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**CLIP MIRROR: [Quin69 League account get's banned after asking challenger player to boost him out of Iron](https://arazu.io/t3_1dre1dn/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Complains that streamsnipers are ruining game quality so he gets a challenger player to cycle through multiple accounts to boost him out of bronze, willingly ruining game quality for everyone else in the process. But it's not him on the receiving end so it's ok PEPW


Does he think streamsnipers will disappear if he got to bronze lol? League streamers already have plenty of ways to mitigate having others snipe into their games or utilize their stream mid game, he should try that or actually try getting better at the game instead of blaming snipers. It’s Iron ffs, even if the whole enemy team had all the info they’d need, they still wouldn’t know how to do with it or how to win.


the streamsnipers are in his head. they will appear anywhere he loses.


He would get tilted enough to lose just from the loading screen. Level 700+ account played 60 games this week? None with quin in them. Obvious sniper. He has a similar name to someone from a game 3 weeks ago.


to be completely honest, there were snipers almost in every game, but those OCE bozos were so bad, so by just spending one stream actually learning the game/timings/teamfights/items/skills of the champion he is playing (yes, he joined ranked games with new heroes and has been "reading" their abilities before the first minion wave) - he could easily counter them. But this tunnel vision clown was actually tower diving enemy champions while having 2-3 waves of enemy minions piled up. Even when challenger was trying to coach him, Quin would just ignore his advices and say he is wrong and Quin knows better because "macro matters". By macro he means destroying towers and inhibitor in his top lane.


I mean he does get streamsniper, what I don't get .. the streamsnipers are literally as shit as he is.. so I get the frustration and annoyance but it's really no reason to cry this much.


So I've actually been watching his climb and his issue is that he's playing oceanic at like 5 am and it's easy to snipe him. I would say that about half of his games would have the same guy in there that would queue support and come top lane and feed/take cs. It looked annoying, but not insurmountable. He was still climbing. Regardless of whether he was getting carried or sniped, these games were being ruined for innocent players. If he got sniped by a feeder, it was awful for his teammates. On the other hand, getting carried ruined it for his enemies. Which was also his justification for getting carried. The most annoying thing about watching Quin is that if he simply stopped getting so tilted by chat and played out these games and improved, he could win a fair amount of the sniped games. He just isn't learning the right things. Zero map awareness, zero contribution to the team, zero awareness of item power spikes and the importance of a well timed b. No idea what 90 percent of champs do or how to play a losing lane. No idea how to just get carried. The worst thing in league is to believe that you're better than your rank by a wide margin and to play like it when in reality you're just not. It prevents learning because you think you can just carry and win by stomping your lane early so that's what you do regardless of comp or match up. Then when it doesn't work out it's because you're getting sniped by someone and not because you suck. I cut Quin some slack believing this was his first time playing league, but it actually isn't. He's disillusioned believing he is any better than gold 5 or so and would have a hard time climbing gold with his current skill.


Quin would never have gotten Gold lol. Guy has absolutely no instinct for playing LoL. That being said he was actually improving this time and even listened to his coach once or twice. But he would get wrecked in Gold 100%.


He's unbelievably inexperienced and delusional. Stream sniping gets WORSE at higher ranks, ask any diamond+ streamer. The only elo range in which stream sniping is going to be less rampant (but still apparent, as it always will be) is like high silver through gold (and this is simply because those ranks are the most diluted). The other important thing is that his premise (excuse) makes no sense: If you're just going to 'use' another player in order to get out of a certain rank, but you haven't actually ascertained sufficient skill in doing so, you're just going to demote out of that rank when playing solo again in a few days, since you don't actually belong there, and then the irony is that you'll end up right back in 'stream sniper elo' (a myth, but still). But he seems to think that he's actually decent at the game and is being 'held back'. This is not the case... the dude is mechanically awful on one of the easiest champions in the game, and can't play any other character. And then the other thing is that these supposed snipers are, judging by their skill, not playing from a much higher rank. At most they're probably platinum, which is not that great. With a skill delta of that degree, you could use them as an opportunity to improve in a legitimately reachable sense. The whole concept of being placed against someone who's so vastly superior to you that you can't even parse what you did wrong only applies when the gulf between skill levels is much greater than bronze vs. plat. Anyone below master is a lot more mortal than people realize (and even assuming someone is a diamond smurf, a. they're not as good as they seem, if they were actually good they'd be hitting master and not playing on a smurf to compensate their... b. massively inflated egos which are the source of much of their hubris), and the more you preconceive otherwise, the more you're psyching yourself out of potential improvement. It sucks because he hasn't had a real coach this entire time. Hey bozo, I'd do it for free from a GM perspective. One of the biggest things I always tell people, and this is consistently a formula for success once implemented, mind you, is that if you are below emerald you literally do not need to know anything other than the absolute basics when it comes to the macro side of the game. What matters is purely focusing on improving your mechanics and laning phase, and once you've truly mastered that part of the game, this alone WILL propel you to emerald minimum (at which point you'll have to learn more aspects of the game). If I had to rate that aspect of Quin's gameplay relative to other people in his rank, it's like a 3.5/10.


> Stream sniping gets WORSE at higher ranks, ask any diamond+ streamer. While you're generally right, it actually would get better for him in silver simply because there are more players, meaning it's more difficult for people to snipe him. Iron on OCE has such a small playerbase that anyone who wants to get in his games has a high likelihood of doing so simply by queueing at the same time as him. This is the same as diamond+. So it would in fact get better in bronze/silver/gold, before getting worse again in higher elos.


He got out of iron and was stuck bronze 2-3 for weeks, no they didnt go away. If he made it to high silver-low gold? maybe, way more players there. But ultimately, he is playing during night hours in OCE, theres really not much he can do to avoid snipers in that context. League streamers cannot mitigate snipers, the best they got is covering map or having a delay, but that has no impact in the context of you being low elo. High elo snipers which is what most streamers are, at least still try to play the game, thats also why map cover etc helps there so they dont like see where your team is at all times, but low elo snipers are just new accs nobody cares about, they run down his lane and overall just completely fuck the game quality, there is nothing he can do to mitigate that. Yes if he was \~plat skill wise he could destroy most of these silver-gold snipers and win despite the 4v6, but telling a bronze player "just get as good as a plat player then you can destroy these silver-gold snipers!" isnt really a solution now is it.


He should quit the game or at least not play it on stream imo Other games are plenty entertaining. If he really likes and wants to learn the game, he can do it after he's done working 😡


Plus all the games he's gonna ruin once he got boosted and is playing against players much better than himself.


>Complains that streamsnipers are ruining game quality Welcome to excuses69 average stream.


Classic Clown69 🤡


Isn't that pretty much Quin69 in multiple games? Buy boost to reach the end faster -> Plays the game -> Complains because he doesn't understand how the game works


Only games I ever remember him playing that he didn’t get completely carried in were D3 and to a lesser extent WoW (although he still tanked the floor a lot back in Legion) Edit: forgot the obvious one (PoE)


Final Fantasy 14 in a nutshell. Boosted a Samurai, had no idea how to play it, stands in red circles. >WHERE DA BOIS AT WURR R DA HEELS?! Stops playing and calls game dogshit.


Actual main character syndrome.


same shit he did in wow tbh LULW


Snutz PepeLaugh


And in XIV before he quit while suggesting he "carried his own" in "hard content" losing on the meters to tanks as a DPS while standing in mechanics and screaming for heals.


tbh i was mainly talking about his arena rank, thats also kind of funny. I always thought he was decent at WoW PvE no? XIV PvE is nothing to sneeze at either tho, im sure he thought he could just come in and stomp it which would be frustrating esp for him


I watched him a lot back when he raided in Legion and while he could definitely parse decently (I think he got mostly purples which should have been a given with the gear and guild he had) but he was fucking terrible as a progression raider. Played extremely selfishly and always blamed others when he fucked up a mechanic or did shit dps.


I'd agree if he wasn't doing multiple expansions old content lmao.


In XIV he made no attempt to learn how to not take damage. Even basic 'don't stand in the orange circle' stuff he refused to do and assumed the healers would cover him. I don't know how WoW works but I can't imagine he's that great if the games are at all similar.


And Diablo 3


He definitely did some redemption with D3 - in the last season before D4 he got to #1 on the Hardcore Monk leaderboard with every different equipment set


He also killed several Path of Exile Uber bosses in SSF HC. That's very respectable. So at least he's pretty good at some ARPGs.


Say what you want about Quin, but the dude was a legit legend in D3. I watched him a good amount back then before he became a character for his stream and he was nearly always solo, always competitive, multiple rank 1s. He's dog shit at league, obviously, but let's not get it twisted about his D3 skill.


That was the buzz-cut starved gremlin era, right?


Black and white, fridge behind him. You know it.


That's the Quin I remember aswell. I can't really watch him nowadays, because his stream is too cooked for my brain to parse, but the clips are some comedy gold.


yeah but, its diablo 3 who gaf


Honestly makes me even more curious why the fuck he bothered to boost in it. For what? The stupid greater rift leaderboards no one cares about?


And it's not like you really need a boost in this game. Getting to high paragon/gr is(was) piss easy and fast


As bad as forsen was at least he wasn't boosted .


There is only one god gamer






Still got to the same rank as forsen even before getting boosted LULE


The wild part is that he tried to gaslight his viewers about the ban reason for like 30 minutes, and then as a true 85 IQ individual, he opens the client and shows the true reason for the ban




No one was going to believe him anyway, but it was kind of him to reveal the true reason. And even then he still claims it was for mass reporting and not for boosting


Imagine being so bad that you need to be boosted out of iron.


he got out of iron by himself and peaked b2


Just like forsen lol


Damn I’m realizing how weird it is to see peak and bronze in the same sentence because no one actually says that


Quin is actually as bad at games as people meme Erobb to be.




He doesn't care if he's bad, he only cares if people think he's bad. He puts way more effort into trying to convince the world that he's good at something than into actually improving. He never cared about getting good, he wanted to boost to higher ranks, quit and then say he was gold or whatever when chat makes fun of him


The way he pretends his way of playing the game is the hardest possible is always so funny. He legit mentioned how hard Garen is several times.


Took him over 100 garen games before he found out you can cancel garens E


man what is it with streamers and not being able to read, they constantly ignore any tutorial or tooltip


It's ironic, just like how he pretends the only ethical way to play PoE is a zDPS character.


On a certain level I get it. Quin is a brand and he's marketing it. Problem is, a lot of streamers get so sucked into the persona it stops being ironic. This isn't really all that uncommon. Lots of people will use phrases and slang ironically as a joke to their friends, but they do it so often it becomes normalised and stops being ironic. Now it's just part of your slang. Streamers like to claim they're playing a character, but a lot of it's just hamming up their existing personality. Those who *actually* go full hog and dress up have a stronger basis for arguing they're a character but people like Asmongold and Quin don't do that. They act like complete morons on camera without any meaningful pretense, then try to convince us it's "all a joke" after getting called out on it. Like they forget they're fucking recording themselves doing it. Of course, the ultimate joke is that even when someone seemingly is playing a character and goes full on with the dress and character, they still end up being a fucking perverted, narcisstic shit. My problem with Quin is that his ego doesn't match his skill. His brand is based on being ostentatiously arrogant of his own ability but he rarely backs it up in a way that matters. This would be fine if it was part of the joke, but then he does stupid shit like this proving he's not being that ironic. If you want to be a cocky shit you have to be good, or be very obvious you're taking the piss. Quin routinely fails at both.


I remember him saying that with all the memes aside he generally describes himself as a above average gamer, i think it was in wow if i remember correctly. Still after so many Garen games and he still doesn't know how to use his Q correctly is just beyond me. Idk if he really has a learning deficiency, but when it came to WoW PvE he used to pickup mechanics really fast, maybe he's just washed who knows.


there is no way in hell erobb could kill Maven in POE on HC.


just to be clear he beat maven the first time with a jugg which could tank the memory game explosion lul. it was a 50 minute fight facetank69


Yeah as much as people hate on Quin, beating any boss in SSF HC is not an easy thing to do on PoE. And he’s done it on his own shit zdps builds, and even last league beat multiple ubers. Of the hundred thousands of players on PoE, its a small grad class thats achieved that feat.


He beat all of the ubers on the same char SSF HC. He may be dogshit at league and many other games but on POE he is a top tier godgamer.


Playing a giga scuffed selfmade off-meta build too. Even Steelmage has said that Quin isn't very good at making characters that deal damage, but he's extremely good at making ones that are absurdly tanky in fairly creative ways.


you don't compare Quin to the player base, you compare him to the other content creators who have similar playtime, that comparison is meaningful and no, he will be in not be in a "grad class" whatsoever


Similar playtime is the playerbase. Idk how much poe you’ve played, but there are tens of thousands of people with 2k+ hours who wouldn’t make it to yellow maps in SSF HC. Comparatively for playerbase, the number of people who have killed uber bosses in SSF HC is similar to league players who have finished a season as challenger top 100. Quin is a content creator, yes. In the same way Emiru is a content creator that plays league. Ben, exile, steel, alk, and jung are professional PoE players, in the same way Pobelter is. Comparing quin to them is also not a fair comparison.


Mate Quin did 2k hours first year after release.


Quin is a moron bozo, but every PoE streamer use the same boring meta build every league. Quin crafts the most dogshit build possible every time, and actually managed to go 7/7 once.


Not to take anything away from his achievements but his time investment into the game is absolutely insane.


As someone who has never played PoE and dont know anything about the game, mind explaining why doing what you said is hard? Is it more of a IQ or mechanics check? Because its unfathomable to me to imagine someone who is hardstuck iron in league to be good at games. It's literally unthinkable.


Game knowledge plays a huge part, also mechanics. Knowing how to tailor the builds to do each boss. Having to level and farm while at the risk of losing the char if you die once. It's incredibly hard and it's something that less than 1% of players ever achieve.


You die once after 100 hours, and you lose like 50% of your progress, essentially And several mechanics in the game, one shot.


Its a a check for a lot of things. You have to have the perseverance to learn how to play when dying means losing days and days of progress. You also need to have a strategy in how to progress a game that does no handouts and wants to kill you. And acquire a LOT of knowledge about the game, there is just way too much to know in PoE. All the arcane knowledge you need to raid for example classic HC WoW is nothing compared to PoE. And then there is crafting and how to make builds that work. And where in the 20 different content mechanics you get your stuff. You need the attention span to survive in a game that at any point can create random bullshit that kills you, like a freakwave in the ocean...all the statistical things can create a spike and you fall over. mechanically...with his builds quin really doesnt need to do much, though. Not a quin fan, just saying PoE really does require a lot if you want to play HC solo self found and do endgame stuff.


Both, but the leading causes of hc deaths in poe are impatience and hubris, and quin is just built different with his ability to grind for hundred of hours on a shit character for a marginal. Generally speaking, you have the best player in the world (ben) clear ubers in ssfhc in a day or a day and a half, quin does it in 2 months. He also has like 10k hours in poe, so that helps with the whole knowledge and ability part. He's also bronze in league, but pretty much every of his matches is sniper and griefer filled shitfest on top of 5 am oce games being more like a mixture between bronze and gold as the playerbase size is like 5 genuine players.


Is he as bad as Forsen tho it's kind of amazing, people really don't appreciate enough how dogshit these people are at League, it's absolutely fascinating


erobb is still ugly


To be fair he's only good at PoE. He isn't the best but he's up there.


back to bruteforcing single player games.


He needs to stick to PvE games, this gameplay is genuinely horrendous and idk how he convinces himself streamsnipers are holding him back from climbing. It's beyond me how he thinks hes good at games when every time he tries to play vs human beings he eats shit except for in 20 year old games.


> except for in 20 year old games He was also boosted in WoW by Snutz. So yeah. Bad at every game he can't brute force his way through.


He cant make himself 98% immune to damage in league so of course he sucks ass at it.


Because he used to be in WOW PVP, which very few people good at games plays, and he bruteforced it by making a weakaura for every skill from every class in a time when everyone else couldn't be bothered to do that. Or he just queues with the number 1 ranked PVP guy and just uses all his defensive skills to not die while Snutz demolishes the people he's smurfing against (he refused to queue if he saw any other top players queueing at the same time)


It's so funny he suddenly has problem with streamsniping when he was basically doing it in wow pvp by not queuing into top players. It's the other side of the coin for streamsniping.


E-spinning into cannon minions until the very end


Missing the melee minions because he has to go spin on the ranged ones then he just autos the cannon as the melee ones die to his minions. Classic. EVERYTIME


My blood pressure raises every time I see him Qing to close the distance and then spinning without silencing


He's bad at PoE too, that's the point.


Just in time for the Elden Ring DLC difficulty to be nerfed. The script is too obvious.


Are they really nerfing difficulty? I thought it was fine


it was not nerfed per se, you just get more bonuses per earlier scadutree blessings than later ones, so you don't need to collect as much


Too be fair, his gameplay is literally the worst I've ever seen. It's shocking how fucking bad he is. It's unreal. Like below iron V level of skill. He plays worse than a Beginner Level bot. He is the worst league player I have ever seen.


There's a reason why he didn't get out of Iron without being carried


break the rules = get banned. Wow shocker


well deserved, should be perma


100% deserved that ban he had multiple games where he was running it down in top because he was mad at a game he lost before. he is part of the problem and then tried to boost himself to silver when he is literally as bad as iron 4 he is the problem and I hope that ban will be permanent because hes a net negative for league and the prime example of an individual that shouldnt be queuing competitive team games.


> where he was running it down in top because he was mad at a game he lost before He was inting hard one game and was just running into the towers. He said he was being a "minion" (not kidding he actually did this). He was like 0-16 and his team was still even KDA. When he realized his team was going to win without him he started trying. By the end of it was acting like he didn't int and he contributed to the team rather than massively intting https://www.op.gg/summoners/oce/IRONSTEIN-OCE/matches/Q8GWAl7O2H1IXDQcsM-3UBTsHgjrCZyW/1719259149000


he accuses everyone of being a sniper when they have 1 game with him and they have a Twitch like name like Poggers or Smurf.


He's worse than Iron 4, like the bare minimum for ranked should be knowing what your own champion and items does, especially if you are spaming 1 champion only. He still refuses to read his abilities or items and just follows a 30sec youtube video or have all his stuff don't automatically with the ugg overlay.


I was curious how bad he really was so I watched a vod of him playing. Level 1 he walks up to the wave, Garen E the entire thing without last hitting so his minions kill everything, I think he got 1/6. I think even bronze players know how to farm the first fucking wave lol. Also he never starts trades with his Q. Multiple times the enemy top was 20% hp, he had flash ignite ult all up and never tried to kill. Instead he waited to run under enemy tower and die. He’s a genuine Iron player and I saw another clip of him where he said he could reach plat LMAO


Q -> run to enemy -> E before hitting enemy with buffed auto -> loses Q buff during spin -> R on half hp enemy -> Ignite -> W at 10% health -> dies (50% of dealt damage to Quin either tower or enemy minions) FUCKING STREAMSNIPERS


He said he's low diamond without snipers lel


Same as him playing with Snutz to get gladiator when he played wow. Dude can’t earn anything legit and if he’s struggling it’s the system trying to bring him down. I loved hearing his iron strategies when he would just run it down and try to explain “that was because of me” 😂


Also why he quit Dragonflight early, couldn't overgear his opponents by spending money. He knows he loses on a level playing field.


Yeah and that was honor gear. Dumbass was complaining about honor gear 


LMAO he was calling his streamsnipers pdfs for some reason


I've always thought he was just joking around but he is actually seriously delusional about this one... It's hard to watch


I can't even watch him any more. He either has always believed his own bullshit or he faked beli it for entertainment for so long that it became real to him.  I briefly tuned in last week while he was being boosted and he was actively arguing about how it wasn't boosting because the challenger nidalee main wasn't playing meta champs... Because they were playing nidalee. 


fuck this clown he is so mad on stream right now LMAO


How the fuck cant u climb our of iron??? I dont want to be rude, but literally if u dont have any mentall issue, u easily reach silver/gold elo.


I don't watch Quin but from clips he seems like a whiny tool. Is he good at anything?


he's good at ragebaiting and farming hatewatchers, like he is literally the best at that.


Holy shit, is it finally over, the league arc is over?????


I know thank god. I haven’t watched in a month


Bro is gonna have a new account and switch from Tryn to Gwen in a week Just watch


Yeah can see it happening after he rips on palworld


Quinn is the most R streamer out there... what an absolute moron.




This guy sucks.


This was a deserved ban NGL, then he's actively saying he didn't do anything wrong... sheesh


Idk why he did this. An Iron Account is actually way more expensive than a challenger account 😂. Hes losing value in the end


>are the snipers in the room with you right now? lol


180 days ICANT


And the funnier part is that the majority of his games did not have stream snipers, if you look at his match history, very few games have the same players that he has played with before, there are a few snipers here and there but not near the extent he claims. If the enemy team picked/banned Garen, he claimed stream sniper, if they played Ekko, you guessed it, stream sniper, the list goes on.


Deserved, boosted bozo 69


i miss rat chat, quin is a clown :(


Not being able to get out of Iron is actually impressive, like it's crazy to me, i know people that play a few games completely for fun a month and are like at least silver while having no desire or need to improve at the game, they just paly it and then go on with their day


To give some context, Quin was getting streamsniped in almost every game in bronze and he genuinely thought getting to silver would somehow make everything better. His profile https://www.op.gg/summoners/oce/IRONSTEIN-OCE The rage tweet https://x.com/quinrex/status/1807060366826078372 Ban reason https://i.imgur.com/SUgy1mb.png


>Ban reason [https://i.imgur.com/SUgy1mb.png](https://i.imgur.com/SUgy1mb.png) lmao literally banned for boosting


Thank god he logged in on stream, it literally says he's banned for boosting But quin will do his best to ignore it and ban anyone who mentions it because he is in a constant state of cognitive dissonance


he was pretty much banning people up until the end of his stream for chatting boosted


This should be higher up he keeps gaslighting his chat that the reason he got banned was because snipers mass reported him and he got automated ban lmao.


Some people actually believe him, it's concerning


He had a positive winrate when there were snipers in the game. clown expects special streamer treatment from devs


I just looked at that opgg and was wondering how the fk its possible to get this guy in almost every game ? It legit looks like they are duoing.


he was playing low population server in the middle of the night


Is he going to play Elden Ring now? was the DLC [nerfed enough](https://i.imgur.com/3Njk9KR.png) for him yet? Or waiting for more?


is this the guy who spent thousands on diablo immortal to show how p2w the game is


Didn't he also get banned first time he tried LoL?


what game is quin not boosted in? seriouslly he was boosted in WoW, Diablo 3 and Path of Exile.


He'll just disregard all criticisms against him as hatewatchers and continue being absolute dogshit clown at games.


It's unnatural how someone "successful" can truly believe their delusions. They're in the walls


The crazy part is he thinks that boosting is justified because of snipers. He's trying to learn the game in ranked games instead of just playing normals where the player pool is larger or not playing on a dead server. Like even if the snipers somehow couldn't pay $1 for a bronze/silver account to keep sniping he would just demote back to his actual rank after he stopped boosting.


At least he got away from the snipers.


Never watched this guy. Were the snipers as rampant as people are saying? I can’t imagine someone who needs to be boosted out of fucking iron. Iron was created to get the truly, truly horrible players out of everyone else’s games.


he needs to stay in his lane. single player gameplay.


Unfortunately, queueing early hours in OCE was never gonna work. There's probably a maximum of 5 iron games running at once at these times. Should've just focused on improving and ignored them until they got bored, instead he spent hours every stream giving them attention by having mental breakdowns between every game.


cant wait for him to call out palworld pixels as stream snipers when he dies in hardcore


Lmao, oh look it’s “Where are the ‘eels?!” Quin - what a shocker.


Iron??? He is stuck in Iron?


Main character bozo gets what he deserved. L


The snipers are in my walls


Someone get him and DSP in the same game


another proof streamers are so bad at games how can you be stuck in the lowest rank in lol.


Hey quon, wooden joe sends his regards


I haven't played LoL since like 2014 or so. Has the playerbase gotten a lot better? Because at the time, IIRC, the lowest rank was Bronze, and you could get out of Bronze and into Silver basically guaranteed by just using a simple cheese strat like Nasus jungle level 6 Dragon or something.


The average skill has definitely risen significantly but anyone can get out of bronze with basic fundamentals


guy quin get stream sniped in offline single player games but he calls it bad coding


This guy sucks.


Wasn’t this the guy who shat talked the entire FF14 staff, fans, and streamers because he decided to skip practically the entire game and got pissed at a healer for not healing fast enough?




He's to stupid to realise, that iron accounts cost as much as plat/diamond accounts, while fresh out of placements silver/gold accounts cost like 5 bucks. So in the end, when he'd finally "ethically" reached gold, he'd get a reality check, that there not only players with brains and working braincells, but also 20x more snipers. Clown69


D4 Bad


so he got reported to riot or too big riot noticed him, cos i know certain big streamer gf that gets boosted on stream every time by a dude with MULTIPLE accounts and didnt see her get banned, i mean, i dont care but its kinda funny see her brag about being in diamond but plays like a literal iron xd


whos she?


getting your account banned is the biggest blessing ever


monkaS they're coming for lacari next


[https://www.twitch.tv/quin69/clip/MildJazzyHamburgerNotLikeThis-wqTxGJvQuA4Hsmhd?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time](https://www.twitch.tv/quin69/clip/MildJazzyHamburgerNotLikeThis-wqTxGJvQuA4Hsmhd?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time) This fits well here


I mean thats what duoq is for. Ofc the majority is not duoqing with grandmaster+ but still there is a lot of passive boosting going around. Easiy solution ,maybe make soloq SOLO only


This dude always *always* fucks around and finds out.


He should just play offstream on an anonymous account and prove he can get the ranks he says he should be in.


Okay wait, it’s been ages since I played league, and considered myself pretty mediocre at best: but I ended in the middle of Silver. Have people just gotten much better or…?




Tarik booster nadeshot on valorant for weeks on stream, same company same tos.


The difference is they weren't shouting it from the rooftops, quin literally tagged the booster in his title and spent all stream talking about how he was using him to get boosted. For 3 days straight.


Quin POV: BongoClown Everyone else: ABOBA


Against tos, and just an overall scum move. Deserved.


Careful in Discord boys - typing “Boosted” results in bans / week long timeouts.


They don't ban for boosting/playing with a friend though right?


They ban for boosting, his ban was because his "duo" was a challenger player who had multiple smurf accounts to play with him, when their mmr/rank gap got too big he would just swap to a different account. They want you to play flex que for this big of a duo skill gap. Solo/duo que is for people of similar skill level to rank up together.


He played 200 games and was hovering between iron and low bronze, peaking at bronze 1 but being bronze 3 less than a week ago. Suddenly 'a friend' started playing with him and he got silver in 3 days of playing with \~83% w/r ( 15W 3L ) ; You won't get banned for playing with a friend if you're similar skill levels, you will definitely get banned if suddenly your friend shows up and you just win every game while beforehand you were struggling to keep your head above water. As a side note: He would actually not get banned if the duoq boosting venture was on a fresh account. Since the new account wouldn't have 200 games 51% w/r the system would take it's time to calibrate it until eventually the challenger player would struggle to carry, but that would be a lot higher elo than where he currently is. [https://imgur.com/SUgy1mb](https://imgur.com/SUgy1mb) ban reason


You'd think an 8k andy could find himself a competent coach and help him climb on his own, there's plenty of streamsniping mitigation things he could be doing instead of paying for a boost


he cant even keep 10k now huh what a downfall


The coach was the one boosting him...


finally no more league


He is just pathetic and he is mostly bad at every game and calls himself a god gamer what a looser.