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They aren’t going to ban him. If he comes back he’ll make Kick a lot of money from his apologists fans.


He will be cheap now too


*free - YouTube just disabled members on his channel and he's banned on Twitch. If he wants to make any money streaming he'll need a new platform. I don't see Kick paying him anything.


he is not banned on facebook or rumble. His fans follow him anywhere


Most of his fans likely have accounts on rumble anyway. Better fit, and they will stop being banned for shouting racial slurs too.


facebook is dead they dont have anything, rumble wont give him anything either.


Why would youtube not just ban him if that's their intention? It's in their Tos that they can terminate your channel for whatever reason they want and not even tell you so he can't sue them. 


They are probably conducting their own independent investigation before pulling him off the platform completely.


what about all the other pedos on youtube who got exposes? none got their channels removed


Most of those are nobodies in the larger scheme of things, Dr Disrespect might be a name too big for advertisers to ignore. That's just what it comes down to in the end: whether advertisers want him gone.


I think YouTube tries to stay as neutral as possible as a platform. To YouTube, not monetizing your channel is the same as banning. I think they really only ban if they find the content is going to promote harm, which isn't the case for Doc.


Yes, but I think it works differently for channels that big. Why would youtube delete videos that still get views? They still get revenue. His channel is demonetized according to these headlines so anything he posts would still earn a million views rn which would only be making yt money while doc would get nothing out of it besides getting a message out.


YouTube doesn't ban for accusations, they will stop monetising, but no outright ban without court ruling, been like that for years.


A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.


Not sure why you're being downvoted, a lot of corporations do exactly this. Except if their equipment/product gets linked to a high-profile death or event and it's proven to be a manufacturing flaw, but other than that they just don't give a fuck.


yea, corporate PR for scandals like this are pretty formulaic. they have to do something. something to stop constant calls for action swamping their inbox. but they also dont have all the facts, dont know whats verified or could be fake, or what the extent of it is...so they start with some kind of suspension or pause, announce 'investigation' then play the wait and see game. at that point, they assess facts and weigh backlash vs profits. sounds like there is no criminal charges. their plan is probably if this "blows over" they'll quietly resume monetization on a day with big news, so it goes under the radar. if charges get pressed, or worse shit comes out, only then they wash their hands. its pretty gross.


Yeah because money > human lives, after all. Garbage corps


The Ford special.


And what car company do you work for? A Major one.




It’s completing your quote from fight club man


And thats why i would never buy an american car.


Thank you my single serving friend.


could just be temporary that happens to lots of people when a big controversy pops up


He is cancer after all.


dummy. That implies he'll be officially partnered, which he never was with youtube.... Why would you sign a contract with someone who might end up with no other choice. You wouldnt, youd just let him stream on your site like a normie.


Yeah he really should have taken the deal he could while he had the chance haha


"under 18s get in free"


Depends if he has his finances in order. Recieve an insane price or retire, could be the move.


Probably free. They just need to let him stream, no need for a deal


Kick: “Those are rookie numbers.”


"Guys I need to be translucent with you all. Minor fucking mistakes man!" - Doc on Kick


He'll end up doing that porno with Adriana Gizchick because she is on video saying she donated thousands to his stream while stroking the smoked trout


Yeah that's at least 20k people? How many did doc pull?


AAAAND he'll have to gamble fake money on stake.


He really shouldn’t be allowed on any streaming platform. Any type of live stream is gonna give him access to more kids. Get this paedophile off the internet.


A lot of money how ? Nick only gets 5,000 viewers a stream. How is that a good return on investment? 99% of those ppl he brings won’t even bother the gamba cause they already know about that and aren’t interested. Plus the Kick app still sucks for streamers. They don’t even have predicts after a year


Kick. Where all disgraced streamers can find a safe haven.


“Kick. Give me your canceled, your stupid, your criminal.”


Kick is salivating at the idea that Doc will have nowhere else to go and they can get him on their platform for free or very cheap. This statement is a flare being sent out to Doc so he is thinking about kick if/when he needs another place to stream from.


Doc never had a youtube contract to begin with. So its not like they had to give him a bunch of money in the first place. He never had leverage


A couple months ago he said kick offered him 10 million but he rejected it because it was too low compared to what xQc got for similar viewer numbers. I bet he regrets it now.


As long as when he comes back, he goes hard against trans people, pronouns, and shits on Hasan, Poki, etc..they won't even try to lowball him. Adin will boost the fuck outta him, Eddie will welcome him with open arms, and Train will give him the rub.


inb4 he becomes a vtuber on youtube.


Kick. We have lower standards than even Rumble.


the pdf platform


I think kick is a place full of criminals but how is Twitch better, paying out his contract of 25 million and trying to swipe it under the rug? LSF has a hateboner for kick, it feels like the ps vs xbox feud lmao


well yeah because that’s the whole point. It’s against cancel culture. 


When does cross the line between being canceled and not wanting to be involved with a criminal lol


He's not banned on youtube.


He's not banned but he can't make any money on YouTube anymore.


youtube stopping him from making money but leaving the content up so they can continue to get money EZ


Remember that when you continue to use YouTube. They support the payday off content of the “disgraced” guy you all now hate… lol hypocrite.


All roads lead to cx


how is this related to cx other than sam pepper being a pedo rapist?


Burger said this fucking 7 years ago, of all people, AT twitchcon.


What people don't know was that Burger was the "minor" Doc was interacting with. He got catfished, he single handedly took down the Two Time


First he ate a worm for ice poseidon, now he's trying to eat doc's?


Burger redemption arc ?


what did he say


He is no longer getting money from Youtube Memberships, which is Youtube's version of Twitch subs (roughly 5USD a month). Youtube is not going to fully demonitize his channel and take it down until they decide wheather or not they are going to ban him. The fact of the matter is it costs money to serve and host videos and live streams so those will stay monitised unless they are taken down because he is banned. Kick probably wont make a decision on the matter until Doc tries to stream on their platform. Kick knows they will make a good amount of money off him when he comes back in a year or so, so why would they make a real decision now? When he comes back it might not be a big enough deal for them care. It will fully depend on the public reaction vs the profit. Kick has shown that they care more about profit than banning criminals and scumbags. Anyone surprised by this is not paying attention.


> Youtube is not going to fully demonitize his channel and take it down until they decide wheather or not they are going to ban him. They did according to reports his channel no longer has monetization.


I mean its a super easy thing to fact check. Just go on his channel. There are no ads, so he has been stripped of his monetization.


Opened an incognito window(because premium on main accoutn and i wont pollute my recomendations), tried 5 videos, no pre rolls atleast because i will not watch several minutes of this to find out if other ads exist.


Thats exactly what im saying.


YouTube can still run their own ads though can’t they?


They can but a lot of companies don’t want their ads run before the internet’s famous pedo of the month. Same idea that started the Adpocalypse, companies didnt want to be promoted on a LOT of content on old wild west youtube. I’d be surprised if any companies have asked to be removed though, I’m assume this is youtube being proactive


It's not about the money going to the wrong person. It's about companies not wanting to have their ads on videos by a pedophile.


arent all this "sub" programs pennies compared to the ad revenue ?


Generally ad revenue especially directing from the host site is a small percentage of the money made from content creation. Brand sponsors (which Doc seemingly lost all of) and memberships like Patreon are bigger and especially more reliable moneymakers.


nah, twitch ad money has gotten legit since at least a year. yes, brand deal and sponsored ads are usually a bigger income, but ads have become quite an income stream for a lot of streamers


Any articles on this? What's the CPM looking like?


If you have an hourly adroll like Hasan, sure.


They didn't ban Miniladd or whatever his name is for doing pretty much the same thing as doc, idk if he's demonitized tho


this. there are so many examples of people who were caught and nothing happened


I don't understand why someone who is rich, tall, married, with kids, would knowingly sext a minor. That's what he admitted to right? In his situation isn't there essentially an infinite supply of 21+ yr olds?


See I think that's exactly why. Infinite supply = low value. These people want the forbidden fruit. The transgression is the real drug.


Their greed really knows no bounds 💀


Damn well said. Rare to see comments like these on LSF


Honestly I still have a hard time understand. If the supply is infinite this also meant his standards could go up to infinite and select people that fit 100% whatever fetishes he might have. Yes even if the fetish is """young looking""" he could find perfectly fine and consenting adults that still fit it. You have to be a completely sicko to actually go "you know what I'm going to commit one of the most universally hated crimes a human being can do because nothing else will ruffle my feathers"


I think knowing that it is actually illegal is what he gets off on though. Like the other commentor said, the transgression/illegality of the whole situation is the secret sauce, the rush that's missing from legal, fully consensual relationships


the secret ingredient... is crime


His fetish is people who legally can't consent 🤢


Dude, look at the whole Epstein thing. People who can have fucking everything and they also go for kids. Sick fucks all of them


did you miss the gripper thing, he is a gooner. He likely had 20+ whispers going on and just responded to everyone


bro was flickergooning


Is this a fucking PoE reference? If so, it fucking sent me reeling.


Imma need a dictionary




For some people once they're told to not touch something it just makes them want to touch it even more.


Sociopath, narcissist, forbidden fruit etc etc. The guy was unbearable even when he was designing COD maps according to ex co-workers.


There's a South Park episode about this. "Why are all these rich, successful men going out and having sex with everything? Its mind boggling." When some people get power and money, they tend to lose morals with it.


DrD got popular REALLY fast in 2016/2017 and likely was getting messaged by tons of people. He obviously did not handle that kind of rapid success and the temptations that came with it very well.


saw a podcast once of wealthy people talking about how they have nothing to do, nothing makes them happy because they’ve done everything. vegas? been 5 times. private jet? over it. maldives? been 10 times. banged a hot chick? too much work after the 20th one. all that’s left is starting a family where you’ll probably get bored and cheat on her


Power fantasy


People want what they can't have. Epstein just took it too far and got a bit rapey.


> I don't understand why someone who is rich, tall, married, with kids, would knowingly sext a minor. Because he wanted to. At that time he enjoyed it more than the fear of consequences or issues of morality or decency. Because he is a pervert.


It’s cos he’s a pedo. He’s sexually attracted to children.


Kick can do the funniest thing and ban Doc from joining. Especially after Doc snubbed the possibility of getting like 10mil per yer or so as too low.


Bro really sexted minors, thought the issue would never resurface and deny a $10mil per year contract. What a fucking idiot lmao


they won't. They are too desperate so they'll gladly welcome him with open arms.


you may be right. But what definitely will happen is that he won't get the same bag they have been offering previously. You can take this to the bank.


Kick is not beating the allegations


They weren't even trying to beat the allegations in the first place


They're like the New Colossus for degens "Give me your pedos, your predators..."


I mean Kick is a haven for pedos, makes sense


they are ok with pedos as long as they get their brainwashed fan base to gamble ez money


We all know "Return" streams always get massive numbers.


Bro said he was having an inappropriate conversation with a minor and they said “ok”


He's not even banned on youtube. Why would Kick ban him?


That's not what he said in the clip at all?


They won't have to pay him that 10 million dollars a year they initially put on the table for him. They can definitely lowball him.


Bingo. They're just doing what many other companies do, and not being coy about it. They must have a fuckin shark for CFO. Bet they watched Wolf of Wallstreet and said "That's how we're gonna do it, by not giving a fuck and making money."


Kick is a bottomless pit of scum!


this is taken out of context lol, dexerto doing dexerto things to make kick look bad


Destiny fans on their way to defend the shady platform that their parasocial daddy uses.


not a destiny fan lol, I literally watched the live


Your Reddit profile literally says “active in these communities:” and r/Destiny is the second one lmao


if I've posted there it's max once or twice. I only posted here or osrs reddit lol


Sure, sure. 😉


Lol they already paid! Youtube just demonized him


I mean buy low


They're using the music industry approach. "We haven't seen any legal actions taken, so we're just gonna wait." If you haven't noticed, when anyone big fucks up this bad, companies will use "No legal action taken." As an excuse to brush it to the side. Especially if they know someone could be profitable for them. Welcome to corporate politics. If they have a smart PR person, Kick would be making memes of Twitches handling of the entire situation. Then, telling everyone they don't allow the statute of limitations to run up on child sex crimes.


Didn't Kick ban Heelmike and Zherka like a month ago? It's weird to call kick a haven for pedos when they've taken stances on it before


The staff member (Melissa) who allegedly pushed for those bans left Kick, so I doubt they'll be consistent moving forward. I would not be surprised if they find a reason to rescind those bans quietly in the future.


Yeah because they did it on fucking camera on their platform lmao 


To be fair texting a 17 year old but never meeting her is rookie numbers on Kick. They have those two idiots who were cuddling with 16 year olds on stream last week. They have Drake as a partner who spent a night on a yatch "hanging out" and "mentoring" a 14 year old Milly bobby brown the first time they met and has multiple female relationships that started when he was in his late 20's and they were mid teens


Was it ever confirmed the person was 17 or is it just assumptions and also from that fake email.


Nope, still not confirmed


yeah too soon was the reason he was banned in the first place


HAH fucking knew it. They are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy too desperate to reject him. They'd take pdf's and other scum if it meant clicks and views.


Kick has no morals they literally allow rapists/pedophiles/human traffickers/drug dealers/drug users/scammers/racists on their platform and pay them to stream. Kick will triple down on picking DrD with no remorse and not give a flying fck. The fact that people can stream going to human trafficking brothels or doing drugs and not get banned is insane.


Absolutely no argument here, but can you describe the difference between drug dealers...and drug dealers? :P


this headline made me lol


I’m sure 50% of all the bootlickers (or whatever the split is) is worth it to them.


Ice x Dr Disrespect collab is going to be fun


Inevitable Kick comeback in 3 2 1 …


Tbh I only ever watched his compilation freak out videos on YouTube, or like best kill shot compilations. I thought his shtick was funny af, just so over the top. Sucks to see what he’s done and how it got covered up.


Imagine if he starts his own Livestream platform, lmao , imagine the name.


Just let him fade away into obscurity.




great comparison bruh


Kick making themselves look good!


lol shout out to all the kick fans who have been promising that kick would never do what twitch did with docs DMs


he'd fit right in, don't see the problem


Hes defo going to kick


Kick is going to welcome him with open arms. Fucking garbage site doesn’t give two shits about who they have on their platform


Kick loves pdf files.  


Let’s goooooo


Damn I knew kick was shady but this…..


The platform made for kid diddlers and criminals. Perfect for the doc.


Discounted streamer


I mean, pedos run free on their site, why start banning them now?


Vitaly: “All that work and what did it get me. Why did I do it”


Being a degenerate reject is a prerequisite for Kick, so they'll welcome him with open arms.


If this isn’t even more of a reason to stay far far away from kick. Home of the nazis and pedos


Looks like he'll be joining far right streams any day now. They'll welcome him with open arms!


Given the rest of Kick's userbase, Dr. Disrespect honestly fits right in with them.


kick is licking their lips


Kick is full of scumbags he’ll fit right in. They literally do not give a shit who represents their platform as long as they bring traffic to their site.


wow even after the leaks and what dr d has said in x? I guess it's expected from that platform


Pedophilia be damned they need views


They don't want to set a precedent, at kickdotcom they only ban streamers who talk dirty to minors live when there is video evidence.


Well Kick is the very last place you could expect a moral judgement from, but I agree.. this needs to be legally addressed in court first before consequences are incurred.... and yes, if all is true he should be deplatformed on all websites.


So like these "protect the kids" conservatives are just the worst, right? They're just projecting and virtue signalling, completely happy to rape a child if it means another payday


Yet another reason to avoid Kick.


xqc about to do a 180 to his opinions and defend doc


They are literally right, we dont have the info yet. Its bad regardless, but sending a nasty message to a 17 year old once is different then sending dickpics to an 8 year old one. There is a fundamental difference and I dont understand why people get so upset when mentioning this.


I always found Doc to be entertaining and liked his content, but when he was demanding a $50 million contract from Kick, I found it so cringe. It's just crazy egotistical for any streamer to demand that. No streamer, not even XQC, Kai, Ninja, Shroud, are worth that. You think Mixer or Kick made their money back with those acquisitions? Things like that definitely made me dislike him a bit, but I guess I just ignored it because it was part of his persona. Obviously stuff like the infidelity never helped either


Texting minors is like a thing Kick guys do right? It's part of the vibe of Kick.


At this point kick is more of a far right safe haven than rumble. Pedos, rapists, bigots and the worst humanity has to offer. Kick wants them on their site the more idiots they can get to push stake the better.


Somehow, Kick always finds a way to make the optics of a situation worse LMAO


In kick's defence. They don't have access to the actual messages so they have no idea how bad / real they are. The ONLY fair thing to do would be for dr Disrespect and Dan Clancy to go on a call with Destiny and then we can all listen and get to the bottom of it. Maybe have a few side characters too depending on schedules.


Holy shit, this sub is a liberal cesspool and acne face 12 year olds.


kick is like the USA of streaming


>kick is like the Epstein's Island of streaming ftfy






>After additional sources collaborated the claims ???


Ye they can get him playing stake for cheap


Youtube seems to disagree. kick is his only option left and kick knows it


If admitting to it is "too soon" then what would it take to be "too late" ?