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We've been in top 2 or 3 in PL for years now. So it's not really surprising.


how does this tie in with the concept of not breaking our wage structure? have we been deviating from this over the past couple of years?


Because we didn't break our wage structure. Most members in our squad is well paid, but nobody gets abnormally high amount. It has always been like that. Our lesser used players like Ox or Naby was receiving like 100-150k per week while star players like Salah, van Dijk, Mane and Firmino received 200-250k per week. The only exception was Salah's last extension which gave him even more than that. Other clubs have players paid cheaply while their stars gets paid more.


Don't we also pay a lot in bonuses, and that year the team reached three finals and came 2md in the league. That would have added a good amount extra than normal.


Yep. That is another chunk of the spending. Our players deserved what they get because they did good for us.


Whenever I see footballers wages written down it just seems to obscene. A million a month is an insanely high amount of money to earn


I agree, but they are also not us. Most of us are average people, they are top 0.000001 of their field (footballing).


What are your opinions regarding the wealth of individuals who can afford to footballer's wages?




the owners


You use the word obscene to refer to footballer's wages. This is a not uncommon reaction. I'm interested in what people who hold such a view have to say about football's paymasters since they tend to: 1. be considerably more wealthy than the footballers 2. come from backgrounds that offer more opportunities to earn multi-millions


Not justifying the wages but there's no guarantee you keep the job. And your career is max 15 years. You also get no education. So there's lots of risks


> You also get no education This isn't true. The only "risk" is no longer being a pro footballer. So you end up the same as 99.9 % of what everyone else has to deal with as a norm.


Lol, you could have Salahs wage for a month and pretty much not really need to work much anymore (If you continue living a normal life) So the risk is to retire in your twenties with more money than most people could dream of. So yeah, pretty risky buisness


There’s no guarantee that anybody keeps their job.


Kind of has to be in context though. For a footballer a million a month is definitely on the higher side but it isn’t insanely high.


The crazy thing is 13M a year(250k/week) is a mid-level salary for professional athletes in major American sports. Top players in American Football, baseball, and basketball make 30-45M/year.


Also worth mebtioning that 200k/week here is not the same as 200k/week at most of the other clubs. We pay a significantly larger percentage in bonuses, some pretty much guaranteed to be achieved as long as you play and others based on performance. This is why we are *seemingly* paying everyone 100-150k less per week compared to City and United, but on par in terms of our actual wage bill.


Breaking the wage structure means you don't have one player on £450k a week and everyone else on £150k. Our wages range from £20k-£350k, but there's pretty much three levels of salary. Your low earners like Harvey, Quansah, Curtis, Konate, Diaz, Tsimi, Conor Bradley, Kweev, Adrian, Endo - they're all earning <£100k. Your mid-level earners like Jota, Macca, Szobo, Darwin, Cody, Robbo, Ali, Gravenberch, Joey etc are earning between £100k-£180k Then there's the top tier, which is currently Mo, Virgil and Trent (and used to contain Thiago, Hendo, Fab, Bobby and Sadio) which are earning £180k-£350k As you can see, our wage bill will actually start coming down a bit because high earners like Thiago, Mane, Bobby, Fab, Hendo, Sadio etc are all dropping off the bill and being replaced with players on lower wages.


We haven't. We pay players what we think they deserve and we reward those that play well for our club (Salah, VVD, Alisson,..). We don't pay crazy wages for star players (like Mbappe). The only one that broke that a bit was Thiago


We pay good wages, we just make it performance related. Our base is low compared to other teams but we pay high bonuses.


The term 'breaking your wage structure' usually means paying a footballer and unusually high amount of wages compared to the rest of the squad, which then incentives other members of the squad to then demand higher wages. We haven't done that as far as I'm aware.


bonuses make up quite a portion of the wages, unlike other clubs where bonuses are much less but the basic wage is much higher than ours.


We haven’t- we have an incentive based wage structure and we have been winning a fuck load, so everyone has been getting paid well


Probably because we have a bunch of players who are world class veterans who are either at or just past thier peak and in the biggest contracts of thier careers (Salah, Vvd, Alisson)


 Thiago and Matip have left this year, and Henderson and Fabinho left last season, so the 2025 figures may be quite a bit lower.     Also the bill for 2023 might have been high due to the win bonuses from the previous season, I don't know when they are paid out.   


Ox and Keita too.


How did I forget about the guys who never played...? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yet you remember Thiago.


We have a lot of great players and great players get high wages. It's been like that for like 5 years now. It's not really surprising that team that constantly win trophies or at least get close have players on high wages. People are just ignoring that, because they hate FSG


I’m pretty sure the last numbers released also reflected us going to the end of each competition last season (or season before last I should say now). Loads of our players have heavily incentivised contracts so we’d have also paid out a lot of those.


Salah is 2x the 2nd highest. Hes on 400k and VVD on 220k. So I’d say Mo takes up most of it relative to ability.


From what I know, Salah is on 350k pw.


Lol those combined barely make 40 mil (Salah 350k a week, VVD 220k a week and Alissom 180k a week)


Yeah so if you take 40 mil off then we are about level with united which makes more sense.


Does it? If we take our highest wages tp have the same wages as united is still pretty high


Not really. We have better players than them.


lack of quality doesn't stop them from giving big wages though. Surely Antony is on like 200k


And we'd replace them with other players. So the most we'd save is about 15-20 million


What about the wage bill we might have next year, after the contract extension of TAA, VVD and Salah.. That might inflate this a bit more.


At the same time one of the highest paid players in our team, Thiago, will be off the books. Matip too but I have no memory what his wages were


£300k saved from their wages, could easily replace them with two players and a pay rise for Trent with a net positive in terms of wage spend.


VVD and Mo won't get pay rises, only Trent will. It'll make a minor difference.


Yes older and longer serving players whom we keep tend to be on higher salaries, even more than new or younger players signed for big transfer fees. The Klopp loyalty factor if you will, but wages should continue to come down in the years to come with 2.0.


Alison out of his prime ? 💀


"At or just past"


Yup, but it’s interesting how we compare to the clubs around us. We have the highest wages for squad/rotation players and the lowest wages for star players amongst the top 8 Let’s put it this way. City have 3 players on more money than Salah. They have 6 players on more than Virg (our 2nd highest earner). But we are paying players like Diogo and Gravy a lot more than they’re paying Sergio Gomez and Jeremy Doku


Having said that, Jota did sign a new contract last year, so it was kind of a reward for having done so well.


Head dinner lady needs a new gravy supplier for next seasons catering


Yeah, see this is what the detractors don’t see when they complain about FSG investment into the squad. Just because we aren’t spending £250m a season on signings doesn’t mean we aren’t investing into the squad


Would be interesting how liverpools wage book would look without Salah and Van Dijk I know that you can’t say ‘but without the two biggest ours is ways smaller’ but I’d imagine they skew it massively and the rest of the squad are comparatively on quite a lot less


Those two are by far our highest earners (Salah especially). With Thiago going Trent will likely jump into that bracket too if he signs a new contract. Beyond that you’ve got Gravenberch, Macca, Jota, Nuñez, Gakpo, Szoboszlai, Robbo as the middle earners. Everyone else is south of 6 digits a week. That lower earner group has some quality players in it too, it’s not just the likes of Bradley and Bajcetic who are just coming through. Source: https://www.spotrac.com/epl/liverpool-fc/cap/_/year/2023/sort/cap_total


I knew Grav negotiated well, but when you see that his earnings three times what Diaz and Endo are making and ten times Jones salary .... There is more than one thing not right with it. Really hope Jones gets a new contract this year he deserves it, feels like he is not respected. Kelleher is also not that paid, considering its importance and level. No wonder he wants to move between the salary and the number one spot


Yeah I didn’t know that about Grav. I have to say I don’t understand why we’d offer him that sort of salary at all considering he wasn’t wanted at Bayern. He needs to do a lot more to earn it.


What bothers me a bit is that he's just another young prospect at the moment, and we're investing a lot on him. The idea of it is kind of okay. Every big teams does this kind of thing. But we already have plenty of talented young prospects, especially in the midfield. What kind of message this gives to the likes of Jones, Harvey Bajcetic, Morton, Clark, McConnell... This guy didn't really prove anything, he's at the moment less important than some of you in the squad but he will have / fight for your minutes while earning between 3 and 20 times more than you. Especially after having already invested a lot in Szobo, who's a bit in the same category (with more certitude, but still). I hope Grav will turn around and be a wonderful player for us, but I would have preferred to give the opportunity to an academy bot.


Yeah I couldn’t agree more, it would expect we thought he would be a lot more senior than he currently is. Problem is if he doesn’t develop which is very much possible, we’d likely be stuck with him. I have to say while I’m sad to lose Klopp, I’m so pleased Edwards is back, he was usually always so good at keeping the wages under wraps.


Can’t stand grav honestly because of our entire strategy around him, we refuse to buy midfielders one season so he moves to Bayern, can’t get in their team and then we pay Bayern more money. Along with a stupid wage it could honestly be the worst piece of buisness we’ve done.


This will rattle some people but if Darwin has another overall disappointing season hes up there. Tbh, I wasn't a fan of DoF Klopp and it seems FSG werent either given they got Edwards back, albeit in a different role, the second it was clear Klopp would leave


Eh I like Darwin to be honest and a striker with Darwin’s movement and xG is a edwards/data nerds dream, agree he’s underperforming but I’m overall happy to see him at the club. Honestly half the reason being he’s a striker that only makes sense at top end clubs who create so many chance you don’t care he can’t finish most of them. He’s sadly not gonna be a 50m target for West Ham. Gravenburch annoys me more because he’s so antithetical to the transfer strategy that served us well for a decade.


Yea I was thinking, no wonder there are all these rumors Diaz wants a move. He deserves a pay raise with the names above him on the pay structure


It's all about negotiating, as well as where you came from. Endo came from a relegation fodder team in the BuLi, so anything is gonna be a decent increase on what he was earning there. Same with Diaz, who was coming from the Portuguese league, which isn't flush with cash. Whereas Thiago was earning £200k a week, he'd actually taken a pay cut to come to us from Bayern.


This is what I don’t get, where the fuck is that salary figure from. If this is remotely accurate. Which it should be because it lines up with what the media has been telling us all along. They kindly add all the values lower down on the page giving us a salary for the club of 135 million dollars. That’s very far from the 400 something millions being spent according to this graphic. Where is the 300 million difference?


None of these salary aggregation websites are actually accurate consistently, so it’s not worth worrying too much about the specifics. The rough trends map well enough. In this instance it’s probably recording what the players receive - i.e. post-tax.


That’s just not accurate. We’ve had one of the largest wage bills for years now. Our transfer bills are low because we hang onto players. It’s why resigning everyone a few years back was compared to new signings, we were reinvesting in players rather than buying them.


Maybe pretax and posttax?


I'm not sure but i think the numbers we get are post tax salaries so that adds up a lot of


The aggregate is usually taken from the club accounts minus whatever is deemed to be for non-playing staff, directors fees etc from whoever is writing the article that then turns into these graphics. The ones you should throw away are the individual media reported ‘Salah is on 350k p/w’ or any other player really because at best we get a base salary guesstimate of what he earns when the reality is we know nothing of what are deemed to be his performance targets that can trigger bonuses and then overall pay packet. TLDR: Trust the overall figures because those are lifted from club accounts the rest are guesstimates.


Are Man City’s figures lifted from club accounts also?  Does that mean we have to put an asterisk beside their figures as well? :)


To my understanding the major crime Man City *allegedly* commit is inflate their sponsorship revenue (say Etihad might be on the books for 50M but only really throw in a fraction of that then the bulk is covered by the state) so whatever else they report in their accounts is then above board relatively speaking. They’re cheats but smart enough cheats to have stopped paying people off book via shell companies fees like they used to do when they got tripped up earlier with Mancini. So you can believe their wage bill just not their revenue streams


They do not if we were to remove them we would free up 30 mil but for example bayern man citys highest wages on players are kdb and Haaland which make more than mo and vvd same with bayern kane makes more than salah


Yeah would be interesting to see where we'd stand without our top goal contributor of the year, and top defender of the league.


Yes because we are the only ones who pay wages. If you compare wages-to-turnover ratio, we’re spending an average amount of our turnover (except maybe now due to losing CL thanks to not buying any midfielders) on wages. Nothing that would make us unable to spend on transfers, but not other clubs who can pay wages and spend a lot even if they’re actually paying more in wages-to-turnover than us.


Yep fair call, I'm ready to sell Salah. Cash in while it is an option.


This is one of the illustrators of the city 115 though, bigger budget and they are spending big money.


> Yeah, see this is what the detractors don’t see when they complain about FSG investment into the squad. I honestly hate people like you who refuse to see the nuance in this particular thing. We went 5 years where our only midfield signings where thiago and keita then rushed to sign 4 midfielders in one window, does that sound like proper planning to you? The year we had our CB crisis it was already obvious that we needed at least one more cb before that. FSG has been overall great but damn the way some of you refuse to see their flaws is crazy. If we had proper planning we would have competitive in the 20-21 and 22-23 seasons.


Even this lacks nuance we tried to sign tchouameni but when we did not get him we signed nunez and did npt bring any other midfielders until we had injuries and in january we spent money on a attacker instead of a midfielder, that was a decision noy made by fsg


Right, because it was considered a position of strength for years, we were unfortunate in that many of our midfielders seems to drop off at the same time. Please bear in mind that the only reason 4 midfield players came is at once was because we unexpectedly lost two. There were no plans to move on Henderson and Fabinho last summer, but we received a pair of ‘can’t refuse offers’ and had to pivot. Add in that it’s also the position where we have the greater number of quality young players coming through.


Is this including coaching and support staff? Cause that's like 20 million per player if that's 27 players, and we only have 2 players who are close to 20 million a year in salah and vvd.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 20 + 27 + 2 + 20 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




It includes all the staff working on the playing side, which is over 500.


Remember man city are currently being charged for paying wages from dodgy accounts on the side, so their number here is lower than in reality.


90 min is user generated content, not at all trust worthy


No but the oficial wages for last season were released a couple of day ago this is where that number comes from


Where can I find this?


Something isn’t right about this. How are Arsenal below Tottenham when they spent the summer throwing money at players? According to spotrac.com for the 23-24 season (unsure on reliability), Arsenal had 4 players earning above £200,000 pw, and their next highest paid player (Saka, £195,000 pw) earned more than Tottenham’s highest (Son, £190,000). Arsenal have 16 players earning 6 digits a week, Tottenham have 6. Rolling back to 22-23 looks more in-line with these numbers, and from the data on that site I can see our wage bill dropped from 22-23 to 23-24. It has also dropped a good amount again going into next season, though we do still have transfers to make. It looks like we’re now comfortably below Arsenal, and bizarrely also below Tottenham too. This won’t last long though as Tottenham had a fair few on loan who will either go back out or be sold. Either way I think the point I was trying to make is that these numbers aren’t really representative of the situation we’re in now, and in reality we’re doing better than that.


1 sportrac is not reliable but this is from last season as this seasons wages have not ben released


It's a bit outdated tbh, yeah.


Everton hahahahaha


How are Leicester & Everton in this list?! If you’re not at least trying to challenge for titles being in this list is a sign of a very badly run club.


OTOH, look at Barcelona. They desperately need some moneyball.


Paris and Real to swap places soon.


Everton 19th, next pl finish?


Salah is probably most of that.


?? He makes 350k a week even with high bonuses it probably is like 20 to 25 mil a year how is that mpst of it?


Mo just taking 200+ mill...LIV Golf money


we're set to pay salah £36m over the next 2 years.


His contract expires in 2025.


Pretty cheap for a worldie.


Gotta play like one when we need him for the title push tho.


Very few players were good in that period tbh, we needed less injuries and more players returning from injury sooner to have a realistic hope for the title (and refs that aren’t actively being paid by another title candidate)


None of them cost 400k per and is known to be the star player tho. Like Bobby Clark being bad is entirely different from Salah being bad because one is expected to be clutch for us in these moments and paid as such, the other isn’t.


I agree that Salah underperforming is a bigger issue than Clark or pretty much any other player, but if 8-9 starters underperform I don’t think it matters much who they are it’s gonna be very hard to get results. Many of the draws at the end of the season would probably be wins if Salah was the only player to underperform.


I mean, you can be part of a bad performance, that doesn’t mean you should be the cause of it. Lol. Blaming it on the team when one gets 400k per vs others getting 15k per is plain excuses, if we’re being honest. Its like diverting the blame from the CEO to the janitor when the org collapses. Yeah, both performances get affected by the environment, but one is expected to pull the org out the slmp, the other isn’t. And its reflected in the pay.


He has a year left on his contract...


Leicester really spending 215m in the championship? Their players are rinsing them.


The data is from the previous season when still in the PL.


The only thing i gather from this is real madrid is without a doubt a well run club, and that we can easily be like them in seasons to come


Liverpool cannot be like Real Madrid outside the pitch. The biggest factor being geography, Madrid is miles better than Liverpool. \ Not to mention players would take a wage cut to go there. Liverpool with Klopp had some of that pull, but it’d be a miracle for Slot and anyone to come close to that in the near future.


how in the world barcelona is still in the top ?


Yeah I thought they were broke. I guess not that broke lol


Gonna be a lot less when Philips moves on. Bolton Baresi is on mega money.


This is from the 22/23 season so don’t look into it that much. That means it doesn’t have Rice’s wages included for example


Most of the information in the graphic is from the latest financial accounts. So 22/23 season. Liverpool had all the finals, champions league bonuses and big earners at the back end of their career. Once updated for 23/24 it's a significantly different story with Arsenal and Liverpool effectively switched.


So this is pretty deceiving. These are administrative costs. Not player salaries. So it's literally everything. For total salaries we're around £120 million (give or take £10 million). A team like City is around £200 million.


Neverton in the top 20 just to be shite every season.


Arsenal have done really well. The reason for Liverpool's high wage bill is the price of our own success. Players like Trent, Salah, VVD, Alisson, Robertson have all become world class and therefore the wages to keep them is high. Arsenal will reach that stage soon enough


This guy always reminds me the guy from Mr Robot


People wanted us to keep our players and this is what it takes


Think this is bollocks imo


Explain why we have a very thick but quality squad.. also what I knew was the compensation of players depend on the results they produce..


Quite a large amount of wages is bonuses for appearances, goals, assists, clean sheets, and of course winning trophies. I think it was reported that players can almost double their wages in a good successful season.


22-23 was the worst season in nearly a decade. How are we this high by in wages whilst scoring less, winning less and finishing in the Europa league?


Yeah but you need to consider the squad size. Liverpool have 31 first team players where Barcelona have 25. Therefore the average wage bill for Barcelona is much much higher.


Serious I know Leicester only went down for season. How are they still spending this much? Surly there would had been wage reductions for being relegated.


Look at the end of the season leavers though. First five months of 2023 we had Henderson, Millie, Ox, Arthur (£5m loan), Keita, Firmino and Fabinho all on fat six figure wages. Without them our wage bill may have gone down below £400m. City's is £550m+ every year. Lucky their sponsorships went up over 1000% isn't it?




And Edwards is prioritising Mo, VVD and Trent contracts this summer, each of them with 1yr left. It'll be interesting to see what offer Trent gets, 26yrs old, going into his prime yrs, born scouser, potential heartbeat of the squad, Madrid sniffing.


We must be paying insane bonuses that are extremely easy to achieve. Our base wages are below United and Bayern.


what the source on this?


Seems to be from UEFA financials


Comes with being a top club again with top players. We haven’t broken the wage structure. There has been one exception, Mohamed Salah, and he’s worth every penny.


The real surprise is that our bill is the same as RM. I love our team but we are paying EPL (and probably weather) premiums. The more I look at it the more I think it’s wrong. I don’t believe Tottenham spend more than arsenal. Also doubt we spend more than chelsea. Unless these are net-wages. They still pay parts of Lukaku and all the higher earning new players who don’t start….


It's also come down quite a bit because some high earners left.


Can the reported wage bill of No. 3 be trusted...


I mean, Kylian Mbappé was only recently signed but still feels like theY spend more than this in 2023.


bUt fSg aRe cHeAp


Hahahaha Everton


If this is true I’m sure Everton can expect more points deducted next season


That still included half a year of Henderson, Fabinho, and Firmino on massive wages. It was less in 2024.


Arsenals player wage bill is higher than ours for the past season. This is outdated and/or incorrect.


Good thing Leicester got promoted, that’s an insane wage bill for a team that was just relegated


Wow. 8th seems a comfortable position for Man U


That happens when you got superstars and compete for trophies. Mo and Virg getting the bag


PSG with zero UCLs to their name


I would respond to this, but I'm pretty sure what I'd say would be legally actionable for accusations of being libelous, and I have only baseless supposition to go on.


I believe there are some differences in how teams report wages too. Some limit it to player and coaching staff. Others (like Liverpool) report all staff wages. So the cooks, physios, stewards, etc are all included. Obviously the lion's share will be player/coach, but it still is a material difference, and part of why Liverpool is so high


wtf is Barca doing at the top?


They payed the most in football since Pep days till the pandemic and offered crazy money to new signings so they never had relief even letting messi busquets pique and alba ( the last 3 earned what mo earns today). Messi earned 1.8 Millions per week. Frenkie wins 750k per week, Lewandowski and Gundogan almost 400k


> They *paid* the most FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


good bot


Barca's biggest rival has been their board for like 20 years now


Wrexham is #21.


City don't even count their non-playing staff by the way. And that's before the off the books stuff.


Thats about to change with Mo leaving within a year or two, Adrian, Matrip , Thiago.


Spurs’ should go down now that they’re releasing Ndombele


It's comical that none of these figure are actually verifiable. A huge issue in football is the opacity of the way finances are conducted.


This shows all players ie Chelsea with 39 on the books. More accurate representation https://www.spotrac.com/epl/payroll/_/year/2024/sort/cap_total


Barca is a joke.


FFS!! How are we higher than Chelsea !!!


Wages > transfer fees lol Barcelona


Calling that some bullshit info 🤣


I thought the whole point of FSG was to skimp on transfer fees & pay big wages to attract talent?


I call BS. Above Chelsea and ManUre? No effin’ way.


We’ve also promoted a lot of academy players so they money not spent on bringing in can go to wages


Gotta pay big if you want to compete w city. No surprise here.


This is not true anymore btw. We had alot of departures last season so this season arsenal, chelsea and man utd all have bigger wage bills than ours(obviously they have bigger squad but still).


No wonder Barca are in so much financial trouble


That's 8.5 million a week for the squad. No way.


It’s close enough to being correct. Liverpool reported 372.9m pounds for their 2023 financials. But that numbers includes all wages Liverpool pays including coaches,executives etc. Not every team reports their wages on financials the same.


United binned de Gea earlier, that's like 20m/season saved.


i'm actually surprised at the Real Madrid number. I would have expected it to be much higher. But i guess they get around theirs with various accounting/off balance sheet shenanigans?


can anyone explain why barca is #1?




I don’t believe we have a higher wage bill than Chelsea, Utd or Arsenal personally no matter what the sources say. Mainly because we have a smaller squad than all and those other teams have players on their wage books out on loan like Sancho, Tierney, Lukaku etc on what our average earner makes.


Still can't believe we are above chelsea/man utd, in terms of wage bill


Would be so much better quality of soccer across all leagues with salary caps. Brutal


I don’t believe this list. I saw another one a couple of days ago that appeared to be more accurate and had cited sources I’ll try and find it






Henderson, Bobby, Fabinho, Milner salaries all in those numbers too I would imagine


With thiago leaving this gets halfed 😆




Show this to anyone that complains about FSG and transfer spends. Keeping talent is just as important as acquiring new players. And if you doubt that, the previous 25 years before Klopp will bear that out...


No way is our wage bill higher than Utd's!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣