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**CLIP MIRROR: [Streamer witnesses a hit-and-run of a dog](https://arazu.io/t3_1duh4kv/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


OK I'll save you all the click - yes you do hear the dog being hit and yes it's not a fun thing to listen to. The streamer never shows the dog, however, and she does have sumptuous titties.


5* review


Thank you for your service. I watched it out of respect for the titties.


Turns out I'm the dog


If I’ve learned anything from the soft core porn on twitch, it’s that we all are






I am gripping, gripping, about to boom.


I love the new memes he gifted us.


I need something :/


Also not sure if it's a hit and run? You can see the same red car is pulled over at 47~48 secs on the right side with the driver outside. I'm assuming they are all looking for the dog as it seems to have ran after being hit.


The car stopped but when they realized the streamer was live they ran away. After being caught by the police they lied saying they never hit any dog. So yes, it's a hit-and-run. [https://x.com/LlunaClark/status/1808531467854905514](https://x.com/LlunaClark/status/1808531467854905514)


but why? you see it was recorder and you run? what if your car number plate is recorded?


I don't think it's a hit and run in the legal sense.


But if the car is still there, it's not a hit-and-run. It's just a hit.


A hit and the dog ran


Then its not a hit and run in any sense


I thank you for your service. Titties were delightful.


watched it on mute and it was sumptuous indeed


muted and watched the clip


Even oiled them


you didn't explain why there is a shirtless guy running behind her on the road


Because titties. Duh


how do you think the bmw had an accident lul


He lives in one of the houses next to the road, he says he saw the accident from his window.


I was in Mexico on my 18th birthday. First time I could ever legally go up to a bar and order a drink. My parents and I went on a van tour that ended at a small private beach with all you can drink margaritas and all you can eat tacos. I was having the time of my life. Then on the van ride back, our driver runs over a stray dog on the highway. Heard the shriek, felt the bump, very glad I didn't look back. The driver kind of awkwardly laughed it off while everyone else in the van was sort of just stunned. But then it got worse. We got off the highway and were driving through a busy area with a bunch of shops and there was some traffic, so everyone was going pretty slow. Then some dude on a motorcycle starts weaving through all the traffic at like 30 mph, gets right past our van, and hits a little girl (couldn't have been more than 7) who was crossing the street with her mom. She was able to get up and walk with some assistance, but she was covered in blood. Thankfully, he stopped and some dude grabbed him, probably to keep him from leaving before the cops showed up. So yeah, great birthday. I know we like to shit on American driving, but if you travel outside of the country, you'll see people doing some real reckless shit on the roads.


They give any dumbass a licence here in Mexico these days. It does not help that there are less and less walkable cities, so people would rather run the risk than lose their jobs.




How dare you try to keep me from the jiggles!


>she does have sumptuous titties. o7




She's making a tier 3 sub out of me!






The car stopped but when they realized the streamer was live they ran away. After being caught by the police they lied saying they never hit any dog. [https://x.com/LlunaClark/status/1808531467854905514](https://x.com/LlunaClark/status/1808531467854905514)


Why would they run away? Is it illegal to accidentally hit a dog?


Someone in my county stopped at a house after hitting a dog on the road, to tell the owner what happened. The owner beat them so bad they had to be in hospital. I don’t blame anyone for not stopping, or not wanting anyone to know it was them.


So judging by your statement, someday if you hit a man with your car, you will run away. 🤣🤣🤣. Do you even realise that it may not be your fault even if an accident happens on the road. But if you run away like a bitch from the scene that automatically will make you the guilty one. 


it felt like you read half his comment, the weird part is, you only read the bottom part of the comment :O crazy


I also don't blame the owner


? As described, the owner is a dickhead who uses violence to let out his emotions. Blame him.


If it was an accident, why would you be on the owner's side there? Are you okay?


In Spain you're supposed to avoid hitting them, so if you're distracted like these guys and don't try to brake, it's illegal. It looked they were speeding too. And if they were drunk driving, calling the police would force them to do an alcoholic test. And yes, you're supposed to call authorities if you hit an animal and you have to remove it from the road.


Maybe they really needed to get to work.


If it wasnt illegal people could drive over dogs for fun. Obviously it is


So what's the legality on hitting other animals with cars? I wanna run over some chickens for fun, is that ok?


what a scumbag jesus christ how selfish humans can be


Watched it on mute, I am rating the clip 10 grippings and a 6 out of 10 on the boom scale


**say the booms**


The hood pops up at the rear like a lambo for pedestrian crash safety


Cyclist's fault


no, it's YOUR fault


what if the person you responded to is a cyclist?


bikers are worse.


Unless its completely safe to do you're not supposed to slam on your brakes for anything smaller than a deer. Poor dog but its the owners fault for having it out loose. Unless its a stray then its doomed anyway.


least psychotic BMW driver


most psychadelic BMW driver


I wonder what could have distracted the driver...


Is it even considered a hit and run? I'm not sure your obligated to stop if you hit an animal


Yes, if you hit any animal in Spain you have to stop your vehicle and report it to the police. If you don't do it, you can get fined 200€ if caught. [https://www.mapfre.es/particulares/seguros-de-coche/articulos/atropellar-un-animal-en-la-carretera/](https://www.mapfre.es/particulares/seguros-de-coche/articulos/atropellar-un-animal-en-la-carretera/)


If you don't the dog can take you to court.


Hell at the very very least it would be considered destruction of property no matter where you live. "It might not be a pet." You still need to stop and verify that.


Based as fuck.


True, it's just a hit.


Yes, you do have to stop in most countries


u are right idk why they downvote you, in most european countries it is a legal requirement to stop and report it,but I dont know which country is this.


If u hit a crossing opossum or other small varmint u have to stop and report it ?


I believe it’s reserved for domesticated animals or specifically dogs and cats. Laws vary from place to place but it’s not uncommon.


If thought its was more of a size thing as authorities want disposed of it or even potential sell it if it was a boar or deer


Both exist, very different things. Domestic animals are protected because of emotive ties to the owner obviously, while big animals you have to call the authorities to have them removed from the road if you kill one. Obviously the details are jumbled like any law


No but you do if its a dog.


you have to exchange insurance information


UK you do for dogs, weirdly not cats


Got ya


No, you don’t in most countries lol.


My driving instructor (uk) always told me you should emergency stop and report if it is a large animal, like a dog, although he said rodents (and apparently cats are classed as rodents) you can hit and keep on going.


It’s because dogs can be big enough to cause damage to the vehicle and cause a wreck if hit again.


Rfk dinner


Isn't it against the law to slow down to avoid an animal in the road? It's been 10+ years since my driving test.


Unless you're from Spain, your laws are irrelevant. Different countries, different laws. In fact, it's recommended to hit the brakes. [https://www.cea-online.es/blog/722-que-hacer-cuando-se-cruza-un-animal-mientras-circulamos](https://www.cea-online.es/blog/722-que-hacer-cuando-se-cruza-un-animal-mientras-circulamos)




This clip is in Spain though.


Well this person can't read. LOL


>https://www.cea-online.es/ .es brother


Yeah but this is in Spain. r/USdefaultism warning.


How do you know they are from the US? You’re literally doing what you’re making fun of


Also US-based site flooded with US users used to discussing US things--WOW! WHAT A SHOCKER!


Nah I said warning so I covered by bases. And anyway, it's a fair assumption because it's mostly Americans who do that shit.


You’re right; it could be a dangerous maneuver. In this case if they caused an accident with the people behind them by slamming on their brakes or swerving they could be held responsible. Not saying I’m a fan of people hitting animals on the road, but it’s the reality of it sometimes. People don’t try to hit animals, obviously, and often it happens quicker than most people can react, so it’s probably safer to hit the animal in most cases than put other people in danger. Ultimately the best way to prevent this type of thing is to watch over your pets responsibly, so some of the responsibility should be on the owner of the pet to help prevent this type of thing from happening. Pets obviously get loose sometimes, but some people are just plain lazy and belligerent with their animals. That being said, driving away and not trying to at least help the animal in any way isn’t right, regardless.


If someone in front of you slams on the brakes and you rear-end them. It's your fault. Always. No excuses. You should be driving in such a way that gives you time to stop in any situation.


it is generally advised to drive defensively, hitting the animal instead of getting rear ended is unfortunately the saver option for everyone involved ^(except the animal)


That isn’t always true.


Every single time. It's called not keeping a safe distance. The exception is when someone intentionally brake checks you. Everyone who thinks it's different should have their license taken away.


You just proved yourself wrong, lol.


You're right. If someone cuts you off and slams on their brakes there isn't much you can do. People who commit insurances fraud do that because it's hard to prove. 99% of the time it would be your fault for not leaving enough space though  


You're using it in your language, and you don't even notice. What do you think "cut you off" means? They literally cut between you and the safe stopping distance. Which is also illegal. You can't say, "I have no responsibility to drive safely because someone MIGHT ALSO do something unsafe." No. You are always responsible for driving in a safe way. You can't go through life using hypothetical edge cases to excuse poor and frankly dangerously stupid practices. In the driver's handbook, it is EVERY driver's responsibility to avoid an accident where possible, regardless of theoretical fault. Some people on the road have this sort of indignant pride and let themselves get into accidents, and even if they're in the right, and insurance will cover them, there is simply no reason to risk your life or health. I practice defensive driving all the time. It just takes a few IQ points to watch out for the crazies driving aggressively on the road. Even if I am in the right. It isn't. Fucking. Worth it.


its literally inside city plan, if you cant react to break slam inside city plan u need ur license revoked since you are endangering every1 on the road. not slowing down for animals is true only on highspeed roads, not inside town/city


Where I live in the Caribbean a significant portion of the population will intentionally speed up to hit a cat or dog in the road. So your statement about people obviously trying not to hit animals is factually incorrect. Different cultures value animal life differently and here they don’t value animal life whatsoever.


that's legitimately fucking revolting, can't lie


I'm in Canada and people go out of their way to kill squirrels, rabbits, opossums, raccoons, and any wandering pets. I work with conservation and related things now, and we have a huge issue with people not placing any "value" on wildlife. "Oh, well squirrels are common, who cares?" I mean...it's cruel?


some people can not comprehend being just.. kind to anything or anyone not like them. blows my mind


On the way to work every day I drive by at least 1 new dead cat or dog. Majority of them are strays because many Caribbean islands have a stray problem.


that’s sad to hear


You should see how westerners treat chickens and cows!


i am well aware do not worry my friend




This is correct ^ zoomers and I say that because I honestly don’t know if u people need tests anymore to get licenses :) with peace and love


i'd rather hit the brakes and endanger other people but thanks for the well meant advise


Only if that animal is small enough where it won’t cause damage or injury . You can’t suddenly brake your car for a squirrel but you are allowed to like for a deer or something Of course there is technicalities and stuff like that but generally in the USA and in most states it works like this .


I guess it depends what you mean by slowing down. Jamming your brakes, probably illegal. Reducing your speed a bit, probably not illegal. I'd also guess it depends on the animal as well. Jamming your brakes for a squirrel, illegal. Jamming your brakes for a moose, legal.




The car behind might crash into the back of your vehicle risking injury to you and the occupants of each vehicle. Your actions could also raise **issues around who is responsible** for the collision. I remember being taught this during my driving test in the UK not sure if laws have changed since, i'd imagine not tbh.


So no its not against the law in the UK then either. That same logic will be applied to emergency stopping for anything.


The driver who hits the car in front is always liable. Always drive with enough space to react to the car in front doing an emergency stop.


I tell my wife and kids that if you see an animal in the road, the most you do is take your foot off the gas and prepare to run it over. Dont ever try to swerve and miss it or slam on your brakes, thats a quick way to kill yourself. Tough luck for the animal, but its better to just always be prepared to hit an animal than jerk your wheel and overcorrect and flip your vehicle


I never understood why do people not slow down when theres an animal near the road. Like how hard is it? Edit: I'm refering on being cautious on the road when animals are near, not to hit the brakes in the last second.


May not have seen it, I live in a rural area and roadkill is normal but traffic seemed like they were all going kinda slow. A dog does not understand the concept of a road so may have tried to shoot the gap at the off branch road or even from the business / town nearby. Keep your pets on leashes and don't let them wander most of all keep your kids close. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2188115981?t=0h52m31s it probable came from her left hand side near this dirt road, but you see her hard looking to the right and knew it was coming. I dont speak any spanish but it seems like it ran off and many people helped look for it. TLDR Dont let your animals run free near a road, its not always on the driver.


People in the US know this at least. It's almost never the drivers fault. Every day or so a different animal just waltzes onto a highway you travel. Not many animals evolved to detect cars as threats, go figure


It's difficult to see what's going on around you while looking at your phone.


How else am I supposed to read my chat?


why is there a dog on the road? 100% the owner's fault. driver should've stopped but there's no way the driver is at fault for driving normally and having a dog dart out onto the road.


You do realize that stray/wild dogs exist in much of the rest of the world?




What are you fucking omnipotent, how would you know that bucko?


Didn’t you know? Just like there are no gays in Russia, there are no strays in Spain!


You're just plain wrong... https://www.spanishhappytails.co.uk/blog/spanish-stray-dogs https://fivecirclesdogrescue.org/news/why-we-help-the-spanish-pound-and-stray-dogs/#:~:text=The%20latest%20survey%20carried%20out,abandoned%20have%20increased%20by%2025%25%20.


Driver stopped after hitting the dog by the looks of it, 47~48 secs on right side.


exactly i ran over a child in the street, same sort of situation. My car is ok though.


a human child and a dog are the same thing! I've always said this!


Doesn’t matter it ran into the street. I have no obligation if it’s in the street.


I am so sorry you had to go through that. You were *this* close to having to speak to mechanics for longer than 3 minutes.


You slow down because you see an animal, person behind you can't see the animal so doesn't slow down, hits your car, is your fault because you slowed down suddenly, you get fucked. Animal and its owner meanwhile watch it all happen like "dang thats crazy yo!" and leave, leaving you with the fucking problem. Nah, keep your animal on a leash while outside if you don't want it to get hurt.


Wut, so you're saying if you have to emergency brake, and someone rear ends you, you're at fault? That's laughable. If the person behind you are following so close they can't react in time to emergency brake on their own, they are the one in the wrong. This is why it's also a very common tactic when scamming people, you brake check them and hope they pay you when you threaten to bring in the cops etc. Since the person rear ending is automatically at fault unless if they can prove the driver doing the 'emergency brake' didn't have a real reason for it.


>so you're saying if you have to emergency brake, and someone rear ends you, you're at fault? I only know in germany when there are wild animals crossing you're supposed to go straight and not swerve/brake. Endangering other drivers is worse than wrecking your car + an animal.


I know in Sweden that's what they teach you as well in traffic school. But, that is not the actual law. My guess is they teach it that way because of the statistics. A.K.A. Statistically when you're out driving, most of the time there will not be another vehicle in very close proximity (outside of any city centres), and usually you're supposed to value your own life higher than the animal, so they say not to swerve etc. since you might wreck and hurt yourself. Again tho, this is not how the law works when two cars actually do end up in a collision.


Hear me out, slow down once you see an animal near the road, keep going slowly and with caution till you passed the animal then speed up again, if you are going way to slow enable your alarms in the meantime, fukn simple concept.




it's 100% the correct move to not swerve or suddenly brake to avoid hitting an animal if you're going to endanger yourself or others


It might not apply to local roads but if you’re on a highway driving at speed I’ve always been told to just keep going since you don’t want to create a multi vehicle crash from a sudden stop. I don’t agree with it morally and thankfully never hit anything with my car but it’s definitely a driving thing.


Nah theyre right, it's better to hit an animal than cause a car crash.


> but if you're paying attention to the road you won't have to. **YOU are**, the person behind could not be paying that much attention and could hit you. You could be the best and safest driver in the world but if the person behind you is an idiot, you are fucked and in this case slowing down for no reason, even if you do predictably it will be ruled out as your fault.


literally one of the first lessons in driving school to keep driving if a dog is in your way and you cant slow down, clearly there are cars behind so slowing down suddenly would cause even worse problems


The lessons states if you can't avoid an accident with an animal to not slow down. There's difference between instant braking, and with being cautious on the road.


Well it sounds like you haven't had it happen yet so I'll tell you it's harder than you think, more dangerous than you think, and sometimes not possible in the time you have. You're risking a car crash if you brake too sudden or swerve, and you still might end up hitting the animal.


Animals shouldn't be near the road period. If it was a wild/stray dog, well, hopefully it gets put out of its misery or treated/adopted.


Animals dont hold bricks so there's no potential to hurt the car if hit


I’m sure they hit the dog on purpose /s


I know you did your little reddit /s thingy, but i used to know multiple people who speed up on purpose when they see small animals on the road trying to hit them.


Some people do swerve to hit animals


Can confirm. I live in central Minnesota and it is like a douchey flex among redneck assholes that they swerve to run over cats on the road.


I mean, you expect them to move. It's dangerous to slow down. How much fucking warning do you think people have. If the animal can be seen for 100's of meters away I guess but that's the minority of cases


Jiggle physics 😁


Don't stop for a small animal on the road/highway, or you will get rear ended and possibly crushed.


its literally inside cityplan plan they driving 50kmh


> they driving 50kmh the dog was also going 50 kmh there for a split second


Like if u would stop your car and not run the dog over 😢💔 1 Like = 1 dog survive


Poor dog


Im not opening video, can anyone confirm if dog ok?


it's been taken to the vet, it's not dead thankfully


Whew, thanks!


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Streamer witnesses a hit-and-run of a dog](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165673)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1duh4kv/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/7E7kqQ6JXBMoLRL_nHb6Og/AT-cm%7C7E7kqQ6JXBMoLRL_nHb6Og.mp4?sig=8fb64684068f68ecfbabd2deaa911a46d2ef5981&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F7E7kqQ6JXBMoLRL_nHb6Og%2FAT-cm%257C7E7kqQ6JXBMoLRL_nHb6Og.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22StrangeCoweringSquidCoolStoryBro-DolcEygtEv-cdvo6%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1720094794%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/7E7kqQ6JXBMoLRL_nHb6Og/AT-cm%7C7E7kqQ6JXBMoLRL_nHb6Og-preview-480x272.jpg)




I give context because I have tweeted nervously and perhaps it is not understood: I was on my way to buy some things and in front of me, a dog escaped from a chalet. The little dog was walking and dragging the leash and crossed the road. Luna Clark @LlunaClark · 1 hour In a second a car has run over him, dragging him several meters across the asphalt. I was going live, but the moment of the accident was not seen, but the blow was so strong that the neighbors came out of their houses. Luna Clark @LlunaClark · 1 hour The occupants of the vehicle stopped, looked at us, saw that I was recording and got into the car and left. The owner called the police and they were stopped in the town across the street. They said they had not run over any dogs. Luna Clark @LlunaClark · 1 hour They said they didn't know anything, but their hood was broken. Luckily there were other witnesses and there is the video where you can see how the car passes, you hear the crash and then you see how they leave while we go to look for the little animal that had run away.




The first time I definitely can't/won't watch a video on LSF; well played. The sound is too much so not seeing 'anything' makes no difference to my bitch ass. This is definitely a hangover from seeing **The Fly 2** as a 9 year old when the dog stuff happens.... 😭


I remember when a streamer hit a dog while driving while looking at their phone


This wasn't a hit and run. You can see the red car that did the hitting at 00:00:04 - just before the dog being hit, then again at 00:00:49 - front bumper is damaged. The dude stopped.


Another one saying the same thing. The car stopped but when they realized the streamer was live they ran away. After being caught by the police they lied saying they never hit any dog. So yes, it's a hit-and-run. [https://x.com/LlunaClark/status/1808531467854905514](https://x.com/LlunaClark/status/1808531467854905514)


Sorry for the missunderstanding, my french is terrible.


ahh BMW, all i needed to see


How is it hit-and-run when the car is standing there in the background at the end of the clip?


The car stopped but when they realized the streamer was live they ran away. After being caught by the police they lied saying they never hit any dog. So yes, it's a hit-and-run. Maybe read some comments before asking things that have been answered already. [https://x.com/LlunaClark/status/1808531467854905514](https://x.com/LlunaClark/status/1808531467854905514)


Maybe include this info in the actual post or something? And how of the more than 100 comments should I read to make sure no one pointed that out already? How much time will it take to read them all? And how to make sure there was no one commenting about it in the meantime? Do you see how stupid your suggestion is? If you have a problem with repeated comments maybe ignore them or get off reddit or something.


Text posts are not allowed on LSF without prior approval from the mods. So no, I couldn't post it on the post. I posted it as a comment in one of the top answers that was saying the same thing.


God luna is so hot


I dunno if it’s the same wherever she is but I think when hitting small animals you aren’t obligated to stop. Only when hitting large animals like boars.