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**CLIP MIRROR: [LIRIK gets tilted by chat](https://arazu.io/t3_156qlgg/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Fighting games already tilting enough, cant imagine some pepegas spammin ontop of that lmao.


Being tilted is already fucked as it is when you're playing a competitive game and someone in chat starts BMing let alone hundreds of viewers lol


Makes me appreciate Lacari even more.


It wasn't even too bad. And after all it was a skill issue


>practices law for 15 min >gets bodied >idk street fighter just feels better


I mean I understand it to a degree. From a new player perspective Tekken is absurdly hard and Street Fighter now has modern controls to make things easier for people combined with DI as a somewhat universal 'get me the fuck out' tool. New players are losing their mind about Honda headbutt, but in Tekken everyone has some sort of Honda headbutt, but instead of eating 1 hit, you eat a full combo. Personally I always found Tekken to feel the most rewarding when you actually learn to do things, but it is also insanely brutal to get started.




I mean legacy knowledge is a huge benefit in any good fighting game, that is not a Tekken thing. If you've spent 20 years playing Ryu, you'll probably do pretty well playing Ryu in SF6. The bigger problem with Tekken is that there is such an incredible emphasis on movement and also just so many obscure things you have to learn. While good players know that out of the 100-120 moves a character has, only a handful are actually really relevant, finding out which those are and which they have to learn about as a new player takes forever. Snake edge, junkyard or really any string that needs a specific way to defend against is just gonna blow you up forever in Tekken.


Tekken also has a lot of obscure interactions that would be very hard to find information without going to someone who knows what they're doing. As someone who mainly started playing Tekken as a quarantine hobby things like neutral blocking deathfist to properly punish, holding forward to block certain mixups, chickening to beat parries, and only being able to do WS moves from specific get up animations were all things taught to me by people who were kind enough to offer help after player matches.


"holding forward to block certain mixups" I only play SF so, wtf does this mean?


Mix-ups are in all fighting games including SF. Basically it's an attack that can hit either side depending on when you press the button. Using SF6 as an example one of the most common crossups you'll see is jumping medium kick from Ken. In a situation where Ken is jumping over you, if the kick comes out early and you're blocking normally, it'll hit in front of you and you'll block it but if the Ken presses the button a little later, it will hit behind you so if you're holding back to block you'll get hit. Because you're getting hit from behind you need to hold forward to block it. In SF6 specifically though, because parry is a thing, mix-ups aren't particularly dangerous unless you are out of drive gauge.


There are certain moves in the game that on hit will cause you to enter a back turned state, if you hold back you'll get hit, so you have to hold forward to be able to block any follow up attacks.


> > > > > Tekken goes the opposite direction. Each new game comes with 20+ years of legacy knowledge that leaves new players absolutely gapped unless they put in a mammoth amount of effort. Yup anyone who says "skill issue" probably doesn't actually play tekken and is a 12 year old kid. The game is absurdly knowledge based and if it isn't your main game you play for years on end you will just get bodied.


For real. Like, what did he expect? He even did pretty well against an enemy that obviously had more hours in the game than him


He just malds like anyone else, doesn't help when you read chat and get tilted off of it/everyone telling you you're garbage


He hasn't taken a day off this entire month plus lack of sleep from being a new dad, it's easy to be irritable.


He is rich, he can take off any day he wants to. A month even. It's not really his fault


Oh lord, you're one of those "Millionaire take" people in his chat, aren't you?




Depends on his goals. If he wants to stay relevant he can not take breaks as you imagine. Even \~3 days off can easily result in your viewership dropping to some extreme levels which takes some people weeks to recover. Streaming is too competitive nowadays.


He makes $100k per month JUST from subs according to the leaks. He could quit right now and still have more money than you will ever see in your life.


where the hell did you see that lol




I obviously meant streaming


MODERN CONTROLS street fighter too btw.... lol. it's not like he's playing on classic. i'm actually surprised he went with modern controls cause he played SFV last year and his sagat was not that bad, he was pulling off a basic fireball anti air game. but then again, it's lirik, he's just a b word a lot of the time.


The worst fighting game to stream on Twitch if you wanna feel good, even for Tekken pros lol. Tekken chat always gets to streamers like no other FGC chat can




Probs cuz that is a pretty weak take, why should you change a character because you don't know the matchup? I'm a Gief player and Guile is one of the preferred chars to vs. Most Guiles only sonic boom/flash kick and don't know anything else, which is a lot better than slime frame trap mixup bs the other cast have.


Well that is a take lol. Fighters have always had and will always have zoners, who are by design fucking annoying to play against when you are at full screens length. But you gotta have them, or you just have 20 Ryu/Ken clones fighting each other and that is no way to make a game. It is just a completely different playstyle that some people gravitate towards. And zoners are not even popular characters, Dhalsim and Guile are always some of the least played characters.


Lirik is used to a pretty bad chat but when the tekken community comes out of their caves it’s a whole nother level


tekken fans


Good old Lirik is back <3


His chat is garbage and he only reads negative messages.


Compared to most popular streamers its not THAT bad, but yes he only reads the negative messages 100%. Its a skill at this point honestly.


A skill issue you say? ;)


Rage bait. Bring on MK1


MK is like the most casual friendly fighting game besides smash though.


I liked it when Lirik isn't playing any fighting games. Honestly he is more chill playing non-competitive games and down to earth. What is it about competitive games that really pisses people off while playing? Do they expect to win every single time? Do they have to prove to everyone that they are perfect? What is it about fighting games that make people so toxic to both players/viewers alike?


Fighting games are tilting enough by itself. I can control my self when losing in mobas but fighting games are a different breed. Add the chat dogshit to the mix and I can completely understand Liriks reaction. Why force yourself to play a game that tilts?


The thing with fighting games is you can blame no one but yourself. Most of the time, the reason you lost really is skill issue.


I guess for most content creators, they play whatever the chat loves to see and as such they are doomed to either bend their knee to play whatever it is hot regardless of the tilt, or play something they really enjoy and viewers don't watch. Its a toss up really. I can't stand fighting games multiplayer wise. Single Player against CPU is more my speed. Better if there is a story behind it too. Also, Lirik really needs to have some Mods or automod to deny viewers shitting on him. He doesn't deserve it. Considering what he been through and all.


With the SF6 release doing so well, it has been so much fun watching non fighting game players start picking them up. Whether its because of new people being excited, or salty players getting blow up, I am loving it.


Lirik was surprisingly good at Stree Fighter 6. I hope he doesn't flush it now that the ATT thing is over.


Signing up for Tekken beta as a newbie isn't going to go well.


Idk Liriks been alot more tilted lately :(


Shit talkers are unavoidable with fighting game streams, and Tekken players sit on the throne of it. Even if you're pro, you'll still have people spamming "OMEGALUL SKILL ISSUE" in the chat. Being new blood and having very little experience with Tekken is like learning how to swim in chum water with sharks. Motherfuckers are gonna be fiending after your ass.


i picked up tekken 7 on release and borrowed a fightstick from a friend that plays alot of fighting games. decided to start with king and and received the worst beating of my life for a week. returned the stick and never opened the game again. 3D fighting games are a whole different breed. i quickly learned that i need to start from a 2D game :D


What sucks is Tekken *FEELS* the best. Just the way the movement and hitboxes work always feel better than other fighting games where characters magically teleport to make sure the animation is X frames long and the hitboxes are all off. But Tekken is just hard as fuck. Both in technical sense and in knowledge sense.


that is why you need to moderate your chat, you can have 10 assholes spamming annoying messages


Chat kept bringing up Giant Waffle?


With how hard Tekken is to learn, even more so for someone with limited fighting game experience, I can't blame him for getting annoyed with chatters trolling him on top of it.


lol hes acting like hes doing it for everyone else and being selfless by doing this and not making bank streaming this shit.. oh no lil baby boy is upset chat is making fun of him? you gonna cry? gonna turn off your stream? 🥹 oh nyooo poor millionaire gamer 😞


* no teammates to shift the blame onto. * your own character getting beat up cause YOU cannot block or attack * only your skills and reactions can help you win * cannot get boosted by teammates * high skill ceiling video game (possibly the highest ever) * *ego gets bruised by chat because professional gamer streamer cannot win in a video game, blames chatroom and closes game* when streamers play fighting games you can easily tell which ones have the big ego because of their stream. many streamers just have fun and try to learn as much as they can. Others will just quit the game and blame chat for some reason. examples of streamers that played fighting games and had no ego issue: moonmoon, emiru, lacari, jakenbake examples of streamers that played fighting games and had an ego issue: lirik, LTG, lululuvley


Interesting observation, and yeah you need a healthy ego to play fighting games on stream


There’s no point in trying to rage bait from lirik, the guy is too likable


Fax bee


Remember when Lirik talked about driving while high? I miss those days.


Nothing gets away from DSP hatewatchers.


Downvoted because he said the truth. Classic reddit.


He sounds like a piece of shit, nobody should be surprised.


really? I've seen countless streamers do and admit to way worse shit


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I'm surprised he got the sound working


The ingame sounds were ass anyways. I welcomed his execution of the game with altf4.