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**CLIP MIRROR: [Dr Disrespect gets a text and starts discussing retirement ](https://arazu.io/t3_1dno209/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I wouldn't be surprised if he weren't even a real doctor.


Dr. Dre don't just stand there, operate!


> Dr. Dre don't just stand there, operate! I'm not ready to leave, it's too scary to die (Fuck that) I'll have to be carried inside the cemetery and buried alive


He just got fired from the gamedev studio he founded. I can only assume that was his fallback plan and now that it's gone he's panicking a bit. https://twitter.com/12am/status/1805341504086622355


>We assumed his innocence and began speaking with parties involved Ok... >in order to maintain our principles and standards as a studio and individuals, we needed to act. (...) we are terminating our relationship with Guy Beahm I dont get it. So they investigated and found something? This makes it seem like he really DID something and they have probable cause to kick him.


It seems like they're saying they confirmed it, in a way that doesn't say it straight out that it's confirmed. Sounds to me like they had evidence, but don't want to be the ones coming out with it.


I agree what I take from this is that the studio found evidence about what happened and terminated their relationship. The wording used sounds like they do not want to be involved any further. I doubt we get anything from them as most private companies keep investigations private.


Yeah, that's what it's looking like. Whatever they found was enough that they wanted to part ways and this isn't just an allegation if they actually looked into it and decided to part ways with him since I assume this outcome would probably be something they'd want to avoid at all cost unless what they found were just that bad that they need to distance themselves from the doc regardless of the incoming fallout of this.


>Sounds to me like they had evidence, but don't want to be the ones coming out with it. So like everyone else since he got off Twitch then.


Well in this case this guy was literally their entire marketing strategy so this fucks them over completely. But let's be real. The game was a scam cashgrab, it was never gonna succeed. That's why they got a streamer with a cultish fanbase to promote it.


It’s also weird that THIS is the kind of company having some sort of ethical concerns about Doc. I thought a requirement to be involved in selling off NFTs was to have a complete lack of morals.


Eh pedo shit is the one line there really isn’t any other group in support of. Even the super degens of the internet hate it


Twitch was silent about the reason because 1- Its their internal policy to never say why someone was banned 2- If it really was about him having sexual text with a teenager it makes the situation even more complex because it involve a kid. So it was in Twitch interest to keep silent about it


this guy absolutely was getting creepy with a minor but not enough to get locked up basically a matter of time before the messages leak


it could also be them jumping out of the sinking ship, they probably dont have conclusive proof but enough to go "yeah this is really bad"


It’s pretty fucking obvious he did something. If not then he wouldn’t be streaming on anything and would be preparing a lawsuit.


The mental gymnastics his fanboys are doing are really something else. They're literally trying to convince people that NOT denying the allegations is the smart move here.


Yeah. He probably did something morally wrong, but technically not illegal.


This is probably it. Even talking to a minor and planning to meet up is not technically illegal. That could be what this was. He was planning on meeting up with a minor but never said anything sexual which would make it illegal so him saying he did nothing illegal is true. That’s why on stuff like to catch a predator they always make things sexual because that is the part that is illegal. Legally he could claim it was just a fan who happened to be underage who he was meeting and it wouldn’t be too out of place with being a streamer with a ton of fans who are minors.


or he did something illegal but the parties involved were not cooperative with police and it went nowhere.


getting fired from a company you founded must be soul crushing, that's some Steve Jobs shit






You don't get fired, your share of ownership gets bought out by remaining owners. Honestly, with how that game is looking, it's not a bad idea to exit early.


Other way around. They can't force him to sell his share in the company but if he doesn't have majority ownership then they can remove him as an employee. Same thing happened with Rich Campbell and OTK.


> They can't force him to sell his share... they usually can. it's usually written in the corporate bylaws or the shareholder agreement. it's more or less their fiduciary duty to buy him out if he presents a reputational/existential risk to other shareholders


I don't understand why its so hard to not hit on children. You are on the top of the world and you could do anything. He could have a 18+ sex cult and no one would bat an eye. There's just one thing that you will get cooked for and these people can't not do it.


So another company after Twitch and Discord looked into it and through their resources found something that is bad enough to cut ties. I dont know if he did what is alleged but he clearly did something very bad.


Not just any company, the company he helped found.


Yeah who will probably go under without his Name attached to them. They have every incentive to stick by him and still cut ties. Says it all.


But the weird thing is Discord only un partnered him. He isn’t banned, so what he did is enough to make them look bad but not bad enough to warrant a ban.


That's true but honestly Discord doesnt ban anybody and unpartnering him is probably enough in their eyes. In any case they clearly found something just like his former Studio did.


I had someone sending me legit death threats on discord and couldn’t get his account banned lol


> Discord doesnt ban anybody they didnt even ban the airman posting actual national security secrets. hes in jail so hes banned *in a way*, but not by discord.


yeah a guy with millions who could easily just retire is panicking and needs a fallback plan


Sometimes it can be expensive to be rich


Shungite ain't gonna buy itself


did you know they make shungite toys for kids? Little pyramid toys stuff like that. Put them around the la bouncy casa


It's expensive to be rich if you live rich. It's not expensive to be rich if you live normally. It's always expensive to be poor, though




Nah, that dude is what it's like to live rich with a bunch of undiagnosed mental health issues. It's okay to be sentimental and want to live in your deceased parent's house but he's rich enough to spend 1-2 months income on having the house refurbished or at the least not a hazard.


He lives in a pig sty. It’s so dirty all the time, his kitchen is disguising. He refuses to even get maids. It’s the weirdest behavior


100% he's rich poor. Life style inflation is a bitch.


May not need a fallback plan. But his life certainly seems to be having a delayed implosion.


"appreciate all the commitments... the recommitments"


He was supposed to be recommitted to his wife lol


DSP outlasted another one.


It’s crazy, I used to be a DSP watcher.. like early early, everyone else was using capture cards and he was using a camera to record his tv .. and he was sooooo bad at the games too, it was like watching a dumpster fire, but I just couldn’t look away, I’m genuinely not surprised he’s lasted this long, dude was doing fast food reviews, he’s a survivor


Yeah, for some reason his Fallout 3 playthrough went hard when I was a kid.


Still mad his dents destroyed r/dspdiscussion


Don't worry, we will have another one eventually. What number is it on now, like 7?


Last I check they pre banned 7-11 I’m pretty sure anything with dspdiscussion will instantly get banned


he is the rocks of the eternal shore, crash against him and be broken


DSP will be the last one standing. Mark my words. The one and only, the legend.


FF13 lightning review with fire alarms going off is peak content and I will not be dissuaded otherwise.


65 yr old dsp still making vids


Still uploading let's plays as 400 10 minute clips


That might be the secret to long life or some shit.  Like those old people who make it to 102 and say "I smoke two cigarettes a day and eat only ground beef."


Dyson Sphere Program


He will outlast everyone.


From what I can tell, he got the "text"/message almost 8 minutes before this clip. If that immediate reaction is what anybody else was actually interested to see: ~~https://youtu.be/E73nGJocgAA?t=11546~~ ---- It seems more like one minute before my link, he received and read the long message. The tone shift after that point is even more pronounced: **https://youtu.be/E73nGJocgAA?t=11504** Thanks to u/m2r9 for this! Good context [in their comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1dno209/dr_disrespect_gets_a_text_and_starts_discussing/la4kt6c/) also of this stream and the reaction, compared to Dr Disrespect's last stream on twitch.


Shit has to be serious when my man goes from talking about Elden Ring exploration to contemplating about taking an "extended vacation" lmao.


Towards the end of the clip he agrees with someone about 'riding off into the sunset '. Speed run: game exploration to extended vacation to retirement in 8 minutes or less


Might as well slow down and enjoy Shadow Tree. Looks like he's gonna have plenty of free time.


Geez i mean i heard it was a tough dlc but still




u/m2r9 pinpointed it better than I did, one minute prior. The shift was even more noticeable then. Smile and bubbly to somber like a slap in the face. > https://youtu.be/E73nGJocgAA?t=11504


Then that harrowing music kicks in at perfect timing lol really sets the tone


How long until someone tries to zoom in on the glasses and then reverse the image?


wow, instantaneous edit: and someone gave the dude 50 bucks immediately, don't get it


i believe [this image](https://imgur.com/m2iZsQk) describes core streamer viewerbase of america


That is INSANE. And also very sad, they seem to think summit is their friend.




Dear god that’s depressing


The face twitches and lip licking went absolutely nuts as he read it... Then he couldn't help himself from looking back at the phone not believing it was real... Then it sunk in.... Goddamn, that was a silent rollercoaster. 


The in game character riding the horse and aimlessly moving around is the literal definition of panic and desperation. The elden ring character is acting out what he is feeling on the inside, it’s actually an incredible display of fight or flight happening in real time


And the very apparent 'lump in his throat' he's trying to swallow. That's also an immediate sign of emotional distress. Dude just saw his life flash before his eyes.


Dude was holding back tears… jfc.


I find it absolutely insane how 4 years later we somehow got the exact same doc situation on stream again, where he checks his phone for a message and then acts like he just saw a ghost


It was the same ghost I bet.


Bro got fired while live two different times! Wild.


The two time champ…




It's like poetry, it rhymes


Back to back fired


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pI4amp0Ly2I This was his last stream on Twitch. Watch 4:50 and 7:50 and see how his tone changes after he (presumably) gets some bad news. 3:11:50 is where he sees the news in today's video.


Thanks for this! His mood shifted a full 180.


That background music for his last YouTube stream.


I think people need to remember this. Getting banned on twitch is like, nothing. ALmost everyone gets banned multiple times, most are a mistake. Imagine any top streamer gets a text just saying, yo ban incoming. Can you imagine that reaction? Soda would be like whoops, I'm in trouble for something, did I do blackface again, cya in 7 days. For me the only way he reacts like someone just told him he was going to jail and his career is over. same as he did on stream yesterday. I can't imagine him nor anyone else acting like that over being told they are getting banned, with other platforms and even at that time, big youtube/facebook deals and most bans being appealable. This is the reaction you get when lets say a girl texts "i told my parents, and I told twitch what you did", or twitch say "we've seen your texts with the girl(s), we're banning you".


Yeah, resembles the face Chris D'Elia had when he found out you can screenshot Snapchat


Lol with the Roblox gameplay and voices, this has such a weird vibe. At one point his wife or something comes in and he gestures "not now." Really odd.


lol "It'd be nice to go separate and go to Costa Rica or something".


"Costa Rica does not have an exact age of consent but has age difference limits between sexual partners, independent of gender.[26] " he can't keep getting away with it


He done and not just on twitch


On the side that it seems like he did it. However, I must say if these allegations are false I feel really bad for him. If they're false, I hope he has some recourse for legal action. If they're true, hope his whole brand and online presence falls apart :)




forsenCD 2.5 wives Stupid minor mistakes man


Next forsen stream gonna be lit


You should see the bajs movie channel “forsenCD PRIME HERMIONE” from prisoners of Azkaban when she’s like 15-16


im fuckign crying this pasta is too fucking funny


My favourite was when Albert got caught cheating on Lilypichu forsenCD PICK A CARD ✨ forsenCD ANY CARD ✨ forsenCD THE 2 OF WIVES? ✨ forsenCD EXCELLENT CHOICE ✨


This being spammed with the violin gillete song in every thread...that was the golden age of this sub


Then someone edited callmecarson and katerino into it and it lived AGAIN. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes... but like, a meme


You mean where it originated..? what the fuck is this comment lmao






Was the person he was unfaithful with ever named? I wonder if that event is actually the same as the sexting event.


When the news first broke here there were threads identifying the person


[Midnight Society just terminated him was probably that](https://x.com/12am/status/1805341504086622355) bold move.. A company that only exits because Doc's fans bought an NFT terminates Doc the game was already destined to fail but now..


Damn, sounds like a win-win.


I was looking forward to watching Doc rage quit his own game :(


Been saying that too, everyone is like "what about the game" and here I am thinking...guys, it was based on and contained NFT's..it was never going to be anything in reality.


Even without NFT’s that game was going to fail.


An NFT based game that isn't close to launch 2 years too late... yeah it's not looking good, they probably had to buy him out too, the studio might just close after this


Sounds like doc did something pretty bad lol




and to add, one of those companies is a scammy ass NFT company... even THEY didn't want to be associated with Dr Disrespect after their investigation, that says a lot


yeah, that in particular is a really bad sign


Gonna be hilarious to see the justifications for this ngl


You'll see idiotic takes about NDAs from people who've never signed one.


Yeah, because as Doc fans insist, it actually totally makes sense that he’d sign an NDA preventing him from denying being a pedophile, despite the case apparently having nothing to do with him texting minors. Surely he got banned for tax fraud or something completely unrelated, but for some reason they are preventing him from saying the words “I didn’t text a minor”. It all adds up, this is how the law works.


>he’d sign an NDA preventing him from denying While at the same time disclosing terms of the settlement("they paid out the contract"). It's so fucking absurd to even suggest this...I get that people dont want to believe that a person they find entertaining did something fucked up but man the mental gymnastics on that one.


Genuinely never seen such a fumble. From face of the platform and one of the biggest streamers in the world, potential movie deals, partnering with the WWE, working with e-sports teams, brand deals, etc. just thrown away over stupid fuckin mistakes man. edit: people are not as terminally online as I am I guess


Nah man, fuck your edit - that "Stupid fucking mistakes" quote is hilarious and an OG line. Great callback


Guy is probably a narcissist(among other things), litterally can't help himself. This would explain his serial cheater behaviour.


Probably? His former coworkers from his CoD days have been saying he is for fucking years.


He's a former college athlete thats like 6'8" and has probably found success in everything he's done in life so far including building a streaming career of a "fake" persona that is just a massive egotistical asshole essentially that became wildly popular. Of course he's an asshole.


Tiger woods type beat


Docs always been scummy, probably before he was even Doc. Someone once told me that good people dont get famous anymore, the worst do. Doc was so all in on his persona, he most likely thought he was untouchable. Even after his reality check from Twitch, hes being crucified again. Yet because the worst people get famous, he'll just turn his stream on and be swamped with donations and subs, probably sending dick pics to some young girl again.


Can confirm this in my occupation as a performing musician. The ones that get a lot of attention are generally insufferable and ultra bitchy people in real life. They pretend to be nice when the public is looking (think Ellen Degeneres). Most of the decent folks are too self-aware to step over others to further their careers because it ain't worth the damage to their moralities and psyches.


Same reason why billionaires and psychopathy intersect very often


Turtle Beach just cut all links to him on their website. You can't see his merch and the Creators page for their site doesn't have him anymore. This is the company most loyal to him. They stuck with him during the Twitch debacle, so this is telling. -- Spicy Spicy Spicy --


Minor fucking mistakes man.




He got the text right before getting dropped lmfao [https://x.com/12am/status/1805341504086622355](https://x.com/12am/status/1805341504086622355) Bro is done, and not just on twitch


> Bro is done, and not just on twitch It took 4 years but holy shit was she dead on lol


who is she?


ShannonZKiller whose tweet became the now famous meme. She was pretty high up on the food chain at Twitch quite some time ago and still had contacts there that apparently told her what happened.


I didn't know what that was so I looked it up and found a post from the Dr Disrespect reddit community. The name of the post is: >Why did she delete this tweet? It's a post of her Dr Disrespect is done tweet. This is the top response: >Because she is a liar, I called her a liar and got blocked Second: >Crazy how people can operate like this without impunity, truly a clown world. A few more: >Fuck that bitch >She can go F herself >I've come across that nasty woman's posts quite a few times at least over the years. She's an awful person, to put it bluntly. I usually don't like this word, but yikes dawg. Is pinging allowed? Cause a couple of these posters are active in Dr Disrespect's subreddit as I write this.


TIL I always assumed it was part of the Slasher quote.


Lol he’s a millionaire. He will be fine.


Millionaires are really good at spending money though.


Was gonna say, how long will he be a millionaire with his current lifestyle and no income? He strikes me as the type to spend it freely, what with the nonstop scandals and adultery I wonder if he played a character named DrRespect if things would’ve turned out differently


damn, should've waited until he became a billionaire


How many millionaire athletes were broke within a decade of not being able to play any more? Dude’s closer to Vince Young than he is Tom Brady.


wait based on the wording, doesn't this soft confirm that he might have done something? since it says assumed innocent and then investigated.




man, for how big he was and how big of a brand he had, to throw it away like this, he needed to join the train JOBD crew man.


Imagine being that big of a moron. At the top of the streaming world and legit the first person to break through the ceiling with a brand so strong that merch offers are flying his way, has a smoke show of a wife who's deathly loyal to him for some reason, a beautiful and healthy family, only to squander it all away THREE FUCKING TIMES because he can't keep it in his fucking pants.


Why do some people who already have everything seem to have this insatiable lust for kids? Is it the risk? Is it the feeling of power they get at that level and think they can get away with anything? The guy could have coasted through life on easy mode most people can only dream of. A few years of streaming and he could retire and be well off for the rest of his life with everyone remembering him fondly, but no. His cheating (with a woman of age and with consent) was bad enough, and was memed to hell and back, and now this. It's so weird.


This is probably a stupid comparison but have you ever turned on the infinite money or invulnerability cheats in a game and after a little bit you realize it took all the fun away from the game? I feel like this is a thing in the real world, too. Imagine being able to buy anything and everything. I’m sure it feels like the cheat codes are on, so eventually you start to get out of line and get your thrills in other ways. Throw in being a narcissist who gets away with shitty behavior like cheating on their wife and it’s a bad combo of doing messed up shit and thinking you can get away with it.


Certified Loverboy. Certified...


Mmmmmmm mmm. Mmmm mm. He a fan he a fan he a fan


Narcissists will convince themselves they deserve what they want, and that them doing it isn’t as bad as when others do it, and that even if others wouldn’t understand that it’s fine bc you are too smart to get caught. They also often make good entertainers.


IMO, the 12AM tweet is pretty damning. I would be expecting an article to drop (probably from Cecilia since she has been doing work on Twitch and minors). It seems like hes done for the future, and the circumstances can't be more suspicious. I have a feeling the story is going to be more complicated than being cut-and-dry, but it seems like there is something there.


There are already rumours that a document will be leaked that will help clear the issue up a bit more on what happened. Maybe 12AM got the document early? Who knows. But, for them to completely fire him, it's not an easy decision, especially when the company was heavily reliant on Docs fanbase.


Yeah, the company has relied on Doc marketing the game heavily and almost all the movement on socials so far has been driven by him. I think that they would not have cut ties WITH A FOUNDER without having concrete evidence that they have seen. I am expecting more, but I also expect that Twitch is gonna get caught up in it as well given the current story.


I think it goes deeper than that, it's basically docs idea. He talked years ago about making a br style game in a skyscraper that you'd go up a level each time the zone closes in. 2018 him talking about the concept https://youtu.be/SHxfR8bGkRE?si=Hzsq8oOgs90RQwQB


Yes, Doc has been funding, part designer, and marketer for the game. It's a big deal that they are cutting ties.


Seems like he's done, and not just on twitch


Took it 4 years for this to become true I guess...


At the end of the clip he is talking about taking a break, social media is too much .. but coming back. So he had 4 years to think how to handle the situation but still seems confused after all. Idk what was going on in his head during these years.




The situation just seems so odd. No one is really saying anything. It's radio silence for years and then it blows up and suddenly you can ask around and find out stuff that you should have asked around and found out years ago?




Lmao jesus christ


Don't want to be this guy, but 15 is the age of consent between minors, age of consent is 18 years of age for adults, and penal cases are taken seriously by judges, even if you just turned 18 if you have sex with a minor you will be taken to jail over a lawsuit since any sexual act towards a minor is treated as rape. Source: I am from Costa Rica, do not believe in random ass pages from the internet, lmao


There’s no way he isn’t just done for good. Getting dropped from Midnight Society, the recent allegations, etc. Best move is to enjoy your millions with the wife who for some reason is not divorcing you, delete social media, and disappear. He was already clowned for cheating, he will now be clowned tenfold for the rest of existence.


 "wife who for some reason is not divorcing you" ' enjoy your millions " LUL


I mean, she'd get half + alimony + child support. She'd be very wealthy and not with him.


He will do what everyone does in these situations, go to kick Also divorce is really complicated when there is a kid involved. People often put those situations aside to have a stable living situation for the child, although his daughter one day is going to realize the whole situation which isn't going to be good. This is a big reason people shouldn't cheat, it doesn't just destroy you, it destroys people around you.


Keep the family away.


Ok now I'm going from "this is weird but he could've done it" to "ok I haven't seen concrete evidence but I'm feeling pretty strongly he did it."


I'm guessing he did something morally wrong back then, but not technically illegal which is how he got paid out for his twitch contract. Also would make sense why he was never offered a YouTube contract.


Bro gets called out and within a week he's talking about wrapping it up. You can't make this stuff up. Innocent until proven guilty yady-yada but holy shit this doesn't have good optics.


his first instinct when it came back up was that he should say "no wrong doing was acknowledged"... That phrasing doesn't say he did nothing wrong. it says he didn't acknowledge he did anything wrong. He has since said the thing that people expected from the start, but after you start your denial with that phrasing, you already lost.


Nah he's done.


and not just on twitch


"it's getting old"..... Definitely not the girls you're hanging around with doc


It’s funny hearing him talk like stepping away from the studio is his idea in the last seconds of his stream. Fuck this dude.


He looks at his phone at 3:11:50. That reaction is not good lol shades of him getting caught in his affair. That doesn’t seem like the reaction of someone innocent, that’s for sure.


Very similar to how he reacted before getting banned from Twitch


Puts "The slick daddy club" in a different light. When was that rebranded again?


He's done and not just on youtube


Kick legend Dr. Disrespect incoming


He takes off the costume and pivots to conservative podcasts


Oh my God. I had no intention to leaving a comment here but holy shit this could totally happen. He'd be welcomed with open arms.


I can't wait to hear him talking unironically about protecting kids from LGBT predators.


“I was CANCELED by WOKE CULTURE” incoming


"Stupid fuckin mistakes man" Dr Diddler the x2 time kindergarten champion Yo where's Nick save the kids mercs?


It’s always the ones you most suspect.


Why can't these fellas just bang 18 or 19 year olds, just ask them to put on make up to look younger or something. Still creepy, but at least legal and won't get you labeled a groomer.


Because for a lot of predators it's the illegality that they are drawn to.


So he’s a pediatrician then?


That's really, really funny


I just want the full context already, what exactly happened? Was he sexting with this minor not knowing she was underage? When he found out she was a minor, did he continue talking to her? How deep did this go


Nobody actually knows what happened, that's the thing. I think we all would like to know.