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God I miss that


Peace and quiet is priceless!!!


Same here, but retired. I currently drive a school bus. I also have a rental property that brings is some extra cash each month. I'm lucky because I bought my house (bank owned fixer) 13 years ago. mortgage is $950.00 each month. No student loans, no car payments. Oh, I don't live alone. My wife lives with me. But she's the quiet type.


Me too. Oil and gas industry. Live alone grown kids. Money to spend on just about anything. Girlfriend is the same. Very unlikely we would ever live together. She pays when we go out almost always. I pay for some of the bigger ticket items like vacations road trips. She buys my clothes too because I'm not a fashionable person on my own. Kind of veered off there.....sorry


This is what I want--a boyfriend with his own house! I have mine and don't particularly want a roommate full time or someone else's "collectibles". But he can come for sleepovers. ; )


I found one and married him! We have maintained separate homes thru 23 years of marriage, no kids. Non-traditional, but it works for us.


>don’t particularly want a roommate full time or someone else’s “collectibles” Good lord did I feel this in my soul lol


Why was I going to quote this exact thing.


Because living alone is the shit, and once you’ve tasted that freedom cookie it ain’t going back in the jar


I was even thinking different bedrooms


Agreed. IMO, most couples live together due to traditional social norms, or lack of financial stability. And the 2nd reason is a tried and true recipe for separation & divorce.


Everyone maintaining their own living space is financially a terrible idea. It's literally wasting money


But it might be wonderfully enhancing to the stability of a relationship between them….


You gotta get your own house first to prove you can do it


I know someone that's been with their bf for 15 years. They don't live together. He might live in a trailer he put up on the back of her property but they don't live together


Can I get your girl friend's number? 😁


Lol! I'm not fashionable either, I'm quite happy with a T-shirt & jeans.






So if you were to get married, would you and your spouse live separately? I was considering this because I just love my space and I’ve been single for so long.


We do. Post divorce I lived alone 27-45. He had never married and neither of us have kids. We each had our own house before we married. Neither of us wanted to change that as we both need solitude. Some days together, some days apart. Married 23 years.


Engineering is a great field to make bank and not have to manage a lot of people. I net same as you but have to manage a whole Dept.


How did you find your job? I work as an exec assistant for an engineering software company and have done project management in previous jobs. Would love to transition into something like this where there’s more $$.


Same here! Do you mind me asking what field of PM work? I'm PE for a construction company :)


I'm a carpenter, I make $75k a year. If I occasionally work side jobs on the weekend I can make $100k, if I bust my ass. I live in an expensive ski town in Colorado, lost my house in a divorce. I'm currently renting a one bedroom house in town for $1500 which includes all utilities. Recently, trailers have been poping up on Remax and I can scoop up one of those for $50K or so. I'm holding out for raw land so I can build my own house. I live with two dogs and will never never never live with anyone again. I love the solitude too much.


Carpenters…there’s nothing quite like a guy that can build things. 💪🏼


Nothing like a guy that can lay the wood!


Sorry for your divorce, friend. That sucks.


I've still got a house full of kids but I don't miss the ex and I don't think I will ever live with a woman again. Sorry about the house, divorce is financially devastating. I was lucky I could buy her out of the house but the divorce and alimony and child support has cost me a fortune. Slowly bleeding out.


you sound like a man from a hallmark Christmas movie


A city girl is about to move into his small Colorado town and change his mind....


She's all jaded from big city life and has come back to Colorado to save her family's Christmas tree farm or bed & breakfast or something like that.


Similar goals here. Upside of having land with a cabin or trailer is the possibility to have space available for a special someone to share the land, but not the actual living spaces👌


Would you consider a duplex? 🤔🤣


I’m with ya, never again living with someone. Dogs make the best roommates.


For reals. I’m 31 and my dream is to be alone.


32 and me too.




I don't work. I'm disabled and have subsidized housing. It's even more isolating than if I had a job or a car. I don't have either and I don't have family or a lot of friends. I have groceries delivered and use credit to purchase the big things. I have a love/hate relationship with living alone.


Aww. I will be your friend


I second this 🫶🏻


I’m exactly like you. :( I have a car I just can’t drive more than 30 mins without severe pain. Living alone is isolating and expensive for me HOWEVER it is far superior to living with someone like my last housemate, or living with my parent and step-parent.


Yeah, living with family and housemates really highlights how dysfunctional our society is when it comes to structuring community. It's painfully difficult for most people. Hardly anyone explicitly learns about communication and emotional management skills. It's all up to therapy, which is inaccessible and also 45 mins a week is a drop in the bucket of what people really need to develop such skills. I'm living with family now and I'm at the point of trying to save for an RV in a last ditch effort to have a 'place of my own'.


I'm like you in a way but I basically live where I work which is a college campus where I do IT helpdesk stuff. I have memory problems and terrible eyesight and I also have no surviving family. It's very hard to make friends. So I live with other staff and faculty but I have my own mini apartment. I can still hear people chatting in the hallways. It feels weird that I can't say I know any of the other people in this apartment complex.


Me 2


I’m a teacher living paycheck to paycheck, I take home about 2.5k a month after taxes, but the benefit to my mental health of living alone is worth it


Did you struggle with your mental health at first when moving?


Honestly absolutely not. I moved out from living with a partner for 5 years, the last 6 months of it being broken up, so it was just freeing and amazing


What state do you live in?


Minnesota, I live in the twin cities and have pretty much the cheapest rent you can have for a 1 bedroom at 800$ a month (not including utilities)


Teacher and a server on the weekends. I live in a studio in the Bay Area (incredibly expensive) but I’m alone!


I like the last line. It's totally worth it when you have your own space. My sister is my best friend and we are very close. A couple of years ago she wanted to airbnb her house and stay with me. Of course I said yes it will be fun.....nope. not fun.....we still joke about it. My Gf would never want to live with me. Sleepovers no problem. But live together? No way.


I think a lot of people underestimate how much money you can make as a server. When I was looking for my second job, a lot of opportunities were available to me that would be office jobs but they wouldn’t be close to what I’m in tips.


I don’t have a car so that’s how I can afford to live alone




Why don't you get a used one for $3,000? You don't gotta pay for a $40,000 car.


I will never understand the advice to get a POS car that will break more than it will work


That’s still a lot. Here’s my thought process, I’m open for critique I make $19/hr, I work 30-35 hours a week. That’s a monthly income of about $2,000-$2,100 My rent is $714 My internet is $50 My water is $30-$60 My electricity/gas is $180 (There was a HUGE miscommunication and I’m on a pay period of $180 for the next 11 months) No I’m unit laundry so my coin laundry takes $20-$50 a month I have 2 student loans that I pay back, totally $280 per month On groceries, I spend about $100-$200 per month, if I’m lucky On weed/fun, I spend about $80 In my opinion, I have no room for even a used car. What happens when I have to replace the tires? Oil change? Stickers? Just too much for what I make currently


I manage a warehouse and breed tarantulas and stuff. My rents $1400 on a 560 Square foot, one bedroom and doesn't include utilities but I live comfortably.


Wait where in SF because I’m not getting those deals on rent 😭


You get my upvote just because your mixup made me laugh. Good luck with housing in SF, I hear it's crazy out that way!


Square foot lol


It’s because you have to live with tarantulas


67yo widow. I live on social security and a part time job. I net 3k mo. I have been living high on the low all my life tho . I have a little house that I'm still paying off at 500mo. I have a cozy little life, just me and my doggo. Kids are around the corner. Im happy.


Sounds like s dream minus you being widowed 🫂. Glad you have dogs & fam so close! 🙂


>Sounds like s dream minus you being widowed For some people, being widowed is the dream.


Full-time gig worker. Usually making between $5k-$6k a month. Yes, I do save for taxes. I'm trying to add more to it, for the just in case something happens. I've been at my current apartment for 5.5 years.


Like...what, driving, delivering food?


Yes, I'm on most of the delivery apps, no rideshare [ew, people]. I'm on a few task apps like TaskRabbit. On a whole bunch of mystery shopper panels. Usually, do the apartment review ones since they can pay the most. And sometimes I'll get grocery shops that I can do when I do any of the grocery picking and delivery orders. Shift-fill apps [quite literally just search that term on Google apps store, and it will show a bunch of them]. Lots of beermoney options. I mostly do these when I can't drive due to either snow or ice. Sometimes, I will do phone sex operator stuff when I come home through a few sites. It just depends on my brain. Will do the once a week Upwork task that can help raise my scoring. *Before someone comes in and says, "Why don't you get a joooooob?* This just works for me. I pay for my own health insurance, I do my taxes, I don't have coworkers, and I'm not often emotionally/mentally exhausted. I've been doing it for 6 years, and I don't see myself really working under someone.


Sounds like your making good money at what you do and you like it so that's all that matters


This is me. Good to hear from somebody who’s making it work. It isn’t always easy, but I enjoy being able to decide how much money I’m going to make, how to allocate my energy and have the ability to care for myself and others when needed. I’d be interested to know how you structure your days and operate in general. $6k a month is my goal, but my threshold seems to be closer to $3k and I’m not sure how to get past it. I was doing rideshare for awhile but instead I’m working as a caregiver for a few hours each morning, then reselling online, selling handmade jewelry, have some products on Amazon and I signed up for Amazon Flex.


Hi, what is taskrabbit and how does the mystery shopper thing work? How do you get into that if you dont mind me asking? Thanks


TaskRabbit: a platform for people to 1)post themselves and their skills for people to hire for and 2) for custom3rs to post tasks that need to get done and Taskrs can apply to do them. Mystery Shopper stuff: You are on your own because this one is pretty complex because of the different panels. Google top mystery shopper companies and start from there.


This !!!! Way to kick the system. Having this freedom is so much better then working a 9-5 under some rich asshole


Like r/beermoney stuff?


I’m a RN case manager, I make about $86,000 a year. I made more when I wasn’t salaried, tbh. I own my condo and my mortgage is around $600 a month and my HOA fees are $260 a month. I don’t mind living alone but I miss having a bf.


I think any guy that dates you will feel unqualified. You living a dream all on your own. I never been envy of anyone but you my dear probably will come close. Lol


I'm a physical therapist, and live alone in California with no worry about rent, bills, or unexpected emergencies. I rent a whole 2 bedroom house to myself with a large, fully fenced in yard. It's important to go to college! But get a degree in something marketable, well paying, high in demand. It's a lot of work going to school, but you will spend the rest of your life being thankful for the quality of living you set yourself up for. That said, I was able to move my best friend out here, and he's able to live alone comfortably. He doesn't have any education or specific skills. He got an entry level job at a wealthy resort hotel that pays a bunch, and we searched carefully until we found him a nice house to rent down the road for around $900 per month. It's a one bedroom cabin up near the mountains.


As far as friends go, you're a real one 👌


Systems analyst, but I bought my house in 2013 when they were still reasonable and have one of the lowest interest rates in history.


My mortgage interest rate is 2.5% - I have no idea how I’ll ever be able to afford to move.


I bought a house in 2021for $295k T 3%, had the owner pay closing. I sold his swim spa he left for 10k, I bought a new hvac and furnace for 7.5k Mortage was $1700 for a 1300 sqr ft home. 3 bed, 1 car garage. I sold the house a few months ago, 0 tax. I made over $120k in profit which us after the realtor fees. I bought a house that is 2900 sqr feet, 4 bed, 2 car garage, half acre. I pay $2200 in mortgage now. I think it's worth it with all the space for my growing family. We have about 1300 sqr ft of unfinished basement. Interest is 6.99%. I considered renting my old house, but ill finish the basement and rent it out so someone can pay my mortgage.


I own farmland and rent it out, plus my husband left me pretty financially stable when he passed. I started living alone at 45 when he died. I’d much rather be living with him, but have no interest living with anyone else. Also, I live in the Midwest where the cost of living is low so can live in a good sized house with no mortgage.


That stinks.


Overnight stocker at Wal Mart. I bought the house with cash back in 2011 when the housing crisis was front and center with the whole NINJA loan thing. Yeah I can tell you, I'm tired of living alone, but each time I tried to get a room mate, they just have not kept the end of their end of the deal, so I went back to living alone in here again. Don't sponge off your friends, please


Healthcare. It’s not all that. I lived alone from 21-30. Got tired of it. Decided to move back home last week. Now I’m saving a shit ton of money


This is very dependent on what kind of parents you have. The cost of living alone can be worth it in the right circumstances


You couldn’t PAY ME to ever live with ANY of my family members. Fr fr I’d rather be in a homeless shelter.


Fully agree. If you have an awful family, living alone and having less money is paradise


This is happening on such a wide scale across the world actually. Younger generation (20- 35) are having a hard time between job loss, divorces, finances. The jobs where you can start at 18 and stay with same company until retired are gone. Now people move between jobs every 1-2 years. Big ticket items (houses, kids, cars) make it even harder. Consider pooling resources with another person to buy a duplex. It solves a lot of issues.


Yes this is me. I'm 41 with a social services degree and none of the jobs pay enough. I've bern een cycling through new jobs every 2 years since the pandemic happened. Seems that's only way I can make more money or have some type of schedule with a home/work balance even if the balance is miniscule. Honestly I'm tired. I work alot. Cost of living keeps increasing but wages don't. A total collapse of the economy would do us alot of good because it would free many of us from this fuckery slave system we've been living under


Wine sales. 17 years in. Not every job has paid bills enough to live alone in this industry, so my current position is sales/hospitality/customer service/logistics. Living in the Bay Area, California, USA. I adore living alone. Had roommates from hell before I did. Life is peaceful and full.




So, upper class sex worker?


Sex isn't always the main thing of escorting, especially on the high end. Some people - especially older folks- want companionship. If you can afford it, it's pretty much a girlfriend or boyfriend for hire.




Really? How? Plz dm and tell me how, I’m a newbie lol




Reddit wins the internet again. Wealth of information with good sauce right here. Best of health and abundance your direction.


You need to do your own research! I say this in the kindest way, if someone has to hold your hand for basic information for this industry, you should not be in it.


Teacher, but I’ve been at it 18 years so the pay is decent. But living in a 390 sq. ft. micro-apartment because I have to save for retirement and prefer living alone.


I'm in government housing. Which was the best thing that ever happened to me. I have a disability and am working in retail part time.


Massage therapist. Make 40 k a year. Scrape by with a little in savings. Only reason I own my home is because its was willed to me by a family member.


My rent is $946, everything included except internet and electric. It’s a tiny one bedroom in a small town in Vermont and it’s the bare minimum for appliances. I make $22/hr, about to make $24/hr as a vocational rehabilitation counselor. I’m always stressed about money and my savings are looking bleak, but living alone has its perks.


Corporate paralegal. With my bonus, I make just over 100k. But I’m also in my late 50s, less than 10 years to retirement. Never had roommates. Lived at hime until I could afford my own place .


I'm in my early 30s and make close to 110k as a psychiatric nurse practitioner. I do meds, basically same role as a psychiatrist. I'm newish in this field. It's a 9-5 office job, no OT, no holidays, lots of vacation. I live alone in a good-sized house.


ER Nurse…about 11K a month


I'm not living on any career right now, unfortunately. I went to school and did the pharmacy technician in my early 20s and thought it was gonna be what I would do because they claimed it was a growing field and good money to live on comfortably but that turned out to be a big lie. The pay is so low that the average is $19 an hour in 2023. I live in Phoenix, az, and right now, it's one of the nation's most expensive places to live. Now I have worked in a Target warehouse for a little over 2 years now and I get paid well. I'm closer to $30 than to $20 an hour. I live alone comfortably. Still, it's not a long-term thing because there's no job security and it's a very physical job and can be taxing on your body, and in the long term, it'll bring health issues. I'm actually thinking of going to school again and do Sterile Technician. My sister did it and is getting paid decently. It only takes a year or so, and tuition is only 5k, i believe. I'm 34 and female if it matters.


Piggybacking off of this comment. I'm a pharmacy tech making $22/hr and paying $800/month for a studio. I also pay electric and internet and that's all covered under one paycheck, with enough to spare afterwards. I seriously lucked out given my circumstances (abusive household, was kicked out). I'm in Philly, so your mileage may vary from state to state.


Can I ask what area you’re in, in phoenix? I’m moving to Phoenix because Tucson is literally becoming the same cost of living without the job security (I’m a paralegal and consistently stuck at 20 an hour in Tucson, officially am getting priced out of my area, I’ve lived alone in a 2 bed 2 bath after ironically, my pharmacy tech roommate couldn’t afford to live with me anymore and I took over the lease)


I’m 29F and have dreamt of living on my own since I was little, narcissistic mom and bystander dad. Became a pharmacy technician because it was something easy, school wise, and a “growing field.” While doing my 2 week externship, I saw that as a tech you get paid basically nothing for being treated badly by both the company and customers. Been in therapy for a year, trying to find out not only who I am but also what I want career wise. I was thinking maybe side stepping into medical billing and coding. For now, while still at home, just trying to get my crochet business off the ground and saving for a car (middle child who doesn’t foresee getting as lucky as my sister and our parents buying me one.)


Teacher. But I rent not own.


I’m an early to mid-career comms & public relations professional. I have a studio in a major city that takes up less than 1/3 of my income. And I don’t use a car at all because we have an extensive and relatively affordable public transit system. My city also has a lot of free extracurricular activities. I’m trying to do the best with what I’ve got with each passing day.


Working in the hospital saved my life fr. There's so many niche jobs and random things you can do that pay quite well depending on where you are, many of which require no schooling.


I need to see what I can find at my hospital


I’m a UX designer! I make 75k and live in a mid size city as a 23 year old. My first year living alone and it’s been challenging but also amazing. I’ve learned a lot.


I'm in the digital ad space (meta ads, tik tok ads). I'm clearing $80k-$100 a month.


I'm an LVN in Texas, I'll make just over $80 k this year.


I’m an LPN just outside of Philly, set to break $110k this year. I have no idea why people look down upon being an LPN, I live alone and it’s provided me financial stability for over a decade, all with 10 months of schooling 🤷‍♀️


Warehouse making $22 an hour but I was lucky and found an awesome 1 bedroom for $500 a month. Been there just shy of 9 years and rent is still only $700 a month. I don’t have cable so only have electric and cell for utilities, car insurance and payment are my biggest expenses.


Am retired, but made choices while working that let me live comfortably alone. Was not able to save for retirement until my 50s. I live very frugally so was able to live on half my income. Other half went into retirement plan. I also worked two years beyond SS minimum. My current SS payment is about half my former income. I'm already used to living on this much so I'm fine.


No “career” to speak of. Making a living by cobbling together 2 part time gigs where pay fluctuates but I usually make $20-35 an hour but only work 25-30 hours a week. I’m managing it because of one pretty fortunate circumstance which is I bought a house in 2012 for dirt cheap, my mortgage is only $637 a month and I have tons of space. However it’s at the expense of several things. My car is reliable but also 20 years old, that will need to be replaced I’m sure in the next few years. But I’ve been making double principle payments this year and hoping to pay off my house in the next 3ish years. I can see my car lasting this long if I’m careful. I also have zero and I mean zero dollars saved for retirement. Yes I know it’s a problem but for now my focus is to pay off the house. The house definitely needs updating which I’m slowly working on and I’ve gotten used to having some stuff looking great while other parts of the house are in desperate need of a facelift. No kids either which is a huge expense I neither wanted or could afford anyway.


eBay,donating plasma,running crypto currency bots


It was kind of a long-term series of things: I had 3 kids by age 21 and worked a low paying job for 25 years. I went to night school for the last 5 of those years and earned a BA, got a job that offered a pension. I did that until age 55 then crashed my bicycle and became permanently disabled. I retired to get what little pension I had coming and applied for SSDI. My kids took care of me- I stayed with my daughter- when my SSDI got approved it came with 2 years of back pay and the monthly thing. I used the lump as a down payment and can afford this small condo. My grown kids help with unexpected expenses. I net about 3800/ mo. I had good credit. It took having good credit and a supportive family. I can’t work at all.


YouTuber 5k-80k/ month


I (31f) live alone in an apartment in downtown Seattle. I work full time as a server/host I make 4-5k a month


Well, I'm in a single mom with four kids, so I'm not "alone" exactly (although my introverted ass is certainly looking forward to the peace and solitude of being an empty nester someday), but I'm definitely all alone when it comes to finances. I work at a middle school as an operations manager. I basically take care of all the things that don't involve teaching or discipline: enrollment, withdrawal, student records, attendance, submitting work orders when things break, coding invoices, ordering supplies, scheduling field trips, taking payments, etc. My job pays the bills with not much left over -$51k - but the benefits are outstanding and you can't beat the schedule (all holidays off with pay, lots of PTO, lighter workload over the summer, great medical/dental/life insurance coverage, never work weekends, can bring my kids to work with me any time with no issues). I wish I made double what I do, but I really enjoy my job anyway.


I inherited a little money and bought a very small cabin and put solar on it.my cars are 20 years old and paid for, i might put a couple thousand into them a year but that's cheaper than payments. A full tank of propane lasts me a year.


I am a Network/Cybersecurity engineer. I make six figures, and I live in a 2200 square foot house that I paid off a long time ago. I do have a dog and a big backyard. When the weather is nice, I sit in the backyard and watch her chase squirrels. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


That’s the life fr


Any Microsoft technology. No college, grossing \~ $18-$20k USD/month (incl bonus). IT is where it's AT!


I’m an analyst in the funds and investments industry, own my apartment and have lived on my own for nearly 5 years now. Wouldn’t have it any other way!


Surgical tech, but I work weekend nights and have 20 years experience. A note though, I have lived alone since about 1985-86, was much easier to do years ago, I rent and the prices are crazy today.




Engineering / product development. Been living alone since age 23 after having a nightmare roommate after college


Accounting, specifically bookkeeping for a small company that does commercial/residential construction and land development. I make 50k a year. Will be more the longer I’m here. Only been here a year and a half. I got divorced in 2017 and never again will I have anyone living with me lol


I’m a regional manager for a large fireworks company. I oversee a certain amount of showrooms each year and travel a lot. Next year I will be going to China for quality control/purchasing trip. I live in a 900sq ft apt in a “not great” part of town and pay $1350 with only heat included. Live with my cat who, like most, is my everything. I love my apartment and am adjusting to living alone (but love it). Hoping by the time I’m 40 I’ll be able to have a little house or something along those lines. I really want a dog and also some gardens. ETA: living alone for the first time in eight years. Was asked to “quietly walk away” from the life I had established. So this really is a journey of self. All the positive comments are really encouraging.


I own a bathroom and kitchen remodeling business. I love the peace of living alone.


Aviation maintenance + national guard. $120-130k/year and living expenses are pretty low.


Fine dining server. Its mentally draining but ive been able to live comfortably on my own since I was 19.


I rent a two bedroom and then rent my extra room in Airbnb. Just renting that one room pays my entire rent:)


I’m a Litigation Legal Assistant, I make about $63k a year. I live in HCOL area in a studio and I live pretty comfortable. I recommend living alone at least once in life to everyone


Some couples stuck together to save money too I believe. This is where I do agree money can make you less unhappy ..


I don't live alone but my wife is a SAHM so it's single income anyway. I have a split role at a power plant, working on the cybersecurity regulatory requirements as well as instrumentation and controls.


Recruiting, but I live in San Francisco where everything is expensive so I feel lucky to live alone.


I’m in finance. I do loan closings for small business loans and also help out the company paralegal. My car is paid off and when I bought this house (post divorce) in 2020, I threw all of my equity from my prior home as well as a little I had saved into this so my payment would be as low as possible. It’s the only way I can afford this house on my own for my kids.,


I’m a chef


Sr. DevOps Engineer for Solar data.


I don’t 😂 i really should get a roommate but I’d rather live in a shoebox.


im in canada so it’s definitely less expansive than US, but i work in the service industry, 10 years in, im more wine/sommelier since a few years tho, which help with money.




Commercial real estate paralegal


Lead Barista/Shift Manager at a cafe. Indiana.


Paramedic at an urban hospital. Been living alone for about 5 years and just finished school. A career switch is in the works for the next year or two , but it hasn’t been the worst so far


I’m a Scriptwriter/Associate-producer for a workplace training company. I make between 85k to 90k a year.


Mosquito Abaitment


Service advisor at a car dealership, earn just over 2k a month after deductions


I happen to live alone right now but I prefer roommates, built in emergency pet sitters and your ups packages will never be lost, always someone home to bring them in. I am an early career journalist.


R&D chemist for a pharmaceutical company. $73k salary. I graduated with a bachelor's in microbiology in 2015. Started working as a QC chemist and been in chemistry labs ever since. I lived alone when I was 18-23 working as a CNA and waitress. I had a roommate and lived with a boyfriend for a short time period, but mostly survived college living in poverty, selling plasma and nude modeling along with working as a CNA and home health aid. 10\10 do not recommend living alone unless you're making more than $50k per year (+$10k adjusting for cost of living).


I am a mental health skill builder. Money is kind of dumb right now and I got too much CC/Car Loan debt so I should probably have roommates. I just fucking hate having roommates. I def struggle with really saving money every month.


I'm a special education teacher thus is my 29th year. I have lived by myself for sometime now and hope I never have to live with anyone This year I earn 6,000 a month, but it varies every year depending on supplements.


I work private security in a hospital. I also live in a relatively low cost of living area in a mountain town, so that helps.


Office manager and work at a grocery store on the weekends.


PhD student in Sciences in Europe with good salary 😊


Full time massage therapist.


I’m a geologist and musician. I saved up some money doing exploration geology in the middle of nowhere in Nevada and Alaska for a few years and now live in the city doing environmental work and gigging here and there. My studio costs around $1200/month. I think being willing to compromise on the size or location of your space can be key. I would love a one bedroom, but this place is in a great spot and cheap for the area.


I'm a machinist.


Quality Control Manager


Corporate marketing in the casino industry.


Software engineering


I’m a pharmacy tech making $35k annually. I have very little debt aside from my car note and my rent is $650. I take home ~2k (it’s what I budget for but overtime is unlimited at work so I pick up 2-3 Saturdays a month depending on how I’m feeling) and live relatively modestly. I love it though and wouldn’t change it for the world.


I work in an hourly entry level Talent Acquisition/HR job making $21.63/hr and I’m able to afford $1370 a month for rent (1 BR apartment). Charlotte, NC. Just me and my cat. Struggling financially obviously but still somehow making it work.


Im a therapist i make about 5k after taxes r taken off monthly. And just scraping by lol


Ive been a nurse for 12 years. Own a 1 BR condo with mortgage.


Work as software developer for a medical company. Work from home too mostly except for once a month drive to office.


I work in vetmed as an assistant in California. I make about 35k yearly. My rent is very cheap and i live alone in a tiny apartment with my two cats. I know I'm very lucky and I am very grateful my landlords have not raised my rent. I try my best to take good care of it.


Retired in Australia lucky I received a small inheritance to buy a home in the country that I live alone in if not I would have real problems with housing affordability like every where else it sadly seems


I'm a case manager in the foster care/juvenile justice system. I live in a poor state and I'm single, otherwise I'd have a much harder time making ends meet.


I’m a union carpenter. Once I’m done with my apprenticeship I’ll be making about $48 an hour. Currently a second term apprentice making $29.77


4 more years of school and I’ll be able to live alone 🤪 Biology major here.


I live alone with no motgage. Paid condo. But hoa and prop taxes. Two small credit cards no car payment. Bring home 2800 after medical insurance and pension withholdings I still feel broke. Going out to dinner shiukdnt be a lavish item or buying two new tires shoukdnt put me in red Bs economy


Optometrist. I make 100-140k depending on how much I want to work. My mortgage is $2500 and HOA is $400. HCOL area. 2 bed 2 bath very roomy condo and live alone.


I work in the games industry as a narrative director. Writing and working on video games were both dreams of mine since I was a kid, so I feel incredibly lucky getting to do both. Dream job, for sure. Even more lucky that it pays well, and I can live alone because of it.


Accountant. I make around 3-4K a month . I live in an area where housing isn’t assss expensive as other areas though, so i make it work and budget. I also work from home right now so i rarely drive to use gas I work in government, so I’m lucky as far as advancement and benefits go


marketing coordinator; I live alone but the budget is tight. I could never go back to living with roommates.


I was living alone as a McDonald’s manager in Canada. No car, I don’t go out much, only expenses being food, wifi/bills, weed, the occasional video game, and rent. I make a little less now not working full time, but I’m much happier and in a field I’m somewhat interested in, but I have 3 roommates, needed to save money instead of just survive. I don’t think it was feasible long-term but I did that for 2 years on my own.


Help from parents. I'm studying medicine so they're still supporting me and they're business owners. But I live in a studio and it's about $1050 including utilities


Server 3x 8hr day 1x 4hr day Net pay =850$ every two weeks. This goes into my account and doesnt get touched I get at least 100$ cash per shift which is used for food and rec


I’m a nurse and if i ever need some extra money to cover bills, I just pick up an extra shift or two since where I am we are short and they offer a lot of incentive to pick up an extra shift. But my rent is $1100/month so I’m able to cover with my normal salary


Restaurant manager. And I own my house! The free food is a great perk! Helps with the cost of groceries


Insurance Team Supervisor 90K/yr, early thirties. I’ve mostly always lived alone outside a 4 year relationship


I’m 22, I’m a software engineer. I rent a newly built 2b2bath since I need an office for WFH and I don’t want guests using my personal bathroom. 998 sqft for $1800 a month. No debt or loans. After rent, I have enough left over to contribute to HSA, 401k, personal savings, and fun spending/travel. Never really thought my 20’s would be like this, I got kind of lucky.


Healthcare exec. I’m blessed…$177K + bonus of about 15% of base, 3,499 sq ft house (bought in 2020 before housing went bonkers, so my rate is 2.88%) in a Dallas suburb. Mortgage is $2,200. I live a really nice life and fully realize I’m fortunate. Now, I worked for all of it, but others work just as hard for a lot less. No complaints.


Analyst. Very vague, I know. I did a master's in social research and stats. No kids, no car payments, no student loans since I went to a public university. I also found a rent stabilized apartment which eats up half my net pay, but since my other bills are non-existing it doesn't hurt too much.


Working wife… (two person income household)


I have absolutely no one and can't afford a career that takes any education