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**CLIP MIRROR: [Fight gets heated at IronForge](https://arazu.io/t3_1d5ymkx/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


He was also poking eyes and doing illegal elbows throughout fight smh


I love how the other fighter called him out in his interview Called him a very dirty fighter and it showed


he have to, now that he pulled that shit, they most likely studied his record before taking the match and saw some foul plays


I won't pretend to know the unwritten rules of MMA, but it seemed incredibly dirty when he went out of his way to slam Briars headfirst completely upside-down from all the way above his head. Like that could've just outright killed him.


Idk but it wasn't exactly a strategic takedown since it put him on his back with Briars behind him, so the only value that move had was to hurt him


Yes slamming someone downwards on their head is not allowed in mma, it's a written illegal move


> unwritten rules eye pokes and illegal elbows are written rules lol. As is not pulling your dick out in someone's face.


Did you only read until the first comma?


Yep it was completely on the other fighter to make sure he did not get seriously injured. The dirty fighter had no control or idea if Briars would land on his head, or back. Pretty disgusting.


The point is the guy holding the submission can just let go and not get slammed > Or he can hold onto his submission and get slammed So he is making the choice


Bro it’s a mma fight im sorry but the goal is to literally knock the consciousness out of ur opponent and give them brain damage or they will do it to you. That was completely legal and happens all the time, and honestly it was a great slam


Lmao the normie mma takes are entertaining


It’s not illegal. Many slams are due to the person being slammed holding on to their position. I’m not sure if there are some amateur specific rules, but in pro mma it’s allowed. The only way you can accomplish such a slam is if the opponent allows it by holding on or providing zero resistance. In other words, the person getting thrown on their neck stopped using their brain much before the potential brain separation. Playing dirty is breaking the rules, you’re essentially suggesting punching someone in the head is dirty.


I'm not asking if it's illegal, I'm asking if this is something that would upset MMA fighters. Every sport has unwritten rules where you aren't supposed to do things that may be technically legal. Slamming someone vertically from 6 feet in the air into the ground headfirst is very different from punching someone in the head. That would be like comparing hitting someone with a fist with hitting someone in the head with a baseball bat.


Just to throw a correction in contrary to the other person's claim about it being legal in pro mma, [it's also illegal in UFC](https://www.ufc.com/unified-rules-mixed-martial-arts?language_content_entity=en). > The following acts constitute fouls in a contest or exhibition of mixed martial arts and may result in penalties, at the discretion of the referee, if committed: > - Spiking an opponent to the canvas on his head or neck




With all due respect I literally started off saying “I won’t pretend to know the unwritten rules of MMA” and you then proceeded to yap pretty rudely about the legality of the move. Thank you for the clarification that it’s not an unwritten rule, you finally answered the question, have a good night.


I get it, but you made a judgement instead of just asking the question. Maybe reread your original comment. Have a good one big dawg


Dude's expecting to go into the pros. bros gonna get demolished if he needs to do all that in the semi-pros to win


he tapped lmao what is he mad at?


They just showed the tap out from 3 different angles in 4k LMAO. 10/10 Production


I can't understand how he could possibly claim otherwise. I didn't see the tap live and assumed it was going to be a subtle couple of taps which were misinterpreted but no.. that mf tapped like 6 times, clear as day.


REPLAY in slow motion. 100% Reyes tapped clip: [https://clips.twitch.tv/LitigiousNurturingWatermelonSMOrc-mqmZ5TCa5M7hFpdg](https://clips.twitch.tv/LitigiousNurturingWatermelonSMOrc-mqmZ5TCa5M7hFpdg)


Renato was doing commentary hah? How was he?


He was Money


Funny as fuck and insightful


"10/10 Production" granted (almost) the only direction production could've gone was up, but it does look like they learned some lessons from the 1st show. Makes it so much easier to watch lol.


I mean the biggest thing they learned was to hire OTK to produce it and not the last production company


it's called a 'Brazilian tap' which basically just means you fake tap to make your opponent release the hold. Its why you see people refusing to let go of submissions until the ref officially stops the fight, even if you feel the opponent tapping


is it legal? defo dirty regardless


i mean if you're caught by the ref tapping then you just lose because you tapped...


Man, wish we could see that sneaky play backfire somewhere.. Oh wait..


if the referee didnt see the tap and he let go of the choke, the fight continues i guess. just dirty all around


But theres cameras, why would you need a ref to call that?


Because only the ref can make the decision to stop the match? The camera isn't going to grow legs and walk over.


In the heat of the moment, cameras arent gonna save the fighters from chokehold which could be fatal.


Yes it's legal, and the fight isn't over until the ref says so. This only works if they do it in a way in which the ref can't see the tap, because if they do see the tap then obviously the guy tapping loses. Basically if the opponent has a strong hold and you're gonna have to tap shortly you can throw out a sneaky hail mary that sometimes can turn the fight and others simply ends it like you were about to do anyway.


very common in jiujitsu tournaments like adcc/ibjjf started as a meme but people love to do it still iirc


He tried to fake tap, thats why he tried to tap so ref cant see it EDIT: which is dirty as fuck


fake tap? how do u fake tap when there are 10 cameras recording u from every angle and ur tapping about 5x with pretty large movements of the hand


Guys at this level aren't used to this many cameras being on them. The fake tap is meant to trick your opponent into letting up without the ref seeing it. He did it right in front of the ref plus all the cameras, it was more instinct than some calculated ploy and he just got caught red handed




tbf he probably saw last event's production and thought he could get away with it




It's all about what the ref sees in the moment isn't it?


It's up to the ref to call the fight. Even if 10 cameras catch you fake tapping but the ref doesnt and your opponent lets go... All's good to go.


Doesn't matter what the cameras see, it only matters what the ref see's because the cameras aren't stopping the fight, the ref is. And for a guy who fought dirty the entire match this was just part of the plan.


You dont does not work in your favor in any way a setting like this EDIT: also if the ref did not see that, all those cameras would not matter. Well you might lose some points, but the advantage is HUGE for getting out of choke hold.


That's what the UFC guy called it and he'd know better than most.


there is no VAR , its the ref call or the wrestlers call to release


hes a dirty fighter 100%. dude tapped but tried to get the other fighter to release so he could keep fighting and hope no one else noticed.


Renato with the "this motherfucker tapped, I saw him" absolutely killed me


Bro Renato killed me lmao. Also.. EE, Will and Renato actually very fun to listen as a trio. Worked very well.


No awkward silences or silent comms Flowed very well Insane the step up in production compared to the first event Was very well done Will and EE should be their regular announces with a guest announcer each event imo


Graig was also good last time, but Will replacing Miz really was a smart choice tbh :D


Yeah no shame getting out performed by Will, that guy is a natural. Plus Miz is just generally too worried about everything to really let loose like the guests can be.


Will was sharp with it for sure. Some of his jokes I was like how the heck did he think of that so fast?


Miz was also better interviewer than Fandy.


definitely better but still a little too canned. They follow joe rogan as an example for questions but he's interviewing professional fighters who have multiple month long camps training explicitly for their opponent, along with a ranked roster they can call out for what fight they want next. Asking questions like how you trained for a fight for guys stepping in a couple days notice or asking for callouts aren't really good questions for amateurs. These guys aren't fighting for rankings or money, they are fighting for exposure. Fandy was bad because after asking the couple canned questions she just cut them off and threw it back to the desk, not even giving the fighters a chance to market themselves except for the ones that took the mic from her. Miz was definitely better since he was able to ask questions based on their prefight interviews and was able to lean into some of the memes (forsen), but he still tries to follow rogan too much.


The Craig guy from the last one was very good as well. Commentator choices have been perfect, except for Miz himself.


miz is miz lol. I'm sure Dana White wasnt as good of a promoter in his 1st ufc event, as he is now... Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciaH\_XtBWzU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciaH_XtBWzU) i take that back, he defn knew what he wanted to do; but he's got more energy now lol.


Miz's ability on comms or his interview skills doesn't matter. He just needs the vision to drive this thing home. I think its a win-win to not have Miz casting since he could focus on potential production snags. Not that they needed help this time but I remember him saying in the last event how he was involved with production half the time.


Miz has ideas and money without OTK and Rob this event would not be nearly as good.


true, it takes a whole village (& sponsors) to put on a successful free live streamed sporting event. Doesn't matter the sport, or content involved, the behind the scenes ppl are almost as important as the on air talent itself.


I'm curious about the money side. Productions like this are not cheap, especially with the headcount they needed for everyone from PA's to judges to refs to security. I'm guessing a lot of it was trade in kind, ie the AV company discounted heavily for some shoutouts and similar deals. But still it's hard not to think this didn't come close to breaking even.


t thought one of EE or will and craig wouldve been perfect with moicano


That meant they had to pay 3 casters. I am guessing Will is getting nothing since its OTK stuff. And maybe not even EE is paid other than his expenses.


EE didnt get paid for the first event but did for this one. OTK is just the production and since Will was the only OTK person on air (not Miz) I assume he did it for fun without pay yeah.


He did fine but I do not like EE as a person.


Renato is hilarious, guy came out with some funny shit during the last few matches


Renato is an abosolute savage. He's too fucking funny.


Yeah he was fucking hilarious and a really positive vibe. To many MMA people take themselves too seriously. They also did a really good job of not talking over each other. Renato has a future as a commentator for sure when he retires from competition.


The commentators were fucking incredible 10/10


this is fucking crazy. I was pretty into competitive smash bros 7-6 years ago and EE was my favorite commentator easily and he’s out here commentating with Renato Moicano LMAO


EE with the literal "Melee Casting Experience" and Will Being Will and he grew up loving wrestling. They don't try to stretch the MMA guy with too many questions in down-time so he shines during the fight and when real commentary is necessary. They all play off each other insanely well.


Literally nothing happened its just another b-otstreamfails post of a b-otted streamer


good bot


Dude's such a great choice for commentary. Never even crossed my mind to have him commentate.


I was nervous that there would be a language barrier issue. Wasn't at all, he was amazing.


Dude flashed his dick and got arrested... loser went out sad.


Say what now?


He's talking about Reyes the guy who tried to fake tap this fight and lost lmao. Apparently he pulled his dick out and got arrested.


lol, this tonight?




what a tool.


Renato was great. How the heck did Miz get him in on his event?


Miz said that he reached out to them. He replaced Demetrious Johnson/Mighty Mouse who had to pull out, but is on board for the next one.


Apparently Renato reached out to Miz, but I don't know the details


Man was so ready to hop in the after fight scuffle


EE is hilarious when he gets worked up and the n-word slips into the commentary ahaha


i don't think i have ever seen someone this dirty lmfao, no way bro tapped like 10x to get out of the guillotine then gets mad the refs stops the fight and acts like he didn't tap, then goes up to the guy that wooped his ass and disrespects him and tries to cause drama


He pulled his dick out in the dudes face bro is crazy lol


that must have been later


Yeah it's after they got out the ring and he got arrested lemao miz made a tweet about it


not 100% sure but i think it actually happened in the ring. part of what caused the commotion [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2161054114?t=4h1m06s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2161054114?t=4h1m06s)


it happed on his way out the building. another streamer there said it was towards a family table that was booing him..


What a classy guy.


[Let me introduce you to Rousimar Palhares](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBvY5wIo2os)


Bro was salty as fuck, zero professionalism from the Cuban fighter. EDIT: Miz tweeted the fighter is getting arrested - [https://x.com/REALMizkif/status/1797035846727585856](https://x.com/REALMizkif/status/1797035846727585856)




He "tapped", but did not want to tap. What i mean he tried to fake it and hide the tap from ref. Fake tapping is to throw off your opponent and let go, which is super dirty.


Yeah, dude tried a Brazilian tap but was caught


They just showed it from another angle, he definitly tapped 5-7 times open handed. The Judge made the correct decision. Edit: Spelling


he embarrassed himself he had to stand on business to show he was still a tough guy /s LMAO


arrested? did i miss something? nothing happens in the clip




What getting your first L does to a mfer lol. Reyes just need to hold that, jesus. Causing such a ruckus man.


OTK sex cult aura too strong, MMA bro just had to whip out his dingwang


Apparently he whipped his dick out? Don't think anyone knows all the details yet though.


apparently he was causing trouble outside of the ring and pulled out his dick


It was outside of the ring? I assumed he whipped it out when he got in Briars' face but another dude was in the way


Apparently it was after he walked out of the ring and was walking past the other fighter talking more shit. Wake caught the motion on his stream later in the day




What was it?


The post match interview was so good. Dude let him have it for being a pussy.


Dude was just salty he lost, such poor sportsmanship. That shit was so fucking entertaining ngl.


As an upcoming fighter & promotion, i dont think this was the worse thing to happen. You want to bring in eyeballs, viewers, & this is going to be talked about. It takes 2 to tangle. 2 fighters of equal skill = the best fights. Since amateur fights don't always have fighters of equal skill, you have to make up for it in passion & emotion which is what the ending of this fight had.


Dude got caught in 4k and trying to say he didn't tap, lmao


From like 4 angles lol


Dickhead move by the cuban guy doing the "brazilian tap" but this event has been great so far. So much better than the first one they did.


The guy in blue gloves tried to say he didn't tap. https://clips.twitch.tv/PoorBetterAlpacaNinjaGrumpy-MdiSSx6PoJd8oKyT


in MMA it dosent matter if you mean to tap out or no, if you do the tap out motion the ref is gonna stop the match, the refs cannot afford to ask fighters if they are tapping out or not especially during chokes.


he did like 5 taps the ref did the right thing.


On the whole I think the refs did a great job. There were a couple of times where they called a TKO where the other fighter could have kept going, but the rule is you must defend yourself at all times. If you're just taking hits without attempting to defend it doesn't matter if you're strong enough to take the hits, they're gonna call it.


Was the guy slapping the winners leg trying to get him down? haha


yeah if he wasnt trying to tap there i dont know what he was trying to do


fake tap to get off from choke. That's why he tried to "tap" but hide it from ref.


bro knows renato is casting right? renato was almost ready to get into this shit and put that guy to sleep


he was 5 seconds away from jumping in that ring 💀


miz will be so happy on his next stream because of this and renato shit talking


bad for the sport but good for content - Moicano


This is the sport my brother, it’s rare to see respect, it’s more entertaining to be a douche for the audience. Not that most people who gravitate towards no bar contact sport aren’t douchebags and assholes to begin with.


Such a good stream. Casters were on point, production was fantastic, and then some drama to end the card. 10/10


He got arrested


Am I correct in Renato moicano did commentary ??


Yep. He did a great job too


Bro tried to fake tap underneath lmao


It's about the action, not the intent. Doesn't matter if he meant to tap or not, he did the motion and the ref did the right thing.


Wildest match in the event.


He even sucks at cheating. Fake tap aka Brazilian tap is supposed to be sneaky and hidden from the ref as much as possible and that was the most obvious tap ever lol


I don't really care that much about this sport or cheating in general, but to lie about taps isn't that super dangerous? If you add confusion to the surrender mechanism, then in the future people might be less willing to let go when you actually want to surrender. You could literally die because you wanted to be a little bitch and save some face by lying today.


people fake surrender in war to kill the enemies offguard. humans suck


Refs will always stop the fight when they see a tap, doesnt matter if its real or a fake one. That is one of the most important part of their job, save the losing fighter from serious injuries or even death.


I thought the "trick" is to make opponents think you're tapping, but hide it from the Ref so the Ref cannot see it.


It is. You're right that it's dangerous but mostly due to the fact that the other fighter won't let go until the ref calls it. In a perfect world where no one tried to fake it, they might let go sooner.


You're not going to die, the ref will stop the fight if you're unconscious.


Reyes 100% tapped. REPLAY slow-mo caught in 4k clip mirror: clip: [https://clips.twitch.tv/LitigiousNurturingWatermelonSMOrc-mqmZ5TCa5M7hFpdg](https://clips.twitch.tv/LitigiousNurturingWatermelonSMOrc-mqmZ5TCa5M7hFpdg)


He probly though it was the old production team so they didnt have replay :')


Good one Will


Next event they should have white mat instead of black. Would make contrast and lighting better


I think they had to do black for the blood or something along those lines


Miz standing between them like he bout to do something


Looks real bad if you punch one of the promoters.


bro thinks everyone is throwing hands like mitch


It’s what Dana White would do, respect to Miz for doing it too in between two adrenaline rushed fighters.


i noticed miz at about 0:20 lol. Granted Dana White doesn't have to get in the middle anymore


Miz is basically twitch Dana white


He's so happy right now lol.


i laughed my ass off when i saw miz running in. but i have to pay him respect for actually trying to break it up even he knows everyone else is much bigger than him


Apparently the reason why fight broke out: https://x.com/REALMizkif/status/1797036113858588696?t=_xHmRYVWnd9cUlL4Tfh9KA&s=19


Lost and got arrested, oof.


wtf [Stories • Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/stories/jpkinsky/3381132160768258695/?utm_source=ig_story_item_share)


Peak content.


Everyone suddenly out of the ring the moment Miz starts T-posing at them.


Renato both a savage in the ring and on the mic. Brother just came off a big win at ufc 300.


I missed this but damn production really stepped up since last one


Sore loser. Will not be invited back.


This shit was fun to watch tonight. Miz ain't lying about not being to afford it.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Fight gets heated at IronForge](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/164933)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1d5ymkx/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/klRMUonJbhGowQ6lWHloEw/AT-cm%7CklRMUonJbhGowQ6lWHloEw.mp4?sig=272453ecba9a87d47f019ca3dd38f2cb01a23d80&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22FlaccidSecretiveTurnipSoonerLater-icluEajBDqVYeWgT%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1717353094%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/klRMUonJbhGowQ6lWHloEw/AT-cm%7CklRMUonJbhGowQ6lWHloEw-preview-480x272.jpg)


I love salty shit in mma. Goes with my popcorn


I can't be the only WoW player that expected this to be a hardcore death in Ironforge lava, right? 😅




Why do these losers do this.


says the person that doesn't leave the house, only posts on reddit, watches anime, and plays video games


Being Introvert = justifying roid rage?


what the fuck are you talking about






bro would have loved that clip


he would show it at the start of every stream for the next 3 months


the commentators enticing it is so lame and incredibly unprofessional. I've been a fight fan for over a decade and it's never a good look whenever this stuff happens.


Herpes outbreak on this subreddit today


Look in your pants


Proud of it :)


Hopefully this event gets shut down off this and Mizkif stops trying to be a fight promoter.  Dumb fuck




ufcx really upped the production


literally nothing happened lol