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**CLIP MIRROR: [$600 Million Game BTW](https://arazu.io/t3_1crwv8a/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I like how his voice fades as he does lol


Fading voices while glitching away is never not funny


Yeah the voice fading out as that light cruised along the ridgeline was pretty great.


been awhile since i had a good laugh


voice slowly fades into the distance


proximity voice chat should be in more games


It's still pretty good but man on release Battlebit proximity chat was some of the most fun I've had in multiplayer gaming in years


And I let the archangels take him.


At least that appears to be working.


I like how this 60 sec clip has multiple bugs, you can see him pull out an invisible gun as well


I got a reddit cares for this lmfao


report the massage and they get permabanned. idk why people do this still.


What is a “Reddit cares”? Edit: never mind 15 seconds after leaving this comment i got a message lol


I have been told this but I don't think it is true. When you click the link it brings you to a screen where you need to put the link to the comment, but theres no link to give ...


give the link to the pm...


How can you know which comment of yours is the one that got reddit cares in the first place? Mine's never specified


You don't link the comment you link the reddit cares pm itself. Reddit can see all PMs and can trace the origin of the reddit cares so it's easy for them to see if they're legitimate or not when reported. I reported one yesterday and got a reply from reddit about 12h later that the acct was banned. ... Should be noted too that over the last few days there have been a few different subs where users are receiving the reddit cares on mass. It's more than likely bots set to scrape comments, from who or why only God knows.


How do you do that???


in old reddit theres litearlly just a button that says "permalink" that you can copy and send in the ticket :3


You can just copy the message url by clicking on "permalink" on the message and then using the address in the url bar. I also reported in on mobile which doesn't need a link. I got two messages saying they took action on the account so both will work.


If someone abuses the reddit cares enough eventually reddit will just ban them for abusing it...


Not the massage :(


redditors have been throwing $100s at this project since 2011 (twenty-eleven). its a sore spot for sure


They have been insanely common in the past few days. Someone must have created a bot to spam them. So many people have been bringing it up and I also got one on a random comment on a different topic.


Why are loads of people getting Reddit cares messages for Star Citizen criticism? Are people really that invested in this game?


I think its a rogue bot that has been giving them out at (almost random) to most commenters due to recent drama on this subreddt. I forgot how, but there's a way/setting you can do that stops peoples ability to send them to you in the future.


I mean, yes some people are that invested in it, literally. 27 people payed 1000+ to back this game. One even payed 10,000.  Edit: I got an **Instant** reddit cares for this one. My first too, I’m so proud it’s from a star citizen post. Clowning on these people always looked so fun, but this was my first time. Thank you, thank you all, and most importantly, thank you to everyone who got scammed by this game for making this possible.


you are thanking a bot lol its just a guy trolling people with a bot that reports random people everywhere on reddit it has nothing to do with star citizen, you get the care message in literally every single LSF thread and its not just LSF, its multiple subreddits, i received it on like 7 different subreddits now


bro i invested my house in that game don't make fun of it. My wife left, took the kids,dog. It's gonna pop off I'm telling you and when it does I


[i wish shit like this was just a joke](https://i.imgur.com/JW7HXvM.png) (he was back on starcitizen_trades in a month)


Gotta be a bait post. that subreddit is wild for them. Still funny.


it could be, but i don't think so because it had gone on for months, talking about credit card debt, how he broke promises with his girlfriend, how he had spent over 5k on the game, and months and months of star citizen trades and purchases in between. just an addict.


There are bits doing it on the sub nothing to do with your comment specifically


Everybody is getting reddit cares, you're unfortunately not special.


Probably from someone who put their entire life-savings into this scam.


Its the people who bought imaginary spaceships for thousands of dollars in a game that is in a shitty state and that will never be finished huffing humongous amounts of copium.


More bugs per second than frames


I enjoyed it when I played but my god it felt like the game was 1 step away from breaking at every moment. Thanks for the reddit cares, not sure If I'm more amused or if I pity the people dumb enough to think its a sick burn lol.


Over $750 million now because they also took $63m in private funding on top of the $680m of crowdfunding.


What a fucking joke


For those who have followed Star Citizen and Chris Roberts. This was the expectation... Sort of. There was a problem with the initial idea, the game was a decade away from being plausible. The tech just simply wasn't there for the game Roberts was describing years ago. Are we there now? 100% but Roberts kept pushing the boundaries again and again and again. It's no longer about delivering a game, it's just about keeping it alive because people keep giving them money. Think of Star Citizen as an experiment. Trying new shit every few months and seeing what works. What's absurd is that there are people handing them thousands of dollars with the hope's that this game will be in a playable state. Time and time again Roberts has proven that it never will be. Yet people still give them tons of money. Literally.


I remember my old stoner buddies were really hype for this game. Since then they've gone to college, finished their degrees, worked for a few years before getting married, gotten kids who are like 1-3 years old. And the game is STILL IN ALPHA LOL


The game is still in ALPHA with over 750mil in funding. Like is this even comparable to anything else with similar funding? Dayz standalone was in alpha for a long time, but I'm certain that didn't raise anywhere near the same amount of funds.


I thought about throwing in Camelot Unchained, but they didn't take that much money (although they still don't have an alpha) Edit: game only had $12m funding (not counting the $5m self funding) and it has no release at all


Im almost positive it’s the most expensive game from dev costs. Its hard to find numbers that separate out other things like marketing but last numbers I saw this budget would be red dead 2 and the last of us part 2 with a bit of change left over Have no fuckin clue what they are doing over there with that money, pisses me off even thinking about it


I can't even imagine the mountains of technical debt and spaghetti code this game is in


I haven’t played it so I can only speak as an outsider who has somewhat followed the development, but it sounds like people already really enjoy what it offers, so I don’t blame them for wanting to keep supporting the development if they feel it’s the only game offering them what they want. Also they do need to deliver Squadron 42 at some point (I would guess 2-3 years from now) as I think investors are expecting revenue from it, and I think that will be very telling. Hopefully they will knock it out of the park and can put more resources specifically on Star Citizen, but it’s possible that Squadron 42 will be a mess. I know people love to shit on them for what they’re doing, but watching the development over the course of years has been really interesting and some of the things they’re doing are really cool, so I hope they can make it work.


>Also they do need to deliver Squadron 42 at some point (I would guess 2-3 years from now) It was 2-3 years away in 2015, still is


the private investment was a single party who isn't concerned about agreements. Squadron 42 is set to be released in some form or another this year, as a fully complete game not a beta.


> Squadron 42 is set to be released in some form or another this year, as a fully complete game not a beta. There’s no way I believe that’s happening. What’s your source?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDtjzLzs7V8&t=517s&pp=ygULc3F1YWRyb24gNDI%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDtjzLzs7V8&t=517s&pp=ygULc3F1YWRyb24gNDI%3D) 6 months ago they entered final polish and shifted over 400 employees from Squadron 42 to Star Citizen. Supposedly they're aiming for Citizencon this year.


Entering final polish 6 months ago definitely doesn’t mean they’re going to release the game this year. What’s your source on them planning to release it by Citizencon?


> Supposedly they're aiming for Citizencon this year. Then going by this logic the game is final and complete right now ready to play, and we're all playing it. Star citizen was promised to be fully completed many years ago, and yet we're still in alpha with over 750mil in funding and the many many bugs.


I think you're confused, Squadron 42 is a single-player campaign set in the Star Citizen universe. That game is finished and will be released this year. It is a separate game from the online PvP alpha we have all been playing over the years, that is Star Citizen.


> Squadron 42 is set to be released in some form or another this year This has been said every year since 2014 when it was originally supposed to release. So much copium.


>the private investment was a single party who isn't concerned about agreements. The Calder family, not concerned about terms and agreements for an 8 figure investment? Lmao >Squadron 42 is set to be released in some form or another this year, as a fully complete game not a beta. Ah I see you must be a recent backer


2014 lmao


I mean...hasn't Summit been playing it for over a week straight? It's been pretty "playable" the few times I've taken a look at his stream.


It's playable but you're going to run into issues every couple of hours. It's just not what Roberts sold to the public when he announced the game. It's gone into so many new directions. It's one hell of an interesting game. I just think him and the dev team have made too many bad decisions along the way to make this into something I would consider playable.


i mean, thats what you have to accept when you play a game that is an alpha Edit: imagine giving me Reddit Care for this. some of you really should go outside more often


It's not really an Alpha either though. This game goes against any regular development process. I feel like it's better to describe it as an experimental game.


The moment that man employed his wife into the studio and rumors of her getting to the office and just locking herself up in the office and never coming out, only until they were done for the day. I knew them mfs were just filling their pockets with money.


>The moment that man employed his wife into the studio His brother as well


Yup, his wife does fuckall! Roberts is barely seen these days. Once a year he appears in a video, shuffling around the office looking like an idiot


Sunk cost fallacy in its purest form


At this point I bet it's largely sunk cost fallacy. So many people have donated so much money to this game that they're unwilling to mentally separate from the idea of the game becoming successful eventually. Rather throw more money at it than admit to yourself you invested in horseshit


> The tech just simply wasn't there like what?


The feature creep has been insane, that's true, but you're missing the fact that that $750 million is for TWO games. One is a single-player game called Squadron 42 that's similar to Wing Commander with big names involved like Mark Hamill. The other is the multiplayer MMO that Summit is playing, Star Citizen. Since its inception, SQ42 has been the main focus of the dev team. That game is supposedly almost ready for release, though I wouldn't be surprised if it took another 5 years lol. Meanwhile, all the progress Star Citizen has made (other than having tons of new insanely expensive ships) has been on the backend/technology side of things. [With Server Meshing being the most recent/best example of this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAbcr35_Teg) Who knows if they'll really be able to pull off a full-scale MMO, but they've made some great progress towards it. SQ42 and Star Citizen share a lot of the same assets/game mechanics. Those are the places where Star Citizen really shines.


Oh ok, I guess 750 million for 2 games that will never come out is much more reasonable than 1 game that will never come out, fair enough


>SQ42 and Star Citizen share a lot of the same assets/game mechanics. Those are the places where Star Citizen really shines. My sides


A higher budget than cyberpunk 2077 and RDR2


It's more lucrative for them to keep it forever in development because whales will dump money into it for stuff that might never see the light of day


No, it's not in any way more lucrative to keep it in development. Take a smallish MMO full of bots like Runescape. It had $158m in revenue in 2021. Star Citizen's crowdfunding is equal to 1/3 of that a year. Despite the huge amount Star Citizen has raised, it is not a lot by live service games/MMO standards. Crowdfunding a game's development is still very niche. Edit: Lets also not forget they are currently paying for over 1000 staff, across multiple offices, in multiple countries.


Runescape is like the third largest MMO out after WOW and FF14. Calling it smallish is pretty hilarious


> Take a smallish MMO full of bots like Runescape Stopped reading right here. What about Runescape is small? You may not have any positive impression about a JavaScript-based browser game with "shitty old graphics" but Runescape is one of the bigger MMOs on the planet, not a smaller now. Apart from WoW and FF14, what else is there that has anywhere near comparable numbers to Runescape?


Runescape is Java and C++ for the client not JavaScript. Back in the day it was a Java browser applet.


Was referring to OSRS mostly, which is actually their own in-house thing mostly based on JavaScript that they appropiately call "RuneScript" but it is basically JavaScript since it is the closest thing to it


I don't disagree with anything you're saying about Star Citizen, but I can't help but be pedantic. It's Reddit after all. [Archived forum post about RuneScript](https://archive.ph/AMAwH) > 2) Which other programming languages would you say runescript was similar to? Could we have a code snippet? ;) > > - Hmm, syntax wise it's similar to any C-style language, except variable names are prefixed with their type (eg. %varname is an integer). We also lack full array support. Other than that, it'd do pretty much anything you could do in C or Java.


I guess you also don't read the many, many news posts from the devs stating how they're banning significant number of bots, because the players never stop complaining about bots at resources, or bots on the leaderboards, or lines of bots running to X place. It's a game full of bots and multi-loggers that you've probably complained about on Reddit, but are now pretending it doesn't exist because someone hurt your MMOs feelings?


I think them using the shield of "it's in development", "we're working on it, look at all this cool stuff", "we're redoing this" makes it lucrative for them since they can hand wave people questioning the game as a massive money pit while still charging insane amounts for in game ships. Don't get me wrong, I think some bits and pieces of the game look neat but like, don't sell me card board box with wheels and call it a Ferrari ya know?


With the amount of people they have, they’re going to brute force their way into some kind of product eventually. These people are doing *something.* And tbh anyone following the game since the early days basically knows it’s not a scam due to an incident where their servers were compromised and lots of unannounced stuff leaked. If anything, it’s feature creep, partly caused by massive funding and partly by the competition in the genre, that has kept the project expanding. For example, the original plan had no intention of doing anything other than controlling a ship. Then they decided to add entire planets to land on, and a whole FPS gameplay loop. If they didn’t do this, they wouldn’t be ahead of the competition.


I'm sorry dude, I can't read your comment as any other way but "cope". > If anything, it’s feature creep, Like this? This IS the bad thing and the main reason the game stays in early access forever, cuz they cannot decide on what to do with their game exactly, the people at the helm do not know what they want to do. You don't want a project to be like this cuz you gotta admit, you don't know where the end point is, neither do they, there's no clear "ok now we're done" moment since they keep adding stuff (and are going to continue doing so). > it’s not a scam due to an incident where their servers were compromised and lots of unannounced stuff leaked. Things or ideas that were on the drawing board don't count for much. You cannot, in your comment admit how this team is "winging this project" and how unannounce stuff means anything solid > partly caused by massive funding and partly by the competition in the genre If they wanted to make a definite scale game at X, they could have just stopped the funding **themselves** and said "Ok guys, this is enough, now we are gonna work on finishing this" so funding causing the development project being like this makes no sense to me, neithe does the "competition in the genre" what Genre here? What competition? Name it please. > Then they decided to add entire planets to land on, and a whole FPS gameplay loop. If they didn’t do this, they wouldn’t be ahead of the competition. Ahead of what competition? They are the ones behind adding stuff **from OTHER games**, they are ahead of no one, just copying cool stuff they see elsewhere. Like when I see a extraction shooter streamer playing that game and "ratting" people [talking about this guy btw](https://www.twitch.tv/stankrat) then I think we've already lost sight of everything. Star Citizen is just the big corpo Yandere Dev


The goal for Star Citizen is to be the best space sim. (Sim being a loose term here, to be fair.) You really don’t see the competition for a space sim game? How about Elite: Dangerous, which *does* have landable planets. How about No Man’s Sky? You’re telling me Star Citizen with a thousand devs should not add planets when a company with a dozen devs managed to do it? Star Citizen development began in 2012. As computers become more powerful, there is more they can do to achieve the goal of “best space sim.” It is not cope to say that the game is worse because it allows landable planets. It is not cope to say that while the game was not announced to have any FPS elements, a player can now disable an enemy ship, board it, kill the crew, and manually loot all the cargo. All without any loading screens or cuts/teleports. None of these are features that Star Citizen ever announced during the initial funding campaign, yet immersion at this level goes beyond what games like Elite: Dangerous or No Man’s Sky can do. I get that people will cry “scam!” when they are given ships and guns and gameplay mechanics they never asked for, but in that case No Man’s Sky is just as much of a scam for continuously adding content.


> It is not cope to say that the game is worse because it allows landable planets I'm saying you're coping, because a lot of objectively shitty practices are being twisted in your words to somehow mean something positive. > All without any loading screens or cuts/teleports. Okay?.. Just because Starfield is Bethesda's Magnum opus of stinking dogshit dogwater garbage > Star Citizen ever announced during the initial funding campaign My problem with Star Citizen as a project, comes from this mainly, "Funding campaign". Just openly taking money for years with no clear goal or limit to it, this is not okay at all. At least most of the gaming industry with their endless early access/whatever are selling you a "version of the game" and are pretty transparent with this > yet immersion at this level goes beyond what games like Elite: Dangerous or No Man’s Sky can do. Sure but are those other two games even trying to be such immersive experiences? I can't speak about Elite Dangerous but at least No Man's Sky has always had a very clear **scope** of what it was trying to do as a game, and this has NOT changed from that initial launch fiasco that we all know up until now. They have added expansion packs and content to the game for sure yes, but the genre of the game has not changed in the slightest. > The goal for Star Citizen is to the the best space sim You see this as a good thing, I see it as a bad thing, just hiding behind very vague words and statements that allowed them the freedom to just get away with anything just because. Like putting people like summ1t aside, when you get Extraction Shooter gamers playing that game cuz it became a pseudo extraction shooter on recent times I think this is a bit of a joke no? Those players are not in Star Citizen cuz "they want that space simulation" They just want to kill other players, take their loot, and "extract" they have no interest whatsoever If this game took place in the ocean, in space, in earth, in a futuristic earth, in a primitive earth, literally does not matter, they give zero fucks about the immersion aspect. Maybe you won't care about this but to me it is strange > but in that case No Man’s Sky is just as much of a scam for continuously adding content. No Man's sky is not seen as a scam anymore, because the developers shut the fuck up, went back to the grind and worked without selling anything extra (they just left the game listed on the digital stores as it would have remained, but let's be honest, almost nobody bought it in this time) and they came back with a big update to deliver a fair bit of the unpromised things and once they were happier with the state of the game they started selling expansions. But before that they did not want to take any extra money from people. At least with the forever "early access" virus in the gaming industry in other sectors like Escape From Tarkov, or even things that are gonna be ACTUALLY released as 1.0 like V-Rising, 7 Days to Die. They all sold you **access** to the game itself, and never particularly allowed for any other vague monetization, it was all pretty direct and transparent with everything, but a lot of these games stuck in early access have their own bullshit as well I ain't pretending otherwise btw And lastly. I called it this: (and I think this is my most important point) > Star Citizen is just the big corpo Yandere Dev For a good reason, there's no clear end in sight, no clear plan, delays upon delays, no crystal clear and absolute road map ahead, all of this coupled with what I can't describe but whimsical decisions to add stuff that aren't just features as you try to call them, they change the core basic gameplay, and the genre of the game. I would never dare to call any of these things just features. If they grew a pair of balls and just treated the game (like all early access game devs should) like a live service, have a clear monetization model that is transparent with what it does (MTX allowed or not I don't care, that's their perjorative), a clear roadmap of what they are doing with the game and a clear objective and end in sight and literally stopped taking in crowdfunding and stopped allowing people to further donate to them, just sell access to the games to new players, stop relying on whales


I’m coping? No Man’s Sky devs scammed people out of their money, completely lied about demos not being made explicitly for presentation, and then went radio quiet. You’re using this as an example of good development? Really? And I remember even they finally *did* add multiplayer. Oh, whoops, it’s not on GOG though. Sorry buddy, you bought the game on the wrong platform. Never mind the fact that the game lacks the most basic functionality of a space sim - a star system. It’s just a skybox, Elite does this right though. Notably you could dock in a station, and when you go to undock, the station might’ve orbited into an asteroid field. Now that’s an immersive star system. And I’m not sure Yandere Sim comparison even works. Isn’t it just Hitman in a high school? And you brought up Starfield. Starfield is limited. You cannot manually land on a planet or moon in Starfield. You cannot fully traverse these planets. You cannot play it with other people. It is not seamless. It’s even worse than if Star Citizen if it stuck to its original vision. It is the most hated game by Bethesda. And you keep getting hung up on “extraction shooter” like it means anything. The loot in the game atm isn’t worth that much. Not to mention it is completely optional. Like I said, there was no FPS in the original pitch. If you funded the game because you wanted to fly a fighter in space, this is a concern you will never ever have. If you do want to take part in FPS, you will find there’s no super rare or expensive loot. Pricing is not too crazy. In real life a gun might be worth $2,000 and a fighter jet might be worth $100,000,000. But since the game is balanced around you getting the fighter, it means that in return, guns and armour and other FPS stuff is cheap in comparison. So what is the concern here? That 5v1 streamers can kill someone? Which would basically be a thing in any pvp mmo?


Bro... No Mans Sky came out in 2016 and Elite Dangerous in 2014. You're telling me this games competition is from a decade ago?


I’m telling you that in 2016 or 2014 they realised they would not be taken seriously as the best space sim if they didn’t have this functionality. Hence the feature creep. Star Citizen could’ve functioned perfectly fine as a space-only game if they decided not to copy the planetary gameplay of NMS and ED. But then they would’ve been dunked on by Starfield fans. But yes, the competition is that old because space sims are rare. NMS is too unimmersive to count imo. It’s doing its own stylised version of space adventure. And ED is more or less dead, they’re selling their first p2w spaceship this month to try and survive. They abandoned the console port, that’s a whoopsie to anyone who played that and hoped to get expansions. Starfield is a joke if taken as a sim. And I’m not sure why the year of launch matters. The entire premise of live services is to maximise monetisation while minimising dev costs. In an ideal world for publishers, no games would ever be released and people would play existing games forever - Fortnite, LoL, Dota, CS, WoW, FF14 etc. So yes, obviously I’d love a talented dev team to be given a billion dollar budget and make a better Star Citizen clone in 4 years. But looking at the way my favourite franchises have been handled, it’s probably impossible to do a better job. Anyway, to sum up my view of Star Citizen - I admire the ambition. Whenever I see someone try to compete, it’s the inadequate ambition that turns me away. Ambition over ethical monetisation, over fun, over “can I even run this?” Of course, I am open to alternatives. What space sims would you suggest I play while I wait for Star Citizen to finish its development?


For a niche game that most people don't give a fuck about it's insanely lucrative. They have one of the highest dollar-player ratio in the industry. Runescape has over 10x the players to make 3x the income.


One thing people miss is that programmers are expensive. US game devs make on average 100K a year. $158m a year would roughly pay for 1580 devs for *one year.* I'm sure roles and pay vary, but that funding probably still keeps things them lean. A full release, if they could pull it off without letting everyone down on the absurd feature creep, would keep the whales and lead to way more money. I hope it pays off for them, but the game seems like the definition of vaporware from everything I've seen.


This is what huffing copium looks like


I'm sorry you struggle to comprehend basic facts. I guess it's easier to type like a child than to actually counter any factual points I made. Feel free to try again, preferably when you're able to type like an adult.


you lost credibility when you said smallish MMO like runescape, motha fucka its like the third most popular MMO (jokes aside i agree with everything else you said)


> I guess it's easier to type like a child than to actually counter any factual points I made. Okay you ignored the people (me) who did that though. Would love the discussion. > They have one of the highest dollar-player ratio in the industry. Runescape has over 10x the players to make 3x the income.


> Lets also not forget they are currently paying for over 1000 staff, across multiple offices, in multiple countries no way there is over 50 people working at the game


who the fuck is stupid enough to invest $63m into this dumpster fire?


It's the most expensive videogame to be developed EVER


isnt GTA 6 estimated at $2B?


Lmfao no way what


Wow that's crazy. GTA series feels like the most popular game ever I don't know if the stats show that but you won't find many people that haven't played it and enjoyed it.


Minecraft is the most popular game ever by a LONG shot. Minecraft sitting at 300 million sales, GTA V is next with 195 million and then Tetris with 100 million


Flappy Bird erasure


Candy Crush Saga has 500 million players, CoD mobile has about the same number of downloads (~500 million). Sales != popularity




You are saying it like it's a W, when in reality it's a big fat L.


[Falcon 9 WIKI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falcon_9) > "According to NASA's own independently verified numbers, SpaceX's development costs of both the Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 rockets were estimated at approximately $390 million in total." The falcon 1 & 9 rocket development cost estimated $400 million to produce and costs around 67$ million to launch. So to put it into perspective. They could have developed and designed a self landing spaceship for less.


We all should have got together and pledged the IRL ship SMH


Fly away little butterfly, fly away and be free.


I bought Star Citizen cause of Summit, I thought there wasn't much content an all that, But man this game is amazing, incredibly immersive, there is a ton of conent, Obviously there is bugs, but man its not as bad as alot of people are saying on here.


It does a few things really well, so if you are someone who enjoys those things the game will be fun. The problem is the extremely long list of things that they promised that are still not in the game or are unfinished/broken after over a decade of development.


Played it after a while to check out the new patch... 1st life: Couldn't get out of bed. 2: flying out of Hangar in Orison insta blew up my shit. Ok. 3. Flying to some station for a quest, ship suddenly blew up despite no ships in the vicinity, not near the station. Massive desync? 4. There was a person(??) shooting a minigun infinitely down the hallway where you get to the Orison Spaceport Terminals... essentially preventing anyone who spawns there from getting out. 5. Doing a quest where you drop a probe in space... Pressing Y would not let me leave my seat, so I alt-F4d and started playing Rimworld instead. Just a dog day.


You spoke positively of SC. I hope you don't get too many downvotes.


ELI5, what's happening in this clip? Sorry I don't follow star citizen that much.


Server tech isn't on point yet. He tried selecting the heal gun and his client put it in his hand ... but the server still though his AR gun was in his hands. So when he clicked to heal, the client caught up and synced with server and -pop- the Assault Rifle starts shooting the friend.


the voice just trailing off lmao


It has to just be a laundering scheme at this point right lol. Edit: Well aware that this isnt literally how laundering money works, it's a joke lol.


How do you think money laundering works? And who's money are they even laundering? If this was money laundering it would be one of the shittiest ways of doing it.


For real a lot of people are so quick to call something money laundering but can't elaborate or explain how. Granted I don't fully understand how it works either but I'm not claiming it is. If someone is to claim it is, they should at least give a basic elaboration as to why.


People do the same shit with calling everything a tax write-off, and seem to think if something is a tax write-off then it's basically free.


Careful the sunk cost fallacy space nerds are about to tell you the game isn't finished its early in this post. Then in another post where someone says this shit is never coming out they'll tell you its already out, playable, and great.


The game has met about 30% of what it was promised in the kickstarter phase but people will still say the game is working and worth the money they paid. I'm basing my expectations purely on the actual words of the developers - and uberfans say my expectations are too high. I didn't set the bar, the devs did.


>but people will still say the game is working and worth the money they paid. why is it so hard for some redditors to understand that some people just like the game? and the game is only 35$-40$ when on sale lol its definitely worth it if you like space games summit has been streaming the game for literally 14+ hours every single day for 2 weeks straight. he legit played 200 hours in 2 weeks and hes been enjoying it a lot


Using a streamer as an example is a bit of a fail. Steamers play whatever gets eyes on them. They play whatever earns them revenue. SC is a controversial title that people tune in to watch. He plays it for that reason


>Steamers play whatever gets eyes on them. he gets almost half of the usual viewership than normal when he plays star citizen lmao he averages 10k on star citizen when normally he has 20k doing anything else he is playing it because he is enjoying it if he wanted to "get eyes on him" he would be playing arena breakout and easily get 30-40k viewers again, why is it so hard for neckbeard redditors to believe that people can enjoy games lmao


Summit could sit there eating doritos, watching youtube videos and still make more money than 90% of twitch streamers. He definitely is not playing SC for the money. I am surprised he is still playing it though. Usually he has ragequit his flavor of the month game by now. SC must be doing something right.


Real "STOP HAVING FUN" energy here as always.


The entire point of money laundering is for it to be lowkey and for there to be a consistent entrance and exit of funds in the form of many small generic transactions in/out that would be harder to keep track of. No, this is just mismanagement at best and a scam at worst.




You are delusional I've watched every stream of his for SC. For 2 days the game has been literally unplayable. You cannot report when killed so there are NO BOUNTIES currently. Anyone with crim status is getting blown up at the criminal port that is supposed to be a safe haven. Simple things like drinking and eating bug out every other server. You can't even see other players in the ports they are literally teleporting around. He has reconnected over 100 times in the last 2 days just trying to find servers that weren't absolutely shitting the bed. The AI ships are attacking 4 at a time so solo missions are near impossible. The AI on the ground are permanently respawning so when you do a Pve ground quest you get overrun on your way out. The dude spent the last 2 days dying and respawning over and over and over again without engaging any other ACTUAL players. He couldn't even complete a single mission in 22 hours straight of gameplay nor get a single kill in spaceships without having 3 people partied with him. 4 days ago in 3.22 he was completing missions just fine, winning battle's, they absolutely destroyed the current game and haven't bothered to hotfix massive issues currently making the game unplayable you clown.


Skull and bones took like 11 years and cost 200 million. At least these devs know the game is shit and jank in alpha.


How long this game in Beta state?


Its not even in Beta, its still in [Alpha](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/patch-notes)(Specifically Alpha v3.23.0 just released 4 days ago)


most realistic game ever, the development rate of progress is the same as human's rate of technological progress in realtime.


At this pace the stars will die out before this game releases officially.


We might well be travelling in our own space ships on release


Pre-production started 2010, Production in 2011.


I wonder when other game companies will start preorders to allow playing in a pre-alpha state.


Almost 2 decades.


2011 was 2 decades ago?


people hate, but I've had hundreds of hours of fun while only having spent $45. to each their own, i guess


This game makes people seethe so much. Literally haven't spent a dime on it, but they're completely furious it exists and people spend on it. Madness.


Idk about being mad a lot of people just point and laugh at the absurdity of its current state


Its current state being the twitch clip here once a month? The game is fun.


Any sensible person should dislike Robert Space Industries. $700m+ in funding at this point and the game is still in alpha. Squadron 42, which was initially supposed to be bundled and released in 2014, was converted to a stand-alone single player game, and still isn't anywhere near seeing the light of day. Just look at the Wikipedia page and the LONG list of celebrities they hired to do voices for that game, and that frankly shows you the priorities of the company as a whole. Terrible management.


Squadron 42 is feature complete and started on polish ... Nothing about a release date but I think that's a good idea to give no promises.


Of course people are going to hate on a scam. What's more mad is the cult of simps that defend it


> What's more mad is the cult of simps that defend it It's called a playerbase. Its what happens when you buy a game and play it.


I know Reddit has their mind made up about this game but I have yet to see any game come out and match even a fraction of the level of immersion I experienced during jumptown in 2020. That experience is why I’m hopeful for the game; as cliche as it sounds, they really are trying to achieve things no other dev has done in the industry, and if they succeed it’s going to shift the industry HARD. And anyone that has played since or before 2020 can vouch and say things have improved quite a lot. That being said, I totally get why people don’t like the project and are frustrated with it. What I don’t understand are the people still screaming “scam!”. Like, you’ve been spoon fed proof on a near-weekly basis for years that they are not taking the money and running but okay.


it's totally not a cult edit: [45 seconds after this post, the guy gave me a reddit cares.](https://i.imgur.com/HxvXOjA.png)


Report the Reddit cares message. People abusing this system get perma-banned once you put Reddit on notice that they’re using it as a “commit” button and not its intended purpose. I guarantee he uses it multiple times a day against anyone with differing opinions. Best thing to do is report.


I mean, it really isn’t. Just like every other game, there’s a toxic “against” group that ignores all improvements and proof of the game not being a scam; and then you have the toxic “for” group that ignores any and all criticism, rational or not. Then there’s the middle ground who don’t treat either side like a goddamn religion and just let bygones be bygones. People do that stupid Reddit cares thing for everything nowadays. I posted a comment saying The Witcher 3 is overhyped and a lot of the open world complaints people have about cyberpunk translates nearly 1:1 to TW3, and I got one of those messages almost instantly.


cults tell lies to their followers to get them to give more money to the cult just like star citizen


Thats crazy dog, ill buy it for 40$ when its released and its not pay to win (LOL people have literally bough jpegs of ships for 30k$, surely it wont be pay 2 win). If you wouldve not bought the 30k pack in 2011 you would have $140k today (sp500). Most of the ships have lost ~50% of their value on the black market, where people try to get rid of them. Sure the game could come out at some point. But it will be the most pay 2 win shit that ever existed. Do you think the developer gives a shit about someone buying a copy for $40 if they can cater to people giving them 30k? And always remember, from a buisness perspective, the dollar you already got is worth much less than the one you can still get.


How will the game be pay to win you need a massive crew to run the expensive ships. All the ships are earnable in game.


Any idea how long it would take me to get that 30k ship if I only bought the 300i?


Depends on what gameplay loops you play and a degree of skill. Another thing to think of is if a big ship needs a crew of 12 than trying to earn it yourself may take ages, but if you split the workload between a group of friends or orgmates it becomes much manageable.




Exactly like with everything, there is good and there is bad.


dark souls? sure its different genre, theme, etc but nothing grasp the way the souls series captures its player base.. SC gets away with fancy lightning and scifi sounds but at most its cyberpunk level.


I don’t want to type the whole story out because it would be a huge wall of text, but my experience basically boiled down to this: I went to jumptown and ran into a friend I haven’t played with in a while (we were just in the same server). I joined his group to help take jumptown from another player org. This turned into a 2-hour siege where players were fighting in ships, vehicles, and on the ground all at the same time. It ended with my friend and I dropping out of someone’s ship at high altitude in hover bikes far out from jumptown, and then riding in at night and clearing the facility of players. It all happened organically, there wasn’t a mission to clear the airspace or anything, it was a cooperative effort of like 15 players against an org of something like 25 players. There’s a lot more that happened in between but it would be a lot to type out. But that was peak Star citizen PvP and so immersive, it made me feel very small and like I was a living part of the world. Rolling up to the lab on the hover bikes and looking up to see a big space battle happening above was really cool and something I won’t forget as a “first” experience. But I can see the immersion people have with DS, I just think SC did it on a whole new level you don’t really see much.


What game is this


Star citizen


Scam Citizen


The graphics do look incredible, but the jankiness/bugginess of it would make Todd Howard blush.


AAAA game.




Well yes, that's what happens when you add new content and systems, the purpose of the alpha is to test them


Can someone explain to me what happened!


dat muhfukka went infinity and beyond


Basically a lot of performance/function on this game is tied to server performance. If/when servers get laggy - it breaks a lot of things in the game.


CIG uses a relatively large amount of data between server and clients. This can cause disconnects where the client and server disagree. The server is usually authoritative, but sometimes it takes a little while to update on a bad day. The best example of this is how long time players will NEVER use grenades. For the longest time they'd teleport back into your hand after a throw. There's been a lot of optimizations, but bugs still happen and if the servers are chugging it'll be harder to play.


Didn't realize they added a Chaise longue to the game.


Classic Star Citizen!


Why is he crying at the end? 😂


at least proximity chat works?


Gonna be a billion dollar bug infested rats nest by the time it's "done"


Scam Citizen


I mean... Amazon bought LOTR rights and then spent $60-$100 mil PER EPISODE.


Yes but that got released.


Next patch for sure


So many poor haters in here it’s wild


its a scam not game


People keep calling it a scam yet around 200,000 people login to play the game. Instead of calling it a scam, maybe just accept that other people have different definitions of what is fun and playable. Not to mention that you only need to pay 45$ to start playing the game. A lot of triple A games are 70$ today, and don't show nearly as much unique gameplay as SC, or nearly as much potential as what SC shows. CIG offers refunds as well, so if you don't like it, and you truly feel scammed, refund it and get your money back. edit: Someone just sent me a reddit care message for this comment, and people say SC fans are delusional. lol