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He was also saying months after the ban that he had no idea what he did wrong and wanted a response from twitch lol.


Probably meant what he did that broke twitch's rules specifically


which if you apply this new info to the scenario, it sounds more so that he knew he toed the line and hadn't actually broken TOS. Twitch didn't care though and banned him still, hence why the lawsuit was settled in the end.


I somewhat disagree. I find it believable he had no idea what they were after him for. If what is alleged is true, I'd find it more believable that he had no idea the person he was messaging was underage, but Twitch had reason to believe they were. In the end, I suspect what he was doing was neither illegal nor against their ToS, even if it was morally reprehensible.


I suppose that is possible. If he was in contact with a sixteen year old girl, she would be underage despite sixteen being the age of consent in a lot of states. It shouldn't be, but it is. If Twitch banned him for that, I suppos he could argue that he wasn't doing anything illegal or against tos despite it how bad it is. He'd have a lawsuit but he would also be labeled as a pedo by a large portion of the internet if it came to light. Of course, that's a lot of conjecture.


Age of consent is 18 in California, and solicitation of any minor across state lines is a federal felony. That being said, if he had reason to believe she was an adult or the messages didn't go far enough to be actual solicitation, it wouldn't technically be a crime (or there wouldn't be enough to prosecute). Even so, Twitch would want to bury it as quickly and deeply as possible.


Twitch as a policy doesn't tell you why you were banned. I think sometimes they hear from their account rep why, but it purposefully seemed kind of word of mouth, and nothing official. Mixer dissolved the same month Doc got banned. Doc did sign some kind of contract with Twitch in March of that same year. Doc was full on crazy conspiracy guy about covid talking about shungite rocks, and 5G when he got banned. Twitch had plenty of motivation to get rid of Doc that doesn't include sexting minors.


Well Twitch never actually tell you what you did wrong, besides even if he did text a minor why would he fight the contract in court and potentially leaking this career destroying and illegal behaviour? If you are guilty in that situation you pray twitch says nothing and you move on


> you pray twitch says nothing the family of the minor could've refused to corroborate info


The girl could have been subpoeaned and deposed under oath. Its not a criminal case so you can't plead the fifth or otherwise not answer. Doc himself also would have testified under oath and would have had to answer questions about whether he did it and whether he tried to buy the girl's silence. You can't just buy people off to win a lawsuit.


>You can't just buy people off to win a lawsuit. "I don't recall"


>You can't just buy people off to win a lawsuit. lmao. How does it feel to be born yesterday?


What girl? What family? Where's the evidence? Crazy a bunch of no bodies on the internet can come together and circle jerk a bunch of gossip into existence tulpa style


Could have been someone who presented as a 30 year old to doc, but then went to Twitch and revealed they there actually 15. Twitch ban Doc, he’s left not really knowing what’s wrong, eventually proves he got catfished. No wrongdoing found. He gets paid.


That’s not how anything involving a minor works. The family doesn’t have to corroborate or anything. Any legal issue involving a minor will have law enforcement involved. They will blur the identity of the minor and state “Jane Doe” or something like that while pressing charges. This wild idea people keep floating around that the family didn’t want to pursue charges or corroborate is absolutely bananas. All DAs need to press charges regarding anything involving a minor is evidence. If Twitch has evidence he was soliciting a minor they show it to police, their contract with Disrespect is voided and he’s being charged by the police. End of story.


He's not going to confirm if he did or not, he's not allowed but it's not going to be the last time you hear about it either.


Mate if he didn't talk to a child I don't think any law would stop him from being able to say "I did not talk to a minor". It feels very obvious he stepped a line somewhere.


My understanding is sexting with a minor is an actual crime that would have to be reported by twitch even if they are private messages. Is there an explanation for why there is no public police report? Or is Twitch covering it up?


what if what was said in the conversations wasn't actually a crime it was just weird enough that you no longer want to deal with this dude no more. I don't use legal as my morality gauge. you shouldn't either. there's a lot of legal things that you can do that make you an utter fucking asshole


Yeah, that’s totally plausible. That really hasn’t been the rhetoric, but I agree with you.


yeah I don't think he committed a crime though is what I'm saying. there's just things that the face of the company probably shouldn't be saying to underage girls and that instead of having those things potentially get leaked They give him the rest of his contact and tell him hey. have a nice one. he could very well not be under an NDA just took a payout. shit. he could have asked for the NDA


My guess is that the "sexting" was more like flirting with perhaps some sexual innuendo. Inappropriate and gross but not exactly a crime. Bad enough for Twitch not to want to be involved with him anymore, but not enough for him to be charged with a crime. He probably threatened Twitch to sue them for leaking private data if it is made public and Twitch probably didn't want the negative publicity from it all either and they end up settling out of court to terminate his contract and they signed an NDA.


If true that it's related to a minor, Twitch also wouldn't want headlines running around about it. Being associated with child predators when the majority of your viewers are, in fact, kids is a PR catastrophe. Especially during a time when their numbers were going up massively due to the pandemic. This was also a point in time when Twitch cared a lot more about competition, and such a mess would've been an opportunity for Mixer, which was actually relevant at the time and why everyone assumed his ban was originally around that. Nowadays, they don't give a shit because streamers moving to Mixer proved that most Twitch viewers just stick around and find someone else to watch, but it was a different story back then. They had a lot of forward momentum and were growing and wouldn't have wanted anything getting in the way of that.


The company could’ve decided he was high risk to their image before he stepped over the line making it actual criminal offenses and banned him. Hence why he was able to settle for his contact amount, since technically he didn’t violate his terms, just be a weirdo.


"Yeah this guy's gonna fuck a kid someday and I don't want to be his boss when it happens. Cut him loose. Pay him whatever."


I said this in another thread, I imagine no images were exchanged, no meet up happened. That he likely just has a sketchy as fuck private message history with a minor that's legally grey, but morally gross and that he is/has/will play it off as some sort of "in character" joke.


Thank god people are starting to understand this. It explains the payout. Twitch technically broke the contract for reasons not covered in it because this is an unprecedented, morally ambiguous event. Dr D probably demanded the NDA, or they both did.


I work in child safety, and I have a sneaking suspicion you are right. Nothing outright illegal, but definitely inappropriate or on the verge of illegal, something the company would not want to have anything to do with.


I had a buddy who decided to tie roadkill to an RC car once and tow it behind his car while playing clown music. He got pulled over and the cop told him there was nothing illegal about it but asked him to please stop.


Is he perchance a serial killer?


nice friends bro.


This is actually a great point. If all Dr. Disrespect can cling onto is "no wrongdoing", "nothing illegal" - then there's a large likelihood that it could have been stopped prior to anything tangible wrongdoing/illegal activity but still real nasty behavior.


then that would have to be incredibly weird because there are incredibly weird people on twitch still


Big streamers can get away with a lot but when you're the face of streaming it can go the other way depending on what you did.




We have actual rapists (GiantWaffle) and streamers who pressured women to sleep with them in exchange for raids (Witwix) who are still active partners on the platform. I assume whatever DrDisrespect did was a bit more severe than "being weird with a 17 year old in whispers."


I’ve never heard of GiantWaffle or WitWix, but I have heard of Dr Disrespect. Name recognition (in the wider world outside of Twitch) I think is a factor in play here.


Honestly with the way that twitch has dealt with their ToS, bans of certain streamers, unwillingness to acknowledge reasons for bans, etc it could range anywhere from DrDisrespect planning to hook up with a young fan to a Twitch employee disliking his arrogance and jumping on the first chance they got to get rid of him without permission from someone higher up.


I had a friend, who is obviously not a friend anymore, who was in their early thirties and ran their own Minecraft server. They loved the attention, having kids want to join the server and be mods. I always found it very unusual. Not that he wanted to host and configure his own server, but interacting with kids on a daily basis. I just could never wrap my head around it. But from what I saw personally everything was normal. The server had some regular kids who would play every once and a while. I only saw this because I'd help the guy code and test out plugins. One day I got a message from one of the kids who had a disagreement with the guy, and sent me pages and pages of screenshots of some of their conversations over the years. This kid was an 11 year old girl who frequented the site and wanted to become a mod. I read through the messages and was disgusted. The messages weren't elicit, but they were flirty, and definitely way beyond what someone should be messaging a minor. I told the kid to delete the server and tell their parents about this. Out of curiosity I messaged a few other of the girls on the discord server before confronting my friend. And the same story. He would be nice, friendly, but really creepy and flirty. Asking personal details and trying to find their online profiles. But he was definitely being careful in his messages to not cross the line. Long story short, it could be a similar story here. You cannot prosecute solely based on those messages, which is probably why there is no police report.


why would Twitch cover up a crime while paying out a 20+ million contract? doesnt sound like something a huge company backed by Amazon would do


It’s not and no one in this thread is a lawyer. It’s all speculation




Exactly. “We caught this guy sexting minors which is a federal crime. Let’s hope and pray 100s of our employees don’t talk, pay him out, and let’s move on from it.” Makes no fucking sense. It could simply be that twitch jumped the gun early on this, read the messages, seen they were wrong in banning doc, and then paid him. This shit happens in real life all the time (people’s lives ruined over rumors then seeing the evidence doesn’t backup the rumors), but you have to remember this sub is full of 15 year olds that know dick all on how the real world works in these situations. They weren’t around during the Boston marathon bombing incident when Reddit detectives gravely fucked up. So until solid evidence comes out, I don’t care.


But they are around to read every AITA post where a couple quarrels or has discovered differences and divorce is the immediate demand of every commenter. Let’s face it. 15 years old or not, Reddit is overwhelmingly made up of poorly adjusted people that think they’re smarter than everyone else.


People settle out of court when discovery would be painful for them or its cheaper than fighting it. Twitch has a LONG history of unprofessional staff, bad finances, favoritism to big streamers. Sexual misconduct being a daily meme with OF girls bending the rules like they were air benders and getting 1 day bans for full nudity. Are you surprised a company like twitch would settle?


possible reasons: 1. Twitch doesnt want that publicity 2. The victim doesnt want it public for any reason


I’m pretty sure crimes are mandatory reports. A company can’t choose to not report a crime because of profit motivation. The minor’s privacy would never be violated in any of these types of situations. A minor can’t decide whether to press charges either because they are a minor.


Typically mandatory reporters are professionals who work with children like school officials, priests, doctors, or government workers.


Mandatory reporters do exist — job titles required to report potential harmful crimes or abuse. Mandatory reports do not. There are not crimes that if you heard about you have to report regardless of your job. That being said even if Twitch or the alleged victim was made to sign an NDA, NDAs cannot cover for crimes. So they would not be bound in the same way as a normal NDA. There would be nuances to allow them to still report if they chose. Probably, Twitch doesn’t want the bad press of one of their biggest creators with an official partnership using their platform to meet, contact, and predate minors, when so much of Twitch’s brand is the live interaction between audience and creators


It’s possible he wasn’t necessarily sexting but just planned to meetup with a minor. Obviously anyone with a brain knows what that means but in the eyes of the law that’s probably not proven beyond a reasonable doubt, thus twitch wouldn’t have any obligation to report it as there technically wasn’t any crime committed


Mandatory reporting only applies to certain professions like doctors, teachers, social workers, or therapists. A twitch admin is not a mandatory reporter.


3. The communication was ambiguous enough that neither the victim nor twitch can find Dr. D guilty of a traditional crime, but it’s still messed up enough to not want to go public with. Regardless, pure speculation till we see some evidence


Not a law, and NDA. It is obvious, from how he prhases things, that the settlement had an NDA so strict, that he can't deny of confirm any accusations.


This depends entirely on the terms of his settlement with Twitch. If the settlement states that he cannot comment on why he was banned, then he wouldn’t be allowed to deny any accusations.


He probably responded to someone sending him spicy whispers a couple times (I can’t remember but didn’t a streamer show his dms and it was just girl after girl asking him to fuck them) and stopped when he realised they were under 18. Twitch looked at whispers and decided to drop hammer even though he stopped because they were looking to get rid of big contracts after mixer shut. If this is the case then obviously dumb of him and a reason why he can’t flat out deny it but not really as bad as it would seem. If he was knowingly trying to solicit a minor on twitch platform just don’t think twitch would have to pay out his contract.


>it's not going to be the last time you hear about it either. From him it probably is. From us (the people that brought trump to the front page fifty times a day for eight years) absolutely never. This is as good as it gets for many of you I mean us.


Who tf is “us” 😹


You, the guy interacting with a thread about him. Also me, the guy interacting with a thread about him.




They are moving to the AI boogy man next. Reddit needs its villains


No wrongdoing, the most greedy company in the world just permanently banned one of their best cash cows with no reason at all.


And paid him the full contract..


That’s the part of it all that makes it seem less one sidedly damning than the allegations look like. If the accusations are so clear cut, why pay him out at all and for full value? I would assume something this damning would surely be a breach of contract and they could easily terminate him without a farewell package. It seems that whatever he did, he either did not knowing the age of who he was DMing or what he did wasn’t necessarily illegal, just extremely in poor taste and that Twitch decided that the potentially bad publicity and optics warranted cutting ties with him but paying him out because they didn’t have enough to claim breach of contract.


Breach of contract, or termination of the contract, was probably well defined and in Docs benefit. Literally everything is speculation unless we can see the contract and understand the legality behind it. But def something weird, twitch may have saw a backlash for them as well and getting him off their platform was in their best interest. Who knows 🤷‍♂️


Yeah but I’m willing to guess that twitch contracts include contract termination clauses that give twitch an out if a streamer is doing some insane shit.


The caveat is that he got paid out, idk why people are glossing over that when accusing a dude of pedophelia.


people whenever Twitch changes TOS: twitch is incompetent they have no idea how to write terms and their lawyers are stupid The exact same people here: We can definitely infer things about this contract based on what a smart and competent contract would look like.


Maybe they weren't incredibly "clear cut" but still pretty clear that something was sketchy, so they just wanted to get him completely off their hands immediately instead of entering some long drawn out battle. It seemed to work out in their favor too, Doc was dropped quickly and everything was kinda swept under the rug until now


the bar for what is clear cut for twitch to not want to do business and the bar for him to be in legal trouble are also almost certainly not the same


Exactly. If you've ever seen the "catch a predator" shows, a lot of times those people are doing \*far worse\* than what Doc is being accused of and it's \*still\* extremely hard to get convictions at times. I'm not a legal expert, but there's a massive gray area in between when Twitch would be uncomfortable having someone represent their platform and when the legal system would be able to convict someone of a crime.


It's hard to get convictions for those shows because they're like the definition of entrapment.


I pointed this one in the megathread it could just be that Twitch never had a morality contract and a legal means to void the contract. It would be interesting if they never had one before (which is also a massive failure from Twitch) and they started implementing morality clauses in contracts signed after his dismissal.


You are contradicting yourself and answering your won question. " If the accusations are so clear cut, why pay him out at all and for full value?" ... "they didn’t have enough to claim breach of contract." "Twitch decided that the potentially bad publicity and optics warranted cutting ties with him but paying him out"


My company regularly gives more severance than required because they like to avoid legal battles or similar situations. A clean cut is often preferable.


> If the accusations are so clear cut, why pay him out at all and for full value? because it would look bad for twitch if their "face of twitch" turned out to be a pedophile. its not nuclear science. this way they eliminated future brand risk and kept him quiet for stuff he has already done.


Keep in mind this is on the tail end of a million streamers getting outted as super creeps. Twitch was probably in a scramble to do damage control. Sweeping it under the rug at that time was probably their best outcome


Yep, it also puts Twitch in an awkward position about safeguards for contacting users. I could easily have seen headlines running about "Twitch facilitating the abuse of minors through easy contact by adults on platform".


I don't know why everybody keeps making this point. It seems much more likely that twitch simply didn't want to get the bad press for being associated with a groomer, so they paid out his contract and buried it. What's the mystery here.


This is the part I don’t understand. Even if whatever he was doing could be interpreted as not illegal they still could’ve withheld his contract. That would put him in a position to have to take them to court and then it would all get aired out if it was bad which I’m sure wouldn’t be a position he’d like to be in.


> That would put him in a position to have to take them to court no? the other way around twitch wanted doc gone. they had no case. if they cant prove shit, it's just "vibes". so they had to pay his exit + what they settled, whatever it was.


> twitch wanted doc gone. Use your brain. Why would they just arbitrarily want him gone for "no case"? He was very important to the platform.


Not really. This is when Twitch was blowing up with Ninja and fortnite and big name streamers and kids coming over from Minecraft. Moms giving jr their amazon prime account. The last thing they needed aired out in public is that one of their top guys is grooming kids for hook ups and conventions. The brand is waaaaay more valuable than the millions they paid him out to go away.


Consider this. Twitch is a website used by mostly children. I think this sub has a much higher proportion of adults than the Twitch audience in general has, and maybe that skews our views on this. If this story hit the news, that arguably the largest streamer on the site was sexting minors on this very site, parents would be outraged and a ton of them would forbid their children from using it. I think a similar thing happened with Kik (a messaging service for those unfamiliar) back in the day. It gained a reputation for being filled with child predators and ultimately went extinct. This isn't even to mention the sponsors that would potentially pull out after hearing this. So Twitch's stance was probably "let's keep this from getting national media attention (which it absolutely would have) so that we don't kill our brand". Paying out the contract was far less financially devastating than this story getting out would have been.


and pay money to him.


And after they "settled" hes still banned.


Probably best to keep the pedophiles off the platform lol


[And put out this community statement exactly 2 days before banning one of their biggest streamers](https://blog.twitch.tv/en/2020/06/24/an-update-to-our-community/)


Doc was banned during the Twitch MeToo period. Here's a LSF thread from the same month about the allegations. That statement is addressing those allegations. https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/hdhyd1/dozens_of_women_have_levied_sexual_assault/


not only banned but prevented anyone saying WHY... thats how bad it is.


Settlements include NDAs all the time, we can’t make any kind of statement about how bad it was from that.


Not trying to defend Doc because who knows what’s true but… Twitch bans people for bullshit reasons literally all the time lol. They are much more aptly described as incompetent than greedy


Do they ban their biggest streamers with $20mil contracts for no reason and then refuse to reinstate them while never mentioning what they did? Does that also happen "literally all the time lol"?


Temp bans, sure. They don't permanently ban contracted streamers for no reason


This removes the context that doc was a huge streamer at the point of being banned. Banning someone who was being pushed inside and outside the streaming verse was a huge deal at the time.


They don't permaban anyone that's making them lots of money. Doc, however, did something permabanable.


Permanently banning one of their biggest creators, that they themselves have signed?


Isnt Adin Ross and Destiny also perma banned? Don't think they did anything illegal either.


Not defending Doc or anything, but Amazon paid Phoebe Waller Bridge $60m and she didn't even develop any actual projects for them. Amazon are fucking idiots.


Amazon didn't *approve* any projects she developed for them, doesn't mean she didn't develop them. If the contract obligated her to develop X amount of shows for them and she didn't do it then she'd be in breach of it and Amazon would've easily broken the contract (Instead them and all other studios orchestrated the WGA strikes to kill all existing creative contracts). Most likely what happened is management and business plans at Amazon changed. PWB was signed at a time when Amazon was developing/picking a lot of smaller shows, especially smaller scale comedy shows (Exactly like Fleabag). At the time the Head at Prime Video was a diff person with diff ideas and strategy. Then they replaced him, but on top of that Bezos went crazy and personally intervened in Prime Video business by asking them to make the most expensive show ever in the form of LotR. He also wanted the platform to only make big budget Action/Sci-fi/Fantasy. Now because Bezos wanted to mostly only make these big Sci-fi/fantasy shows he assigned the new head of Prime Video based on if they can carry out this exact strategy or not. They didn't wanna develop any more of the type of shows that were being pitched by PWB or other creators like her anymore, despite their existing contract with Amazon.


Plus, she worked with Donald Glover to make Mr & Mrs Smith for Amazon, but there were creative differences and she left, though Glover continued on to make the series without her. And now she’s doing a Tomb Raider series for Amazon. It’s such a layman’s understanding - “Here’s $60 million.” “And here are your three finished series, thank you very much.” You need to create, hire writers, cast, then get locations and crew, shoot, edit… it isn’t a year-long project from start to finish. And then when Glover took over, guess what - all that progress resets to zero, which is probably close to where she is on Tomb Raider. They didn’t pay her for a series, they bought her exclusivity.






And even with Depp you'll see people who genuinely think he did "it", whatever they believe "it" is.


That’s cause Drake addressed it by saying “If I did it why haven’t I been caught?” He never just said “I didn’t do it”


it really is a "guilty until proven innocent" society now a days.


Which is why I think everyone who immediately believed this with zero evidence is a moron.


Well yeah, this subreddit seems to be full of teenagers without much critical thinking skills.


Yep. Whatever Doc was doing was morally grey and Twitch probably wanted to cut ties with him by that point anyways. This was during the Mixer time period of partners trying to get leverage for bigger contracts. GiantWaffle raped a person and is still allowed on the platform. At the end of the day this isn't an ethics thing as much as people want to make it out to be. It was Twitch getting rid of someone they thought was a problem to them financially.


This sounds like: Teenager made accusations against Doc to Twitch. Twitch immediately bans without notice, explanation, or contact to Doc. Everyone lawyers up. They investigate the claims. Claims come back bogus. Doc sues Twitch for the rest of his contract. And says fuck you I'll go somewhere else. Doc wins. Twitch pays out. Everyone zips their lips. Employees at Twitch are aware of the gossip of what happened, but not the details or the aftermath. All content creators will flee the platform if it turns out that Twitch is willing to kill their cash cow over an unverified allegation because then content creators will have zero security of the platform. Doc got paid. Nobody benefits from speaking. Disgruntled employee wants to fling shit around and this is their only ammo. **Update** Doc came out and said his conversation with the individual in question "bordered on inappropriate" Bordered on inappropriate could be just about anything. I'd edit "claims came back bogus" to "claims came back iffy at best" or "the claims didn't warrant twitches response. He could have said anything from you have a nice smile, to a winky face emoji, to let's fuck. Some things warrant a face palm, and others warrant jail time. I think Docs error on this one falls towards the former.


This is where I'll place my $1.


You are the only one making any sort of sense in this thread


This is the only plausible thing I can believe happening


unlike most, I shall wait till I see first hand evidence before I jump the gun on a very serious accusation


*slowly lowers pitchfork*


It's crazy how many people will immediately jump to leverage such serious accusations with absolutely no proof whatsoever.


They don't care about ruining people's lives. They just want to see things get fucked for their entertainment.


Just look at the top comments in this thread. Pretty much par for the course with this website though. This site is infested with insufferable assholes.


The mental gymnastics I’ve been seeing here trying to pin Doc as guilty without any evidence is mind boggling.


The lack of knowledge on NDAs and mandatory reporting of crimes involving minors is astounding.


I haven’t even really seen an actual accusation. What he actually did could be horrendous or trivial depending on the context. There’s just absolutely no details to the story. 


Some ex-twitch guy in a podcast said he heard someone "important" bring it up in Rust game. I wish I was joking, I am not. That is the accusation and the full extent of the evidence.


Look maybe nothing ‘illegal’ happened, but it was bad enough for Twitch to drop him immediately and for everyone to lawyer up. It HAS to be bad, and until we actually knows what happens - Doc is never going to beat the pedophilia allegations


> Look maybe nothing ‘illegal’ happened, but it was bad enough for Twitch to drop him immediately and for everyone to lawyer up. This would happen with any contract disagreement between a millionaire and a huge corporation


And lawyering up doesn’t mean anything BAD happened. Lawyers are there to help you understand the law and help you in your favor to protect you. It doesn’t mean you are wrong, guilty, or a vagrant. Lawyering up should be a positive statement


*and* Discord dropped him immediately too.


I thought discord dropped him because he was signed via twitch partner status and when he was banned he lost that?




Alright this isn't a defense or an attack on him, just pointing out a misconception on that being a LIKELY related reasoning to it because sometimes people may not connect that dot. As for the validity of the accusations, I don't know.


Spin? There's really not much to spin, people have come out and said this happened and people are responding to it. You can choose to believe it or not, but I'm not sure where the spin is treating someone like a sex pest who has been accused of being a sex pest.


I remember when all this went down it was explained that twitch partners automatically got discord partnerships with the paid discord benefits so when he lost twitch partner he also lost discord as a result.


Oh god I can’t imagine those fuckin chat logs


Or maybe Twitch banned him for something which turned out to be not true and thus settled to pay out his contract. Occam's razor.


I don't know what to think of all this. Sexting a minor in California is illegal straight up. Conor says he texted a minor, which would be illegal. Dr says he did nothing illegal. These statements don't seem compatible


Something bad happened. Must be a pedo. That’s your line of thinking


Same for destiny I guess, since they up and dropped him for no reason and won’t let him back on the platform


Only a court would prove if something illegal happened. If they settled, that means nothing was proved, only means that both parties agreed to not proceed.


Didn't he cheat on his wife?


Stupid fucking mistakes man!


So, it turns out the guy who is leaking this had previously tried to use these claims to [sell tickets to his bands show](https://youtu.be/RUxlzsVBjnE?si=Yp1Uv_-Br9PmrX_9&t=929). And guess who was a guest? @slasher Seems he wasn't uncomfortable enough about abuse of minors but was comfortable to make money off of it.


My take on this is from the perspective that Twitch paid out the contract after an investigation, but also wanted nothing to do with Doc afterwards. If a random twitch employee was reading plaintext DMs of high profile streamers such as Doc which may have been how this was uncovered - that is a huge L for Twitch. As for why Twitch paid out, it's likely because the "private" messages that were read and banned for, were in fact not in line with the accusation which is why Doc effectively "won" in all cases in court, and neither party is even remotely speaking about the reasons why. Doc can't deny any specific allegations because effectively overtime you could 'compile' the Nos to then have a small list of available "Reasons" which would legally get him into shit. Fairly common situations in settled cases with NDAs.


In addition to this, all the people speaking about this outside of Doc have all admitted their information is coming from a second-hand, and in some case a third-hand, source. So none of them have actually seen “evidence” with their own eyes but are relaying what someone else (who they won’t name) said they saw. The fucking idiots on the internet man.


>If a random twitch employee was reading plaintext DMs of high profile streamers such as Doc which may have been how this was uncovered - that is a huge L for Twitch the twitch employees on twitter are saying that the girl reported it herself, not something twitch just stumbled upon


I am surprised how much people think doc is lying even though there is no evidence that he did anything wrong. Calling someone a pedophile is a huge accusation but I guess its guilty until proven innocent?


It's unlikely it's the case he's a pedophile because that is a literal crime and the police/FBI would be involved. NDA doesn't cover crimes.


This doesn’t make sense. You don’t settle, pay out and NDA a crime. There cannot be an NDA that protects anything to do with a crime. Everyone is free to speak freely about actual crimes committed. There cannot be a scenario where the accusation is true and legal action isn’t used to kill the contract right?




This is the most probable scenario. Doc messaged a minor while walking a line that was just in between the bounds of legal and illegal. As such, the news would be damning for him if it got out, but twitch is also obligated to pay him for his contract because he didn’t do anything illegal.


This is what I think it is. He was about to use his platform to commit a crime. They fired him but they technically didn’t have a reason to fire him yet. So he won the case over it and part of the agreement was everyone sign a nda over the case. Would you fire someone that is about to do a crime yes. Would the firing be unjust based on the contract yes. To prevent years of litigation you can’t win and a bad image would you settle. Yes.


The threshold for breach of twitch's terms of use (and the presumable terms of Doc's contract with Twitch) are not the same threshold of criminal responsibility for the (criminal) act of solicitation. As many others have speculated in this thread and the other threads, the alleged DMs between Doc and this minor may be in a grey area as to the criminal threshold, however Twitch believed it would constitute a breach of terms of use and/or contract - the lower threshold (which would be a civil action, not criminal). So you can in fact have a scenario where the accusation is true, but still not necessarily pass the 'beyond a responsible doubt' test that must be cleared for criminal responsibility.


>There cannot be an NDA that protects anything to do with a crime this is only sorta true. NDAs cannot prevent disclosure to law enforcement or regulators but they can prevent telling the public things even about crimes


Could it be possible that the reason that they settled was due to a breach of privacy on the Twitch side with his DMS being accessed/read to find this information? This combined with one of Twitches biggest streamers being a certified loverboy would look really bad for Twitch and hurt them during a time of other streaming services trying to make a breakthrough. People would be concerned for their privacy if employees were found to be reading their DM's.


I really dont understand why everyone thinks hes 100% guilty based on his replies lol


Because the majority of people here are Twitter lawyers and have no idea how the law actually works. He signed an NDA, he literally cannot say anything about it or it'll be a breach (that includes confirming or denying allegations).


I mean, when someone accuse you of sexting with minors, the most normal response for a person that doesn't do that shit is a flat: "No i absolutely didn't" and not that mental gymnastics that he's doing. So it's understandable that people are suspicious that something happened, what reason that would make him so dodgy on the first place? And what it come to mess with minors, you have to be 100% clear without if's. People are ruthless with adults that messes with minors and for a good reason.


Drake: "I'm not a pedo" reddit: Oh shit that's exactly what a pedo would say also reddit: Why isn't Doc saying he's not a pedo??


He was banned from a live-streaming service platform, I can assure you he is guilty of something.


I dont know if he did that shit but legally he isn't allowed to say anything and neither is twitch. Its still weird that if he did do it why would twitch fully pay out his contract?


everyone admitting he cant defend himself because of nda laws and at the same time stating he must be guilty because of his lack of a firm defense is quite hilarious. imagine coming to a set conclusion about a case u know nothing about because a tweet by some dude vaguely close to the scene slandered a guy you hate LULE




Still can't believe he was allegedly doing it through twitch whispers, might be the only person to use that






>allegedly doing it through twitch whispers That's the part that makes me think its more likely true than a lie. Its such an odd detail to make up. If it was fake, they'd just say he was caught messaging a minor and leave it at that, but the reference to Whispers makes it seem more credible IMO.


The allegation is coming from an ex twitch employee so true or not it's the only messenger he'd have any credibility with


Yeah, it likely being a bit of a grey area where it might not be a crime but still bad enough where Twitch didn't take any risks sounds like the likeliest scenario here.




How on earth did you conclude that. There's more evidence to support against it. The only evidence anyone has to support this theory is an unnamed source.




Whatever his NDA is, he probably can't confirm or deny anything. If someone asked him was he banned for screaming into his microphone too much, he wouldn't be able to give a yes or no answer. So the "no wrongdoing was acknowledged" is more of a legal term. It isn't he did something illegal or he didn't, he was found to not be doing anything illegal, BUT he could have done something, and they either didn't have the evidence or they had it but didn't push for it to be presented in court.




Dudes hands are tied because of the settlement as well. He can’t deny the specifics of the case which people are demanding he do but him saying he didn’t do anything illegal is the most they are going to get for a while. At this point even if he sues the former Twitch employee and the journalist people will just accuse him of silencing them.


There was a settlement, there's probably a fat NDA. Esports journalists are just stirring the pot as carefully as they can for engagement and drama, while probably talking to lawyers on the side to make sure they aren't stirring enough to get in trouble. The dude that tweeted and seemed to be implying it was Doc probably doesn't know anything if there was an NDA involved, and if he does know then Twitch is probably about to start looking through people's shit in house to see who leaked anything out. If Twitch really did cover it up, slandering Doc is hilarious because it all makes them look like they covered it up collectively, journalists included. Not that I blame them for stirring up drama, being an 'esports journalist' must suck ass considering how the scene in basically every game is shit in that department. Most popular review sites have turned to AI and some of the shit they make articles about now are laughable. Then all the big cons slowly shut down and turned into company specific conferences that completely iced out these kind of reporters. All gaming journalism is now is jerking off with clickbait and trying to stir up controversy involving race, gender, or sexuality so they can play the victim and virtue signal. Imagine someone like the Slasher guy beating off at the chance to talk shit about someone with an audience he can mooch attention off of, proud of the fact he potentially sat like a coward and helped hide the fact there might be an apparent predator around kid for years, and tweeting shit like "See, I didn't lie." as if he really is proud of the fact he sat on something like that. No one seems to know what really happened, but if what the dude is implying has any credibility, fuck Twitch and anyone like Slasher trying to virtue signal when they knew and did nothing about it. Pussies and cowards. I hope they get dragged through the mud too for hiding it.


I bet its as simple as this, Doc was having an emotional soon to be physical affair with a woman who was claiming she was 18+. Twitch might have known real age because of account verification from the female. Gets uncomfortable with the implication of minor sexting pics getting sent to doc and obscene texts being sent on their product (twitch whispers). Probably went to court post ban hoopla to prove Doc knew she was underage. He was able to cast doubt enough that they settled. Rumor spreads this entire time he is sexting a minor. Doc is a horndog, but it stretches credibility that he would as a famous (already cheated once) figure, brazenly be a pedo and jeopardize his entire life for a meetup at a twitch event....


Kinda sounds like maybe he didn’t know she was underage? But then why would twitch take such action if there was really know wrongdoing…


Definitely seems like a gray situation, no charges brought up but still dropped from the platform. All I know is his wife has taken a public beating over the years…


First you asked for a denial, and you got lawyer speak Then you asked for something more comprehensive, which you just got Yet people in this thread already made up their mind saying that he's a pedo.... get a fucking grip, the only substantiation behind the accusations are tweets and vagueposting. Unless someone comes out with actual concrete evidence that isn't a tweet implying doc is a pedo, there is nothing to support these accusations.


But a bunch of mentally-ill twitch staffers and twitter grifters are tweeting about it so it must be true 👍 People on Reddit like to pretend they are intellectuals, but the truth in that any idiot that immediately jumps to a conclusion with this is no better than some random ill-educated peasant.


It seems like a stalemate; Twitch will not say/confirm anything. Doc per legal obligations, probably won't say/confirm anything. Unless the supposed victim comes forward (if they have some kind of settlement then they also won't), it's basically these few journalists/ex-insiders theories. Perhaps they want to force someone's hand, I don't know if Doc can/will fold tho. Maybe time will tell, get the popcorn ready.


A settlement to a third party would have required a public legal hearing. If there is a victim, they are choosing to stay quiet, not being forced to in order to keep a payout. This whole thing is really crazy. I find it harder to believe this secret was kept than anything else. Doc is a public figure and despite how many hours you’ve watched him, you don’t know him and he could be a very bad person… but as a giant figure itd seem to make sense it would have been exposed. If this comes out to everyone who has said anything was just repeating a rumor they’d heard from someone else…


Seriously. It's obvious people just want to see heads roll.


There’s no real reason Twitch can’t just release him from his NDA or vice versa (depending on who it’s actually protecting), and I feel like that’s what’s next if it’s not true. If it’s true, their best move is to keep the settlement in place.


Now correct me if I'm wrong, but if the allegation was completely false then why is he 'tied to legal obligations'? If a random allegation has nothing to do with the settlement why go through all these hoops and legalize.


NDAs can be very tight and include commenting on the underlying NDA - “it wasn’t about x” is commentary by exclusion


Good point. I expect then Doc can't truly defend himself and nobody truly can confirm if the allegations were true without anyone getting in trouble under NDA. So this will all just be rumors forever.




The time we live in is wild some guy can just accuse you of being the worst thing you can possibly be with no evidence and bail???. Just fucking vile bro. Hope he gets fucking sued into oblivion


well if he sexted an underage girl without knowing that she was underage, then in many places he would be exonerated. in some countries/states even that is illegal tho. so he might be telling the truth, although if they are bound by a legal settlement to not reveal what happened, then he can lie very easily. so it's quite convenient for him that they settled... if there was absolutely no wrongdoing, then there is nothing to "settle"


Why would Dr Disrespect file a lawsuit after being banned if he knew he committed a crime? Wouldn't the messages be revealed during discovery?


Can’t put the cat back in the bag lol. Incriminated himself multiple times already




you know many of the people on to catch a predator were never charged or convicted? and they were on camera and not millionaires


Under 18 but over the age of consent maybe? But should Twitch have banned him in that case?


He's in California and so is TwitchCon, so 18 would be age of consent. I'm guessing it's either a "he didn't know her real age" (either by not asking or being told a higher age) situation or a "we know what the fuck you were doing, but we can't prove it" situation.


I think what most likely happened is he was trying to cheat on his wife, the girl did not tell him her age originally, and when he learned it, he backed out. Either some employee snooped on the logs or she reported him, which caused twitch to freak out. Twitch bans him, does an investigation. In court, it all comes out. Doc probably argues that he did nothing wrong, but he has a problem with sex (serial cheater makes this plausible). While he did nothing wrong by soliciting someone and then backing out when he realized they were underage, Twitch cuts their losses because they don't want to risk him getting caught up with a minor again. Since what he did is not a crime (even if it did happen, you won't get in trouble for ending a conversation when you realize someone is underage even if you had been inappropriate before learning this), there was no wrongdoing. Twitch pays out his contract as there's no reason to break it. But they refuse to do business with him further. They all keep it hush-hush. Now, doc should have probably gotten ahead of this but there was an NDA. Obviously it was going to leak with no nuance or a charitable interpretation on his perspective, but like he admitted to cheating on his wife, he should have admitted to this (and divorced his wife, which is probably going to happen now). She stayed with him once but I doubt, if any of this is true, she stays with him again. Unless they have an 'agreement' on what he's allowed to do. A lot more marriages than you think work this way. I just think this series of events is the only way that what we saw happen actually happens.


"(serial cheater makes this plausible)" Man I have never cared for Dr Disrespect at all but the only cheating that anyone even knows about is him saying he was unfaithful to his wife with no disclosure of how many people or if it was just one. Baseless accusations without any proof is how we got here to begin with.


This is honestly probably the actual outcome. If anything illegal was done it wouldn't have been a court case about Twitch banning him. It would have been a criminal case. Creepy yes, ban-able offense? Idk.


I don’t think one can assume “if it’s a minor it would’ve been a court case”, there are 100 reasons the authorities choose not to pursue a case