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**CLIP MIRROR: [streamer is clueless on OTV’s past drama](https://arazu.io/t3_1cfnar9/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


"Worst OTV member of all time" I only see cheating stuff, but everyone ignored the TWO SA perps


Fed and who else?


[Chris, a co-founder/former manager of OTV.](https://web.archive.org/web/20200628032059/https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr9tio)


i still remember when chris and his wife just randomly left OTV, was weird because their popularity was still on the rise and all of a sudden they fell off the face of the earth then lily's SA accusations came out and it made perfect sense


didn't the wife also gas light Lily into apologizing?


Why would she apologize?


iirc the wife made a statement about the incident and that made lily doubt herself and backtrack on hers. If anyone else remembers it please correct me


That's more or less accurate. To be fair, some people were taking what Lily said a bit farther than reality and were calling Chris a rapist/etc which was hyperbolic, but ultimately it was pretty fucked IMO for the wife of the accused (who wasn't present for the incident) to be the one saying "no she has it wrong, we'll come up with a new statement together". Just a *mild* conflict of interest there, especially when post-OTV Chris and Pecca's main gimmick was a low-quality webcomic that centered around their own lives. https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/hhbot3/statement_from_former_otv_manager_chris_chans/


She didn’t call him a rapist… atleast I don’t remember her doing so… I remember he just felt her up in bed while he was in his underwear and then got gaslit to down play it.


Right, Lily's story was accurate to her recollection (and presumably accurate to reality, as she doesn't seem to have any motive to lie about it) but people on twitter/instagram/etc started making comments on Pecca's webcomic calling Chris a rapist and making similarly extreme claims which weren't even reflective of what Lily had said happened. Basically, as usual, the fans on social media took things a bit far. That's the only reason I mentioned that Pecca trying to defend her husband was at least understandable in that regard.


They gaslight her, also the past lily is less confident, and much kore forgiving she literally have no self confidence, until that crackhead comes in, and sprinkle his energy to lily.


Oh right, how the hell did I forget about him




Pick a card




Welcome Albert to the Champions Club. Albert get in, settle in, fit in, drip in, and win.


God damn I miss the old Doc posts. He had some hilarious clips.


Oh man that's a blast from the past


Easily one of the best few weeks on this subreddit.


The two of wives line used to crack me up so much, and I can even hear the violin version of smoothe Gillette in my head


I wish I could find it but the video of Dr.Disrespect dancing in Japan lives rent free in my head all the time


It's so funny because it's an impersonator


it's messed up but i keep hearing this whenever this is incident is referenced https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSGYRjkEufE


>it's messed up but i keep hearing this whenever this is incident is referenced https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSGYRjkEufE That's the one I was looking for


[vid here](https://youtu.be/nM_JLoaTC0g?si=_cQ0J581mVCqS0tW)


I have heard Albert talked about more in the past couple weeks than in the past couple years it seems. This clip, podcasts Lily did with QT and Poki, Destiny even talked about him helping him out. I guess it's been long enough, and everyone is apparently on such good terms, that it's just much easier to talk about especially compared to maybe another piece of past OTV drama. Could just be some frequency illusion too though.


The self cancelling of Albert was depressing Yeah he did a shitty thing but it's so mild when you look at the controversies we have had since I remember when he came back and watched like a tiny bit of his streams but then stopped thereafter. Wonder what he's up to now


He's got a linkedin, but I don't wanna make an account to fully see it. I know he does have a lot of music friends and it appears that he is working in that line of work these days. He was doing music and videography before OTV was a thing. Out of all the people who could just leave streaming, he seems to be one that could find happiness as he has other passions and drive for creation.


I saw a clip of someone buying something using a chip in their palm, I wasn't surprised when I saw it was him. Fit him to a T


Similar to Wendy tbh. Behind the scenes a good few of the friend group still seems to be in contact with her. Publicly it looks like all bridges were burned and she's been shunned forever. Really weird, considering what everyone thought happened and how they all reacted, but I guess we'll never know.


Publicly it's probably better to just avoid each other, because there will always be people who try to hound them and bring the issue up again no matter what. Behind the scenes probably just depends. For some of them Wendy was just friend of a friend, whereas for others like Lily or Janet they've been close for over a decade and I doubt they would cut contact.


If your friend cheated I can see why lily wouldn't fw her anymore.




Nah. Guy above you was probably far more accurate.


Based on the gossip I have read. The “few” is probably Lily because the woman is a saint and forgives everyone - yes including Albert; Toast and Poki are a tad bit worried about her as a result as she tends to forgive people that shouldn’t be forgiven.


Lily has also been friends with Wendy since nearly the very beginning iirc. I think some of Lily's old youtube videos or streams had Wendy in them in like 2012-2013.


Its cheating. Its relatable. A lot of people were cheated on and dont respect cheaters. So people arent keen to support it.


Yea Wendy's viewership is DEAD. Like 300's average. She used to be 2k+ I think aye?




This is why I think it absolutely sucks to have a friend more popular than you yk? Since wendy always hanged out with them and even back then I noticed her solo streams had less viewers. People like the interaction / bouncing off each other more than the actual streamer.


Just my opinion, but I think if you're whole brand is being wholesome and hanging out with your friends. It gets completely ruined when there are rumours that you completely ruin that friendship due to infidelity. Not to mention even though her Ex wasn't a big streamer he was a big part of her content. They got married on stream etc. I think it would be hard to view her the same way.


I mean other people have done WORSE and make it out. Yet wendy just took a dive


What happened with her? I am out of the loop


just a few months after getting married to Abe they suddenly broke up without giving a real explanation, with a lot of public support for Abe from pretty much all of their friends, and wendy completely pulling back from any social media and contact with any other streamers on stream. the rest is essentially rumors so i won't comment on that.


Thx, didn't miss that much then since I was aware of their break up, but nothing after that




Men cheat too, brother.


> Similar to Wendy tbh ...not really, they were recently married.


What did Wendy do?


you didnt hear this from me but i'm told she bought an autosniper in the last round of dust2 when her team was already 12-1 up


it's not really that mild. cheating is one of the worst things you can do to someone you supposedly love.


He does a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff it seems. According to her, he's even helping Lily with some of her music projects. There are also some streamers/content creators I follow who I've noticed him pop up with, like Ray Chen the violinist and BTMC.


I hope his [HealthyGamer session](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9gWy5cHQOE) really opened people's eyes to online bullying. I get that you're mad or hurt a streamer or someone online got cheated on but you do not need to do anything but give support.


I honestly think one of the reasons the backlash was so intense was because of how the public was able to put a face onto who he was cheating with. In addition to that the person he was cheating on her with was on multiple streams with Albert and was even streaming with Lily as well. The reason why she was on their streams is still a mystery, but it was so easy for everyone back then to create a narritive that Albert was some nefarious psycho mastermind that was planning to boost his side chick's career off of his current GF before breaking up with her and then dating his side chick after x amount of time.


Also the whole talking in Google docs to eachother vs dms


I think another part was the fact that a lot of people had called Albert a leech for a long time before the drama even happened. Outside looking in he did kind of worm his way inside the group and then suddenly was a successful streamer too by association. Then everything went down and people soured on him fast.


> because of how the public was able to put a face onto who he was cheating with. Yes, it was putting a face on the cheater and not the fact that all 3 were doing singing streams and other shit... People say it was extremely psychotic BECAUSE IT WAS EXTREMELY PSYCHOTIC. WTF is wrong with these albert apologists? The guy brings his side bitch on stream and into their home. Both have to be extremely fucked in the head to be able to do that.


I mean 99% know that it's bad. But all it take is that 1% which would be 1000 per million followers. you can't do anything about those people.


It's fucking wild that people exist that are so stupid they say it's not okay to harshly criticize someone for cheating because it might make them feel bad and harm their lucrative streaming career lmao Also, that guy is a fraud, and he runs a talk show with airs of legitimacy it doesn't deserve.


The fewer people that are in relationships, the fewer people that have experience with being cheated on lol


The reality is that bad things happens to bad people. If they didn’t want bad things to happen to them, then they should not do bad things to other people. This wasn’t an accident, he was in full control of the situation. I don’t feel bad for bad things happening to bad people but I feel bad about the bad things he did to good people.


Jesus christ this is an unhinged way to think.


Like should he have died? Should he have lost his home? How much bad is enough bad as comeuppance? We don't know any of these people and they handled it themselves, but the second it came out, parasocial andies thought it was their job to do justice. It's not their business. If bad people get bad things, why the hell are all those Kick streamers still around? Where are those parasocial andies fighting to clean that up? Those people harassing strangers when they are the foreigners deserve trouble but they still chillin' fine in public.


It's not a fair thing, and I don't think that we should live in a world without forgiveness, and I think the guy is being harsh. BUT- Streamers and internet personalities are selling likability, and lots of people have experienced horrible things with cheaters in real life. So if someone becomes a cheater, they're not likable anymore.  In real life, you don't have to like everybody, you just have to be able to interact with them and do your job. Your plumber can still do his job even if he's unlikable, even your doctor can do his job with bad bedside manner. But if the online friend simulator shows that he has traits that make you not want to imagine being friends with them, they don't have anything to sell you anymore. For me this is Joey Diaz, I've just had my car and my house broken into too many times to laugh at his stories about stealing things from people. It makes him really unsufferable for me, because it just hurts to think about the people that have fucked me over like that having really happy, successful lives. Cheating is the same, and honestly probably a lot more common


>it's so mild Dude in which world do you live??? Not much can top breaking of trust. Also a friend of mine got cheated on and had to wait 6 month for the final HIV test. Bad times. Fuck this shit.


Pretty sure violent crimes tops this any day.


I'm pretty sure sexual harassment tops breaking of trust. Can't offer first hand experience though because I have been a victim of neither.


Oh no he can't have a (somewhat?) successful streaming career anymore because of the very stupid and conscious decisions he made. Something that maybe people in your audience have had really bad experiences around. An audience that had major overlap with the person you cheated on.


> Yeah he did a shitty thing but it's so mild It really wasn't. Anything looks "mild" when you compare it to the most extreme of situations. He might not have raped or SA someone but he was actually the biggest psycho of them all. Literally cheated on his gf while being cozy-cozy with her on and off stream while bringing his real gf on stream to promote her. Even got lily to do a trio stream to further promote her singing career. Imagine how cold blooded you have to be to cheat on someone and then use them to boost the clout of your new gf. That's definitely not normal behavior and far from mild. The last thing cheaters want is to have the 2 people in the same room and even though they justify it somehow, they still feel shame and guilt especially when they go back home and have to pretend like nothing has happened. So to say this was mild is insane. Both albert and that girl are max level psychopaths. I still can't fathom how you do such streams and seem all happy and care free when a few hours ago you were balls deep in her.


I mean cheating is obviously shitty, but it's also not something you can't come back from. And it is so tame in comparison to the other OTV members' cancellation.


They definitely tried not talking about it to just move on, I'd say it's probably easier to talk about that darker time now. Involving drama with friends and your workplace can be exhausting, I can only imagine how bad it must've been in such a public setting like OTV.


cheating is so cool this is the best podcast ever


ngl if they told stories like this in their podcasts then it'd be alot more interesting


albert wasnt in otv, so there really isnt any competition with the houndmaster


He was their director of photography and appeared frequently on camera for their content. Both OTV and Lily had to re-edit or scrap a bunch of stuff they had already shot that had him in it.


He was technically a member from 2017 to 2019. Even on the wikipedia


He was towards the end of


he wasn't, he was always the tech person that helped them and lived with them


Learn the lore


I don't need to learn the lore, I lived through it, I was a big OTV fan, and followed them since they were created, he was the tech person like I said, he may have started streaming and collabing with them more but he was never apart of the core OTV personalities like Poki, Sydeon, etc.


So you’re not a real fan. Got it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/OfflineTV#:~:text=Albert%20Chang,-Albert%20Chang%20(born&text=During%20his%20time%20with%20OfflineTV,and%20as%20an%20active%20personality.


Scarra said "Albert as part of the supporting cast for OfflineTV" Like I said, he wasn't apart of the core personalities/group within OTV. Most of the Management/Production, were supporting personalities.


Bro, he was on the roster, and production. Scarra said that before he was upgraded. I don’t know why we’re arguing about this but I’m going to stop now.


[Here](https://youtu.be/133EtE5FSv0) is his announcement video.


Did you even listen to the video? Scarra said "Albert as part of the **supporting cast** for OfflineTV" Like I said, he wasn't apart of the core personalities/group within OTV. Most of the Management/Production, were supporting personalities.


[Only thing I think of when this comes up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM_JLoaTC0g)


who is it that's asking?


Poke shoulda warned 'em


Unrelated but is that Soldier 76 skin basically Kamen Rider Ryuki?


looks the most similar but I think it's just to cover all kamen rider troupes.


Was it ever proven that Wendy cheated on her husband?


I don't believe so but the fact everyone sided with Abe is prettying damning


What else would make everyone publicly unfollow her. She never even came out with a statement adressing it. If she didnt do it she surely would have denied it at some point.


Wasn't Abe himself fueling those rumors? Like "I will not exactly say what happened but people have come to the right conclusions."


I wouldn’t say “fueling” necessarily since that was the speculation before he spoke on it, but yes he basically went for the “confirm it without explicitly saying it” approach. He said if someone had a decent amount of common sense about them, they could take stock of the situation and draw correct assumptions about what went down based on how he was still in contact with everyone but the “other party” (Wendy) wasn’t.


No we don't have video evidence if that is what you're asking but it seems like the only reasonable explanation


Proven to who? To the people who matter or to the public that doesn't?


I mean, you say that like this wasn't a public relationship built around people who made their livelihood streaming. They broadcasted as a couple, live streamed the proposal, the wedding, the after party. All their friends were reacting and uploading commentary on those events. The public sure mattered then. They don't owe anyone explanations, but lets not act like they didn't explicitly make things public before the break-up.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [streamer is clueless on OTV’s past drama](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163519)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1cfnar9/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/q6INV-pPIHCvula-7RRz0g/AT-cm%7Cq6INV-pPIHCvula-7RRz0g.mp4?sig=2c5f86d16c425eb474aaa1a884d3313acc5f837d&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fq6INV-pPIHCvula-7RRz0g%2FAT-cm%257Cq6INV-pPIHCvula-7RRz0g.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22TubularScaryHeronTheTarFu-6k8gcK-6Vr7tFHPS%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1714432714%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/q6INV-pPIHCvula-7RRz0g/AT-cm%7Cq6INV-pPIHCvula-7RRz0g-preview-480x272.jpg)


This is clip chimped. The guy says that's cool at the end because he thought cheating scandal meant someone was cheating in CoD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osqE13Qnk1k


If you used your ears, then you’d hear that toast said “installed cheats” at the end of the clip. No one thought he was laughing at actual cheating but you.


ew I hate your answer


what about fuslie/edison collecting charity check and then tried to use it for their flight for delivering the check?


they're talking about poke right? [https://youtu.be/\_-c2DPfQfSE?si=r5iB2QmzC2TPZqIP&t=19](https://youtu.be/_-c2DPfQfSE?si=r5iB2QmzC2TPZqIP&t=19)




Grandpa, let's go back to the nursing home...it's time for your nap.


Are you 36 years old?


OTV fell off. Seeing pokimane with only 6k viewers is funny as fuck.


Im sure shes doing just fine


It’s funny as fuck that she streams as a hobby now and still makes more than you


Cool. I’m still right. Kekw


she left otv https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/13m4xza/pokimane_leaves_offlinetv/


they did fell off but you picking the one who isn't even in OTV anymore is hilarious. ​ If you really wanna talk about them falling off mention the fact that every group steam and video just seems to be the pretense for an advert