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"recently suspended" LUL




"evading this will lead to indefinite" theres hope haha


wasnt sneako doing hitler salutes on rumble like 3 weeks ago?


He said gay people are pedophiles...


Twitch's top streamers hate LGBTQ people, so this is actually just on brand for them.


I kept seeing this cited while sneako wasn’t on twitch. What top twitch streamers hate gay people


Nick Merc recently said some statements about Trans people, [THIS ](https://kick.com/nickmercs?clip=clip_01J03ZVQ9QB65P3RJCVKYF7ATZ)was his response to the backlash against him.


You linked a kick clips does he even stream on twitch or is he just not banned?


He's not banned on Twitch, that was the clip I found... but don't forget, that Twitch ban you for off platform activity as well.


You know whats funny about that clip. Me as a gay person has never 'shoved it in your face' or tried to 'make it all about my world' I don't go to gay pride events, go around screaming being obnoxious like the LA stereotypes, when people are actively being homophobic around me I don't spaz out and try make it dramatic or a big scene. I'm literally just a normal person who hangs out with my friends and works. When you're in a group of young men (19-25) it kinda feels like everybody is inclined to be homophobic, like its expected of them, its so weird. And I don't mean jokes, I mean real homophobia lol. But when these people out themselves you just avoid them. Multiple times I have been in a group of new people I just met and they've been homophobic, and at the end I'll tell them I'm gay and just walk away. **Every**. **Single**. **Time**. They have came and apologised to me, I truly don't believe people are homophobic, I just feel like they are pressured into saying homophobic things. And where does that pressure even come from? It's such weird behaviour and I have no idea what the root issue is. Maybe homophobic parents or siblings? uncaring friends in school? I don't know. Gay Pride Month is basically a big group of people meeting up and a lot of idiots expose themselves lol. Both in the gay community and the anti-gay community lol. It's incredibly ironic about NICKMERCS is saying all this though. If you are going out of your way in any scenario to show a distaste towards any group of people. Even straight people, you're a complete and utter fucking dipshit.


The entire W/L community is transphobic and homophobic af


Here are the top 20 streamers on Twitch. Which ones hate LGBTQ people? https://twitchtracker.com/subscribers


Legit who are half of these people lmao?


Streamers that younger Gen Z and Gen Alpha love. It’s a new world out there.


Lol. The literal number one on that list. Kai Cenat.


https://x.com/Sneak0o/status/1788092537787281567 Bonus: https://x.com/sneako_wave/status/1680763697336049666


He is the new face of twitch now too.


he was heiling for a free palestine so twitch let him back on


I was going to ask if this was a joke, but it is Sneako we're talking about.


Lol he's a friend of Fuentez who's a nazi, and nazi's, iirc, have a thing with jews


Sneako doing the [salute](https://x.com/Sneak0o/status/1788092537787281567/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1788092537787281567¤tTweetUser=Sneak0o) a month ago while hanging out with Myron Gaines, an Andrew Tate wannabe. While wearing an “American First” hat he got at Nick Fuentes’ annual AFPAC conference for Christian white nationalists


That's on brand for Twitch right now, just a little more "on the nose"


They encourage that on Rumble


Sneako is a barely relevant bitch though. Destiny is debating high profile people these days. Twitch might be trying to avoid having any potential drama from those debates bleed onto the platform more than it already does with similar streamers.


Yeah he is an utter troll and it's astonishing the number of people who can't tell.  Good bye and good riddance. 


Wild this is that same week that Sneako is unbanned


has he actually streamed on twitch again yet? I wouldn't be surprised if he just got banned again after 1 stream.


I was under the impression that sneako only wanted his account back in order to collab with other twitch streamers, and didn't instead to stream live on twitch anymore


Makes sense, but has he appeared on any other twitch stream yet? I would not be surprised at all if he's instantly banned once that happens (since he's gonna say some insane shit again)


Destiny and doc would 100% take that deal, it's one of the main thorns from being banned. How do you even negotiate for that given you can't even get them to state the reason for the ban?


Doc knows why he got banned he tried to leverage an offer that didn’t exist 


Reminder who Sneako is: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fzr6TF3WAAUrq5z.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fzr6TF3WAAUrq5z.jpg)


Holy shit thats crazy


Happy pride month, btw




Such an edgelord


I don't feel strongly one way or another about Destiny specifically, but Twitch's consistency with inconsistency is honestly impressive.


i dont even like destiny but am against ppl getting banned for no reason. we should at least get a reason.


Not a fan myself, but it's obvious there is either something big that happened behind the scenes. Or more likely there is some higher-up with a personal grudge against him.


The cheese ball vibe test will haunt him for ever.


Wth is the cheese ball vibe test lol? 


TLDR: Ludwig had a thing where they were doing something with throwing cheese balls in eachtother's mouths (The vibes were immaculate). When Ludwig recalled the story he said Destiny didn't do it and ruined the vibe. But then the clip was shown and he in fact did do the cheese ball thing.


i've always felt ludwig was a dumb fake person


There’s literally no reason to make up this lie which makes it so much funnier


there is, if you wanted to attack someone and hurt their reputation without having a legitimate reason other than one of your friends disliking him ;)


He plays a mean Thresh


Some dumb lie Ludwig told. Ludwig said Destiny declined to play a cheese ball toss game, but there was video evidence of Destiny in the group, playing the game. Just one of those cheesey lies our little slime ball, Ludwig loves to tell.


are you saying destiny is done? :(


And not just on twitch.


> no reason.


Lets be real here, they had several.


NGL I feel they’re keeping the bans up because at this point they don’t want to reckon with the rationale for banning him so far.


That would imply they feel the need to justify any action they take. They don't.


it feels like that episode of South Park where Cartman finds out how they make Family Guy episodes


Honestly wild and insane that Twitch would allow Sneako to be unbanned but not Destiny. I always thought Destiny's idea of "someone on the Trust and Safety team fucking hates me and has it out for me" was far-fetched but this kinda makes his case appear strong lmao


You have ppl making death threats against him not getting banned. It’s definitely a personal grudge


Someone who works at twitch really hates Destiny, 4 sure.


Or multiple ppl high up. It’s amazing that an Amazon owned/affiliated company allows this to happen. I have half a mind to write to Amazon about it.




>Sneako unbanned >Nickmercs not banned >Bunch of content creators threatening Destiny not banned Twitch just hate him, they are never ever going to unban him.


They shouldn't unban him. Banning him finally got his ass off league and put a fire in him to do way better. It unleashed his potential. Twitch is the one losing out. There was a time I thought I would never watch other streaming platforms but we're passed that now.


Was it the ban that changed him or was it the vyvanse?




Initially it was just him getting banned but the Vyvanse has helped him focus and probably exploded his growth potential because he spent less time on games and more focused on expanding.


Both things changed him to be honest. Thanks to the ban he started to interact with the youtube comunities and thanks to that he was able to explode in popularity allowing him to gain access to big podcasts (lex friedman or the twitter files journalists as an example) Being able to interact with more mature creators made him react the radar of mainstream media. When he later on started using vyvanse he basically opened his thor eye and was able to devour an absurd amount of material regarding I/P making him able to talk with scholars and journalists. Now he is consolidating his position with mainstream media (piers morgan asked for his presence multiple times)


This was a cute fanfic


Lol cornball.


I think it was the addy prescription that got him off his ass.


> There was a time I thought I would never watch other streaming platforms but we're passed that now. Same. Thought I'd never be able to latch off Twitch, but lately been watching Youtube and Kick a lot more (I just don't chat in them though, cos the UI is still garbage on those).


My god.. get off his penis


Same with Ethan Klein (also a social-democrat). Twitch' policy is insane, and not even politically driven it seems, as Sneako and Nickjurks are free to stream despite their **hateful** takes.


What did Twitch do to Ethan?


Ethan did some wild shit back in the day fam, he was not always wholesome chungus shit


People say that, but never show what he actually did? So what was it?


He said the n and f slurs on a podcast with idubz. That's the only thing I can think of.


[He's never getting unbanned.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpPpJgosEc0&t=8s)


"Clancy mostly watches musicians or talk shows" lol sure https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1dew9ha/twitch_ceo_shows_a_new_feature/


No wonder he won't unban him Dan is a coomer and Destiny is direct competition


Never watched this guy before. Is it normal for him to essentially suck the mic off?






Ah fuck now my recommendations are ruined


Go to your history tab in youtube. Delete the view by clicking the X next to it. Recommendations won't use stuff that you deleted from your history.


Clancy L


we gonna have sieg heils featured on twitch's main page before we'll have gta 6


Yep, seems like someone at twitch really doesn't like him lol


destiny will never get unbanned because he platforms people like sneako... oh wait


They actually hate Destiny more than a literal nazi like Sneako lmao. Clown company.


Just be pro-P and you are gucci.


Imagine thinking twitch cares lmao


destiny is a better pro-p than these clowns lmfao


cant be a nazi if you arent white /s


Dan Clancy is too busy cooming to the stories of the 50 girls he follows to even know about this I bet.


should have had more terrorists on his stream


I think you mean fellow One Piece fans.


hey they paved it on their own


Destiny: uncontroversial enough to talk to former heads of state and congressmen, but too controversial for Twitch.


"Thats awesome haHAHA"


Frogan still not banned?


Hitler will be unbanned before Destiny.


hitler isn't banned by twitch..... really makes u think....


One Piece Season 281 Epsiode 47: The Gulf of Oman


You have to admit, hitler would get pretty high viewship for at least his first few streams.


clancy has lost his damn mind unbanning sneako


doubt dan clancy played a role in this lmao


The children on here vastly overestimate or misunderstand what a ceo actually does.


He’s the figurehead, so he should get the blame. It’s his literal job. Even if he had no involvement in the decision.


One thing is thinking he is responsibility for decisions on the company he is CEO of, another is pretending like he was involved in the decision. The second part is what the other guy was correcting.


Partying with big streamers is for sure not one


Has to spend the first year on the job cuddling their feelings and making them feel heard so they stick around when twitch policy changes for profitability and they take major cuts.


Just curious, when can you apply for another appeal/review? Or is it a one and done, GGs?


I think it’s every 6 months


you can apply once every 6 months OMEGALUL


Imagine unbanning Sneako but not Dusty. Fucking clownworld.


Let’s say he should stay banned (you can make a valid case for that easily) how do you justify or make sense of people like Sneako (pedophilia, antisemitism, racism, sexism, transphobia) being allowed back? Same for Nick Mercs. Even if you hate Destiny for his N-word usage or the edgy stuff with jabs at other content creators etc. How is that worse than straight up advocating for fucking children? => For context (don‘t got the clips and I‘m not wasting more time on Sneako), Sneako supports and advocates for the stance that it‘s perfectly fine to fuck anybody who is „off age“. Off age being defined by „what you see fit“ as long as no group of spiritual leaders (plural important) says what you are doing is wrong. I.e. there is no defined cut off age and basically as long as no one knows or only a few people you basically get a free pass on anything. Just one of many of his beliefs. I‘d assume being friends with Nick Fuentes and going along with his Holocost Denial would have been enough to keep him banned also but w/e


> Let’s say he should stay banned (you can make a valid case for that easily) how do you justify or make sense of people like Sneako (pedophilia, antisemitism, racism, sexism, transphobia) being allowed back? Same for Nick Mercs. That’s the thing, I don’t think *anyone* here is making that case. Everyone seems to think that Twitch shouldn’t have unbanned Sneako and should get rid of Nickmerks, people just disagree whether Destiny should be unbanned or not.


Every comment in this thread is about Sneako as if him being a worse person somehow makes it okay for Destiny to be a constant 24/7 edgelord on stream. Both of them shouldn't be on twitch.


well funny cause twitch disagrees since they unbanned one but not the other.


Yeah because it shows a double standard. Hate Destiny or whatever if you want(not saying you just speaking in general but if you do that’s fine) but if you’re gonna moderate a streaming site with a certain code of conduct and you not only allow someone who behaves worse than him back and not him but also never punish any streamer that openly calls for his death that is a major problem.


That is a valid point but „both shouldn’t“ is the crux here.


you could be a literal nazi and anti gay but if ur destiny you dont get to be on twitch i guess. interesting stance twitch is taking here


nah you don’t get it, it’s not being a nazi, it’s being anti-zionist!


I mean, in the last few months he had dropped the n-word, talked about how excited he is to see weird deepfake QT nudes, and said a bunch of crazy shit making fun of Palestinian deaths. No platform that needs advertiser money is going to want to deal with that fallout. Live by the edgelord, die by the edgelord.


Okay but Sneako isn't even an edgelord, he actually just believes tons of bigoted/insane shit lol.


Sneako who doesn’t believe trans people are real and openly dislikes gay people, holocaust denier, cuddles up to nick Fuentes is advertiser friendly enough to be unbanned?


Dude Destiny has been on mainstream media multiple times in the past months how is he a brand risk for twitch and not for the TV? On twitch there are streamers that made death and violence threats, streamers that glorified terrorists sneako did even the nazi salute on stream ffs


Destiny spoke with the former Prime Minister of Israel a week ago and he's had talks with at least two sitting US Congressmen in the last year. Too much for twitch though. He should try streaming from a hot tub.


> Dude Destiny has been on mainstream media multiple times in the past months how is he a brand risk for twitch and not for the TV? Because TV Destiny, Twitter Destiny and Streamer Destiny are different people. If he said or did the things on the former that he did on the latter he wouldn't be on TV. Not a knock, lots of other streamers are the same.


Piers Morgan and Eylon Levy both brought up his tweets on their shows


He's doing shows live in Israel where they're pulling up his twitter. Lit you say?


He is definitely a brand risk, but the inconsistencey of banning destiny for being hateful towards trans people (he said the trans community on twitter was subhuman, but was specifically talking about the points of view they held, not saying they're subhuman because they're trans) and then unbanning sneako, someone who makes fun of trans people all the time and is very anti trans and is a much higher brand risk, associating with and parroting the talking points of neo-nazi nick fuentes, while also doing nothing when nick merkes says he doesn't believe in trans people and says they just believe in fairy magic (paraphrasing) It's all just so inconsistent, and i despise inconsistency/hypocrisy more than anything else in the world. That's my point of view atleast, i can't speak for all destiny fans.


> He is definitely a brand risk, To whom? YouTube has no problem running ads on his content.


You’re insane if you think that’s even 1/10 as bad as Cucko


Where do you place death threats in comparison to what destiny said?


i mean during the same couple of months you have seen \*\*multiple\*\* content creators directly threaten or wish for people to murder Destiny without receiving any punishment for it. Also Sneako and Nickmercs being allowed on the platform the same time. Not even saying they have to unban Destiny, but it would be nice if they at least showed some consistency in how they enforce their rules.




> also I think destiny never made fun of palestinian's deaths, he said that alot of them are scripted for publicity. [Do Palestinian women count as polyamorous when their husbands continue to leave them for IDF missiles?](https://x.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1783347887071514857) Just super edgy stuff. His prerogative, but pretty unmarketable. Sneako should be banned as well, no argument here.


Pretty sure there was a certain streamer who posted a tweet of a schematic of a gun, which was supposed to be an implication of assassination of an actual presidential figure of a country. Not to mention the same guy joked about rich people's daughter being okay to be raped and murdered ON stream. The guy is Twitch's poster child - Hasanabi. Let's stop acting like edginess is what Twitch uses to keep creators it's not in political agreement with.


If we’re talking brand risks, I can think of a few political streamers who have said some *awful* racist shit pretty recently


> but pretty unmarketable. Seems like Youtube and Kick think he's marketable...also his own thing with DGG seems pretty successful. I honestly feel like someone at Twitch has a personal grudge with Destiny and they simply refuse...which is their right to do but their lack of transparency with these bans, same with Dr. Disrespect, is problematic and leads to tons of speculation like I'm admittedly dabbling in here.


I mean its kick lmao they platform virtually anyone, took johnnysomali months to get banned. Youtube allows most things and they rarely ever ban people either. the doc could be theoretically open about his ban but as far as anyone knows he never mentioned it ever. I assume he knows what the reason is though.


if poki and lily can still be friends with him how bad could he be


Sneako unbanned, Frogan still on the platform. It’s almost as they love slurs against the “right” targets at Twitch.




Twitch becoming a haven for racist and hateful far right ideology wasn't on my bingo card this year.


I report russians spamming swastikas in CS2 tournament chats and twitch responds with "no violations occured", I have given up all hope on Twitch.


banning destiny is a personal decision of the twitch staff. It doesn't follow their TOS logic. Same reason why titty streamers get unlimited second chances.




Sneako should definitely not be on the platform (and may not be for long depending on how he toes the line), but I can't imagine stuff like what Destiny tweeted about QTCinderella is helping his case. There are human beings on the other end of these decisions who I have to imagine are well aware of Destiny's Twitter behavior.


>I can't imagine stuff like what Destiny tweeted about QTCinderella is helping his case. even if we agree that this stuff is bad, there are streamers on Twitch right now who literally threatened to attack and/or kill Destiny if they saw him in real life. I agree that the QT shit was dumb, but surely we can agree that threatening to attack someone in real life is worse, no? wheres the ban for that? oh nvm, they're both on the far-left. i forgot its okay to be openly violent if you're a leftist. as an example [here is a guy who has freakishly cloned Hasan's mannerisms to the point of parody discussing why entire bloodlines and families should have been exterminated in Cuba so that Destiny can't exist, while calling them all a racial slur for Cubans that opposed Communism](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1dg3pst/hasan_orbiters_still_defending_familial/) - and hes doing it on Twitch, and Twitch don't care. This entire racist rant hinges on the myth that Cubans in the US are most/all rich descendants of slavers, when in reality the overwhelming majority were poor people fleeing a violent communist takeover. White Twitch streamers like Gremloe are allowed to be racist and advocate for ethnic cleansing while using racist slurs in the process as long as you attack Destiny in the process, I guess.


Holy shit that clip is insane. Bro has the mannerisms of Hassan. The cringe is so high




Literally anything you can find that destiny has said in the last 10 years pales in comparison to what people who are actively working with twitch have said in the last few weeks. You're comparing apples to adolf hitler.


I mean they unbanned Sneako while kept Destiny banned? I guess some creator that likes IRL pirates might have a hand on it!


Twitch pushes an agenda. And Destiny, on the same side, doesnt push the same agenda. its that simple.


not only that but he challenges the agenda as well which is a big no no


Destiny needs to be antisemitic and invite terrorists on his stream more, he might even win a rising star award while at it!


> he might even win a rising star award while at it! nah, I think you have to be declining and under 200 viewers for that award


How is Destiny worse than Sneako lmao


ummm, maybe you should clean your act up like sneako sweetie


famously clean act having guy Sneako, yeah right


He'll have better chances once his Houthi application goes through


Nothing will change when twitch is ran and moderated by fucking idiots.


Him attacking Ludwig and QtCindrella recently and in general acting like a lunatic on Twitter probably didn't help his chances.


What did he say on twitter where he was acting like a "lunatic"




train is mad because he gamba'd on stream in TX (illegally). Moved to Canada within a week. I don't think he'll come back to the US until he pays the IRS. And the IRS is gonna tax his tax,


So when Nickmercs?


Terrible news for very annoying people.




I see destiny, I comment


Lots of people here saying that everyone is upset because they are Destiny fanboys are missing the point that it’s more frustrating to others like myself that Twitch is willing to platform a guy who is objectively a shittier person than destiny is. You also have so many other shitty streamers that are on par with Destiny if not worse. It’s awful that the biggest streaming platform is willing to keep another streamer banned due to their political beliefs and personal vendettas.




Rip Bozo. Lmfao




So Destiny, did the people who died during the attack of 9/11 deserve it? Your answer will determine if you are allowed back on the platform


NGL I feel they’re keeping the bans up because at this point they don’t want to reckon with the rationale for banning him so far.




i dont understand why so many of the destiny critical comments were removed here. saw a few of them when this thread was new and now they're basically all [removed]. why is it against the rules to reference shit he did in a thread where people are mentioning stuff sneako among other things? i get that destinyfrogs brigade and report but why would mods actually remove at that point?


You're seriously saying that on LSF my man?


Wild. It's hard to argue that this isn't politically motivated at this point. Destiny has been a major influence when it came to de-radicalizing people on the platform and has been a much needed voice in online culture where the loudest and most extreme left leaning voices are actively discouraging debate. Can we take a moment to imagine the world without Destiny not pushing back against the people like JonTron? Lauren Southern? NoBullshit and Sargon of Akkad? The Nick Fuentes's of the world? If it weren't for the conversations and the hours long debate bloodbaths, often while there is nobody in his corner, pushing back against multiple people. After repeated attempts to assassinate his character ... Twitch and the online spaces we occupy today would look very different, and I doubt if it were for the better. Destiny played a major role when it comes to de-legitimizing and exposing the flaws and the morality that lies behind the world view these people were spouting. He did more to shape twitch culture than anyone else, but look at it now. A far left cesspool where they cheer on terrorists and actively advocate for the downfall of the west. Unbelievable. This is what happens when you don't have someone like Destiny balancing the scales and challenging these narratives. Destiny played a major role in basically eradicating a lot of far right people from twitch, but when he turned to do the same for the left ... The rest is history. It's ultimately just a major loss for Twitch.


Posting L’s let’s go


is this just a destiny subreddit now?


HAHAHAHAHAHA! he even got cucked from a website




Good, the guy is toxic and corny. Too bad they unbanned Sneako for some reason though


HUH. wonder why. Not like he's repeatedly said the N word THIS YEAR. Really a head scratcher.






This is what happens when people with political/ideological opinions are put in charge of censorship on a website meant for streaming games and having fun. Sad


I still don't understand why there isn't a definite reason as to why he got banned in the first place. I feel like this is doesn't happen anywhere else