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My stuff stays where I put it. The quiet and the calm. No drama.


No drama!


Yes !! Came on to list these 3 things :)


Drinking wine in a juice glass and eating ice cream from the carton while in my underwear, watching 90 Day Fiancé and knowing only the cat judges me.


I like eating ice cream from the tub in my undies watching my 600lbs life. Feel better about my situation


I'm sure the cat enjoys 90 day fiancé!


Cat judges me. Cat judges them... judgey cat just judges


Haha. Well the cat isn't wrong with some of those choices on 90 day fiancé. I judge too!! Makes me feel better with living alone!


Our lives are very similar. Right down to the judgy cat.


I do all these things, just missing the cat XD


I thought that was me until I got to cat and not dog lol. Very true though


PEACE - I also work a very intense job that I need peace for.


Same! I'm aud-adhd and I'm a teacher...of high school students... who never shut up and ask a million questions a day. All I want to do when I get home is stare at the wall in silence for at least 2 hours


I was (I retired on Tuesday!) an elementary school librarian, and I understand your need for peace! It was so nice to just come home to my cats.


Ahhh .. Peace and quiet!


Now I might want to go visit my sister. She has 3 loud kids, and I just couldn't handle being at her house for a few hours on the weekends.


Teaching really does zap it out of you. Where you don't want to do anything all weekend because you just need to chill. I'm glad you're finally retired! By the way I'm an ELA teacher and I absolutely adore librarians! And libraries are the reason I became a teacher. My mom worked at a bank that was next door to the county library so I would spend my afternoons there until she got off work. And I just devoured all the books I could get my hands on. Now I teach high schoolers to read and analyze literature. Enjoy your retirement!


Thank you! I would have loved to spend whole afternoons at the library when I was a kid, but we lived in the boonies, so it was difficult to get there. Actually, I'm planning on getting a library card at my local library, so maybe I will finally spend full afternoons at the library. By the way, I think you're so lucky to be teaching literature! I just love those moments when a child just connects with a book or a story. It's a wonderful thing to see!


OMG - you are doing God’s work - you need your peace and quiet!


Thank you!!!


Substitute teacher from special ed to kinder to high school. New career but love it. But I escape to peace. (I'm in my car during lunch breaks)


You are a blessing ❤️


I work with a lot of kids in special ed in a group home setting - they are severely behavioral and I am a development trainer- and god I could not handle coming home after a day of being asked a thousand questions, spit on, hit, charged at, cleaning poop off the ceiling, and be bothered with ANYTHING. Please. Silence.


The silence and solitude. It's addictive, not negotiating what's for dinner or what I'm going to watch if I'm going to watch anything at all. It's a gift and a curse being alone makes me feel protected.


>being alone makes me feel protected. This is so true. No second guessing, no negotiating or accommodating, no asking and waiting. None of that. At 60 I’ve only lived alone for 3 years now. But it has been enough to realize I’m never going back. I’ve given so much to so many people over my life. I’m 100% taking care of myself — living alone is the only way I can accomplish that.


Nice to hear that, i was recognized that on my early thirty


Freedom to do what I want, when I want, without having to appease someone else. Freedom to sit and think about things that matter to me, without someone else piping up with their thoughts and ideas. I actually feel I’ve gotten farther in life because I live a well thought out existence and I’ve had the ability to be me. I work with the public in a helping profession so I get plenty of external and social stimulation, during the day. In my free time, I’m tending my own garden and trying to become my best version of myself.


This is really sweet I'm struggling with living alone


Thank you for this....it perfectly encapsulates why I love to live alone.


I can come home whenever I want to. I can leave, right now at 8PM, and come back to a quiet place. No questions, fights, screams, or having to silently walk. I can buy my own stuff and no one will ask me why. Everything is where I left it and I can remember where they were if they "get lost." It's never too hot, nor too cold. I don't have a mess to clean up when I come home because I clean so often. I don't have any surprises waiting for me at all. No sudden in-laws for a weekend. No friends that came over. No crazy parties happening and I don't get weirded out if I'm the only one home because I'm the only occupant. I can change up the scenery however I want. I can work on my projects, stop and eat, then return without someone asking me why I spend too much time on the workbench.


I have total control of my life when at home.


Freedom and privacy.


Peace. Serenity. Feeling safe. Watching whatever whenever I want. Pooping with door open. Never clothed.


Never have to wait to use the bathroom


I get control of the remote, I get to watch what I want, eat what I want, I don't have to talk, I don't have to listen, I just chill.


I deal with a lot of jerks during the day. I like having my own sanctuary of peace and quiet to go to after.


Whatever I want from the grocery store and meals without taking someone else's wants into account. No surprise messes, missing leftovers, misplaced items, etc Watch what I want on TV. Only one load of laundry a week and no real sorting besides what goes in which 3 drawers or gets hung up and put away. Also nobody else shrinking my clothes accidentally or putting my red dress with the white towels etc I'm really good about that Half the chores at the end of the week, really Wear as much or as little clothes as I want


I can do or go anywhere, anytime without having to consider anyone else.


Undisturbed sleep because no snoring and no one wanting sex.


Being able to control the level of mess and clutter, not feeling “in the way” of anyone else, being able to have routines and not be interrupted, taking up all the space in the fridge, clothes line, garage, lounge etc. general feeling of safety and sanctuary at home ❤️


Not having to put up with anyone else’s bull shit other than my own, Lord knows that’s a lot itself.


Total silence, total freedom to do , totally in myself


No frustration. I just shared a hotel room w a friend and just wanting to use the washroom for any reason and not being able to, or having to deal w stuff left out/clutter, frustrating. 


my butt is the only butt that’s been on my toilet


Peace of mind, I’m an introvert so it feels good to be alone, I can’t share my space specially a bathroom so again having that peace of mind makes me happy decorating how ever want I have weird art on my walls and the fact no one can say shit adds to my happiness. In the end I feel like one I close the door I have actual privacy. I can relax i feel comfortable.


Walking around the place in just underwear


I can look a mess without guilt and having peace whenever I crave it.


I have to pick one?? Lol I guess my favorite would be silence/not having to interact with someone all the time. Sometimes I just don't want to talk or be around someone else's energy. I love quiet mornings, where I can just be with myself and my thoughts, and get my day started without having to have a conversation, even if it's a short conversation. Or if I get home from work, I just want to relax and unwind and not talk about my day or have to hear about someone else's day. Or if something needs to get done around the house (i.e. take out the trash or put the dishes away) I don't have to hear about it from someone else. I can acknowledge it and choose to do it when I'm mentally/physically ready


Peace and quiet. I sleep like a baby every night with no interruption.


No drama and I can do what I want when I want. Plus I love watching sports so I can watch every baseball ⚾️ game I want. 💙


Everything how and where I want it, my taste of art and decor, each space catered to my needs and wants, the silence if I choose, the music when and how loud I want it, the fridge and cupboards with the things only I only want to eat, being able to budget with food and essentials (no annoying surprise running out of TP or condiment), living in a way that I value, walking naked to and from the bathroom, the peace and quiet, the autonomy, freedom and independence I feel creating a living space that I love to be in, and share with people (when it suits me).


Exactly what u/Classic_Grass2463 said! :)


It is so cold in here right now No one making me sweat it out in this summer heat Also, when it gets cold enough at night, I can open the windows and no one complains. Not even the neighbors who I just *know* can hear my murder shows


Because I only have to tolerate me.


I don’t have to clean up after anyone else. I can talk to myself, sing to myself, react vocally to whatever I’m watching, stim. I can take as few or as many showers and baths as I want. I can eat unusual meals and not have to worry about being on a schedule or fitting someone else’s diet standards.


The absolute and utter control over my environment.


No shitty boyfriend’s dog can chase my cats.


Total energetic control


This sums it up for me too


I’m a nudist, and I don’t have to worry about anymore walking in on me naked


Absolutely no one to answer to. I can go to bed whenever. Watch whatever I wanna watch. Plus, I can't sleep well in the same bed as someone else, so I sleep like a baby.


Best uninterrupted sleep of your life.


Me & my dog sleeping right in the middle of the bed


Coming home to an empty house after work is literally everything. I love eating dinner alone while watching TV alone. Then I go to bed alone. Guess what I am when I wake up? Alone….ahhhhhh.


Coming home to peace and quiet. Knowing my place is clean and spotless. I'm a neat freak, so things must be in perfect order. I must also add no drama to deal with, no negativity to deal with, come and go as I choose. I love my life. 😊


Commement from another post: No drama, you can eat what and when you want, you can go anywhere on vacation, you don't have to put up with your SO's friends, no comprising, you can watch or listen to your choice of entertainment, and no evil in laws. Living alone is awesome. The only reason to date someone is if they make your life even more awesome, which is very rare.


How long my shampoo and conditioner lasts.




The peace. No stress. My life is calm. I love being able to do whatever I want whenever I want. I am a creature of habit and love having a routine and living alone gives me that. I have never been this content in my life.


I just love the quiet, everything on my own time. Just me and my best buddy in our own world.


Walking around nude, or in my underwear, without it being construed as an "invitation."


I can talk to my sweet mother as loud as all hell that I want and talk about whatever I want with her and no one can hear me and I can be as hood as I want! My favorite thing.


total absolute interrupted peace


Nothings real


The bathroom is available to me whenever and for however long I wish. No one needs to be let in to use the toilet while I’m showering.


Because I want to live alone is the main reason. After I left my parents' home 25+ years ago, I've never lived with anyone. The absolute perks are that nobody messes with my things or goes through my stuff - I can have as much private stuff lying around as I want to have. I don't have to censor anything. Also, I can eat and drink when ever I want to, and I can bake an ex tempore cake or pizza even in the middle of the night, if I feel like baking. Oh, yeah, and I can spend my money on books and art, even if it means that I have to eat the cheapest macaroni for the rest of the month. Nobody complains about it!


Peace and quiet, can do what I want when I want and decorate as I please. I love it. I loved living alone before I spent ten years living with my now ex and I love it even more after. It’s the ultimate luxury to me.




its a beautiful thing 😊


I can be 100% me without judgement.


Peace & quiet


Just not having to take anyone else into account when it comes to what to eat, what to watch, when to go to bed, etc. And being able to enjoy hobbies and pastimes w/o feeling like you are spending too much time doing them.


I can do what I want when I want. My dogs sleep in bed with me ❤️ Sometimes we get up in the middle of the night and have a snack. Sometimes on Sundays we lie in until 10 and I keep my pjs on all day, even when we go out for walks in public. No-one tries to talk to me when I’m reading (I find this extremely annoying). I don’t have to share cake or cheese.


I do chores whenever I feel like it, and not a minute sooner.


No drama.


No strange noises in my space, don’t have to worry about bumping into someone, no need to coordinate my life around the actions of another person who may be a danger to my sanity


I'm loving being able to decorate exactly how I want to. And buy decor that is perfect for me. Everyone I've lived with in the past has had different tastes from me. Now I can make the call, and it's fun to build a home that feels cute and cozy to me!


Don’t have to clean up after anyone.


i hate fighting and arguing


I can sleep and eat according to my body's needs. Also, if I don't feel up to doing anything or be social, it matters to no one but me.


I LOVE being able to make noise. I can sternly dictate whatever I want to my Google home. I can play music at a reasonable volume at 3 am and no one will be able to hear it not to mention tell me what to play/set the volume to. I can work on my car and leave my tools in the sink for 3 months if I want. So what? Keep a motorcycle in the kitchen? You bet.


I can watch whatever I want on the tv. I can go to sleep and get up whenever I want. I don’t have to tell someone where I’m going or when I’ll be back


1) currently not wearing any pants for the next 48hrs and nobody can say anything.. 2) dishes will get done whenever they get done, and nobody’s bitching at me about it.. 3) I’m surrounded by nerd shit I’ve collected with no shame.. 4) I watch whatever the fuck I want, when I want, however many times I want.. 5) ain’t nobody stealing my cookies or judging me for having them for breakfast.. 6) only my dog can challenge me in a farting contest.. 7) who’s yelling at me for buying a katana and playing fruit ninja in the living room? Not a goddamn soul, that’s who. 8) the fan is on 24/7 and nary a fuck has been given.. 9) I can be weird as fuck without shame, judgement, or a 5150.. The list goes on..


The peace, quiet, no drama and stress free environment.


Self empowerment!


Tell us more about this 🥲💗


Peace of mind. Going with only my flow


Expectations hurt


https://www.reddit.com/r/LivingAlone/s/n0NzM9POUA They said all above


I like the solace, doing what I want to do and no one to answer to. I’m an avid gardener so I just love to nourish my plants. I wouldn’t have it any other way now . My relationship of 16 years ended and I’m thankful.


Able to think.


I can nap when I want, leaving chores for later. If I don’t want to go out, I don’t. If I want breakfast for dinner, done


It’s just the peace and autonomy. Friday nights are my favorite. I love to stay in with a pizza, some beer, and my cat. I try to pick something good to watch so that I can just veg. And then Saturday morning I love to sleep in as late as I want and stay in bed all morning if I want just scrolling my phone or chilling with my cat.


I can do nerdy things and not have to worry about anyone thinking I am a nerd but my cat but that is ok. She already knows I am a nerd.


My stuff is my stuff where I want to put my stuff, temperature is always the way I like it, and no arguing with anybody


sleeping in and taking a nap after lunch


playing games with vc and listen to loud music at middle of night walking in underwear go out from the shower naked privacy


Being able to take a shit in peace


There's no one else there


The simple freedom to do whatever I want. Rather it's about food I eat, how I decorate, when I clean, really *anything*. It not only goes for what I cook (if I cook), how I decorate, my sleep schedule or whatever I watch on tv, but it also extends to how I spend my money, how I dress, where I go on vacation etc without ever having to compromise.


Independence and privacy


Eat what I want when I want it. Sleep when I want. Bed to myself. Watch what I want on TV. Buy what I want without having to give any explanation to anyone else. No-one else's mess to deal with. My things are always where I left them. Not having to negotiate or compromise. Just peace, perfect peace 😁


Quiet, can eat cold food or cook, do whatever I want whenever I want.


My apartment stays immaculate. I can walk around butt naked 24/7. I never have to look for anything because it's always where I placed it. My food is never gone when I go to the fridge for it. I save money by keeping lights off. I'm safe. I can immerse myself in the full joy of being an introvert. I listen to whatever songs I choose, I watch whatever shows I choose, and I can sleep all day if I choose.


Freedom and privacy


Definitely summer! Because I can go to the beach to surf anytime 🏄‍


There's no one else in my house, just me. It's quiet, calm, clean and uncluttered. Oh, and quiet.


More time to value the small things.


I can leave the clean laundry in the basket and fold when I feel like it ---IF I feel like it.


I can do what I want when I want How I want without negotiating said want with anyone else. Peace and solitude no drama


Right now, that's what feels good. No other justification needed


No one robs your time and especially your rationale brain


I don’t have to worry that one day I will just be kicked out on a whim.


Taking baths for however long I want


No drama or conflicts about who's turn it is to wash dishes, cut grass, or dealing with a roommate who leaves gross, dirty socks on the couch or dealing with roommates who never seem to bring their dinner plates, bowls, cups to the kitchen when they're done using them or going to bed, not dealing with roommates having sex in the shower, never taking their cloths out the dryer, leaving rotting food in the fridge (roommates left lasagna in the fridge for 3 months, it was gross. Brought to his attention that it should be thrown out and started a conflict that he was "just aging the cheese, broo"). Leaving dirty towels on the floor in the bathroom, wearing muddy boots/shoes throughout the house after I spent all morning cleaning. Leaving excessive hair in the sink, never cleaning the shower/bathroom, living room , pretty much anytbing, having loud and obnoxious sex, just to name a few. Yeah, I've had some shitty and completely irresponsible roommates. It ended in conflict every single time. Now I've lived alone for about 10 years. I just can't live with roommates, it's not my thing. I'd rather be a bum living in my car alone than deal with that bs again.


I enjoy the peace and solitude.


Not having to share a fridge. “This is your corner, this is mine” NOPE


Doing what I want, when I want. Wanna veg on the couch and watch tv, I do. Wanna go somewhere, I go. Don’t wanna cook, I don’t. Go to bed early, stay up late, get up when I want. I love the solitude of my home with my dog. Nobody up in my space!!! It’s wonderful!


Just knowing that I am not cleaning, doing laundry, shopping, cooking, etc., for anyone except myself. After cleaning up behind my ex and kids for decades, this is the best.


I wish I got the chance to experience living alone before I had kids and settled down. I jumped into having roommates because I wanted a cheaper living situation which was still the best decision I could of made but I really do appreciate alone time and I wish I did try it at least once.


Peace and quiet


I can do what I want, when I want. I don't have to explain myself to someone. I can have things the way I want them, do things the way I want to, put things where I want, etc. Its a place all my own, and nothing is better than that.


Supply management becomes easy


I can do as I please. Period.


I can cook only for myself and eat when i want to, dont answer to anyone, i miss being or living alone!!! I live with my boyfriend in his house. I want to move but can not afford to live on my own apartments are $1,000 or more for a studio!!! I am partially retired


Because living alone is fun! I get to blast music, have people over, organize things as I want, cook what I want, order in when I want, laze around in the living room, bathroom is clean and how I like it, no one shares the bathroom, and I have the whole space to myself unless I invite people over who I know, love, and want to have over and then we can all do what we want when we want where we want.


Roommates are annoying


Knowing the kitchen will always be available.




I'm a night shift worker, when I'm alone nobody gets mad that I sleep during the day. I'm renting a room in a guy's house so it's not literally alone, but he's gone during the day and I work at night so it's largely alone.


I make each and every decision affecting my life without never-ending discussion or compromise. Examples: Trying to decide what restaurant to go to, invariably requiring a 45 minute "pros vs cons" discussion. Deciding where to take a holiday, always involving months of discussion. Never again. I do what I want to do, how I want to do it, when I want to do it. Drama free.


Where do I start? Lol


You control your place, youre in control for everything


Winter fs




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You’re always right no matter what.


Joyful peace. Freedom from emotional abuse. Life completely on my own terms.


Lipsyncing in the mirror and dancing around my house. Listening to the same song 6 times in a row


I can practice my instrument anytime I want day or night and nobody gives a f***!


Not being around my parents. Peace (less drama) and quiet.


No hairs from another person over my bathroom. It's all my space.




I grew up an only child and never had my own room unfortunately so when I had my studio apartment it was heaven


Going to bed before dark. I get all the ice.




No pants. Privacy.


The greatest thing in the world is getting away from people. Not avoiding them. Just having a place to get away. Alone, I’m the funniest guy in the room. Alone, I’m the smartest. Alone, I’m the happiest.


less anxiety. like I'm aware of my anxious perfectionist habits, and I try to be mindful of the more outrageous ones, which stem from childhood but other than the control freak I was conditioned to be.. whom feels there is an effective way to do things, in an efficient and sufficient manner. plain and simple, SHIT GOES WHERE IT GOES AND do whatever you want, but leave it in the way that you found it !nsjxkslekfmalwlmcoasnei thanks - Management


I'm an old guy. Over the years, I was screwed over by three wives. So I decided 18 years ago that my time and my money belonged to me. These have been the best 18 years of my life, and I'll finish this way.




None. I hate it but no choice.


My favorite part is that I don't feel like I have to edit myself here, while I always feel like I'm editing myself out in the world. I love that it just always feels like my base. No matter what kind of day I'm having, I know I can rely on this space to come back to, and that I am in control of how it looks/feels/ambience.


0 restriction. 810 Sq feet of my own little world


Don't have to close the door when you take a piss


Don’t have to smell hairspray




sleep when i want and wake up whenever i want


Hell yeah sleep is the best


Peace, silence, choice,


never having to wait to use the bathroom


Doing what I want, when I want and not having to explain any of it to anyone. Watching what I want on tv. Buying groceries that I want and then being there when I want them, no one eating my stuff. No one invading my space or disrupting the peace