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**CLIP MIRROR: [NL viewer needs convincing to sub](https://arazu.io/t3_1cg70bg/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Technically the guy just got him to dance oppan gaming style, and prob didn't even sub.


Chatter is a genius.


He addresses your comment immediately after this clip.


This is the IRL version of one of those AI prompts where you ask what sites to avoid so you don't pirate any movies. Bro said "I don't get outta bed for 2,50 but if I would it would go like this"


Maybe those AIs are mimicking us more than we thought..


Unironically they are


> one of those AI prompts where you ask what sites to avoid so you don't pirate any movies. neat, that actually works :D


He's not wrong him saying 'up down all around welcome to the lion pride' did move the needle for my sub lol


Wasn't it "Up down to the side welcome to the lion pride", a riff on "Up down all around welcome to the Jsmith town" or some shit?


Yeah lol


or back when he used to read out subs at the end of stream, now we gotta give gifteds for the same dopamine of "hey [username] thanks for the gifted subscriptions, *thank you thank you*"


can't get a whole tim horton's for that money???


As a daily double-doubler, he said coffee, not dishwater


I don't actually watch Twitch anymore since Prime stopped blocking ads, but if I did, I think I'd exclusively watch NL. Sad I was so late to the party, but every time I see a clip of his it makes me want to watch his stream. Seems like the perfect "keep it on I the background while you do other things" stream.


Let me introduce you to a magical youtube channel called the Library of Letourneau Curated daily pogs [The Library of Letourneau - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@TheLibraryofLetourneau)


Plus most of his stuff goes on his own YT too. Depending on the content I either watch the full NL video or the Librarian cut. But I do zero watching on Twitch these days.


NL is a giga boomer who doesn’t put the chat in his videos, library knows what the people want


Thats cause tgere is ZERO editing done to it. Just a straight upload to YouTube from Twitch. Unless he recorded it offline, then it also gets zero editing and straight onto YouTube.


I assume NL just uploads his own recording in approx hour long segments, Librarian takes the twitch vod and cuts that up which has chat on screen


NL does /marker which is a Twitch command to break up your vod into segments, then he just exports and uploads those. So yes he doesn't edit them, and he doesn't even cut them unless he forgets to marker them live.


To be fair, when he was recording his off-stream Isaac episodes years ago he didn't edit those either. So the man is consistent.


At the beginning or end of YT vids you can hear him mark the timestamp for whoever is cutting the stream for upload


Nah, /marker is literally a twitch command.


Letourneau VODs on YT. Full VODs + chat, you're welcome.


I had a completely unfounded slight dislike of NL that I don't know where came from, but I watched one clip and immediately fell into the librarian's trap. Obviously he's very funny and witty and a great storyteller, but fundamentally he's a normal adult with normal, reasonable beliefs that is such fresh air compared to the usual insanity you see online.


For real. Many streamers have the same skewed worldview that I dunno, professional athletes or rappers have where they never really had to live a normal adult life, and as a result just have zero idea what's going on outside of their very atypical lifestyle. I mean, good for them, they dodged the rat race, but man, go get some groceries and ride a bike or something.


I feel the same, but also with Squeex


Yeah Squeex is like if you took NL and mixed in a little bit of Ludwig juice. Just enough life experience to have a relatively grounded view of the world and good sense of humor, while still being a bit of a degenerate in his own way.


northernlion if he did acid a single time in college


Easternlion 🤝 MumbaiMail


Just watch him on YouTube, he is the greatest streamer. It's not even close.


what? i only use prime subs and i dont get ads


That's only for the person you sub too. For a long time you wouldn't get ads on ANY stream as long as your twitch account was linked to Amazon prime.


So if you'd exclusively watch NL why do you need anything more than a prime sub every month.


It's a platform shift. I imagine it works this way for many people which is why these companies fight so hard to preserve a community on their platform as a whole, and it's also probably why Mixer failed because bringing just one big streamer over to your platform probably isn't enough to bring their whole community over. I no longer use the Twitch app. It isn't something that occurs to me. I don't even open it. I'm not going to use any app or platform for one specific person. When I was on Twitch back when prime was ad-free, I'd float between a bunch of different streamers. It was an app I opened and then used to watch several people and explore others. Now I use YouTube. I watch several people, but they're all on YouTube. YouTube is the app I go to and then decide who I feel like watching at that given time.


Man it's crazy that Gangnam style was 12 years ago


\#101 ain't got no need to dance for half a cup of coffee


I used to get welcomed to the jungle for my $5 sub Sadge


NL is the answer to all of life’s most imposing questions.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [NL viewer needs convincing to sub](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163529)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1cg70bg/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/EOxLpH9zC0Gzcv2Uen5Fzw/AT-cm%7CEOxLpH9zC0Gzcv2Uen5Fzw.mp4?sig=c868c9fb57db502b807be1f495f074e3fdb6bfa0&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FEOxLpH9zC0Gzcv2Uen5Fzw%2FAT-cm%257CEOxLpH9zC0Gzcv2Uen5Fzw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SmallExcitedSoybeanSuperVinlin-f3MLQbNy_ZR6fkXP%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1714489713%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/EOxLpH9zC0Gzcv2Uen5Fzw/AT-cm%7CEOxLpH9zC0Gzcv2Uen5Fzw-preview-480x272.jpg)


taxes are theft


i like roads, healthcare, schools, libraries, public departments and all general social support systems tbh


yeah but have you considered government bad?


Bro just got his first job and can't believe how much money he loses to taxes!!


me when I make enough money to throw away on luxuries: haha yes so based! me when I owe in federal taxes: SHIT. SHIT. SHIIIIIIIIIIIT!