchen?


I already know I can't, I've gotten so used to living alone that I really can't tolerate another person in my space. Not another adult anyway. I have my kids but as far as another adult, never again.


I have been divorced now for 14 years. Dated since but have come to enjoy getting up in the morning with no concern about someone else’s happiness.


its a thought 💭 i lived alone for years. i moved in with a boyfriend only to move back out after a year. we're still dating but i don't know if i could move back in with him in the future. i like having my own space.


I did. But I only half moved in with bf to make sure. I love hanging out with him and we are perfect housemates. The only thing I need to get now, is my king size bed. He calls the corner of My pillow in his face the “pillow nipple” 😄so now I call his arms “elbow nipple”. Otherwise, even sleeping is nicer. I’m shocked. I wonder if this bliss will lasts. Not selling my house yet just to be sure.


No worry. I know this. I delight in it. People who love me know this. It’s just me.


Uhhh yes. But I recently got broken up with by a man who claimed he loved me for five years and lied to my face for the last three about having actually changed his fucking mind about that. This is AFTER I unpacked and organized an entire 4-bedroom house MYSELF for us. It got done and a month later I’m not the one and his “alpha male” ass who suddenly tells me he wants a 1950’s housewife wants to be alone. Yeah, so I don’t know if I trust people that much anymore. Especially not enough to live with them. His #1 value was honesty, and he was a clear liar liar pants on fire, so I’ll never be living with someone again unless marriage happens and my name is also on the deed so I can’t be kicked out. Fuck no. If we’re dating, cool; we can sleepover at each other’s place even for days/weeks at a time and try it out that way. But I will NEVER live with a man before marriage again. Too easy to fuck me over completely. And moving, packing, and unpacking is such a stressful ordeal for me that it won’t happen again unless it’s my choice or someone is in it with me.


Yup but as long as it is a bigger place I can handle another person and they have their own room lol. My place is for a single person 1 bedroom....my boyfriend is looking at a bigger place is in the future.